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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Scowling at the man who so easily walked in just to mess everything up, the wolf looks from him ignoring his words and looking toward the bathroom door. Who is he to come in and act all righteous and all mighty?! "I don't care who you think you are but I was here first and I would be damned if I were to roll over while you try taking my place beside MY MATE." Making sure to add emphasis on the last two words in which carry such a powerful truth. Sighing and finally deciding to focus solely on Rosalie, quietly he goes to the bathroom door after another minute of waiting and frowns upon knocking and getting no response. "Rosa..?" He calls her name softly and jiggles the handle only to become aware of the absence of life on the other side of the door.

Running to the window and opening the glass panels, Noah jumps out and hits the ground running. His nose already catching onto her scent and shifting he pumps faster to reach the injured girl. If she were hurt further he wouldn't be able to forgive himself. If she had another attack what would he do? It's all his fault! He snarls and grows closer to the border in hopes of catching up to her.

"Rosalie!!!" He howled when hearing her own. He could understand that she was scared but he could not just allow her to flee from his life as though she had never even been there. If she chose freedom over their love he would never be able to get the reason behind the decision. This being why he runs faster and harder to reach the love of his life. There could be no possible way for him to move on from this discovery after only a few short hours of gaining the experience.


@Erza Scarlet @Wynn

She was making this even nicer than he had believed their encounter to be. She was weird, yes..but a good weird. A lovable and kind person who he enjoys being around. Her presence alone puts his mind to ease and relaxes even without the nicotine in his system. The cigarettes in his side pocket seem to be nonexistent as they continue to talk about the remodeling. Being nudged, he presses back and looks at her with a kind of masked look of longing. How long had it been since he had felt such release? Ages... She was what he needs. A new friend for a new life. "You're completely welcome..this place is now open to you as well." He smiles at her.

Elias almost broke when he realized Rosalie wasn't in the bathroom and Noah ran after her. He had just found his mate and she ran. His phone rang noisily in his pocket, grabbing it he answered it quickly " You have two seconds to state your p-SHE WHAT?! FIND HER IMMEDIATELY! HOW COULD YOU LET THIS HAPPEN AGAIN?! " he hang the phone up angrily. First the rouge, then his mate had another mate besides him now his sister . He sighed in frustration and ran out the hospital to his car tailing after Noah and Rosalie.

Serena skipped around in the border lands feeling free. " Stay home and be good he says , listen to Snake he says, Stupid older brother never has any fun anymore!" She said twirling around . Hearing something ( or someone) running toward her direction she ran toward who ever it was excitedly. " Maybe they could be my new friend~! And we could play tricks on brother together!" Closing in distance quite quickly she came face to face with Rosalie. " I-It a wolf!" She said squealing and immediately hugging Rosalie around her neck. " Hi new friend!!" She told her while rubbing their cheeks together.
Rosalie heard Noah howl her name, letting out a whimper. It hurt, she couldn't believe he would follow her. Why? Why would he follow? He could be happier without her. He could be himself. Both of them can be free. Both of them cold be happy.

Stretching her legs further, she barreled forward. She needed to shake him off her trail. Then she can truly leave. Maybe going home. Not her apartment. Russia. That would stop them... they wouldn't leave the others behind just for her.

She slowed when she heard footsteps in front of her. Who else was out there? But when the child hugged her, she automatically felt protective of her. She couldn't help but rub her cheek back. This child seems too innocent. Making a grumbling like purr, she moved the girl and her to a safer spot. Ah, this innocent vampire wanted to be her friend.


Serena giggled as they moved, her first wolf friend! This was very exciting. " Hi, my name is Serena what's yours?" She asked the wolf full of energy. Serena continued to hug and touch the wolf, curious as to what would happen if she scratched her behind the ears or rubbed at her belly.
Star felt a great excitement and rush when they talked and this was only one of the special moments she knew they would have. Smiling at him with the tingly~happiness she felt, this is the happiest she's ever been.. the happiness was obvious and it was overtaking her. "That means so much to me, being able to share something as special as this with you."
Rosalie grinned a wolfish grin. This girl was adorable. So full of energy. "My name is Rosalie," she said, eyes bright. She has met vampire children but this one was easily the sweetest. Letting out a wolfy purr when she rubbed behind her ears and plopping down on the ground when she rubbed her belly. She let out a yawn, pulling Serena down to her. "Do you have any family?" she asks, hoping she could go with her until she can get her money to pay for her plane ticket. This girl could be her ticket out. "And what clan are you in?"
Noah knew by the howl where she was heading and how helpless he would be for going after her. His pack would question his prorities but what could be more important than his mate? If she wanted freedom then he would leave the pack. The would be given their new leader and Ezekial would have the position he had always wanted. If I lose her... He thinks of all the different ways life could change from this one event but then the conclusion hits. He couldn't be happy without her... I love her.

@Erza Scarlet


"I've waited a long time to share it with someone..I'm also glad it's with you." He smiles warmly at her and thinks of all the cool things they will be prepared to do. "Together we'll get this place up and rollin' again!" He declares and looks back to the open windows watching the wind rustle the shorter trees. It was a magnificent sight that he had never wanted to waste away. This meeting between them had been just what they needed and because of it they would restore this place back to its former beauty. "This is going to be hard..." He sighs lazily but then grins. "But challenges are always fun."

Elias stopped near the border then got out of his car and locked it. On the outside he seemed calm and confident but on the inside he was breaking, freaking out over his mate and his sister. He looked out in the border lands and closed his eyes. " Found her." He said in a whisper. Then he snapped them open in confusion " Serena?!" How did she even get this far?! Shaking his head he broke in a run towards them . He wasn't going to lose her, he wanted to know everything about her, her favorite colors, food, what books she reads..Everything! But Elias knew it wasn't going to be easy. On the other hand of things he was going to metaphorically kill his little sister.

Serena fell on the ground and snuggled close to Rosalie. The pretty wolf wanted to be her friend! " Yep! I have an older brother but he's stupid and stinky. He only works a lot, and you know what's worse? It's cause he "has to fix what our father did." But he never hads fun anymore! Isn't that lame?" She said whining a bit. Serena rubbed their cheeks together again. " your really soft! Are all wolves like this? Brother hasn't brought me around any cause he's afraid they might try to hurt me. Oh! I almost forgot! I'm apart of the Argeneua clan~ My brother is the super stinky clan leader. A lot of our clan peeps tell me his very important but I still see him as a butt face."
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Star smiled and looked around again "We certainly will. I'm excited to see what this place will become.. And of course it'll be hard," laughing softly at his lazy sounding comment, she embraces him in a hug once more. "But yes, challenges are always fun and I definitely look forward to this one."
Rosalie lifted her head when she heard running, ears flat on her head. They're coming. "Little Serena, I must go. Hopefully we shall meet again," she said, rubbing her cheek to the hers one last time before standing up and running off. She was confused. Why did they keep running? Here she was trying to get away and yet they follow. What made her so special?

She barreled through the forest, going as fast as she can. There is a vampire and a Alpha chasing her. Both incredibly faster than her. She needed to keep going. Keep running. They didn't need her, didn't they see that?


His nostrils flared at the smell of vampire lingering in the air. The scent even fresher upon closing in on the border. Going faster til his speed is maxed and across the border he follows the smell and stumbles upon the place where Serena and Rosalie had been. His eyes glance in all directions and the sound of Elias picking up the pace worries him. Running a bit before spotting the little vampire he pauses and gives a tilt. "You..what're you doing out here?" He couldn't just leave a kid out in the woods like this. Not if it were possible for her to become lost. Times like these, around children, were always when Ezekial would call him out for being 'too soft' but who cares? Children are the future no matter what race and with a displeased frown, Noah looks off in the direction Rosalie had gone before slowly approaching the child. "Hello."

Why was it so easy to smile around her? Smiling used to be the last thing on his mind but now it seems to be all he does. The past hour has been nothing but comforting socialization. How come his heart beat seemed to speed up every second of her touch and yet slowly fade without it? She is definitely the one...but how do you tell someone that..? Staring out at the sky he sighs inwardly. "Me too." Is all he says having only heard a portion of what she had said though he does hug her back this time.
Not being able to help it her heart raced and her mind began to wander.. Why must I get this feeling when I'm around you and why must my heart almost beat out of my chest for once?

Blushing a bit at her thoughts she looked up at him with a bright smile on her face since he hugged her back this time. She felt.. something different with him and she wanted to be with him but she didn't know how to say it, she wanted to.. but how could she tell him without knowing his feelings? She sighed and decided to do go with it.... "Justice?.. I-I want to tell you something."
Serena bit her lip as Rosalie left. She had just met the pretty wolf and she left so quickly! It wasn't fair! Her lip started to wobble a bit and even though no tears ran down her face yet she wiped her eyes. " I-it's not fair...." She said to herself. " people always-" before she could start ranting to herself she was cut off by Noah who walked close to her. " aA-Another wolf! " She stood and glomp Noah cuddling him. " Your soft too!! Hey we should go get the other wolf! She was nice ! We could all be friends and play all the time!" She said excitedly.

Elias ran faster as the voice of his sister became clearer. Oh she was in big trouble! " Serena!!!" He yelled her name sternly and added a bit of anger to his voice so she really knew she was in trouble. Unfortunately Rosalie wasn't with her anymore which made his heart drop. " Why do you run love?" He said quietly to himself. As he came in to where his sister and Noah were he stopped running and placed his hands on his hips. " Serena...your in big trouble young lady."

Serena hid her face in Noah's neck when she heard Elias's voice. " uh oh....."
Rosalie stopped, dropping to the ground. Her lungs hurt. But she could do this. Couldn't she? She had to. She had to protect them. Who wanted a mate who brought nothing but trouble. Who was always in the hospital. Who was useless. She couldn't even properly defend herself! But both men want her. She couldn't deal with that. They did not need her.

Taking a deep breath, she stood, walking forward shakily. She was close to her apartment. She could hop on the bike and drive to the airport. She can do that. She can still walk. She can do this.


Not really knowing what just happened, Noah nuzzles the child's face gently even licking her cheek in a way to cheer her up. It was obvious by the strong scent on the child that she had been talking about Rosalie and slowly sitting against his own will, the alpha allows her to cuddle into him further. Elias showing up was only a matter of time and not even turning his head to look he nuzzles the girl again. "Elias..I'll stay here but Rosalie went that way." He points in the direction she had ran and even though it hurt him to give away this information he knows that the vampire could catch up to her faster than the alpha who had used up a bit of his energy already. It was an awful feeling and an even uneasier decision. "Please, go get her and bring her back..." She needed to know how much he loves her...they possibly both love her...

@Wynn @Erza Scarlet
Elias looked at Noah and nodded. They needed to get her back and fast, looking at his sister he sighed " Serena you stay here with your new friend okay? And be good understand? " He told her sternly. Knowing Serena, when it came to meeting new people this wasn't going to be a problem and she's unlikely to give Noah any trouble. Looking in the direction that Rosalie went he ran once again this time he added ten times the speed. He ran so fast that if anyone was passing by they would feel a slight breeze and see nothing but a blur. Then he spotted her walking slowly but with determination and his heart wrenched. Why did she want to run so badly? Couldn't she see that she was wanted? That she was loved? " Rosalie! " He ran to her side and stepped in front of her. " Rosalie why are you running from us?" He asked her worriedly. With out giving her a chance to speak he picked her up and cradled her in his arms. " please.. Don't run from us...from me... " he looked in her eyes then touched his forehead with hers.

Serena giggled as she was licked by Noah but looked at her brother and nodded. Staying with the nice wolf was easy peasy and it sounded like the other wolf was coming back too! She held on to Noah and rubed his cheek.
The hurt in Noah's eyes as Elias was sent to bring back his mate was tortuous though he has no other choice but to let it go as the leader disappears, his attention returns to the girl and with a playful nudge the alpha smiles and speaks again. "I am Noah Alister, alpha of the Starlight Pack. You're Serena, correct?"

@Wynn @Erza Scarlet
She felt her heart break with every step. She had to. She couldn't choose. Her heart was hurting at the thought of having to choose. Her wolf was silent, confused. She couldn't take it. She didn't deserve either of them.

She stopped when she heard get name, eyes wide and ears flat on her head. No... he can't be here... he didn't need her. She started walking again, head high. She could do this.

She let out a yelp when he picked her up. Her chest was killing her. But the care in his eyes. It hurt her heart more. "I can't choose... you are better off without me... please... just forget about me..."
Elias held her close " how could I forget about you? You are the other half of my soul, my heart my everything. And right now I'm not asking you to choose between the two of us. I know it's hard for you to do so, I'm asking you to stay by our sides and get better. You are in pain no? " He asked . He did care about her and he wanted her to be his and his alone but he was more worried about her health then her choosing who was to be her mate. He brushed her hair with his fingers and smiled at her. " I will tell you this neither of us is better off without your light that you bring in to our lives. And this is coming from someone who hasn't seen the bright sun in years."

Serena nodded " Yep! Your an Alpha? Your the top dog!" She told him giggling . " Are you friends with with my brother? Why haven't you came to our house?" She asked.
"I don't want to hurt either of you.. you don't deserve me! Who wants a mate who is always in the hospital? Who is useles? I can't even properly defend myself!" she cried, pain in her eyes. "Yes I'm in pain but I don't care. Do what you want... I won't control either of you..."
Standing and shaking his fur before shifting back into a human he pats her head but shakes his head to her questions. "Your brother and I aren't friends but do care about Rosalie. I don't get out much being 'the top dog' and all." He chuckles and looks off in the direction Elias and Rosa would have gone. Looking back to the girl he stretches waiting.
" I want you. I want you so bad it hurts. Rosalie I know I just met you but you are far from useless. And if it annoys you that you can't defend yourself I'll help you, we'll train together and get stronger. And i am doing what I want and that's being by your side. I can say the same for Noah as well. We want to be near you, to help you.. To love you with everything we have... Please just stay. Every time you run we will be there behind you and will run to the ends of the earth just to be with you. " He told her holding her tightly and he kissed her forehead.

Serena pouted a bit. " Is he a stinky butt to you too? He probably tells you he's busy like he does with me...stupid brother.." He hugs Noah's leg and smiles up at him." But we can be friends right?"
His head turns to look down at her and unable to contain it, he laughs. "A stinky butt, huh? Well..I don't see why we can't be friends. Maybe I can drop by sometime and we'll goto the park while stinky is working." He suggests with a soft smile and ruffles her hair with his hand. "You seem like fun."
Rosalie couldn't take it anymore. She starts sobbing. "Thank you... Thank you," she said, holding onto him. She held onto him as she sobbed. He was so sweet. So caring. "Thank you... I'll take that offer one day. Thank you... I'll stay.. I'll stay here with everyone..." With a smile, she closed her eyes, her breathing slowing unnaturally. Her heart beat unevenly as well.
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Annais noticed the ominous glint in Viktor's eyes as he looked Chyanne over -seemingly trying to sum up her entire back story, but on another hand, he could've just been trying to throw her off to see what kind of person she really was. To the Romanov's, mind games were a specialty and when they weren't out hunting and violently torturing anyone and everyone for information that could be detrimental to the safety of the human race, they were racking their enemies minds through subliminal conversation. If she didn't know that they were human, she would've -without a doubt- assumed that this was some sort of inherited power. However, the far-fetched assumption had been dismissed by Viktor himself countless times in the past. She was young and didn't know what hunters were, so of course she was surprised when she witness this clan of humans at work, subjecting supernatural-like abilities in their field. All in all, she kind of admired the fact that even though they were humans, they could still keep up with their prey and stay many steps ahead of them without the slightest give into exhaustion. Foxes in a world of Hounds, that's what they were.

Eventually, Viktor's stern, scrutinizing countenance broke and was replaced by one of intrigue. Having only moved back to the area only a handful of years ago, he was still pretty new to the mention of the Starlight pack. Blue Moon? Sure. He had a few encounters here and there, nothing too ground breaking [they were all, generally, pretty submissive to his rules of human interaction]. And the Red Night? There wasn't much to them that he hadn't already known. Having a rogue from a pack that he knew little to nothing of under his watch could be very beneficial to his cause. Notwithstanding his want to expand associations in this town, he understood that asking her of such a thing would be too soon. First, they have to situate her into a secured position in the town, then they'd have to report this change to the other two Demyan Maesters, then they'd have to request a pardon at the council's next meeting. Either way, he intended to get as much information out of this she-wolf as he could. One way or another. For now, he'd have to play nice and earn her trust. Having Annais involved with this girl just might give his endeavors an advantage. Annais softly knitted her brows when she realized Viktor's thoughtful gaze was now on her and she couldn't help but wonder what he was thinking.

Luckily, his orbs had shifted from her and back over toward his initial target.
"It's a pleasure to meet your acquaintance, Chyanne Kindle, adopted daughter to the Starlight Pack's alpha." He began warmly before picking up his half charred cigar from the ashtray, where it rested. "Now, would you like to explain the events of the other day to me in detail? I'm afraid my clod of a son didn't do such a great job at explaining everything. Clearing it up could really make it easier on the process." Viktor set the cigar between his teeth as he leaned back in his seat and flickered his expectant gaze between the two girls sitting before him. Annais wanted more than anything to defend Everett and tell Viktor that he didn't know of the events that lead up to Chyanne's banishment [and, really, he didn't considering he wasn't in the room when everything went down] but considering he was involved with the she-wolf's escape, he'd probably get in even more trouble if Mr. Romanov found out about his decision to stay outside the Pack House while she accompanied Rosalie and Chyanne inside.


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