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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

"Really? I can't even explain how I feel about you.." Smiling she looked out the window while nuzzling Justice gently. This was just so amazing and.. undescribable to her. She loved this boy and couldn't believe all that was happening. Smiling at him her eyes begin to slowly flutter shut, resting her eyes she hoped she wouldn't fall asleep.. just not yet.
"I guess that's a compliment." He grins at her and rubs her arm lightly in return to the nuzzling. His thoughts wander as they lay there. How lucky he has become to know this she wolf and after only a few moments of being around one another he was head over heels for this wolf. He smiles down at her watching her eyes slowly close. He hopes for her to sleep well considering her constant insomnia state.
Star nodded sleepily, dozing off she gives a small but low purring like sound. She could actually sleep.. she was happy and loved, the things she'd always hoped for were becoming true. Finally asleep she keeps a firm grip on Justice while smiling in her sleep.
Justice goes nowhere, his arm gently holding onto her in a protecting way. This was the first person he'd felt close to since joining the Starlight Wolf Pack so long ago. His eyes close after a few moments of watching her slowly go unconscious. He wanted them to stay just like this and for the first time in ages, Justice takes in a deep breath and closes his eyes at ease with the world around him.
Star curls up and stays close as she dreams happily with the one she loves right next to her. She didn't want this night to end though she'd still have him by morning, it all just felt right and everything seemed to fall into place all at once.
With the amount of intelligence and over all power that this man possess, Chyanne says not another word. Her eyes focussed on the two staring back at her with such intensity and yet he seems to be quiet relaxed. It was obvious to herself what was happening. She may have little knowledge of the other creatures roaming this town but her knowledge of human actions and other various subjects pop to mind. He was looking through her walls and searching the insides of her hollowed out kingdom. It would be useless for him to try digging deeper, all that was left for him to know was her fall out with previous hunters. How cruel the people she had once resided with truly were.

Those people were true monsters but unlike Mr. Romanov they were blood thirsty and always looking for an easy kill... She can still hear the pain filled howls and screams of complete terror. This was the kind of stuff she had locked away so that even she couldn't find it on accident. Her eyes flicker like the dancing flame of a burning candle, her back straight as a board and eyes ever observant in such a crucial environment. Letting down her alert system for even a moment could be the death of her but even that idea doesn't play much on her conscious. Her life in the pack was over, from now til her death she would be a wandering rogue and if she's lucky, Mr. Romanov will allow her freedom.

Her biggest and only worry as off this second would be him imprisoning her or keeping her on tight watch. The thought almost causes a growl to emerge although having enough restraint she stays silent still looking at the boss. His eyes going to Annais causes suspicion but no such thing is spoken aloud as he finally seems to come out of thought. "Like wise." She answers simply, eyes flashing to the half baked cigar and then back to his face. "Of course, sir..." Taking a moment to recall everything, Chy soon spoke, "yesterday evening I was patrolling the Starlight Pack's territory when I stumbled upon a trap..it has a wolf snare used by the thing that took me. The ghoul...he knocked me out with a tranquilizer and then proceeded to cage me and take me to his cabin in the woods. I woke up in the basement and was beaten until....until I told him where to find the alpha..he wanted to know the number of wolves." She pauses as if trying to regain a level mind and then
continues. "The only way I escaped from the ghoul was because of Anna and Everett. They came and rescued me while the monster slept. From there we traveled back to my pack to warn them and then to the hospital due to my condition." She spoke a bit faster toward the end not wishing him to ask about what they discussed with her in the house with the alpha.


Sleep was easy enough, to be honest. His eyes closing slowly and everything feeling calm. In his sleep he remembers the past, recalling the things leading up to joining the pack, all of the things he thinks up are good, and smiles faintly. It was this kind of sleep that he always loved and now having the same warmth he had woken up to earlier that morning against him makes things even better.


I'm sorry, I kinda forgot about this RP (but I'm still interested). I just can't have a decent reply up at the moment because my internet is fucked up. I'll try to have something up as soon as possible. -.-
Rub-a-Dub-Dubstep] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10381-shadedrose/ said:
I'm sorry, I kinda forgot about this RP (but I'm still interested). I just can't have a decent reply up at the moment because my internet is fucked up. I'll try to have something up as soon as possible. -.-
That's fine :) I'm realy sorry about that internet of yours, nothing can be done I guess and it's perfectly ok for you to take your time. I just wanted to check and see if you were still into the roleplay!
Star slept amazing with Justice with her, any other time it would have been so damn difficult, she would have been cold and felt sick but now.. she was warm and content. As she dreamed she dreamt of him and all the good times the pack had though .. they weren't the focal point. The warmth and happiness she'd gotten earlier that day just kept intensifying as they stayed like this and she wouldn't trade it for anything.

(Glad to see your still interested, Rub. As Rose said, Take your time. Hopefully the internet will fix itself! )
Vincent leaned back with darkened eyes narrowed to slits as he listened to Chyanne's explanation, intensively. A Ghoul, yes. But what Ghoul? There was only one he knew of who was so educated with and often used modern day tactics such as snares. Forget that. This one had a bloody cabin set up in the Thickets. There wasn't a doubt that he knew what... who was behind this attack and he likely had a hand in the sacrificial killings splayed out all around town. Gnawing furiously on the inside of his cheek as he ran stiff fingers through his clean-trimmed salt-and-pepper beard, Viktor nodded slowly before turning his attention toward his office computer which had just transitioned into a black sleep screen. "Uh-huh..." He muttered quietly, his voice guttural in a deep ponder when he turned his attention back over toward Annais who was shifting uncomfortably in her seat. He could tell that she was trying her best to conceal something, but she wasn't exactly the best at hiding things when he was in interrogation mode. Seeing as though this probably wasn't something that she wanted to mention in front of Chyanne, given she would've already said something already, Viktor made a mental note to approach her about it later. "And did he mention why he wanted to know about your pack or reveal any of his motives?" His icy blues were now fixed firmly on the other she-wolf, trying to read her expression. "If there's anything else you know, Ms. Kindle, it would be best to tell me now. That way, I can help keep your friends safe from this... Ghoul as well as you."
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Chyanne looks at Viktor then glances to Annais as he had done. She had not noticed Anna begin to move uncomfortably until now and with a tilt of her head she raises a brow. She would have to ask later but before she can make the mental note Mr. Romanov began to speak again. Anything else you know... Her eyes turn back to the man who holds her pack's fate in his hands. Not that they wouldn't be able to take care of themselves but any help against the ghoul would be welcomed. Looking to the floor as she rethinks things, Chyanne takes a moment of silence trying to figure out the right things to say. Biting her bottom lip lightly and then a bit harder, her head straightens again and a small frown shows. "The ghoul's name was Borris," her thoughts whirled then at last she spoke again. "I don't care for the protection, my pack needs to be your top priority if it is protection you plan on providing." Her eyes closed slowly. "He is planning on destroying all packs...he didn't only want to know my packs numbers but how many packs there are and the numbers within them as well." Her back began to itch then and the healing pain returns. "That's all I know." She cleared her throat again as she had done before and stands. "Might I be excused?" She needed to get out of this room it was closing in with every breath she took, Viktor's eyes boring into her. Giving a sideways glance to her friend she hopes that she was going to be alright if she left. Of course she will! This is the guy who took her in, after all... Chyanne was still skeptical of a hunter keeping a werewolf within their family. It was odd to think about it though she quickly comes back to her senses after pushing old feelings aside.

Star woke to sleep paralysis, she couldn't move or speak and her tiredness wasnt helping, she saw creepy figures and things from her nightmares that tried to kill her and haunt her. Her heart was pounding and she didn't know what to do but she couldn't do anything anyway, her wolf was going crazy inside and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't speak to get Justice's attention. She began crying as well as breathing heavily as the figures came after her, stabbing and clawing at her. The pain felt so real though she knew it wasn't.
JadeWuvsCookies said:
Star woke to sleep paralysis, she couldn't move or speak and her tiredness wasnt helping, she saw creepy figures and things from her nightmares that tried to kill her and haunt her. Her heart was pounding and she didn't know what to do but she couldn't do anything anyway, her wolf was going crazy inside and no matter how hard she tried she couldn't speak to get Justice's attention. She began crying as well as breathing heavily as the figures came after her, stabbing and clawing at her. The pain felt so real though she knew it wasn't.
Justice's sleep was troubled. Something wasn't right and it was growing worse with the seconds ticking past. His body shifted in a kind of 'falling' way and soon his eyes followed the process. His mind coming alive even though he is groggy from lack of rest. Star being in his arms still gives him comfort until noticing the pained look on her face. He instinctively touches her face and calls out her name a couple times. The next more urgent than before. "Star, wake up love." He spoke to her in a normal voice. His insides were all twisted into outrageous knots and kinks in which caused only more pain for the wolf.
Star still was under her sleep paralysis she'd woken from and began freaking out on the inside until she heard Justice's smooth voice which calmed her a little but she still felt the pain of the imaginary creatures coming for her. She breathed a little more softly but her wolf begab whimpering inside out of fear at the fact she was unable to move. Giving Justice pleading eyes she gave a long breath of fear, his hands comforting but she was still confused and unable to piece together what was going on with her body.
Having no knowledge of what was happening, Justice brought her even closer than before and rubbed her back gently round and round in circles. "Star," He would have continued had he not seen her eyes finally open. The look of fear and pain mixing still. Frowning deeply, J with her in arms. She needed immediate help, something was very wrong. "You just hang on, ok?" He told her while sliding down from the top floor and then jumping down to the next level as well. They were heading to Noah's mom.

[FONT='Courier New'][SIZE=10px]@Rub-a-Dub-Dubstep[/FONT][/SIZE]
Star tried to nod but she still couldn't move so in return for a response she gave a small sigh. Her eyes let go some of the pained expression but she was still so confused. She wanted this gone. She couldn't handle the pain of the imaginary creatures and not being able to speak or move scared her so deeply, she was confused but she knew Justice would take care of her and make sure she was okay.
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How chivalrous. Viktor thought as a small amused grin plastered his usually stiff features after the she-wolf offered up her urgency to a pack that had basically disowned her. They really are like dogs; loyal to a fault. Nevertheless, he took her request into consideration and nodded slowly, returning his attention toward Annais as the girl shot up from her seat and asked to be excused. From the second she'd walked through those doors, he could sense her unease, so it wasn't much of a surprise to him that she wanted to take an early leave. And considering she'd given him pretty much everything she knew -which honestly wasn't nearly as much as he was anticipating- he didn't exactly need her to stay any longer. With a swift wrist flick, Viktor muttered something of a dismissal and shifted his gaze back toward the sleeping computer screen when he put out his cigarette, quickly swiping his hand over the screen once to start up the computer again. Annais didn't bother questioning any further arrangements between he and Chyanne seeing as he probably had everything all figured out before they even arrived, so she took it as an okay to leave as well. Flashing the other she-wolf a reassuring smile, more so to tell her that she did well and everything was going to be fine from that point on [as fine as the situation could be], she stood from her own seat and lead Chyanne toward the door before taking out her phone to call Rhett. "Oh! And Ms. Kindle... don't worry about your living arrangements. You'll be receiving a package in a work week's time." A guttural voice sounded from behind them. Just like him to be so enigmatic about everything.

((How are you? I'm so sorry about the sucky post...))

Chyanne gives a grateful and half-hearted smile to the grinning man as he waved his wrist in acceptance of his request. She soon turns her back to Mr. Romanov and quickly walks away from the desk. Looking back to see Anna giving her a reassuring smile, her anxiety slowly begins to melt away. It was hard, she realized, to think about what she would be doing right now without Annais and Everett having helped her out. Chy stopped walking and stood still until Annais reached her and took the lead. Smiling lightly at the back of the curly blonde's head, she thinks it over. After this Anna would be joining Rhett to go and eat with that guy. Her head turned to watch Viktor open his mouth and speak. She nearly stops out of pure interest peeked by the word 'package'. What on earth could that be? She nodded her head in excitement. "Thank you, sir." Her overall pace sped up after that and before long she was far from the great big office and returning back to the front of the building to leave. By the time she makes it out to the lobby area she is itching again. "Thank you so much..you and Everett were very good to me and once I get back onto my feet I'll repay you both." Glancing around the enormous and spaced out area one last time, she doesn't waste a second more before heading out swiftly.

(Eh... I could be better, but I'm not complaining. ~u~ You? And your post is fine. Mine might be a bit sucky though. I haven't been feeling particularly inspired this week. I'll try my best though!)

Anna looked between the two with a raised eyebrow after Chyanne thanked Viktor and trotted up to her. A package? Sure, she was expecting something fancy and maybe a few house warming gifts to boot, but what was this about a 'package'? Maybe it was her curiosity that was getting the best of her, or maybe some childish deep-rooted jealousy, but she opted against pressing the matter and returned her attention back toward the phone in her hand. The second she and Chyanne stepped out of the room, the heavy darkwood doors began to close -seemingly on their own- and a cacophony of mindless chatter and humming sounded from the lobby. A few paces into their walk Anna was sent to voicemail; Rhett's voice is sounded extra obnoxious right now. But seeing as he was probably in the middle of a debriefing or something at that moment, she tried not to be too irritated with him and settled with sending him a text message informing him of how well everything went. Reluctantly looking over her shoulder upon catching onto Chyanne's voice, Anna swiveled on her heel to face the other girl as her brows dipped in dismissal. She just now realized how much she'd been thanked within the last few days, and it was becoming a little too much for her to take in. Anna always was one to be the first to volunteer, so this was hardly anything at all. Besides, if she was going to thank anyone, it would be Everett. Although, being as proud as he was, he'd probably prefer not to hear any of it. With him, actions spoke better than words. She only prayed that he'd play it easy around Chyanne. The last thing she wanted was to get a call from the she-wolf explaining that she was shot during an undercover project that Rhett put her up to. Shaking her head with a sheepish smile, Anna walked out onto the porch as her eyes followed their shuttle that veered the roundabout and said, "Just having you around is payment enough. But hey, do me a favor and try not to say that around Everett. He tends to be a little less...modest about these things." Anna chuckled before backtracking a bit and looping her arm with Chyanne's. "Say... you hungry? You hardly touched your breakfast this morning and we'll be out for a large chunk of the afternoon..." She asked, sort of edging on her lunch proposal as she dragged the she-wolf along toward the shuttle.

(BTW: Totally up for a timelapse. I think we spent far too long in the morning anyway.
xD )

(No complaints here! Finally got myself a job...Pfffttt, you? Write a sucky post?? Absolutely not! You're perfectly fine so don't stress over it ^-^ Sadly, I can't help much with the inspiration part other than letting you know that your work is still as awesome as ever!))

Chyanne smiled slowly while looking to Anna. "I'm sorry for saying thanks all of the time..." She felt a little embarrassed after her failing attempt to stop being so 'thankful' for everything. It was still hard but she makes a mental note about not being like this around Rhett. "Understood." You need to just be quiet..stop being such a child. It does feel good to hear Annais enjoying her company though Chy has to think, what am I going to do from this point on? No way she could go back to Anna and Rhett's house after all this. It was important to get everything together and to think fast. Wait, lunch..? Her stomach rumbled at the thought and quickly she wraps an arm around the organ trying to play it off and say no but her pride would have to be pushed aside for now if she didn't want to starve. "Yeah..sounds good." She tries not to fall behind while being partially dragged toward the shuttle and even laughs lightly at this. "You know, I've only ever had one 'human' friend. I guess that I forgot how similar we are..." Sighing, she didn't protest getting into the shuttle and leaned forward from the seat. Her back would need all the space it could get to heal properly and having her extraordinary healing abilities it wouldn't take much longer. "Maybe tomorrow I'll go out and explore a bit...I'll need a job anyway." She thinks out loud and looks out the windows as they head for the restaurant. Maybe she could even make more friends over time. Or at least until Mr. Romanov's package came in.

((Dude, I had no clue how much Chyanne was saying 'thank you'...I've created an annoying monster lol. I'm all for the time lapse too!))


Justice ran quickly back toward their pack's territory. He was freaking out mentally though couldn't show that right now. Star needed him to get her better not to cause her to panic more. "Hold on, Star." He whispers and breaks into a new burst of adrenaline, running straight for the pack house. The previous alpha would know how to help and as he got closer he is lucky enough to see that the lights are still on in the medicine hut. "Help!" He called and was soon ushered into the small building and urged to lay the girl on the operation table. "What's happening?" He asks but is ignored. The she wolf checks the girl's eyes, pulse and makes sure everything else is stable before sighing. "She's in a sleep like state where her eyes are open and mentally she is awake though her body is still 'sleeping'." She informs Justice with sympathetic eyes. "This can be caused by sleep deprivation...Star, you have to start resting more often." Placing a motherly hand on the she wolf's shoulder, she tries thinking of how to get her out of the sleep paralysis. "Sweetheart, you have to stay calm and remember that it won't last too much longer." Justice watched worriedly and took Star's hand, softly reminding her that he isn't leaving her side.

Star laid there helplessly for a couple of minutes, relaxing a bit as the previous alpha reassured her and told her that she needed more rest. Her eyes glanced to Justice as his hand laced with hers, closing her eyes she gently grips Justice's hand before slowly reopening them and looking to the she wolf "Thank you.." she managed to get out softly as her she awoke from her sleep paralysis.

Slowly sitting up she gently tugs Justice into a hug and whispers softly to him "Thank you so much.."

(Sorry for the sucky reply.. I'm just super tired.)

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