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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Watching as she quickly looked herself over, seeming to have forgotten about her pant less situation, Everett knitted his brows together as her face turned a shade more pink. He was used to seeing Annais walking around bare-arsed and all -especially the first few years of living together- so this was quite elementary in his eyes. But he said nothing to comfort her about it; if she felt uncomfortable with her body, that was her problem, not his. She leaned against the wall she practically busted through a few seconds ago -trying to play it cool, most likely- and confirmed her 'fine' state, but it didn't seem like she was completely there, making her claim a complete contradiction.

However, he was getting pretty restless and bored with how slow these two were moving, so he opted against prying further.
So long as she isn't bleeding out on my floor, I'm good. At her following request, Rhett's face fell into an instant deadpan. After searching through every one of these doors, she didn't think to look in the one behind her? She passed by it twice by the time he'd reached her. Had she even seen it? With a quick nod toward the door behind her, he crossed his arms. "Right then. You got almost an hour and a half to get ready. We have unopened packets of toothbrushes, toothpaste, soap... everything hygienic in the cabinets under the sink. Anything else?"

He huffed sluggishly just before a hoarse Annais chimed in from behind him, towel and clothes in hand.
"Yeah, I'm gonna use your bathroom. Don't eat my breakfast burrito." She said in a mock threatening tone then turned her attention over to Chyanne with a sweet grin. Why's she so nice to her? He mentally growled as she passed him to retreat for his bathroom. "And you, don't be afraid to rummage through my clothes, if you want." Anna offered an alternative to returning to her muddy and bloodied clothes before skipping off.


(Ok, sorry for stealing your font and everything but I love this so much more..heh))[/size][/font]

"Woah, woah, woah!" Justice's eyes were wide as he got tackled but laughs and shows no ill will to the she wolf as she burries her face into his chest. He smiles instead and hugs her back. "Maybe it's nap time..should I take you to my bed or yours?" He chuckles slightly then wraps an arm around his waist waiting for a response.

Star laughed along with him and smiled "But I'm not tired.. if I had to choose well, your bed is more comfortable." She looked up at him with a wide smile on her face while her bright eyes twinkled happily at him.

Rosalie made a noise when he bit her bottom lip but she smiled at him. When he said crossing off his bucket list, she laughed. An actual laugh. One that was rarely heard. She smiled wider, blushing when he pressed his forehead against hers. His sigh lightened her heart. He was happy. And for once, she was too. And it'll be awhile till someone brings her down. "It truly is nice to meet the one," she whispered, closing her eyes as well. But they open when he said those three words. He loves her? Her heart beat faster. "I love you too," she said, caressing his cheek as she said those words. And they were true.

Standing in the -now empty- hallway, Everett took in a deep breath before taking a few steps back, snagging his half eaten donut hole [Annais' doing], and returning to the kitchen. He had a good 25 minutes before Annais was done with her shower, so he took this opportunity to send out a few emails regarding his current situation and status on the case to his father, brother, and the two remaining Maesters. Rhett had run into some trouble a couple of times with the Demyan and he was still in an evaluation period until then. He really couldn't afford to upset either one of his employers.

He had mentioned a meeting was to be set up for that morning, but minding the fact that he scheduled it so late, his father probably forgot about it. After about a minute or so of waiting, he noticed that the email had been opened with a simple, 'Very well' in response. Viktor and Everett were never really keen on sentimentals, which only divided them more throughout the years. He never complained though. Everyone knew that Nikolas and Liana were his favorites and when one of them died [Nikolas], the lesser suffered. But Dane had his wife and children to make up for it, he never needed to seek out his father's love. Unfortunately for Rhett, it was never that simple. But now, as a grown man, he put all of his energy into his work. He didn't have time to sulk about his daddy issues.

Jolting a bit as a pair of arms looped themselves around his neck and tightened just slightly as a cheery voice followed, Everett released a breath he had no idea he'd been holding. "Whatchya doin', hot stuff?" Turning a bit on his seat, he was greeted by Annais' bright emerald eyes and the brightest smile he had seen in a while. Though her face told him that she was fine, he knew that she was worried about something and it put him off a bit. Had he done something? Poking the inside of his cheek with his tongue, he closed up the laptop and leaned forth onto the counter as she released him and shuffled her hand through the paper bags full of food.

"Nothin', just work stuff. You okay?" He asked as he pulled his cup of tea closer and began to add some milk. She looked up for a second with a raised brow before opening up her breakfast burrito and adding honey on the inside. Nothing was really wrong, but she was a bit worried about him. He hadn't been the same since he got to the Tricity Area. He was a lot less fun and all about work. This wasn't the Everett she knew, but she couldn't bring herself to talk about. He seemed stressed enough, if he knew how his attitude was affecting her, he'd probably work overtime to make some time for her. That being said, she shook her head.

"Yup, I'm fine. Just worrying about the disaster of a lunch date I'm gonna have later." She groaned with exasperation, feigning agony as she dramatically threw her hands into the air and shook them. This got a small laugh out of Rhett as he combed his hands through his hair. Hopefully it wouldn't lead to anything but that, otherwise he'd have to step in and the entire lunch would've been for nothing. "I'm going to be there too. Don't be so dramatic. Besides, who knows, you might even enjoy it." Anna dropped the packet of honey that was in her hand while her face dropped into an unamused line. "Fuck. You." Everett's grin broadened but their playful banter came to an end when a pair of footsteps sounded from behind them.

"Well, don't you look like a million bucks! I see you took my offer." Annais hummed, half focused on her burrito and half checking Chyanne out. Comments like these always confused Rhett; Annais had normally always been interested in guys, but sometimes, he got the idea that she felt some sort of way toward women as well. Don't get him wrong, he didn't have a problem with it [and frankly, she'd probably be the best wing woman if that were the case] but he was a bit uncomfortable with how she was scanning Chyanne like that... for whatever reason. "Doesn't she look great, Rhett?" Anna poked at him, putting him in an unwanted position. Sure she looked better -way better than before- but he felt like they were forcing a compliment out of him.

He replied plainly before taking a swig of his tea. How bland... and rude. Anna rolled her eyes with a scoff before turning back to Chyanne and gesturing to the assortment of food. "Anyway! Grab anything you want, doll. I know you're hungry and I would advise against meeting with Mr. Romanov on an empty stomach." Anna said sweetly. Rhett felt a little bitter about how everyone referred to his father as this cold, stiff, evil old man. It wasn't completely untrue, but he had redeeming qualities that evened his tone. Tapping the lid of his cup, the two plastered their gazes on Chyanne for a response. She hadn't eaten since... had she eaten at all? The only thing he saw that she consumed was coffee, which -I don't know if you haven't noticed, but- isn't food


(Do yo' thang! :3 And yes, I agree. It looks a hell of lot better.)
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"Is that so?" He chuckles and looks down at her wide smile, it was cute. Shit, she was definitely cute. Sighing again, he shakes his head and reaches into his pocket to pull out his pack of cigs. Opening the pack and removing one, he sticks it between his lips and lights it soon after lights it with his handy dandy cigarette lighter. He doesn't bother in asking if she wants one and puts the pack back into his pocket. "You definitely need more sleep than what you've been getting, you've been a bit on the cranky side lately." He doesn't mention what happened in the kitchen earlier and breathes in the toxins.

She saw his face brighten. The love in his eyes. The joy. His eyes were so beautiful. So very beautiful. They shined and looked straight into hers. But it wad his age bothered her. Twenty five? She was eighteen, turning nineteen in a few days. But still, that was a huge difference. But... She still loved him. "So you're twenty five. I'm only eighteen," she said softly, looking away sadly.

Her brows cocked up in surprise at the report on how Chyanne's wounds were doing. "Really?" The Ghoul did quite a number on her, so it was a bit surprising that she was healing so quickly. "If I were in your shoes, believe me, it would take me no less than a week to heal." She replied then looked to Rhett with mock accusatory pout and glare. "Of course, that could be due to the fact that I'm basically a domesticated dog who rarely ever experiences any real pain." Anna was playing of course, and he knew that, but she often blamed her situation on him. He wasn't the one who made them sign the contracts, after all. Snatching her bitten burrito from her hand, Everett pulled the foil down further as he briefly examined the sausage wrap, debating on what side to take a bite of.

"Are you sure you wanna complain about that? And I'm sorry, but I only just came back. You had all Spring to have your freedom, and it's not like I have you on a leash." He defended himself, though he didn't sound all that defensive. Rhett was pretty calm when it came to most of his 'arguments' with Anna, which only upset her further. But she didn't seem all that heated considering they were just playing around.. for the most part. "Besides, you're only nineteen, I gotta look out for my kid-sister. There are lots of creeps in this town" A smirk curled its way onto Everett's face as he took a bite of her burrito and watched as her face fell. He knew he hit a nerve, but only found solace in her frustration. Pursing her lips together, Anna playfully smacked him over and over again before snatching the burrito away from him. She absolutely LOATHED being called a kid. She may have been young, but out here in the Tricity Area, she knew how to present and protect herself. They were no longer in St. Petersburg so she was as safe as one could possibly be. Why the babying?

Though her actions were a bit hostile, she really wasn't all that offended because she knew he only wanted her to be safe. It was a bittersweet reality that she had to live with, so she tried her best not to complain.
"And you're making me go out with the biggest of them all? No more burrito for you, asshole!" She huffed before turning back to Chyanne as she gestured toward the last cup of tea. "Go for it," Rhett chimed in before she could, while she helped herself up onto the counter. "And the pills are in the medicine cabinet." He answered again, pointing to the small wooden cabinets beside the refrigerator. "You were groaning and turning in your sleep, so I had to force them away from Anna. Lord knows she has a weak spot for people in pain." Everett huffed dramatically before washing down his burrito with some tea.

"Sorry, Tinman. I have a heart and just look at that face. How could you say no?"
She replied equally as dramatic as she fluttered her clean hand by Chyanne's face, presenting her like an item off of 'The Price Is Right'. Rhett rose a brow and shifted his gaze between the two. Did something happened between these two last night? "How did you manage to sleep in the same room as this sociopath? She's obviously trying to butter you up and planning to oven bake you." Everett was warming up a bit to the shewolf whether he knew it or not. Normally he wouldn't converse with them unless need be, but she didn't seem all that bad. She was almost as tolerable as Annais... almost. Rolling her eyes as she picked out a stray onion from her burrito, Anna snorted at his humourous joke. "Yeah? this coming from a hunter?" She shook her head as she narrowed her eyes and looked toward Chyanne as if to dismiss him. I can't be nice? "This guy..."

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For some reason Star didn't mind him smoking, she just buried her face into his chest once more "If you want me to sleep, make me! I'm not tired." She found Justice absolutely adorable and just brushed off the fact as he smoked because she thought it was no big deal.

Brushing his hair from his face and looking back up at him she couldn't help but smile and she thought out loud "Your absolutely adorable.." A moment later she realized she had said it out loud and blushed deeply But she couldn't deny it.
Age had never seemed to be an issue to him. Now, when you see celebrity's who are in their late 60's and are married to people in their late 20's or things like that he could see the problem but eighteen and twenty-five? It isn't but a seven year break isn't too extreme...maybe. He frowned when she looks away but doesn't give up. "I can see past the issue of age if you can..? You're no less beautiful." It was the complete truth what he tells her though unsure whether she will bite or not, he tries a different approach. "I don't look my age anyway so other people wouldn't care much...the pack would get over it."


He rolled his eyes again and pats her head lightly. If she didn't want to sleep, fine. He sure as hell was not gonna worry himself over her odd sleeping schedule. Something about her was definitely keeping him from walking off, however, and looking her over, he wonders why he feels something for her. He is distracted from her thoughts by her touch against his face and notices that she had brushed his hair back. "Thanks." He chuckles then pauses at her compliment, or atleast that's how he took it. A half grin comes across his face and tilting his head slightly he gives her a questioning look. "Adorable, huh? Well, thanks." A compliment is a compliment after all!

Smiling at Justice she gave a soft smile at his look "No problem.. Just telling the truth.." she mumbled the last part and watched him. She felt something odd for him,tingling on the inside she pushed it away. "Want to.. go for a walk or something?" she watched his body language for a minute before letting her gaze meet his.
Rosalie sighed, feeling her heart pang. He wanted them to work out. She wanted them to work out as well. She lived him. She lived him so much. But she would never forget the age difference. She turned her head back to him. "I want us to work out. I truly do.... I'll look past our age differences. But I will never forget it. But that doesn't mean I will not love you. I will always love you. I always will. And that's for the compliment," she said, cupping his face in her hands again.
Taking note of the change in mood when their banter came to an end, Rhett awkwardly cleared his throat to accompany Annais apologetic mien. They hadn't even noticed how their playfulness was becoming something of a nuisance to the she-wolf. After all, she was banished from her pack just yesterday. And yet, here they were, going about as if everything was just fine and dandy. Flaring her nostrils as Chyanne trekked back to her bedroom in search of her phone, Annais turned back to Everett and punched him on his shoulder... hard. "Look at what you did, you asshole!" She hissed with deep furrowed brows. He didn't know if she was serious or not, but he definitely wanted it to be the latter. What did he do? They were having a normal conversation and she looked like she was enjoying herself, then she suddenly didn't. How's that my fault? "What?!" It hardly hurt, but the longer he sat, the stinging sensation grew. What the hell?

Glaring back at her, Rhett huffed before putting his laptop away. He normally wasn't one to put others' feelings into consideration, but he could understand why they were both so upset, sort of.
Why do women have to be so sensitive all the fucking time? When Chyanne returned, they both straightened themselves out; Anna hopping off the counter and grabbing her bag while Everett took his keys and tea into hand. "Alright, I think that's enough stalling for now. Are you both done? I won't tolerate either of you eating breakfast in my car, so tell me now." He announced, this warning being predominantly targeted toward Annais than Chyanne. On more than one occasion, he had to take his car to the car wash because of her reckless eating habits, and he definitely didn't have the time to drop his car off that day. Taking this hint as a challenge, Anna narrowed her eyes before stuffing her face with the burrito. Sighing deeply at her childish behavior, Rhett turned his attention toward Chyanne this time and crossed his arms with a questioning look. "And you?"

He chuckles as she tells him that it's the 'truth'. His eyes traveled back to the she wolf and his smile returns back to her. "A walk sounds like a nice idea." Welcoming the idea, he stretches out a bit more before@Rub\-a\-Dub\-Dubstep
Star smiled and followed him, almost tripping herself. She blushed and hoped that he didn't notice "I'm glad you thinks so." glancing at him she began to go into thought. The more she thought the more her heart raced.
She saw the worry. The care. The love. All those things she is so unwilling to give up. She had fallen in love with this man in the matter of seconds. She didn't want to fight him. She only wanted their agreement. She would always remember. Never forgetting. But she can make it through it. This man before her... She loves him. And she's proud to love him. Not because of his rank. Not because of an alliance. But because he saved her. He saved her from dying. He saved her from not being able to see him again. He is her light in the darkness. She will run to it. She will fight for it. She only wants him. Not someone else. She doesn't care for rankings, in truth, she wad planning on staying rogue. But she wouldn't leave her mate. She had seen what rejection does to people.... And she won't let that happen to him.

"Just let me remember who I love," she whispered, caressing his face. He was so handsome in her eyes. So amazing. The feel of his skin under her fingers made her smile. Yes, she will always love him.
Justice had always felt a sort of warmth in his chest when around others whom he socializes with yet it felt like the whole damn sun was being shoved into his body and engulfing him. Glancing at Star and then looking around, he begins to question the feeling. Finally, after a few minutes of walking, he looks back at the she wolf and gives a curious look. "So why'd you choose Starlight?"


Everything about her, every little detail is beautiful. His mind absorbs the moment, he would step down from alpha if need be as long as they were together. Destiny had called them to join and after being united at last, his mind is put at ease. She was his and he is hers. Smiling back at her acceptance, he leans forward and kisses her lightly. Her hands on his face warmed him as though he had sat in a freezing climate for much too long. She may not ever realize it but he was saved by this rogue. The beautiful runaway who refused to return home and who shunned herself on a daily basis. He would love and cherish her always.

@Erza Scarlet
Star looked at him, only a few people knew of her reason for joining but she was willing to tell him as well. "Well uh.. my mother was always torn between Blue Moon and Starlight and as a pup.. i went between both. Hence my name.." she sighed softly and stopped for a moment "My mom finally chose Blue Moon, expecting me to follow. But I chose Starlight because I loved it here. Loved the people.. and I still love them." Smiling at Justice and her heart pounded a bit as she never directly told anyone.
Her heart pounded in her chest. The devotion. The love. The care. He was perfect. So very perfect and important. She kissed him back lightly. And his lips... so very soft and warm.... They molded against hers perfectly. And she wanted more.

But at the time... her chest started hurting again. She pulled away, coughing and wheezing. Unable to catch her breath, she sent him a panicked look. Tears streamed heavily down her face. It felt like someone was pressing on her lungs. Why now? Why do they have to act up now?

She continued to cough and wheeze but a single thought rolled across her mind. What if he didn't want her anymore after this? What if he thought she was too weak and pathetic? What if... What if he leaves her to die? She coughed and wheeze harder as she tries not to sob. She loves him. She doesn't want him to leave her.

He nods his head briefly as he is answered before smiling. "Star Moon, crazy but kinda cool." His eyes showed that he doesn't mean any rudeness. As they keep walking he pauses after a bit and grabs her hand to stop her also. "Come, I wanna show you something cool!" Transforming, the omega leads them from the so familiar path and further into the woods though toward the east. No one knew about what he was fixing to show her and it would only be fair for him to share a secret with her as she had just done for him.


His worst fear...losing her. His eyes widened and flashed with immediate worry as his mate began to wheeze and cough just as she had done before but much worse. "Rosalie, breath..breath." On the inside he was a mess and much too frightened to stay calm yet he somehow does so on the outside and quickly hits the button on the wall trying not to alarm her even more. "Shhh, love. Shhhhh, please." Rubbing her back as he carefully sits her up and shakes his head. "Sweetheart, calm down..please." He moves as the doctors rush in and watches helplessly as they get to work.

@Erza Scarlet
She coughed and wheezed. Her chest hurt. The pain. The pain took her attention away from the man she loved. Her mate. She felt the warm touch of his hand. Saw the movement of his lips. But she couldn't hear his voice. That voice that made her heart race.

As the doctors came on, her vision goes black and her breathing turns into gasps. Her heart hurt. Her wolf going crazy. But most of all, she was scared. Terrified that she wouldn't see the man she loves anymore. She had to live. She is needed. She is loved.

Three words escape her lips. "I love you," she whispered, finally going under.
Watching as Chyanne walked out the door with an absent mien, Anna and Everett exchanged a quick glance as if to ask, 'What's up with her'? It was useless to press the matter considering it was pretty obvious that she had quite a lot on her mind. The Ghoul, being banished, unclear living arrangements, and now the meeting with Mr. Romanov. Anna could see why she would be dazing out so freely and Rhett probably wouldn't care much, but being a new rogue and in such a distraught state was probably the most vulnerable anyone could be. Once Chyanne was out of earshot -assuming her heightened senses were a little unsound due to the pain killers and her reverie- she turned to Rhett with a pleading look. There was no way she could just leave her to own devices, especially in this condition. Some other rogue in heat or whatever might take this as an opportunity to take advantage of her. "You know what would be awesome? If we invited her to lunch." Stop. Just stop. Rhett couldn't take much more of this. The longer this girl stayed, the more attached Annais became and it didn't look like anything good would come out of it for him. Not in the least. It was bad enough that he had Anna to take care of -that alone was an omen in the Clan's eyes- he would most definitely be perceived as an enabler if word got out about what he did for this she-wolf.

Glaring silently at the short blonde for a moment, he turned his attention back to the receding figure and sighed. Notwithstanding his patent disapproval of her extended presence, he knew that the other she-wolf was only putting him through this because she was worried about the girl. Since when did you become such a pushover? Pausing at the door of the driver's seat, Everett closed his eyes took in a breath after rubbing the bridge of his nose between his index finger and thumb. Y
ou can't resist those puppy-dog eyes can you? He wasn't sure if his conscience was working against him at this point, but it surely seemed like it. Shrugging as his light green orbs flickered apathetically over toward Anna [who was practically tiptoeing for hope at that moment]. He didn't want to show her that he understood her concern for the girl, but he couldn't shoot down her suggestion because of his pride. Not this time. Groaning, he slowly nodded. "Whatever..." His eyes concisely met with the she-wolf who was nestled in the back of his car. What am I going to do? Keeping his voice down this time when he spoke, Rhett looked back at her and shook his head. "But don't get your hopes up, she might not even want to tag along. Ask her after the meeting. She'll probably want to head out after talking Viktor." And without waiting much for a response, he took to the driver's seat and started up the car, Anna following after and taking the passenger's seat. She was gleaming with joy, that bit was evident, but what wasn't was what Chyanne was thinking about. Catching a glimpse of the solemn she-wolf through the rearview mirror, Everett would avert his eyes toward the back window when she'd catch him.

Star gave a small laugh, knowing he meant no harm in his words "Glad you like it."

Blushing a little as he took her hand and stopped "A-Alright" she transformed and followed the Omega as her mind wandered,wondering where they were going and why though she smiled with excitement.
The words that escaped her lips were quickly captured by his heart and a pained expression comes to the light. He could do nothing. Reaching over and clamping his hand onto hers he fights off anyone who attempts to remove him. Not once does he leave the bed or lets go of her hand. If he needed to he would have shifted and fought them all though it proved to be unnecessary as they quickly got the message. Rosalie would have him to watch over her every moment until she re-awoke. She will...she will survive. Wake up Rosa...wake up. Everything about him was tense and his mind swirls with thoughts of what he could possibly do without her. Only today did they become mates and disaster had hit.

@Erza Scarlet

Justice had never shown anyone what he was fixing to show her and as they continued walking he pauses to look around. Smiling then, he motions to turn and walks through a thick curtain of hanging vines and moss. His eyes shine upon seeing his discovery, a rather tall, medium sized tree-house stands a few yards away. It stands straight going up at least thirty feet into the air and branches off many of the surrounding trees. He shifts back and grins over his shoulder at the girl waiting to see her reaction. "Awesome, right?"

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