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Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

Zacharias and his comrade's eyes went wide as they saw their companions fall lifelessly to the ground. Hearing the agonizing screams caused Zacharias's eyes to take on a whole new look.. One of terror and of rage. Lucian was at a loss, complaining to the sniper as Zach took a moment to catch his breath and regain composure. One more moment, then he peeked out over his cover and aimed at the remaining Ork Shoota. As he caught the xenos filth in his sights Zacharias muttered a prayer for the souls of his allies as well as the damnation of his enemies'. Lucian was right up there with Zach, firing his weapon to aid his friend.

BS 46 +10 Half Action Aim +10 Accurate +10 Short Range +10 Standard Action +5 Good Craftsmanship +5 Comrade


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The mind of the xeno is unknowable. One can only guess at what transpires within these dark pits of abhorring thought on a daily basis. Do you know what passes through an ork's head before it dies?

Zacharias' shot.

The long-las strikes the ork in the chest in such a way that not even his orkish durability can save him from the fury of Mankind. The shot pierces him cleanly, and causes him to fall face-first out the window, hitting the marble pavement below with a sickening thud.

Six orks remain.

@Bones Johnson's turn. Contact - you may make a Charge action to connect with the ork.
Ojhmar did not steer from his course. He dashed across the ground, most of the noises drowned out entirely by the unearthly roar of his Eviscerator. And once the Orc was at reach- he broke into a sprint, gathering at all his weight and momentum before leaping forward- Eviscerator held up high, bending his whole body into one vicious strike in attempts to sink his 'teeth' into the Ork scum.



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Ojhmar's brutal strike cuts straight through the air, rending flesh apart and cleaving the xeno cleanly in two. As the chain's teeth gnaw into the flesh, an inhuman amount of blood sprays from the wound, splattering the feral worlder and the ground around him alike. Clumps of flesh fly through the air. They litter the ground all around him.

Five orks remain.

@Crocodile's turn.
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[QUOTE="Bones Johnson]Ojhmar did not steer from his course. He dashed across the ground, most of the noises drowned out entirely by the unearthly roar of his Eviscerator. And once the Orc was at reach- he broke into a sprint, gathering at all his weight and momentum before leaping forward- Eviscerator held up high, bending his whole body into one vicious strike in attempts to sink his 'teeth' into the Ork scum.
The teeth weren't the ONLY things howling with joy as they met flesh. The ringing of flesh tearing and Bones being shoved aside and broken, as Ojhmar's blow literally CLEAVED into the Ork, howling in some deranged fury- his eyes wide open and pupils shrinking in absolute frenzy as he cut through the Ork, spilling guts and flesh all around in a monstrous overkill. Being bathed in the blood of the enemy merely urged him on as he swung aside his Eviscerator, sending a splatter of Ork-blood and bits unto the floor as he howled aloud a bestial battlecry.




"Keep to cover and maintain covering fire!" Yorke bellowed even as he watched in quiet horror as Macharius was slain by the enemy. There was a deep sense of guilt as a Sergeant for not being able to keep him alive. That pang was added to with Killy's death as he looks around to assess his squad. Those damnable greenskins were going to pay for this. He'd get that ridiculous leader of theirs but they had to survive this first.

"Concentrate your fire, people!" Yorke shouted as he sighted in a target that had been hit. They had to pick off the wounded ones if only to thin their numbers and allow Ohjmar to better engage those that got too close. With that thought him mind, Yorke pulled the trigger on his lascarbine.

Sweeping Order: Covering Fire (Maintaining)



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Yorke's shot strikes one of the incoming orks straight in the face, and as it connects, energy bursts in a bright flash and lights the ork's entire face on fire. The wounded beast howls even worse than its kinsman, and starts fumbling around without sense or purpose - it thrashes wildly, trying to put out the fire (Stunned for 1 round, Blinded for 1 round, Hairless forever).

@Unlucky Fellow's turn.
The commissar can see out the corner of his eye that some of his charges are starting to fall, such is the devastating nature of their profession that some friends and family will end up slain. This only spurs him on into melee against his opponent. His chainsword whirls back around in a small arc shortly immediately after parrying. "These creatures have bled us and now they seek to obstruct us from our most holy of duties! Fight, show the Greenskins that the only acceptable answer to their actions is death! We will not suffer them in our presence one moment more!"

WS(40), Standard Attack+10, Good craftsmanship chainsword+5


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Despite the commissar's impressive words, the ork he's fighting is not impressed by his little speech and simply roars in his face, and then swings his weapon once again. (Standard Attack)

Malakai is stunned from prior rough treatment. The ork that attacked him has instead shifted his focus to his howling comrade, watching his face burn to crisp with a look of disgust. The ork opts to shift targets, seeing a greater challenge in the louder of the guardsmen. Locating the 'humie' that cut his fellow boy into little pieces, he takes aim and fires (Half-Aim + Standard Attack).

The final boy opts to discard his jammed gun and pulls his choppa instead, charging towards the benches where Yorke, Aleksandr and Zacharias are entrenched. Contact in one round (Run).

The shoota at the turret, while still weak, tries to steer his turret towards Helly's weeping form. He opens fire.





@Bones Johnson: Ohjmar must make a Dodge roll or take 7 Damage with 2 penetration.

@Random Word's turn. None of the shots connect, but a wild guess says that Helly might notice the machine gun fire around her.
As the rounds ricochet around her Helly grits her teeth and draws her hand from her sister's blood-matted hair, clutching a missile from the satchel beneath. She stares incredulous at what remains of the head of the creature manning the weapon on the balcony above, her eyes never wavering as she loads her weapon, her fingers deft and sure despite the blood slick round.
Aleksandr is perfectly content with hiding behind his rock, just watching the battle unfold before him. After missing his shot he re-confirms to himself how useless he may be and to leave it to those who are better at shooting their guns. As he analyzes the battle further he almost pales for a moment. Drawing his power axe he would prepare himself for just a moment then move out from behind the rock to charge at the nearest ork.


(Charge provides +20, not +89)

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Aleksandr's merciless strike cuts deep into the ork's right arm, leaving a deep rent in the flesh and causing the beast to howl like a stung squig. The ork collapses, clutching his wound while blood trickles through. He's dead.

Four orks remain.

@VisionImp's turn.
After every shot, Zacharias would immediately take cover behind the rubble he had made his new nest of operations. Lucian would give him details as he peeked over to let out some more las-fire. Once he was given a new target, he raised his rifle to take aim.. In his sights was the Ork that was firing at Ojhmar. Not to mention it had attacked Malakai, as well! He signaled to Lucian and then took his shot.

BS 46 +10 Half Action Aim +10 Accurate +10 Short Range +10 Standard Action +5 Good Craftsmanship +5 Comrade



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The ork attempts to dodge the incoming las bolt - no matter. The shot catches him in the head and drills a nice hole.

Three orks remain.

@Bones Johnson's turn.

Ojhmar sends himself down into a squat, skidding aside bloodied heels as he shot his glance to his shooter- only to see a hole form in his head. An improvement for an Ork'z beauty, if any. However there are THREE more to die- and for Ojhmar, that was enough. However, he was not one to attack wounded foes whilst there were still healthy limbs to be hacked and far more fresh meat to sink his Eviscerator too. Hefting his weight about in wild motions- he swung it in a circular motion and himself followed in its momentum, breaking into a wild sprint towards the nearest Ork.

(OOC - Full action run, to the nearest Ork, preferably to gang up on one with either the Commisar or the Techie.)
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Sergeant Yorke watched to continuing mayhem before shift his fire to the Ork currently unengaged in melee combat.

"Focus fire on the unengaged one!" Sergeant Yorke bellows now as he starts to step out of cover after leaning his lascarbine against the wall, his hand going to his chainsword now. He needed to back up the melee fighters if he could while the rest tried to fry the free one. He much preferred fighting in close quarters admittedly, having more of a knack for it.

(OOC: Half Action - Swap Lascarbine for Chainsword, Half Action - Move towards nearest melee engagement.)
Zharkov snarls at the ork he's currently locked in a duel against. Unfortunate that sheer strength can compensate for a severe lack of skill with a weapon on the part of said ork. He taps a circular plate pinned to his belt, now a bit more confident he can focus entirely on dispatching his opponent with much less fear of physical injury. The chainsword revs loudly as it is brought down towards the xeno scum.

Free action: activate refractor field

WS(40), All Out Attack (+30), Good Craftsmanship chainsword (+5)




15 rending damage, pen 2, 4 critical from RF
The chainsword digs into the ork's chest, savagely tearing through any flesh in its path. The commissar cuts a large diagonal rift in the ork's torso, shoulder-to-hip, that bleeds mercilessly. The ork doubles over in excruciating pain, trying to clutch together the wound. (Stunned)

Three orks still remain; one is fighting Zharkov, currently stunned and bleeding. One is slumped on his gun, up in the window, heavily wounded. One is moving towards Yorke.

@Hellkite's turn.
Malakai fights his way onto his knees, and as he removes his hand from the hole in his flak armour, he sees that his fingers are slicked with his own blood. Malakai swears through his gritted teeth, fumbling with his Triplex, raising it to take aim at the wounded Ork visible in the window. Trying to blot out the pain as he had been taught in the Penal Legion, He flips the weapon to burst mode, before snatching at the trigger.

+10 Aim

+10 Best Craftsmanship.

+10 Ordinary Ballistic Skill Test.

The shot hits the roof overhead, showering the ork gunner in dust and pebbles.

The moving ork charges for Yorke, swinging its choppa violently over its head (Charge).

Zharkov's ork is wounded, but still fighting! It swings its weapon, hoping to break through the commissar's barrier (Standard Attack).

The gunner attempts to stop the incoming missile from Helly by showering the battlefield in suppressive fire (Suppressive Fire).




Click. The gunner's gun jams.

@Random Word's turn.
Helly lifts the loaded launcher to her shoulder with blood soaked hands, wipes the tears from her eyes with her wrist, and brings the reticle to her eye once more. She manages half a short prayer to the Emperor between choking sobs as she struggles to line up the reticle, then her anger rushes back and her hand will be stayed no longer. "Get some, you fucker!" she screams hoarsely, enjoying the warm breath on her cheek as the engine screams to life and hurtles towards her foe - but not nearly as much as the subsequent explosion. These creatures don't need their heads. Very well, let us discover how many other parts they can do without.

BS 45 + 10 (Short Range) + 10 (Best Craftsmanship) + 10 (Single Shot) + 10 (Half Action Aim)


Hit with 7 DoS


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