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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Star slowly woke a bit and pawed his arm "But.. I'm comfy.." she bit his finger as he poked her, she was still unaware of where she was .. she just knew she was comfortable. She embraced justice in a hug and made her purring noises once more
Noah smiled and nods. He wasn't leaving without her, that was set in stone. Looking from the window to her, "I'll see you when you wake up." His hand reaches out and takes her own. "Sweet dreams." With that he begins to hum softly.

@Erza Scarlet

The wolf boy let out a squeak as she embraced him and quickly began to squirm from her grasp. It was already an odd situation though her biting his finger took the cake as he sits up and flicks her forehead. "Go find your own bed!" He told her and pushed her away from him. He was aware that the sun was starting to come out but didn't want to wake up so early. This shewolf was the problem but strangely enough he doesn't truly hate her for disturbing his slumber as he would most.

Star growled at the boy. She was already sleepy so she just rolled over and curled up once more. "I am comfortable. Therefore .. i will - " her sentence was interrupted by a yawn "Not move.." she was becoming stubborn the more she stayed awake.
"Get the hell out of my bed!" He yelled and shoved her from the mattress causing her to flop to the ground. It was too late, he was already wide awake and sighing, he gets up, climbing over the shewolf as to not step on her and goes to his closet. He had worn his previous clothes to bed so grabbing a change he leaves, turning the light on on his way out.

Going to the bathroom he gets changed and then walks out a few minutes later. He would definitely goto the alpha to complain about such disturbances. Walking back to his bedroom with a cup of sink water he opens the door and stares down at the intruder. "Now get up or else!" He threatened while sloshing around the water in the cup.
Star shrieked as she is shoved from the bed and whimpers,rubbing her eyes and looking around for a moment before standing up. "S-S.." she tried to say sorry but she was at a loss for words.. she blushed with emberassment and slowly walked out of her room and down the hall to her room. She shut the door and locked it, curling up on the floor with her head between her knees with a sigh.
Rosalie smiled softly. He had a nice humming voice. Her eyes close slowly, for she didn't want to lose sight of the wolf. Something was strange about him. Something she liked. With her mind on him, she fell asleep.


Noah rubbed the top of her hand gently. He wasn't even aware of his actions though the humming keeps him focussed on helping her to sleep. He had always found pleasure out of humming friends or family to sleep though the last time he'd hummed it had been his father's passing. Ignoring the saddening thought, he goes on hoping that Rosalie would rest easily. Something about her was keeping him near. Something that makes his heart beat faster and wolf howl. She has him hooked and there's nothing he can do. Nothing he would rather do, that is.

Star smelt the food, she didn't want to go but she was hungry. Flinging open her door she ran downstairs and almost ran into Justice as she came speeding through the kitchen. Then realizing who it was her excited expression dropped to a serious mood as she hung her head a bit and sat at the table @ShadedRose
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Rosalie dreamed. She dreamed of her past. She dreamed of her abusive family. She dreamed of a wolf. A wolf she could love and call her own. A wolf that would love her back. Her mate.

She woke up hours later after falling asleep, tears streaming down her face. She couldn't remember who the wolf looked like, only the feel of his lips on hers and his comforting warmth. She yearned for that wolf's touch again.

Her mind wanted to her dream to Noah. Why as she thinking about him? His comforting warmth? His eyes that drew her in?

Watching over a pack came natural but not as natural as watching over this shewolf. The way she was making him feel without much more than a sideways glance confuses him. Maybe I'm ill... He thinks while looking to Rosalie and smiling. He stayed with her like that through the hours and only lets go of her hand as she awoke. His hand goes to her face and gently, he wipes her tears from her cheeks. "Hey..rough dream?" He asks her softly in a caring manor. She was worrying him with all of this crying after all. "You're not going to have an ounce of water remaining in your body if you continue on like this.."

@Erza Scarlet

Hearing the fastly approaching footsteps, he narrowly avoided the collision and looked to the first arrival. Oh..it's her. He rolled his eyes but quickly got over it. He had needed to get out of bed anyway. Going to the fridge, he grabs a pitcher of orange juice and another of milk. Setting them on the counter and then beginning to put down the plates of food, he pauses at her and smiles slightly. "Hey, head up. Waffles are my specialty so eat up." He puts the food infront of her and just after finally putting all the plates down the rest of the pack begins to show up. Some of them complaining about how early it is. He just sits back and watches.

Rosalie smiled. "I'm fine. It was just a dream," she said, wrong at her face as well. "Just remembering a few things from my past... nothing of importance."

The way he looked at her! His eyes seem to see right into get! The worry and care! The way it just felt nice to see someone look at her without pity. She liked the way his hand felt on her cheeks. She liked the way he worried over her. She enjoyed this immensely.

"Even dreams can be considered as nightmares to some." He smiled softly while rubbing her cheeks. Taking his hand from her face, Noah sat back in his seat and looked at the nearby clock, only glancing to see before bringing his eyes back to Rosa. "You've only been out for a few hours..you should try and sleep for a little longer..I'll try calling your friend is you'd like? She'll probably want to know that the alpha of Starlight had to rush you to the hospital at midnight..." Rubbing the back on his neck and stretching, he feels his phone vibrate. Sighing, he takes it out and looks to see the text from Ezekial asking where the hell he is.

How aggravating his brother could sometimes get.

@Erza Scarlet
Star gave a small huff, glancing up at him but then she kept her eyes glued to her plate "Thanks.." she was still emberassed and Now shy. She smelled the food "Mmm.." she took a big bite and looked at Justice with raised eyebrows
Justice watched the others begin to eat then glanced at the girl he'd found in his bed. "What is it?" He asks seeing her odd expression. "Don't tell me I burnt the food..I actually took my time." Sighing, the omega turns to make more only to pause. "Is it burnt?"

Rosalie sighed. "I'm fine. And go back to your pack. They probably need you more than me," she said softly, but just saying that hurt her heart. She wanted him here.
Thinking what she says through before typing a reply and putting his phone back into his pocket he grins. "Nope. Today's your day." He looked happy by the statement after all he knows that Zeke will probably enjoy the message and Rosa couldn't actually mean what she had said. "No one wants to be alone...accept maybe my brother but that's ok." He jokes and relaxes back into his seat.

@Erza Scarlet
Rosalie looked at him in confusion. "My day? I thought Alphas only wanted to spend time with their packs instead rogues like me?" she said. He looked happy and she smiled softly at him. "I have been alone most my life. I don't mind being alone. But if you want to stay, that is your decision. But I have no idea what you would be doing."
The alpha continues smiling. "Rogue or not, you're my friend and I will stick around until you've healed." He tilts his head as she told him about her always being alone and shakes his head. "Not anymore! You have me, Starlight Pack and when you return to your home you'll have Cheyanne." Being questioned on what he will do, the male smiles more. "I dunno yet..maybe go do cart wheels down the hall or follow the doctors around until they send me back." Laughing, he gets up. "I think I'll just stay in here for now though." He walks to the window and looks out.

@Erza Scarlet
"Thank you for being here with me..." Rosalie said softly, her heart sad when he stated them as friends. "Seriously though, you don't have to stay. I'll probably be swamped with doctors. Maybe I'll be pumped with drugs. But I'm hoping to be released soon." She didn't want him to signs any unnecessary time with a rogue like her.
"What do you mean? I'm staying and that's that!" He had turned to look at her and acting rather childishly, he crossed his arms and shook his head. "Look, I know you think that this is a waste of my time but it isn't..I like being around you."

@Erza Scarlet

Rosalie sighed her surrender. But then she froze. He what? She stared at him with wide eyes. "You... like spending time with... me?"

J sighed his relief before grinning. "Good!" Starting to wash up the dirtied dishes, he notices her looking at him and turns his face just enough to see her. "What is it now..?" She was confusing him with all of her facial expressions.


The alpha stays where he's standing and nods his head. "Yes, you heard me correctly. Is that so surprising? I told you before that you're different from the rest."

@Erza Scarlet
"I don't remember this," she said in a wobbly voice, looking ready to cry. "How am I different? I'm just a regular she wolf. I'm just another person with cancer. I don't understand!" Her emotions were out of control. I've minute she felt happy, the next she wanted to cry.
((Oh my goodness! Noah, you asshole!))

Noah looked startled as she begins to cry and quickly shakes his head. "Hey! You're so much more than that...I'm not sure how but you're special to me? OK?" He was starting to freak out as she was about to cry and quickly he walked over to her bed again. Sitting on the edge of the bed and taking her hand, he smiles softly. "You're pretty damn amazing, not everyone with cancer is damn amazing." He reassures her. Or tries to.

@Erza Scarlet

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