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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

He stops walking as the shewolf intercepted his path. Her action confusing him at first and then tilting his head. "Too nosey? No, it's not you. I promise that.." Staring back down into her gorgeous eyes the feeling returns to him. A feeling of warmth and comfort. Grinning slowly to show that he was alright, he looks at their fingers crossed together. "This place..it's just an old hangout I had before going to the pack. This isn't pack territory." He explains while looking around again and shrugging.

"Come on," pointing up to the ceiling she can spot another hatch and as he reaches up and pulls it down a small rope ladder falls down too. "This thing is pretty old so hold on." Letting her hand go to jump up and through the opening, he reappears on his stomach and reaching a hand down for her to take. "Ready for an even better view?"


His smile increases as she promised him to not cry anymore. It was a forgetable kind of thing though he can see it in her eyes how much she appreciated and how determined she was going to be. He knows that she's a true warrior and he would ask for nothing more. She is perfect and together he would no longer be lonely. Perhaps he would even let go of Ezekial and his continuos want to regain his brother's trust.

All of these thoughts were gone the moment the door handle began to turn and an all too familiar scent enters the room. Confused and still in a defensive position, Noah stands and turns to stare at the unholy creature. "Mr. Argeneau, this is a private room...why are you here?" He stands tall and keeps in his one spot guarding Rosalie's bed.

@Erza Scarlet

Elias walked in calm and smooth while in the inside he was burning with anger. How dare Noah stand in front of his mate, Acting as if she was his! He stopped in front of Noah and looked him in the eyes. " Because Mr.Alistar the woman you stand in front of is my mate. So please move so I can greet her." He said as calm as possible.
Annais looked over her shoulder to find Chyanne's expression showed nothing but seriousness. Maybe it was because she'd been living with humans for so long that she forgot how terrified Werewolves were of hunters. She was only a pup when her parents were taken from her, but she had her brother to warn her about trusting their kind. Yes, they had a contract. Yes, they'd kept their word on keeping her safe. But that didn't mean that they wouldn't come after her when the deal is terminated. That was the only reason why she hadn't thought about pursuing a mate all these years, a Werewolf mate, anyway. But it didn't really concern her at that point in her life. She vowed to stay by Everett's side for as long as she could, and until Rosalie, Noah, and the Demyan could get a grasp of the battle to come, she would live by her word. That included protecting Chyanne. If anything were to happen to a newly emitted rogue, then shit would escalate so quickly, the Tricity Area wouldn't know what just hit it. However, Viktor was a very reasonable man, as far as she was concerned. And if they played their cards right, Chyanne may even hit an immunity deal, at least until she finds herself a new pack... or a mate. Seeing as thought she hadn't been banished more than a few hours ago, that wouldn't be for a very long time. "You can tell him yourself when you make it out of here ALIVE." Chuckling a bit to calm the girl's nerves, Annais simply shook her head and pushed through the giant glass doors.

Stepping inside, they were immediately greeted by a waft of warm air that smelled of cinnamon and dull cologne. Just a few feet away -presented by a dark red, velvet rug- was the receptionist desk, occupied by a busty, young brunette, with hair tied up in a tidy bun.
"Morning, Gwen!" Annais chimed as she reached the desk. The girl known as Gwen snapped her head up from her computer screen and gave a sliver of a smile in return before trailing her ember orbs, to the she-wolf standing shortly behind. Almost on instinct, Gwen's irises shriveled up into a pale blue [almost white] hue, the wings of her brow bone lining with dark blue veins as her brows furrowed. "Ah, the she-wolf. We've been waiting for you." She finally spoke after what seemed like an eternity. "Chyanne..." Annais cut in, arms crossed over her chest with a less than amused mien as Gwen looked back to Annais with a taunting grin. She knew she hated when she did that, but it was her nature, so she couldn't help it even if she tried. "You know, you could have a little more restraint with these things." Anna huffed before turning on her heel with an apologetic expression toward Chyanne. "Yeah, yeah. I don't tell you not to shed, don't tell me not to flash." Gwen retorted as she reached for the phone and dialed up the boss. "That sounded worse that it actually is. Ya see, Gwen's a sibyl. They're like oracles, but they can see a person's future and past. That's what 'flashing' means" She explained to Chyanne before they were interrupted by Gwen's loud exclamation. "Mr. Romanov will see you now!"

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Rosalie smiled softly at Noah. He was so perfect. So kind... sweet... protective.. caring... handsome... She liked the way he would stay by her side. The way his eyes would portray the deepest of emotions. The way his smile made her heart race. His comforting scent that enveloped her like arms. She would stay for him. But she will always want her freedom. It was her only chance to be her.

She stared at the newcomer, eyes wide. He smelled wonderful. His eyes captured hers. He held enough attraction that rivalled Noah's. "Wait... mate? Noah, who is he? What's going on?" she asks, coughing as she started to freak out.


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Star nods and smiles a little as he made her that promise. She felt.. happy and comforted but not the same comfort she felt when someone reassured her, this was different.. She loved his smile,his grin,his smirk. Watching his eyes go down to their fingers for a second before looking up at him to watch him speak "Well.. why does it have to be an old hangout? Why not use it and tidy up a bit? A play area in some spots and an actual place to hangout for you."

At first Star was confused but she looked up at the hatch. Examining the rope that fell "It looks pretty old," she gave a soft laugh and watched as he jumped up. Smiling when he reappeared, she took his hand "Heck yeah I'm ready. Was this view just not spectacular enough?"
Noah was beyond confused by this interruption though handles it fairly well seeing his position in such a circumstance. Elias' calm demeanor adds to the fueling anger inside of the alpha, his eyes scanning him before glancing back to Rosa. "Shh, shhhh..look, you need to leave." He growls and steps back to hold onto Rosalie's hand. "She isn't feeling well as of yet and you talking about being her 'mate' is insane. She's my mate." Narrowing his gaze as they faced off, Noah tries to understand everything that was currently going on. "Please, Mr. Argeneua...you're putting her into a panic. She is not your mate therefor you must be confused with another wolf..."

@Wynn @Erza Scarlet
Rosalie tried taking deep breaths but it proved impossible. What was going on? Why did this man capture her attention? Why was her wolf confused? Why did she want the other man's comfort? And why was Noah acting like this?

"Noah... explain... Who is he? Why are you acting like this?" she asks him, calming down a bit. "And you, whoever you are, why are you calling me your mate? What do you want here?"
Elias ignored Noah and went to the left side of the bed and kneeled down next to her. " I'm sorry for causing you to panic, the last thing I want to do is cause you any harm. My name is Elias Argeneua and it appears that I am your mate as you are mine. " He takes her hand in his sending waves of calm energy to her. " Now love, can you tell me why your in the hospital? How were you hurt? " he asked worriedly.
Rosalie was flattered by his kindness. A gentleman vampire. She knew vampires personally. Her family has many alliances with many clans. His hands were so soft, or made her heart race. But Noah was still there. Maybe it was him? She was beyond confused by this.

"My name is Rosalie Waters," she said softly, her Russian accent clear. "I have lung cancer. I had an attack." Oh how his eyes portrayed his worry. It was a beautiful sight. "But I'm confused... If you are my mate... and Noah is my mate... which one of you is my true mate?" she asks, taking calming breaths. She was about to panic about but she needed control. She had to figure out a solution. She needed the confusion to stop though.
Elias eyes widened " lung cancer?" He squeezed her hand then shook his head. The first thing that came to mind was turning her but he immediately decided against it. She was already on edge and he didn't want to stress her even more. " Are you getting treatment? If so when? If not are you on a waiting list? If you are then that will be taken care of. " He spoke fast but clearly and caressed her cheek. " I know that you are confused, I am as well.. I've never heard about anyone having two mates but at this very moment your health means more than anything."
"I have been receiving treatments for over a year... Thank you for worrying," she said softly, closing her eyes. In truth, she's always had problems with her lungs. When they discovered it was cancer, she received treatments immediately. She didn't want to worry either of them. They both cared. Both claimed to be her mate.

She started to panic again. What if she chose one and the other was hurt? She couldn't do that. But what if she made herself scarce? They would forget about her and find another person to love. Yes. That would work.

"I need to go to the bathroom," she said softly, making a move to get up. She had a plan. And hopefully it would work.
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Elias nodded " Of course let me help you up love." He stands and offers her his arm.
Noah was bristling at every word coming from the vampire's mouth although at the same time he kept an ear open to hear every answer Rosalie was giving him. Elias was asking her things that he had failed to. He had yet to learn how long she had been getting treatment or how she had always had troubles with her lungs. He couldn't even speak at the realization of how shitty he had been. You hardly asked her name and now this new guy has just performed everything a real mate is expected to do. It hurt his heart to think about the faults in him but at the same time confuses him completely. Perhaps he had only imagined the whole thing that him and Rosalie were mates. Maybe he was just in an alter universe, probably not but it's a shot.

As Elias prepared to assist her up, Noah snaps out of it and watches quietly. Gently, he wraps his hand around her own and squeezes lightly before providing the same action as Elias had done. "Are you certain you can stand right now..?" He wasn't underestimating her by any means however wanted to be sure that she could handle walking so early after the previous attack.

@Erza Scarlet @Wynn

He had not taken into consideration of redoing the area and her suggestion seems sensable as he grins and nods. "You know, I hadn't thought of that..." Leaning over to take her hand and pull her up, he had felt cold moments before. Without her touch he felt less. She was welcomed into his hands again and helping her up, he makes sure to be careful. "Hah, it's cool that you think so! And yes, this place is extremely old! It had to be atleast ten years old when I first found it and fixed it up..it has many years attached, not to mention memories.

As he helps her to stand they are surrounded by mostly branches though there are walls built around them with mostly windows cut out of every side, a circular fashioned room just for observatory purposes. He smiled at how she was enjoying all of this, it was fantastic to have someone to share all of this with again. "You wanna help?..maybe to even repaint the pplace...we're pretty safe in this area, anyway....no pack members ever come this way." He explained plainly, a bit of excitement masked in his voice.

Rosalie was confused. Both men were gentlemen. One saved her from death. While the other one came in our of the blue. Both men she cared for. Both she'll leave behind.

"I'll be fine," she said softly, standing on her own. She squeezed Noah's hand before walking to the bathroom. She then smiled at both before closing the door behind her.

Once in there, she silently opened the window. She contorted herself out the window, dropping silently to the ground. She shifted and ran off, away from her mates.


There was concern in his eyes as she got up from the hospital bed and trekked to the bathroom on her own. His wolf is confused as everything piles up. Would she choose the vampire or possibly he will come to his senses. "You shouldn't be here..." He turns to Elias with fiery eyes and lets out a growl. Rosa's confusion had been caused by this intruder claiming to be 'her mate' when it had been crystal clear that she and Noah were meant to be.

@Erza Scarlet @Wynn
Rosalie pants, stretching her legs even farther. She hoped they didn't notice she left. She couldn't take it. The confusion. The desire. The pain. She didn't know what to do.

She stopped, sitting down and leaning against a tree. She needed to calm down. She couldn't keep running if she couldn't breath. Taking deep breaths, she calms down. That's a start.

She rolls in a patch of mint and then ferns, hiding her scent. She is hoping to just disappear. Who needed her? No one needed a mate like her. So why not run? It seems cowardly but it can keep her sane. Noah will find a new Luna and Elias can find a vampire mate. Well, that's what she thought would happen.
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As they entered Mr. Romanov's estate Chyanne could feel a sort of stiffness rush over her. This was going to be nothing short of nerve racking but looking to her side to see Annais some of the worry washes away. Her curious nature makes her wonder with how this she wolf could be so calm among this hunter family then it strikes her, she's lived with these people for the majority of her life...she's used to the contact, I suppose. Having her heart speed up slightly as she stopped outside the glass doors and stares after Anna, Chy smiles slightly even laughing quietly at the statement. "Ok..." She follows the other shewolf into the building and tilts her head from side to side looking all around. Everything seems bright and peaceful but dread continues to eat away at her insides. "To be honest, I had expected something more dark and gloomy.." She whispers while leaning into Annais' ear. The wonderful smells draw her out of the anxious state of mind and trick her into relaxing some what.

Turning her head toward the receptionist she blinks and pauses to glance at Anna. They seem to know each other, of course, but when the busty woman looks at her Chy feels a bit out of place. The way her face contorted causes the teen to worry and almost hide behind Anna as though she were a scared child. Watching on, it hits a nerve when being referred as 'the she-wolf' but the blonde bites her tongue. The mood soon changed after that and Chyanne is forced to feel even more misplaced. Sighing as they finally stopped their quarreling and where accepted to see Mr. Romanov, she looks astonished. "Woah..I was never taught about her kind...that's so cool." She smiled at the new knowledge but it soon passes as Gwen's voice breaks through her thoughtful mental state. "Great." Chyanne whispers to herself.

Nodding slowly with knitted brows at Chyanne's response, Annais ran her fungers softly through her hair in an effort to look presentable before they met with Viktor. She often forgot that not everybody was able to be exposed to such variety of supernatural creatures. But because they knew of Ghouls and things similar to that kind, she only assumed that she was well-educated in other beings, but being so young and having very little experience with anything outside of her pack probably had something to do with it. Anyway, it was nothing she needed to worry about just then. No one was after her and she was safe for the time being. There was no need to get involved with anything other than the familiar. And it was probably for the best. Annais had encountered many strange creatures, each more terrifying than the previous. Luckily Gwen was as sweet as they came.

Upon hearing Chyanne's soft grumble of displeasure, Anna turned on her heel with a chuckke before taking the lead and trailing over toward the staircase hidden behind a large blackwood bookshelf.
"Oh lighten up. Think of it like surgery: the way you go in will effect the way you come out." And without saying much after that, Anna continued up the steps and only looked back once when she reached the top. Despite reassuring her that it would be alright and that Viktor was completely harmless, the she-wolf still seemed a little shaken up. We'll just have to push through this, I guess. Turning back ahead, Anna carried on with her walk and trudged toward the door at the end of the hall, all while trying to ignore the thick scent of Cuban tabacco, old cologne, warm printed paper and frustration.

It would seem that Viktor was busy at work despite having them called to his office. Anna wasn't big on multitasking, but seeing as though his life literally required such skill, she hadn't doubted his attention would be full-front. Knocking twice when she reached the door, she overheard a suspicious conversation between Viktor and some man on the phone. She could hardly put the words together, but all she knew was that some of the younger Demyan recruits were being sent down to Brazil for a mission in a month's time.
Wait! Does that include Rhett? A sense of panic surged through her thoughts. He'd mentioned something of the sorts a few months prior, but she never assumed it was a sure thing. Anna had only gotten him back just two weeks ago, now he was leaving again. This time, probably for much longer.

Gnawing lightly on her lower lip as she came to a resolve and pushed the mission to the back of her mind for now, she knocked again, this time getting an answer.
"Enter." The word was short yet curt, yet the tone sent a shiver down her her spine. Sometimes, she forgot how cold he could be, but times like these kept her cautiousness on alert when around thus man. He probably thought she was someone else. Maybe one of the staff or something. Without a word, Anna turned back to Chyanne with a shrug before twisting the knob and pushing the large, cherry wood door open. On the other end of the room stood a tall, silver haired man facing the enormous floor-to-ceiling french windows that separated him from the veranda. Subconsciously grabbing Chyanne's hand, Annais stepped into the beautiful office with the she-wolf in tow. "Good morning, Mr. Romanov." Anna spoke up, catching the attention of the older man. Turning to look the two girls over as he linked his hands behind his back, a chilling yet oddly welcoming grin curled upon his lips.

"Ah! Anna, darling. I see you got here safely. Ya know, it would have been less of a hassle on me if you checked in with Dane earlier the other night." Viktor chimed, his voice blanketing over her like a smooth wave of warmth. However, there was an underlying challenge. A challenge she wouldn't dare accept, not at this point of her contract. Here we go again! "I apologize, but I didn't think it was sensible to disturb him at that time. Ya know, the kids and all." As if taking her answer as plausible, Viktor gawked at her with the same plastered grin before chuckling and slowly nodding. "Oh? Well it doesn't matter now. Everett gave me a full report of your disappearances the other night in full detail. " He then gestured for the two of them to approach as he veered around his chair and sat himself down, his gray orbs shifting from Anna is and lingering on the she-wolf standing timidly behind her. His face almost softened, but soon returned to it's usually stern expression. "So, I see you've brought your friend along." He began, indirectly insisting to be introduced. At that point, Anna released the girl from her grip, no amount of consolation could helo her if she wouldn't speak for herself.


(Don't feel the need to give me paragraphs in return. I was just feeling inspired. ^_^ )
Star smiled and squeezed his hand, with a quick breath of words "It was just a suggestion." Each moment their hands were locked together she felt warmth and happiness which made her smile even wider. Once she was pulled up she released his hand a little but still held it "Oh my.. it's an amazing spot and it's memories I bet only add more importance.. maybe we can make new memories as well."

Standing up her eyes wander, with a sparkle of amazement in them. Looking at him with wide eyes "Y-You want me to help?.. I'd love to! Even if the pack did come by here, this is your special spot.. they can't just take it away or say you can't be here." She squeezed his hand softly and pulled him to a window.
(I read what you gave me and almost had a heart attack...it's beautiful. You're an awesome writer! :D )

The expression that had been given in return to Chyanne's astonishment toward Gwen was taken as no surprise and slowly she gives a slow nod. "I never paid much attention in school...too busy goofing off with my brothers." She gave a small explanation then followed behind the other. Up, up, up. Down, down, down. She thought to herself as the stairs became visible. This is all much different from the old hotel like building that inhabits her old wolf pack. Nothing was quite fancy even though there had been word of it being remodeled once Noah is put in charge and his mother steps down. Stumbling briefly at every other step with her not paying much attention, she looks up at Annais and sighs. I suppose she's right...I need to stop acting like a pup.

At the top of the stairs the mixed scent of the tabacco, cologne and printed paper all hit her nose at once causing an almost forced cough. Instead of letting her eyes wonder she keeps them focused on the door dividing them from the man on the other side. He would be the only one to help her stay safe but at the same time she tries to work out what will happen to her if things do turn for the worst. I could always just leave town and find somewhere else... The thought lingers in her thoughts before catching Anna's odd lip gnawing. She was about to question the act and possibly consider an attempt to cheer the wolf up but stops as the door is knocked on once more. The voice that calls from the other side sends her into another doubtful realization. It lasts only for a little amount of time, however. As the door was parted to allow them access, Chyanne takes notice of the tall man standing on the opposite side of the room with towering glass doors before him.

The young she wolf can't help but look on in yet another childish act of astonishment. Within seconds it fades as soon as Mr. Romanov turns to look at them. She remains silent just barely aware of Annais and her hands being bonded. This reassurance was part of what keeps Chyanne from turning away from them and running back to the woods, back to her pack despite the possibility of being killed due to the treason she had committed. Shivering as she considered death over this meeting, the wavy haired blonde took their time of speaking to figure out what would be next in her life. No way could she continue occupying Everett and Annais' home. She comes out of thought as they move forward, being drug behind Anna and looking to Mr. Romanov as they neared. She looks away quickly as his orbs washed over her. The lacking of confidence soon becomes a nusience to her own being and cautiously taking a step past Annais and addressing the man with no more fear remaining Chyanne speaks for herself. "Mr. Romanov, I'm Chyanne Kindle...adopted daughter to the Starlight Pack's alpha." Her voice changed from the soft-spoken she wolf back to the independent young girl she had always displayed. If this meeting was going to help her future then so be it, she was going to give this her all and wait for the results.

"An excellent suggestion." He grins and looks around to see all the work needed to restore this place back to its former glory. "These windows weren't always open like this..they used to be glass so that it would make a perfect place to watch when it rained." He explains and looks to her. "Yea..we'll fix it back up and then put signs around the perimeter." The wolf says the last piece of his sentence as a joke and begins tearing down a few of the branches. Being pulled to the window by the giddy she wolf, he smiles and watches her face seeing the excitement and all.

Elias looked at Noah and raised an eyebrow. " I shouldn't be here? Are you telling me that I shouldn't be near my mate? The one person who fills the part of me that was missing and allows me to see color that others have stole from me?" He said turning in front of Noah as his eyes seemed to glow. " I don't understand what's going on but don't you dare tell me where I should be. I've found her, the other half of my soul and I'm staying by her side no matter what. Do you understand?" He said sternly. He didn't care how Noah felt, not really. He found his mate and she was sick. at this moment he only cared about getting her better. Elias turned away from Noah and went to the bed she laid at and picked up a strand of hair that was clearly hers and held it in his palm.
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"I'm glad you think so! But it shouldn't be too hard or too bad to fix. We've got eachother to help fix it." Smiling at his jokes she nudged him in a playful matter and kept looking out the window before turning to him and her eyes dazzling. "Thank you so much for bringing me. I love it here."
Rosalie stood at the border, panting. She could be free. She could free them. They can fall in love with other woman. They can be happy. She doesn't deserve either of them. They would be much happier without her.

With a pain filled howl, she runs across the border and into neutral territory. She thinks she is doing the right thing. Her heart is breaking. Her wolf whimpering. But both knew that they couldn't hurt one to have the other. They knew that they would try to find her. But what if they give up? That would hurt bite she knows she had hurt them by running away.



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