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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)


Rosalie smiled but had a few tears stream down her face. "That's probably the nicest thing anyone has truly said to me," she whispered, her smile and kind and gentle. But her eyes! Those normally dark brown eyes have a hint of honey gold in them! She was happy.
((*cries eyes out eternally*))

Noah didn't know exactly how to react to that. He watches as she still proceeds to cry though it seems that they are tears of happiness which gives him even the slightest bit of hope. Her smile caused his heart to beat fast in his chest and it takes him a moment to recover. God is she beautiful! His wolf was going at it again but Noah does well not to show the inner struggle. She was a rogue and yet the feeling that he wanted to be beside her at all times quickly engulfs him.

He continued to scan her face, her eyes, they changed and he could tell immediately. How is one person so beautiful and not know..? Smiling wider than he had before, Noah lays his hand on the side of her face again and nods. "I'm glad to be the person to say it."

@Erza Scarlet
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Rosalie watched him carefully. Hope and admiration lied in his eyes, a beautiful sight. God! He wad undeniably handsome in her eyes. The way he stared at her! The way he smelt! Like a mixture of cinnamon and manliness! The way he had an internal struggle. Like it was a fight against his wolf! Her heart beat faster. And only for him. Her wolf fight for control. And she denied it.

"I am too," she murmured, cupping his face into a hand
Her words made his smile soften and her touch causes goosebumps to ripple through him. He had never been interacted with in such a way and by the sounds of it, neither had she. There was no knowing of what they would do never, he was still fighting to control the alpha within and her hand was on his cheek. It was maddness and he nearly presses the button for a doctor, his heart hammering against his chest though it slowed as their eyes met. In that fleeting moment he decides that she is the only one to make him feel like this. This strange feeling that didn't seem to take a break. They were meant to be but the realization doesn't hit him. He remains oblivious.

@Erza Scarlet
Rosalie smiled softer too. She saw the goosebumps on his skin. No one had the guts to interact with her like this, and by his face, she knew it was the same with him. Her wolf struggle harder, trying to break through her defended to the man before her. This madness was a heart pounding, true feeling. A feeling she enjoyed. A feeling she loved. His warmth cashed to her. The texture of his skin, soft. And the realization hit her. Hard. She pulled her hand back, eyes wide. She opened her mouth to say something but no words came out. She couldn't say anything. No words could come out but her wolf was howling it over and over again.


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(Just kiss already. Your making it too difficult on Noah and Rosalie . )

Star roles her eyes playfully and gets up, bumping Justice out of the way so she could do her own dishes. She kept her giggle to herself and began to wash her plate.
As her hand left from his skin, he felt cold suddenly and looking at her, first questioningly, he soon realizes and leans to her too quickly for her to move away and kisses her lips. It was a rushed experience, yes, but nothing less than a perfect moment. The way her lips felt pressed against his own was like magic. Every second he held on and absorbed the electricity between them. It took everything he has not to pass out for as he sits back, his face turns a dull red which spreads across his cheeks like a wildfire. "I-I'm sorry..." He muttered while trying hard to keep his composure. "The word you were going to say...it was mate..right?" Boy would he have felt foolish had she been about to say anything but that sweet sounding word. The word in which everyone spoke and yet not himself. He hadn't had the occasion to speak such a thing but here in this hospital on this hospital bed he does the unthinkable.

@Erza Scarlet

Justice frowned still confused by the female but finally gives in and shakes his head. "You're an oddity.." He sighed but still grinned slightly. "You're a gamma, you don't have to do that." He referred to the dishes and walks over with a couple other dishes.

Rosalie sat his confusion but soon felt his lips on hers. She kissed him back, soft and tender. His lips felt as soft as they look. When he pulled back, she stared at him. The dull blush in his cheeks was cute. She smiled at him. "You did nothing wrong. And yes... the word was mate," she said softly. "Are you okay with this?"
Star smiled a little at first "And well.. I'm proud to be one then." She began to smile but then frowned a bit as he referred to her rank,then ignoring what he said she continued with the dishes.
Justice frowned as she didn't stop washing and glances around. If Noah caught her doing this he would most likely be upset and think that Justice had asked her or something of that content. "Come on, Moon..just let me do em..I'm an omega anyway." Bumping her lightly aside, he takes over the washing duties.


Her smile reassures him that nothing is wrong and nodding his head slowly, he opens his mouth to speak. "Why I wouldn't I be..?" His face had returned back to its usual state, the red fading away. "What about you? I mean..if we really are then will you stay with the pack?" He had never known how this kind of thing worked even though Ezekial's father had been a rogue who forced himself onto his mother, it wasn't the same. Rosalie and Noah were mates, that was sure.

@Erza Scarlet
Rosalie didn't think of that. Join the pack...? Leave hey past life behind? Become Luna? She took a deep breath, hoping she won't regret her decision. "I'll become the Luna... I'll stay," she said, looking at him. "I'll become yours."
Star raised an eyebrow and looked at him as she was bumped out of the way "Then I'll tell them that I wanted to clean. I don't care about your ranking.. I might just be a Gamma but I can still do things!" Star became frustrated, almost shifting into her wolf form inside she growls softly and runs outside.
Those were the three greatest words in which had ever been spoken to him. His eyes had lit up like a child opening presents on Christmas and without waiting, he leans forward and wraps his arms around her while being careful not to tug on any of the attachments. He was overjoyed. Ecstatic! It was an amazing feeling. "And I'll be yours til the end of time." He whispered lovingly into her ear, a soft but even so energized excitement. "You will be Luna of Starlight Pack." He was grinning from ear to ear and eventually letting her go he sits back up still happy as ever.

@Erza Scarlet
Rosalie watched his eyes lit up, seeing the excitement. After laughed, feeling his arms around her and blushed. She hugged him back, smiling at his excitement. "I'll always be yours... Till the end of time and forever more," she whispered back, love and an emotion no one could place. "I'll be the best Luna I can be.... I promise you..." She let go of him reluctantly. But his happiness brought her to do this. She reached up and pulled him back down to her for a soft yet passionate kiss.
Annais chuckled softly at Chyanne's outburst as she stared blankly at the ceiling. She didn't know when her pack would usually get up to get things done, but seeing as though the local wolves usually hunted during late afternoons or nights, she only guessed 7:00 AM was too early for her taste. But then again, they did have a lot of things to settle before Chyanne could go free, if at all. The Ghoul was still out there, so was the Serial Killer, and not to mention the Demyan patrolling the area.

A new rogue would definitely have to get checked out by Viktor, especially if she plans on avoiding trouble involving the Clan in the future -and maybe even a possible protective arrangement. She knew Rhett would never agree to taking in another wolf, but maybe... just maybe she could convince him to keep an eye on her, even if just for a little bit. After all, they did have many safe houses they could lend her if need be. It didn't seem like Rosalie nor Noah had time to babysit
and keep an eye out for the upcoming battle without lagging on responsibility of one or the other.

Rolling her eyes as an exaggerated scoff escaped her lips, Annais peeked over her shoulder with an amused expression at Chyanne's preplanned apology. Having been raised in a predominantly male household, she was used to seeing and hearing things much worse than some trivial mumbling.
"No, love. I apologize to you. If you wake up in the middle of your sleep to a loud drilling noise, don't panic. It's just Everett snoring." She replied half-joking and half-serious, trying to put her concerns to sleep. With a stretch and a stifled yawn, Anna turned on her side and closed her eyes, welcoming her well-deserved slumber. "Good Night."

Chyanne passed out with Annais' apology in mind. She even laughed softly before burying her face into her arms and going to sleep. She has no plans for tomorrow but knows that it'll be a long day. Being a rogue now would make her more noticeable than ever and needless to say that is not something of enjoyment to herself. Hopefully everything would work out and people would quit treating her like a child. She's close to all of their ages anyway and yet Noah always seemed a bit too protective and Zeke was always right there too. I'm done with being babied... She whispered to herself.

When the clock sounded she had no idea what was going on. The she wolf was in a foreign place up until she sat up and spotted her newly made friend. Anna was there and slowly she remembered. Sighing, Chy rubs at her face still massively tired. Her eyes have a bit of dark outlining the bottoms though she gets over it no longer wishing to be a burden to anyone else.

First standing and picking up the sheet from the floor, she begins to fold it carefully. When that task is completed she goes to the closet and places it where Annais had retrieved the rest. Turning back, she yawns and stretches her arms and legs before bending down to pick up her pants. By this point she nearly falls onto her face but is lucky enough to avoid such embarrassment. Her back protests, however, and receives a quiet groan of discomfort. Frowning as she felt her stomach grumble unpleasantly, Chyanne slowly walks to the door and opens it. Glancing around before stepping out into this strange new world, Chy quickly searches for the bathroom feeling that her bladder comes before hunger. Slinging her pants over her shoulder while walking curiously around, she tries to remember where or if Anna had even told her where the bathroom was.


They were mates! The M word everyone seemed to speak of and now Noah could say that he finally found her, his Luna. He does well to calm himself back down though his wolf is howling with excitement. Together, Rosalie and Noah would rule Starlight Pack and together they would stay by each-others side. The passion that was already forming between them would normally take months to form between any human. He leaned down into her kiss allowing their lips to clash together and dance with one another. This feeling was remarkable, absolutely amazing. "You will be." He agrees while breaking from the kiss only to reunite them.

@Erza Scarlet

Justice hadn't meant to insult her or anything like that but when she ran something told him to follow. He couldn't let her just go out like that...go help her! His wolf was growling at himself now and with a small sigh, J runs out the door as well, leaving his chore behind to retrieve the girl in which he had upset. "Hey, Moon...sorry, ok? I don't know why you're getting mad at me, but I am!" He had followed her and was now just there, beside the she wolf trying to understand her anger.

Star plopped on the ground with a small growl, trying to ignore the fact Justice was there but she just couldn't. She put her face in her knees and tried to hold back her coughing. "It's fine." She said it roughly and a bit coldly, sending a small shiver down her own spine though she hadn't meant for it to come out so harsh. Looking at the boy she sighed " I dont want to be a gamma, Justice.. I'm capable of doing more than that! Are girls just.. Not good enough to have higher ranks??" With a loud groan she laid on her back and chewed her bottom lip,deep in thought.

The word mate. The word so dearly loved. She found hers. And she wasn't going to let go of him. She was going to become Luna. And he was her Alpha. They would take care of the pack. But it was the passion that was on her mind. The searing passion that burned through her. Passion the made her happy. No man has ever made her feel like this. Feel so loved. Feel so.... alive. It was amazing. She wanted more. She giggled when he agreed, her cheeks turning a light shade of red. But the kiss! This one a bit rougher than before! Her heart sped up and she sat up a bit more to deepen the kiss. She didn't want this to end.
He squatted next to her and watches. Was that what this was all about? Her being gamma..? He frowned and sighs before wrapping an arm around her shoulders and lightly pulling her into him as he would any upset friend. "Why not talk to Noah? He's pretty chill with ranking..he'd understand and probably bump you up. He knows that you're a good wolf...besides, anything is better than an omega! I'm the garbage boy, you're the adviser, the one who counsels the others. You're pretty damn important." He released her as she laid back and shakes his head. "You should speak up. Let the alpha know that you're unhappy with your rank..or maybe talk to Ezekial?" He said this but quickly shakes his head again. "No, don't do that....you never know when that guy'll slit your throat or go save a kitten from a burning house.." Trying to make a joke, he glances to the she wolf in hopes of making her smile at the very least.

The next morning didn't seem to take its time to arrive at all. In fact, technically they'd been at the hospital for a pretty big chunk of the 'morning' anyway, so they couldn't exactly complain about the amount of sleep they had. Curse my kindness! She thought to herself jokingly as she groggily sat up, looking like one of the living dead. But this was a pretty normal routine for the two of them. Since they were children, she and Rhett were always expected to get up at ridiculous times considering how much they traveled, where the Clan meetings were held, and the classes they were required to take. Somewhere along the way, she lost all account of what was 'normal' for her kind. Luckily, things got easier now that they were adults and had a bit of freedom... despite the contrary.

Peeking over her shoulder, Annais found Chyanne in the midst of putting her 'bed' away.
"Morning, sunshine." She looked absolutely miserable, it was amusing in a way and she had to stifle a laugh, but it didn't seem a few hours of sleep did anything. The pain medication was probably slowing her restoration. I should try to hurry the introduction process and get my proposal through Rhett faster. She figured Chyanne could get more sleep after. Thinking this, Anna quickly fixed up her bed before grabbing her clothes and checking her phone for any messages from Dane... or Sven.


Everett hardly slept at all that morning and it was showing. He spent most of the morning reading the files he was given on all the possible suspects and checking in with Fleur -his... girlfriend? Between being stressed to the bone about his current case, the Demyan's plan for expansion, his father's illness, and this new rogue there was no real promising he would've gotten any to begin with. Nevertheless, being the stubborn bull he was, he refused to call in 'sick' that morning and got ready at 6:30 on the dot. The last thing he needed was to show up late on top of looking like he'd gotten hammered the night before.
If only. Then I'd actually have a legitimate reason to stay home.

Rhett took it upon himself to get breakfast while the other two got themselves ready and whatnot. Sure his kitchen was chock full with ingredients, and sure he could've just cooked them something himself, but the thing was... he didn't want to. First they take over your home, then they demand home cooked meals. I'm not your bloody mother! Chuckling quietly at the thought, Everett set the cups of tea on the black marble kitchen counter and spread out the sugars and milks. He knew Chyanne probably wouldn't appreciate coffee with the pain killers still in her system and Annais didn't mind tea, so he opted on some fresh Chai and an Americano. Grabbing two glazed donut holes from the box of Dunkin' Donuts donut holes, he popped one into his mouth before heading for the bedroom hallway to round up the girls.

It was somewhere around 7:00 and they needed to be out the door by 8:30, hopefully they were up by now. As he veered around the corner, he noticed a head of blonde locks zipping back and forth at the end of the hall. For a moment, he nearly called out for Annais, but he noticed that this blonde had flowy hair not curly, and that this one was missing the distinguished floral-portrait tattoo he knew was located on Annais' left thigh.
Oh. Clearing his throat, Rhett set his donut hole down with a napkin on the decorative hallway table before cautiously approaching. She could've been sleep walking and the last thing he wanted to do was startle her and send her on a somno-frenzy. "Chy--Chyanne? You okay?" He called out quietly, hands in pocket.


"Even though he is .. i doubt he'd rank me up any.. and when am I ever put into use? No one needs me.." she sighed and smiled a bit at his joke, pushing him playfully before propping herself up on her elbows "I just want to be important like everyone else.. i dont do much." her face was a bit blank but her eyes met his and she just smiled before looking around, he already thought she was weird and didn't want to make it worse.
Chyanne was past confused as she goes back and forth from door to door and the sad part was that she may have easily found the bathroom had she been fully awake and functional. She nearly looses hope, opening yet another door and growling faintly to herself. "These damn people and their damn fancy ass apartment..." Her sense of direction was completely off as she runs into one of the hall walls. Dammit! Sighing loudly, she hears movement coming from behind her and can hear a man's voice. Who the he--- She stops and turns her head over her shoulder and frowns. Oh. It had completely slipped her mind that this is not the pack house and so upon turning to face him she feels slightly embarrassed by the behavior.

She had been so focussed on discovering the bathroom that she doesn't even recall her lack of pants. This only adds to her embarrassment though she doesn't show it any further. "I'm fine.." She answers and leans against the wall in which she had ran into. He was acting like she would attack at any moment with the way he approaches her. "I'm just lost...mind telling me where the bathroom is?" Hopefully he hadn't been coming to tell them it was time to go since she had wasted so much time going in circles down a dark hallway.


The omega shrugs. "I'm sure he would do it! Just make him see that you can." Justice was grateful to see her smile and glancing upward he is startled by the playful push. Smiling, he looks back at her. "Fine, if you really wanna be 'important' then you can help me make the meals and stuff, I mean if you wanna." He wouldn't have offered the job to anyone else and it was weird how little he knows about Moon other than her kind nature. He allowed their eyes to meet just long enough to see the upset in her own. "Things'll work out...help me out and maybe then you can see about that promotion."

Star smiled widely at the boy and jumped up, tackling him and then embracing him in a big hug. "Thank you so much."

Loosening her grip on the boy but kept her face buries into his chest. She was grateful that after what she'd done due to sleepiness that he'd still help her.

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