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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Rosalie woke up hours later, drowsy and breathing a soft rasp. The machines beeped at her in a monotone. Her chest still hurt but it was bearable. She turned her head and stared at her mate. She left him. This hurt her again as her wolf started whimpering. Of all times she had to go under.

"Hey," she said in a rasp, wheezing slightly. The air they connected her to helped her but that didn't stop the pain.

She rested her head on the window lightly, her eyes closing temporarily until the car doors open and in comes the girl and guy. She could hear only bits of what he had said though could not make sense of such pieces. The only word that still stuck is 'Viktor'. Should be a real treat... Her eyes close back though re-open feeling as though she were being watched. Glancing all around before realizing who it must be, she only looks to Rhett for a moment before he had turned his gaze away. Curious. Laying her head back against the glass and taking in a soothing breath, everything blurs when staring out the window. Everything except the trees in which they pass. Her body is longing to go home although 'home' is an unknown placing at this point and time.

Her heart slowed at the idea of never going back and another wave of emotion pulses. This time, however, Chy shrugs it off and sits up in the seat. Her back doesn't like the action much but doing so she is able to escape the unwanted thoughts. Sighing, she stretches then leans forward to rest her forehead against the back of the passenger seat. Groaning while doing so. Dammit....heal already!!


(Sorry it's so short!)
Star got curious and stayed rather close waiting to see what he had to show. As the walked and the tree house came into view she was dazzled. Shifting back she had wide eyes and a big grin "Woah!! This is more than awesome.." she looked up at him and stood on her tippy toes "Can we.. go in it?"
The time that passes with her unconscious had to have been the most tiresome experience of his entire life. Everything was still besides the quick entry and exit made by a nurse peeking her head in to check on the two. Other than that there were no disturbances and every once in a while Noah would speak softly to his mate. Quiet words of 'don't give up' and various other encouragements.

He had not moved an inch from his current position and his eyes stare blankly out the window. His attention had long since vanished into thin air as he doesn't focus on any one thing or thought.
Hey? At that word his eyes slowly blink before looking down at Rosalie and a small smile curls onto his lips. "Hey. How was your nap..?"

@Erza Scarlet

Standing, looking up at the wooden house in the trees, he smiles at her words. It was good to know that she thinks it to be as cool as himself but when she asks about going up he looks like a small child again. Excitement gleaming in his eyes as a smirk reappears and he nods his head quickly. "Heck yea!" Walking to the ladder leading up the side of the main tree, he grabs a hold and tugs it a few times before nodding and starting to climb up it.

It had been forever since he had actually gone up. Not since his childhood friend and him had found it together.

Glancing back over his shoulder to Moon every once in a while, he motions for her to follow and up they go. A couple times one of the steps give out and snap nearly causing him to slip down onto the she wolf though luckily he makes it up safe and sound. "It's been forever!"

Rosalie blinked slowly, still feeling drowsy. And then she began to shake and cry. "I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!" she said softly, covering her face as her body shook.

She left him. She had left her mate. An unforgivable act. She left him for the darkness that would take away her pain. He must've been out of his mind in worry. She embraced it too easily. He was by her side, not allowing anyone to take him away. Not allowing them to keep him from his mate. She felt guilty. Extremely guilty. She hurt him.

Star also let her child side come out and show. Skipping up next to him to the where the ladder was placed she watched him go up a few steps before going up herself. Excited to see what is waiting for them at the top she watches Justice,startled a bit when he first falls back on her. Blushing she doesn't say anything seeing as he's alright.

Finally making it to the top she let's go a soft breathe audible only to him and her. Looking around and then back to Justice "This is so cool!!" Her eyes dazzled with amazement and she took his hand, not for any particular reason other than to walk around.
The ride was long, awkward and quiet aside from the consistent and unyielding groans coming from the girl in the back and the light murmuring coming from the radio Rhett had turned on in an attempt to drown her out. He wasn't exactly sure if the pain medication was doing her any good, but from the looks of it, it wasn't helping much. She should've just taken the meds with a bit of Jack. Luckily he was able to make it to the estate without blowing his top or kicking the two out. Chuckling a bit at the exaggerated expression of annoyance on Rhett's face as he leaned against his window and closed his eyes, tightening his grip on the steering wheel, Annais unclipped her seat belt before stepping out of the car and helping Chyanne out as well. The butler came rushing out to help as well, but Anna waved him off seeing as though she had a handle on things, "Call me when everything's done and settled!" That was the last thing she'd heard from Everett before he drove off. Turning to face to she-wolf who seemed to have calmed down by then, Anna shrugged before gesturing toward the small set of white marble stairs leading uo to Mr. Romaniv's lobby entrance. "After you..."

(My replies are going to be shorter for a bit as well. Some dickwad messed up my laptop, so I'll be mobile for a while. Just a heads up!)

He couldn't begin to understand why her tears kept coming down so instead he leans over her and embraces her shaking body. Careful of the plugs and wires, he strokes her face taking the majority of the tears only to wipe more with each swipe. He was in no way upset with her personally. Her illness was the cause and this he knew at once.

"Rosa, don't apologize to me for something you can not control."

@Erza Scarlet

After filling the role of Indiana Jones while conquering the tree house, J exhales once to the top and double checks to make sure Star is right there. Smirking at her soft breathing and amazed look, he feels as though the job was complete. Only thing is that now she wants to look around. "Alright, but be super careful!" He warns and walks along her side. Hand in hand. They explore the house finding a few interesting objects like old, rusted chimes or a toy car or boat here and there. It was a perfect hide out and had suited its purpose so long ago.

His arms. They seemed to calm her. His scent enveloping her in comfort. She took deep breaths, not wanting her lungs to act up. His hands stroking her face were so warm, they felt right. Leaning into his touch, she closed her eyes. This was the man she could love. The man who knows exactly what to do to help her. And this made her love him even more. She will always love him.

"If you say it's okay, okay. I'm sorry for crying constantly... I blame whatever they put in the IV," she said, trying to lighten the mood. It was lame. He'll still be worried. So she reached a hand up and caressed his cheek. "I'm fine now... I promise.."

By the time they make it to the damn estate Chy had thought up at least a hundred different ways she could kill herself. It wasn't her being suicidal as much as being caused by the non-relenting moans. It hurt, yes but is it really necessary?! She growls as they exit the car and for a split second she contemplates jumping back in the car and ordering for them to drive her to the nearest airport or bar...anything but leaving her here.

Please, someone! Just strike me dead..something. Cursing her insides and everything possible, the she wolf looks up at her friend and sighs heavily. "Sorry for all the noise..." Embarrassment isn't too big with her seeing as she is a pretty nonchalant person therefor she doesn't blush or any of that nonsense. Her lackage of pants had been slightly different however. Though it still wasn't a big deal. THIS would be a big deal. She thinks while looking at the steps and then the entrance beyond them. This meeting could possibly be one of the greatest and deadliest of her lifetime, reason enough to be so hesitant? I think yes.

As Annais speaks, she glances before briefly nodding and then walking. She was not going to back down now and standing around any longer may cause her to collapse. Yesterday she had felt little and today it's like a flood of pain washing down her back with every step. Sighing as they start to climb the stairs, Chyanne keeps in mind how few there are and repeatedly encourages herself through foul language.
Listen up, you mess this meeting up you're dead. Do not mess this meeting up! Her constant reminding finally becomes just as annoying as her groans must have for Everett and smiling faintly she turns her head toward Anna. "If I don't make it out of this be sure to tell Everett that I'm sorry as well."

(What an ass! Sorry bout your laptop and alright~ ^-^)

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Star smiled widely and looked at him "Of course I'll be careful. Plus your here.. I'll be alright" laughing softly and smiling at what she saw and looked at him "So.. you used to come up here?" Picking up a small boat she made it go up and down as if taking a ride on the ocean before putting it down and returning her attention back to him.
Noah sighs as she seems to calm. Her acceptance and lack of argument is also reason for his relaxed response. He brushes off her apology and chuckles at the weak joke. True he's still worried over her condition, the wolf keeps a balanced head and forces himself to move past the curtain of uncertainty. Rosalie was stable at this point in time and that is good enough for him. "Good." He smiles as she reaches her hand up and touches his face. The warmth between them only intensifying and spreading through him until one dreadful thought returns to mind.

Having had plenty enough time to think, he remembers the ideas of what he would have done if her sickness someday takes her from him...

It, of course, hurt to entertain the idea but he figured it best to prepare himself if things spiraled out of hand. Even if the sickness were to take her down his love for her would go on. It would be a terrible, terrible loss but for his pack, he would force himself to move forward. Even going as far as reassuring himself that she would probably be much better with the illness out of her way.

Shaking such thoughts from mind, the alpha kisses her forehead and sighs. "You just relax. No more crying, that's an order."

@Erza Scarlet

Justice smirks at her statement though rolls his eyes playfully. She was a bit weird, yes, but never-the-less kind in nature. He lets his eyes wander though never the mind. He wouldn't be pleased to have some emotional fit if some past event triggered a nerve or some crap like that. Instead he keeps himself occupied by the objects around, not going into too much detail when spotting a familiar toy or other item.

Star's question gets him to glance back to the she wolf then nod. Like before, he still wants to keep the emotions to a minimum therefor he decides not to talk much or get off track. He looks to the boat she's rocking and another smile falls to his lips. It was nice to share his secret with someone else, atleast this one.

Star smiled but she was a bit concerned since he didn't speak much and just looked around. It was odd.. Continuing to look around she then catches his nod and gives out a small sigh. She loved his voice and smiled and it made her itch when he didn't speak.

Stopping in her tracks and in front of him, she laces her fingers with his as they'd done before and kept her eyes on him, studying his face and his body signals she raised a brow in curiosity. "If I'm being too nosy or a bother just let me know.." she always felt as if she was a bother but with him, she really hoped she wasnt. Keeping her eyes on his, she waited for a reply
Rosalie smiled at him. He was wonderful. So perfect. But what was going on through his head? What would of happened if she went under and left? What would happen to the pack? Just thinking about it hurt. He must've been hurt... and she could do nothing about it.

"I should be released tomorrow... I can go back... to the pack house... to your home," she said softly. "And no more tears... I promise..."

His pack... His home... His family... She agreed to be with him and the pack. But what is she wasn't good enough? What if she was nothing but a rogue? Once a rogue... always a rogue.
(I'm not leaving. Sorry. I've been a really huge wave of emotion and no one to let it out to.. so it just gets worse. I'm sorry for taking it out on you two.)
Elias walked out of the now empty hospital room irritated and stressed. Another rouge got away right under his nose. Taking out his phone he texted a friend from another clan telling him of the news. This was becoming a pain in the butt but it was his responsibility as clan leader right? putting his phone back in his pocket he walked in the halls, listening to people laughing, Crying and praying with their loved ones. And that made him feel a bit more stressed. The longer this guy was out there the more people were in danger. He picked up his pace a bit and was about to turn the corner until a voice from the room to his left stopped him and something inside him told him to open the door. Taking just a few steps to the door he opened it and looked inside and saw his mate.

@ShadedRose @EzraScarlet

( sorry if it's a bit crappy ;-; I'm clocking in for work)

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