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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

Starrla sighed and placed a blanket over her then left out the room and closed the door. She took out her phone from her pocket and called one of her pack mates to check up on the bear situation. And thank the heavens the bear is finally dead and they started to gather the fallen wolf pack members and bury them. Hanging up the phone she walked in the kitchen and made a cup of tea and the thought of Peter went through her mind and she groaned. " Of all the people to think about why him?" Starrla gave a frustrated sigh and sipped her tea.
Peter himself was laying down at the border, his mind wandering to Starrla and how she may be doing. 'I failed to become Alpha...how can I even face her now?' he thought to himself feeling almost shameful for his failure.

Raine was in the process herself writing a draft for the treaty Peter had recommended between their pack and the Bluemoon pack. For a moment she wondered if this was too soon, if perhaps she should go talk to them first before simply going over there with a draft. Getting used to being Alpha would be a long road for her...but she was determined to move forward.
Rojer walked up to his Alpha, tipping his hat. "Alpha, would you like me to set up a perimeter?" he asked formally, his gaze cool.

((@FaithEvergreen , I made a charrie to join yours...))
Raine blinked, "No it's alright, I already sent Victor to do so...he's been smothering me for the past few days so I figured doing something that involved security might get him off my back for awhile..." For a moment she went silent, studying her paperwork before looking back at him, "Do you think he should have been Alpha Male instead of me Alpha Female? [They are siblings]
"Ma'am, out of honor and strength, you are the stronger one. You have a grip on this pack and we are willing to follow you and no one else," he said, a southern accent almost covered up. "You'll be an excellent Alpha. If I may ask, who is Beta?"
"In truth I thought about possibly assigning Peter the position...he's a great adviser but his rush to act something I rather not see in an Alpha...something I don't seem him becoming now," she admitted, "My focus has been on rebuilding after we lost so many wolves...I haven't thought about power or a mate."
"Just let me know if you need anything, Alpha. Right now, weird is that the herd is coming back. Along the north border. Rumors from the pack hunters. Would you like a team to check?" Rojer said, tipping his hat to remove a bit of the suns glare.
She thought for a moment before smiling and said, "You know what, I could really use a hunt...would you like to some with me? It would be nice to see if we could bring something back for everyone."
Rojer nodded. "I haven't hunted in a long time. I will come with you," he said, smiling at his Alpha
Raine smiled back before leading the way out the door, taking his hand in the process. About a few feet out she let go and quickly shifted to her wolf form taking off into the distance excitedly letting her wolf feel the rush of air in her fur.
Rojer blushed when she took his hand, being pulled away. He sighed a bit after she did, playfully chasing her.
Starrla drunk the rest of her tea and wrote a note for Faith and set it on the dresser then headed out of the house. She was suddenly feeling really antsy and needed to run. Once outside she jumped in her wolf form and started running headed to the border.
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Raine ran quickly ahead, laughing as she heard Rojer right behind her giving chase, "Can't catch me!" she yelled behind her as she ran faster, her paws hitting the ground with a grace that no other animal could match. She was wild and free...all she wanted to do was keep running and never look back.

Peter's ears perked up, lifting his head before grinning a little as Starrla approached, "Well well look what the wolf dragged in, you know I didn't really expect a pretty thing like you to wander on back into this neck of the woods."
Starrla stopped in mid run and growled, Mostly because she wasn't paying attention and didn't smell Peter as she got close to the border. And then she started to get ticked off again,There was something she was missing and so far every time she was near Peter she had this weird feeling and she really wasn't sure what it was.
Peter moved slickly down the hill and into Bluemoon territory, "Starlight calm down, it's only me. You really need to learn to relax, I'm starting to worry you're in need of some R & R as soon as possible." He nipped at her ear a little, a wolf way of teasing another, "Come on, you cannot tell me you aren't even a little happy to see me."
Starrla sniffed at Peter and looked away from him. " You're irritating...." she mumbled at him and began walking in a different direction.
"And you're stubborn," he said following her, his muzzle rubbing against her fur as he moved past her and swiveled in front of her path, "But you are still my dear Starlight. No matter how irritating your find me, I'll still await your arrival at the border."
She sighed and moved past him " My name is not Starlight...why do you even call me that? " She asked him curiously.
Peter smiled softly before leaning close to her and whispered into her ear as she walked past, "Because your eyes glimmer like Starlight whenever I call you by your nickname." He then tackled and pinned her, "Any more questions you have for me?"
Starrla growled and changed back kicking ( not really hard i promise ) him off of her. “ You went back to become Alpha…were you successful? And my name is Starrla by the way."
Rojer grinned and chased his Alpha, keeping up. He let out a playful growl and started running beside her, playfully and lightly shoving her. "Tag," he said before racing ahead.
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After driving for a few hours, I park my truck near the edge of the forest and precede to get out and get twenty old, rusty bear traps from the back of my truck. I then head into the forest to begin setting them up throughout the forest. After setting the last bear trap I rest against a nearby tree with my rifle, waiting for any shouts of pain to alert me that a beartrap caught something.
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"Zeke!!" Chyanne's calling of the Beta's name seems to go without notice as she runs swiftly through her newly found home. Her nose filled by Ezekial's scent though it be faint. 'He's so stupid! Why Noah puts up with him is beyond me...' She growls while pushing herself even harder. It had been her job to make sure Zeke doesn't do anything ignorant, or atleast she makes it out that way. In truth, Noah and his brother were not close and so she feels the need to be the bridge between the two males.

Her dark redish-brown fur catches the sunlight as she continues moving. She had not taken into consideration the possibility of hunters being nearby and with her focus being on the fellow pack member, Chyanne finds herself in a sudden world of pain. A sharp howl erupts from her lungs as the back left paw is snared in the recently placed bear traps. Looking to see what it was, she quickly shifts and starts prying at the steal trap. "Someone help!" She cries trying desperately to keep from crying.
Hearing a cry of pain, I pick up my rifle and begin to make my way to the source of the cries. Upon nearing the source of the cries, I see one of the werewolves stuck in my trap, I then precede to take off my mask as I walk closer to the trapped wolf, chuckling with every step.

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