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Fantasy Pack Life (A Werewolf RP)

((Ah. I'm sorry doll. I hope you'll be energized soon enough. I just have a bug that I've been having got the post week. But I seriously hope so))
It had been an afternoon run, nothing more, and yet as Ezekial limps through the trees to make it home he is reminded of his earlier mistake. 'You friggin idiot!' He growls to himself and keeps moving. He hadn't seen the intruder until it was beyond too late though he had run it out of their territory before things got too bad.

His leg stings with each step until finally he stops at the fallen tree and leans against it. The blood was soaking through the bottom of his jeans. "That looks great.." He sighs while slowly pulling it up to see it better. A decent sized gash was there where the rouge had torn at his calf. "Noah's gonna have a fit." He refers to his brother who had not gone running with him. "Damn wolves..." With that he tries again to get moving. This time even slower as infection was most likely setting in.

((Ta-daaaa! First post~))

Hope you have a lovely day~
A knock came from the door and Aidan was called for. Aidan pulled away from Serenity and groaned,"Work calls baby. I have to go but I'll be back soon. And if anybody gives you issues, punish them or give me their name so I can. Love you." He gets off the bed.
Serenity sighed and smiled. "Love you too," she said, looking at him. "Is it alright if I go back to my room? And I will." She got up, wincing a bit. "Have fun with Alpha duties. Sooner or later, I'll be able to join you."
"Yes, relax, I know you feel safe in there. I'm posting a guard on the door just because you're injured." he grinned at the last thing she said and nodded,"I can't wait."


Serenity sighed. "Okay. I guess you can post a guard," she said, giving him a look. "And I'm sure you can't wait. You are going to have to teach me."
He grinned and opened his mouth to say something then bit his lip. No need to scare her away just as you got her, idiot.
Serenity smiled at him, wrapping her arms around his waist. "What is it? You won't screw me away if that's what you're thinking," she said softly, giving him a smile
He chuckled and grinned at her,"I'll wear a suit if you wear the school girl uniform." he winked. Aidan had a very dirty mind, and Serenity was stuck with it.
Serenity smirked. "But what would happen if I don't want you to wear the suit?" she purred.
He grinned and wrapped his arms around her. He was about to say something back but was called for again. He groaned and kissed her briefly,"Later. We are continuing this later." He then left.
Serenity groaned but kissed him back. She watched him leave with a grin on her face. Shaking her head, she sits down. After waiting a couple minutes, she walks in the direction of her room.

She still had her smile when she rounded the corner, only to freeze and all emotion to be wiped off her face. They were here.
//*le gasp* I'm very intrigued are we going to have stereotypical "The Alpha is mine because I sleep around and have big boobs" girls or the pushy guys who are like "You suck but I want in your pants anyways" or is it something I didn't think of?//
((Abusing jerks who gang up on the weaker links to prove themselves stronger. And the girls who just think they are hiker than I don't know what. Getting guys to do their wishes.))

Serenity ignored their taunts, entering her room quickly. She slams the door shut and slides down her door. She sighs.

"I'm supposed to be Luna and I can't even defend myself," she said, closing her eyes. "What a disappointment I'll turn out to be..."

((@SweetCat2319, I think it's your turn...))
SweetCat2319 said:
He smiled and shrugged,"Today has been rough. Being the Alpha is a hard job. But now that I have my Luna I should be able to relax."
Melody and Alana glanced at each other,"Just come to our house to rest a bit, okay?" Melody said and smiled.

"Well.. I guess.. Ok.." Rosaleen replied, glancing at both of them warily. Hopefully they would eat her or something, if they really were werewolves. Of course they weren't though. Rosa took a deep breath, before reluctantly following behind the two.

(Sorry, didn't notice that post.)
//Well, I'm waiting a bit to slow down the rp for the others. It's all you and I for quite a bit and we should tone down the 1x1//

Alana led the way while Melody walked beside Rosa,"Are you okay? That guy was soooo scary. I'm Melody by the way!" She held out her hand to shake.

//It's fine, darling.//
"I-Im fine." Rosaleen said, giving a small nod. "Rosaleen. Rosa for short." She introduced herself, meekly taking the other girls hand and shaking it.

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