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Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

"Fuck off, Aleksandr. Go interface with a Frag missile," she yells as she attempts to push passed his extended mechadendrites. "We'll see if your dick qualifies you to be here when I shove your testicles down your throat, Hive dredge. You couldn't hunt scribe in the Imperial Palace, let alone be trusted to find your own balls with both hands on the battlefield. My Matriarch could track better than you, and she's been blind since before the turn of the Millenium!"
"Well maybe if she could see she might'ave warned ya' friend bout dat bullet den?!" Ojhmar snapped back at her- breath turning angered and heavy, but that same unsettled grin spreading to his lips, before suddenly- the usually meek Ibrahm barks aloud at the tribal man in his tongue. "JERUF MA'KOTAL TEFF AJIT GOLOMUB."

A thing that actually seems to give Ojhmar some pause. He snarls and spits aside once more, glaring at Helly. "Dis ain' ova'." He said, before aiming to divert his attention to the box and its hauling- whilst Ibrahm turned towards Helly and huffed, looking to her apologetically. "I'm terribly sorry about his behavior, miss. Their culture is a bit... Blunt."
The crate is too large to straight-out carry, but Ojhmar's strength certainly permits him to drag it. Considering the slick, smooth nature of the pavement below him, dragging it is actually pretty easy. The orks appear to have been attempting to break it open - the lock is twisted and warped.
Malakai stands, groaning slightly, eyes flicking over the squad. He immediately notices the absence of two of their number, and judging from Helly's distraught screeches, Killy was beyond help. Swearing quietly, the Medic took a moment to reload his lasgun, before moving to crouch beside a dead guardsman. Barely pausing, he began to sort through the corpse's gear, searching for anything of value. Ammunition, medical supplies, expensive equipment that could be fenced on the black-market. Anything would do.

With the package secured Aleksandr is left to his own devices. After being pushed out of the way he walks towards a pair of bushes and begins to break off branches. Then he moves over to the bodies and removes a lot of cloth and clothing, some from the randoms and a bit from Helly's sister. Once he had collected all his materials he begins to craft something... Using string he found, the twigs, and the cloth.


He makes what seems to be... Kites, yes kites! Very precisely made and of the best quality. He ties the ends of the strings to rocks and then, with the help of his Servitor which throws them into the air, gets four kites into the air. He takes the first one, made from cloth from Killy, and hands it to Helly. "A gift." He says in his monotone voice.

Then the second he gives to Malakai, by placing it on his shoulder, the third to Sarge, and the last to Ohjmar. "Kites have been proven to increase morale by two percent."
It appears the orks have had the same idea as Malakai. The corpses are stripped clean, apart from their torn uniforms and some small effects - cogtags, mess kits, etc.

Meanwhile, Aleksandr successfully crafts the kites.
Ojhmar, who had conveniently sat upon the box, one knee bent to his chest, the other outstretched to rest his boot upon the ground, with the hefty weapon leaning against him and serving as a makeshift armrest, blinked at the odd gift. "...Ya' want dem ta' be able to see us?" He inquired confused- observing with a childlike curiosity at the kites. Ibrahm on the side is snickering, restraining laughter- considering the fact he knows that Ojhmar has no clue what the hell a kite is.
Helly stares, perplexed, at the collection of twigs, string, and fabric pressed into her hands, then back at Aleksandr. "Ummm, thanks," she says, genuinely. "Sorry for telling you to fuck off. What is this thing, anyway? Some kind of prayer strip?"
"We are most likely safe from ambush, they would have come by now with all the gunfire." He states, lying slightly. "And it is what is called a 'kite'. Children of Agricultural Worlds like to 'fly' these as there is a lot of free space for it fly. It is a gift for you to keep since your partner is rather indisposed." He says in that still monotone voice. "But you will always remember them because of the kite." He speaks in a rather odd fashion, pausing between every few words, as if unable to come up with the right words, and still sounding dreadfully uninterested in the conversation, though that comes with the monotone voice.
The poor sniper was.. frustrated and annoyed by his allies' confrontation and saddened by the subject. He kept himself silent, shaking his head with disapproval as he just made sure nothing tried to sneak up on them as they very clearly made everyone's presence even more noticeable.
Malakai looks at his kite and then back at Aleksandr.

"Thanks, I guess." Malakai gives the string an experimental tug, watching his kite swoop as he did so. He cracks a slight smile, though whether it was intended to be sarcastic or not was impossible to tell. "I feel better already."

Giving the Cogboy a gentle pat on the shoulder as he passes, Malakai begins gathering cogtags from the dead Guardsmen. Upon collecting Macharius and Killy's tags, he tosses them to their respective partners.

"Figure you might want these." He muttered as he stowed the remaining tags in a pocket.

Turning to look at Yorke, Malakai called over to him, still holding his Kite.

"What happens now, Boss?"
Sergeant Yorke looked out at the carnage with a calm expression though frowning. He'd considered stopping the argument but thought it best to let them vent so they wouldn't snap later. He made a mental note to talk to both of them and more so to discuss the matter with Zharkov later once they started moving again. For the moment though he needed to get his squad focused again.

"Alright, listen up. I'm only going to say this once because if you make me repeat it, you will wish it was the Commissar dealing with you. We've taken losses," He said as he looked down at Macharius' tags now with a sullen expression. He'd faced death and loss before as a Twelver. Too much perhaps but it had made him resolved as a person. "And some of us need to grasp that we can't afford to fall apart right now. That damn Ork leader is still out there, I don't see his body anywhere, DO YOU?!"

He lets that last exclamation ring out sharply to get them more focused on him. He looks around as he puts his chainsword back at his side now.

"We mourn the dead when we're safe. Those of us who care. Those of us who don't? Shut up. Your only breaking the squad up with your lip. Same goes for those grieving. Hold that pain in if you can, I know its bad, I know it hurts. But we've got to get out of here. More importantly we need to find out the orders we had for the package. I want this completed if we can manage it, we can't just leave that thin here for the Orks to find a use for it," He notes as he runs his thumb along Macharius' tag again but keeps his eyes focused on his people.

"So you focus that pain in vengeance. Or in your rage. Use it to kill the damn Greenskins and not each other. Your Guardsmen! And right now we're in a war zone. There is only the war. Save your personal hatred and infighting for when we aren't in hostile ground. We get ourselves back in motion, see if maybe we can find a vehicle to move that damn package. We need to find out what orders were and if not we need to access the package and if necessary destroy or sabotage it so Orks don't get it if we can't bring it us. Understood?" He looks around the squad sharply now, hand slipping Macharius' tag into one of his pouches.

"Zacharius, try to get an idea of a perimeter for us. I want warning if the Orks come back. The rest of you pick around for anything that might look like the orders that were waiting for us. Aleksandr, check the package and get it open if you can. Let's get to it, people."
Aleksandr lets out another long sigh as he approaches the package. He gives it a long look over and uses his Utility Mechadendrite to poke at the warped and mangled lock before using a knife to poke at any creases. The same buzzing sound could be heard as the Servitor would step over to it. "The orks should learn that rods and 'shootahs' don't interface with mechanical locks, now I must be unceremonious with it."

The Servitor, under Aleksandr's command, would try and jam its bionic-arm into the crease or lock, which Aleksandr tries to pry open a bit with the knife on his Mechadendrite.

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Zacharias listened closely to the Sergeant speak out to the whole squad, nodding in agreement at the man's words. He spoke much more elegantly than Zach ever could.

At receiving his order, Zacharias nodded again, "Yes, sir," he said, speaking a normal-person's volume now and then would smack Lucian upside the head, frowning with disappointment as the man had gotten distracted once again. Zacharias' weapon would slowly sweep across the surrounding area, carefully watching the buildings around the plaza and whenever he got suspicious of any particular building, he would point and Lucian would try to quietly approach, seeing if there was any movement within.

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He slips his knife inside to allow the Bionic Arm to grab onto it before he and the Servitor successfully break the box open, without breaking a sweat.
Sliding off the lid, you find that the crate is filled to the brim; it contains several satchels of demolition charges, two large drills, and a data-slate. The slate’s screen reads “Commanding officer’s eyes only.” That would be Sergeant Yorke, given the circumstances.
Zharkov scowls as the rocketeer and cogboy argue but allows it to hopefully relieve some of the stress of this last engagement. He smiles as Yorke begins to smoke the squad, noting he'd have made one hell of a commissar cadet. As the Sergeant finishes yelling, he looks at Helly and Aleksandr and calmly states. "Everybody gets -one-, and you've both used yours. Best compose yourselves on the double." He walks off to search the area for any sign of his stolen possession and casually states. "We really do need to get moving considering Hat-Steela is a dirty pirate...so there is a possibility of a Kroozer up there is synchronous orbit."

Malakai nodded at Yorke's speech, grinning ruefully.

"Got it Boss."

Following Yorke's instructions, Malakai begins to scan the area for the orders Yorke had mentioned. He inspects the rubble-strewn ground and runs his eyes over the buildings surrounding him, looking for any lost data-slates, notepads, files, or the like.

Ojhmar, having been near to the box at all time, peers at it as it was opened- taking the Sergeant's words to heart for the time being, though keeping his Eviscerator at hand, far from relaxed after their bloody victory. And as Aleskander the mechanical man opens the large chest, Ojhmar's brow quirks in curiosity at the unfamiliar bulk that were controlled demolition satchels. He lazily aimed to reach for one- and unless stopped, would pluck it up slowly to inspect. "Nah' that I be complainin' for a chance ta' bring the Emperor's light to these prey. But we be riskin' our lives fa' fancy lookin' bags?" He inquired confused.
Sergeant Yorke had made his way over as he saw the box being forced open. His eyes widening as he starts to see the words listed along the various contents now. He almost immediately stops Ojhmar with his own hand now as he looks on at the items, having seen explosives enough to know not to go hefting them about without good reason. He was grateful the Orks hadn't opened this or for that matter.

"Look but don't touch for now, Ojhmar. This stuff can kill us just as easily as the Orks," Yorke warned as he reaches in to pull out the dataslate. He keys in his ID code to unlock it and steps back a bit from the crate now to read. His frown deepening some as he looks up over at the crate and then at the his squad. He had to try to carry them out or likely be shot for coming back without doing so.

"We need an operating rail car for this..." He said as his mind was already starting to work. Stealth was out at this point if they were lugging a demo package to its target zone. More importantly... they needed a means to escape the detonation radius.

"Zharkov, I need you over hear!" Yorke shouts just enough for those in the area to hear, not wanting to attract more Ork attention. Admittedly the battle should have done that but it never hurt to be a bit paranoid. He'd need to gather up the squad to plan this out once they got it all moving.

"Aleksandr, can most of this be carried by hand or are we better off moving the whole thing on a transport?" He asked while he waited, needing the cogboy's technical expertise at the moment for his developing plan.
Aleksandr gives it a quick look over as he looms around the crate, picking up some of the bags and tapping at the drills, and then nods. "The charges are split into bags, the drills are hand-held, so if we split a few among everyone, and my Servitor of course, we could carry them. It would be exactly four point three two five kilos between each of us." He says with a nod.
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Zharkov suddenly lets out a cackle of triumph, holding a somewhat dusty commissar's hat in his hand. He puts it on and straightens it, snickering to no one in particular. "Heh...You took my hat so I took your arm. Seems like a fair trade to me...." Having used his one allocated personal moment for the month, he composes himself as Yorke calls him over to the dataslate. "What've we got here?"
Malakai's eyebrow shot up at Aleksandr's diagnosis of the situation.

"So you want us to carry bundles of explosives across a warzone?" Malakai began to fiddle with the charm bracelet on his wrist. "I should have stayed with the Penals. At least there they gave us drugs before we went on suicide missions."

Malakai turned to look at Zharkov as the Commissar cackled. The medic shifted uncomfortably.

"If we carry the explosive's we'll probably die. If we don't then we'll definitely die." He eyed the Commissar's bolt pistol.

"Please, Boss." Malakai turned to look imploringly at Yorke. "Tell me you have a better idea."

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