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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Noticing her blush, he smiles slightly finding it cute on her and pats her back. It felt good to be like this with someone; being close to someone. His smile grows further and he leans from her to see her face. "Yes..?"

((Sorry you guys, I may disappear for the next two days due to driving tests that take me from 7am to 6pm both days...I'll get on when I can!))
(Goodluck and have fun. ^-^ I know you'll do well!.)

Star looked at him with a smile and ruffled his hair gently before taking her hand back and biting her lip a bit. "I-I like you and.. I think your the one." She sighed softly as her wolf growled st her with both nervousness and giving her the feeling of stupidity.
With the amount of intelligence and over all power that this man possess, Chyanne says not another word. Her eyes focussed on the two staring back at her with such intensity and yet he seems to be quiet relaxed. It was obvious to herself what was happening. She may have little knowledge of the other creatures roaming this town but her knowledge of human actions and other various subjects pop to mind. He was looking through her walls and searching the insides of her hollowed out kingdom. It would be useless for him to try digging deeper, all that was left for him to know was her fall out with previous hunters. How cruel the people she had once resided with truly were.

Those people were true monsters but unlike Mr. Romanov they were blood thirsty and always looking for an easy kill... She can still hear the pain filled howls and screams of complete terror. This was the kind of stuff she had locked away so that even she couldn't find it on accident. Her eyes flicker like the dancing flame of a burning candle, her back straight as a board and eyes ever observant in such a crucial environment. Letting down her alert system for even a moment could be the death of her but even that idea doesn't play much on her conscious. Her life in the pack was over, from now til her death she would be a wandering rogue and if she's lucky, Mr. Romanov will allow her freedom.

Her biggest and only worry as off this second would be him imprisoning her or keeping her on tight watch. The thought almost causes a growl to emerge although having enough restraint she stays silent still looking at the boss. His eyes going to Annais causes suspicion but no such thing is spoken aloud as he finally seems to come out of thought. "Like wise." She answers simply, eyes flashing to the half baked cigar and then back to his face. "Of course, sir..." Taking a moment to recall everything, Chy soon spoke, "yesterday evening I was patrolling the Starlight Pack's territory when I stumbled upon a trap..it has a wolf snare used by the thing that took me. The ghoul...he knocked me out with a tranquilizer and then proceeded to cage me and take me to his cabin in the woods. I woke up in the basement and was beaten until....until I told him where to find the alpha..he wanted to know the number of wolves." She pauses as if trying to regain a level mind and then continues. "The only way I escaped from the ghoul was because of Anna and Everett. They came and rescued me while the monster slept. From there we traveled back to my pack to warn them and then to the hospital due to my condition." She spoke a bit faster toward the end not wishing him to ask about what they discussed with her in the house with the alpha.


(His Name) looks to her in a bit of a daze after hearing the words that left her mouth. The one..? His heart speeds up even faster and quietly he searches her face incase she had only been joking though it seems to be untrue. "Y-you're serious..right?" He was unsure still though the wolf inside was growling at the insecure nonsense he was apparently attempting to pull. "That's great, actually cause...I think you're the one too." He finally spits it out with a soft smile.
Star nodded when he asked if she meant it, biting her lip nervously though her wolf was growling at her for being this way. Standing a bit taller, she squeezed him gently and a wide smile came onto her face. "Y-You do? That's amazing!" She hugged him and buried her face into his chest as she blushed. Wolf howling at her with great happiness, she held it back as much as she could.
It was almost as though he could explode at any moment. Joy filling his chest and coursing through his veins with excitement toward the new confession. His eyes fill with the same joy and squeezing her gently against him, Justice lets out a kind of relieved sigh. "At least now I know.." He says quietly while still trying to calm himself. His wolf is going crazy as they stay like that.
Star breathed softly while trying to calm herself as well before looking up at him and gently caressing his cheek. Hearing the words that escaped his lips she nodded with great happiness in her eyes, releasing a soft and happy grumble she couldn't hold back her wolf from giving. Blushing softly she looks away for a minute.
Smirking, J brushes her cheek as she turns her face away and pulls it slowly back to his own and leans in kissing her on the lips. It wasn't like he had thought about what he just did, it just happened! His cheeks turn a light pink though his eyes stay locked with Star to see her reaction to all of this. Hoping that it isn't too fast paced.
Star smiled softly at the touch of his fingers on her cheek, watching as he pulls her back his way and as he kisses her lips. Heart pounding she gently kisses him back while watching his eyes for a moment before her own flutter shut. Unable to believe what just happened, in a good way, her wolf howled at her with joy.
Damn! Her skin was so soft beneath his finger tips and her heart was surely beating as fast as his own, he believes, as they continue the kiss. His eyes locked with hers until closing and diving into the emotions that followed. All of it was amazing and the thrill that followed was so worth it. His eyes fly open after the kiss and a huge grin comes onto his face. "That was..fantastic!" He breaths out and tries desperately to calm back down.
Star was completely shocked yet amazed that his had actually happened and that it happened with him! After what'd happened earlier that day and that morning she didn't ever think this would happen. Though she now knows miracles happen and so does the unexpected (in a good way of course!)

Once opening her eyes after the kiss ended she smiled widely at him "It was fantastic! Wow.." she whispered softly and caressed his cheek gently, her heart beat still very fast but slowing down. She loved the thrill and she loved him as well.
"Glad you agree!" He exclaims while still a bit over ecstatic. She was definitely the one... His breath slows down a tad after parting and looking around he realizes where they even were. "Perhaps this is a magical place.." He thinks outloud even with how absurd the idea sounds but it didn't mean that he can't believe it!

(They're cute <3)
Star smiled and laughed softly "Of course I agree, but I think it is magical as well.." She took his hand and held it gently in hers, looking out the window once more she realizes it's getting later in the evening "Should we head home or stay here?"she thought out loud before looking at him, she preferred to stay here with him. She already love this spot and this gives her even more of a reason to.

(Yus they are <3 ^^)
"Stay in the magical treehouse or return to the smelly hotel for wolves..? Uh, I dunno." He looks thoughtfully out the window while shaking his head before finally answering with a sigh. "Well, seeing as Noah's nowhere to be found, I'm fine right here." He smiles at her, not for a second had he actually thought about going back tonight. It was nice to be around Star even though this morning he couldn't have standed her. Chuckling, he briefly releases her hand and turns to look around. The sunlight would soon be no more but luckily he had stashed away a few matches and an old lantern. Lighting it and tying it to the ceiling gives them plenty if light. "Sleeping up here or down there?" He questions while glancing back into the lower level. Either way they'd have enough room to just relax.
Noticing the sky slowly changing to a dark shade of blue, Noah looks around then back to the young vampire. "Come along, we'll go to your house and wait for your big brother and Rosalie." He was beyond worried and saddened. Perhaps she had loved her newly appeared mate more than him. They could have ran away for all he knows but still keeps faith that they will come back eventually. Holding onto the girl's hand, he shifts and lays down for her to climb onto his back. The sooner he got the young girl home the sooner he could go looking for them himself.

@Wynn ((this isn't to pressure you, I promise!!! >~<))
Star smiled "I'm fine here as well." Watching as he tied the lantern to the ceiling she looked around, still with amazement in her eyes it takes her a few seconds to realize his question "Oh - um.. up here I suppose." Sitting down she watched him before letting her mind wander for a minute.
Hearing her response, J relaxes a bit more. "It's been so long since someone else slept here.." He says outloud thinking of all the nights he'd snuch away from the pack house to sleep among these walls. It always comforted him to have a back-up plan and this treehouse provides just that. A place of warmth and comfort. He disappears through the latch and comes back a minute later with a blanket and pillow. "Incase you get cold." He told her while handing over the blanket and sitting beside her.
Star cocked her head when he thought out loud and looked at him "Well.. I'm here and hopefully here to stay." She smiled at him and watched as he disappeared, getting and knot in her stomach she got on her knees about to look down the latch. Right as she did he pops back up and she relaxes once more "Thank you, " She smiled, curling up next to him and putting the blanket on both of them she sighed happily. She felt safe, secure, even.. loved. "For everything."
"I hope that you are." He smiles at her and wraps an arm over her shoulders. It wasn't a way to pressure her or anything of that sort rather an action of comfort. She is his comfort and hoping that they share the same feelings, Justice watches her curl into him, a powerful warmth washing over him that not even the blanket could provide. He listened to her begin and then end her statement, he leans to her kisses her forehead. "No need to thank me for something so small."
"Of course I am." She smiled back and her cheeks turned a bright shade of pink and red once his arm went around her shoulders. She couldn't believe it and she also got a big, warm wave flowed over her as well. Smiling as he kissed her forehead she spoke softly "In my mind this is something big, not small at all."
Hereing that this was something big rather than small in her mind pleases him beyond comprehension. She was considerate, funny and adorable all mixed together. "You really are one of the sweetest people I've ever met." He chuckles and looks out the viewing windows again watching as the light from outside grows darker and darker. Their lantern keeps the light within their small compartment and with a smile, Justice sits back further while laying against Star.

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