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Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

Zharkov's bolt strikes the ork in the left arm, shattering bone and sinew with such brutish force that blood and gore is flung in all directions. "Zog me sideways!" the ork curses, along with other expletives, as the arm starts bleeding profusely.

@Hellkite's turn.
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Malakai squinted down the sights of his Lasgun, flipping the weapon to single shot as his squad-mates released a volley of lasfire which seared over the Medic's head. One shot. Thats all he'd have time for before darting to cover. Malakai settled the red dot of his laser sight on the chest of an oncoming Ork, offered a quick prayer to the Emperor, and squeezed the trigger.

(Half Turn Aim)



(Semi-Auto Burst)

*Edit* +20 for craftsmanship and single shot.

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The shot flies by the incoming ork with no issue - the ork takes notice of Malakai, lifts his slugga pistol and takes aim briefly, then fires its gun (Half-Aim + Semi-Auto).

Another ork leaps howling at Zharkov, brandishing a vicious axe and hell-bent on punishing the man who hurt his boss (All-Out Attack).

A third ork spots Ojhmar's flanking attempt, and runs to meet him head-on. Two rounds until contact.

The last two of the warriors on the ground break into a run, charging towards the rest of the group. Two rounds until contact.

The gunmen in the windows fire their 'shootas' into the plaza, littering the area with bullets (Suppressive Fire, Full-Auto).

Kaptin Hat-Steela looks to be staggering away from the balcony, clutching his bleeding arm helplessly with blood flowing from it, when suddenly an explosion rocks the plaza and the ork leader disappears with a howl in a cloud of smoke and shrapnel.


@VisionImp @Unlucky Fellow @Hellkite @Bones Johnson @Random Word @Cartoonkarl @Crocodile

Everyone rolls a Hard (-20) Willpower Test. Failing it will result in being Pinned and forced into cover (Half-Actions only, -20 to BS and cannot move from cover). At the end of your next turn you may test against your Willpower to be free of Pinning. If you haven't been shot before the turn, then you have a +30 to the roll.

, since I accidentally took the Order for being your only action, please add any other action from Yorke into your Pinning post. Cartoonkarl, since you're up next, you can do the same.


Pinning Test (Helly)

Actual result: 17+20=37

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Pinning Test



Rather than be productive to the group he would try to find and hide behind cover. Just sitting there and letting everyone else deal with combat, feeling greatly outmatched and really only here to assist with the technical aspects of the Imperial Guard.
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pining test (Zharkov)



His immediate concern having retreated before presumably blowing himself up, it clicks that standing in the middle of an ork pack is probably not the best thing for continued survival. He parried away a blow from on ork with his chainsword before falling back to a large chunk of rubble.
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Yorke glared, aiming for the nearest charging Ork he had a clear shot to. His squad would get minced in close combat.

"Groundpounders first, squad! Sniper, get rid of those damn gunners!" Yorke ordered sharply as he takes steady aim and cracks off a shot at an Ork on the ground. Feeling the pressure already of those damn guns unloading on them.


Zacharias spent the last few seconds with his sights on the big, hatted ork atop the building. Ork fire sprayed across the area his squad occupied. For the most part it was ignored or completely missed him and then he heard the order and with a grunt of frustration he switched targets.. after a few moments, he took the shot aimed at one of the gun-toting greenskins.


The probably brain-damaged Savage didn't seem as frightened as he should be as heavy munitions rounds tore through the air and whizzed by him and his comrades all about, leaving deep puncturing wounds on the ground- as he broke into a forward sprint and let loose the roar of his Eviscerator as it burst to a mechanical screech of whirring teeth and furious engine-rotations, sharp angled teeth animating to life before whirring into a swift passage, one after the other, longing to tear into the Ork ahead of him. He flung his roaring weapon past over his shoulder and hastened his feet to meet the charging Orc head on.

OOC - Continuing with the Run action towards the single ORK.
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Yorke remained pinned, swearing to himself more so as he looks around for a greenskin to shoot. He starts to take aim again, focusing his efforts on that to try to now let the fire unnerve him.

"Maintain covering fire!" Yorke bellowed before pulling the trigger on his lascarbine. Macharius though also pinned did his best to keep popping off potshots to throw the Ork attackers off like the Sergeant ordered.


Sweeping Order (Covering Fire) (Re-issue) (Free Action)


Yorke's shot catches one of the charging orks in the chest, but the lasfire appears to leave nothing but a faint burn on the brute's chest. Meanwhile, the barrage of lasfire continues.

@Unlucky Fellow's turn.
Once Zharkov is out of the immediate danger of being ripped to bits by angry green xenos, he looks back up over the pile to see how many of them are left now that Hat-Steela has left the field. Turns out that shot only made them angry instead of intimidating them. The ork that attempted to take his head off with an axe is still close and therefore the best target for BLAM



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The bolt whistles past the ork's head without ceremony. The ork looks, if possible, even more thrilled to gut Zharkov to pieces.

@Hellkite's turn. As a result of Pinning, you may only make a single Half Action, you suffer -20 to BS and you must keep cover between yourself and the gunmen. After making your attack, you may roll WP with a bonus of +30 to break from Pinning (with a free re-roll, should you fail).
The ork gunfire kicked up plumes of dirt around Malakai as he dived to the floor among the corpses of the dead guardsmen in the plaza's center. The medic gritted his teeth and grimaced as he hunkered down behind on his belly, taking advantage of whatever cover the bodies could provide him. Fumbling with his Lasgun, he snapped off a wild shot in the direction of the oncoming greenskins.

(-20 BS Pinned)

(+10 Ordinary Ballistic Skill Test)

(+10 Laser Sight)

(+10 Best Craftsmanship weapon)


Malakai's shot flies between the ork's legs, harmlessly burning a few tufts of grass. The ork advances still, lifting its slugga to fire off another shot. (Move + Standard Attack)

Zharkov's ork charges towards him, hooting and swinging his axe in wide arcs (Charge).

Ojhmar and the charging ork are still on a collision course. Contact next round. (Run)

The final two orks pick a target each, moving closer still to the group and taking shots at Aleksandr and Yorke (Move + Standard Attack).

The ork gunmen pick their targets and unload another barrage of bullets (Full Auto Burst).








Malakai's ork is exceedingly lucky with his shot. Malakai must make a Dodge Action or suffer 10 Damage with 0 Pen to the chest, plus getting knocked Prone and Stunned for 1 Round.

Zharkov's ork makes a good swing, and he must make a Dodge Action or suffer 3 Damage with 2 Pen.

Both Aleksandr and Yorke are saved by the untimely protests from the ork's sluggas.

Macharius is much less fortunate; one of the big shootas unloads a bullet and catches him squarely in the chest. The bullet pierces straight through with a violent crack of his ribcage shattering. He falls back, his chest heaving repeatedly as he tries to suck in air. It's no use.

... and Killy.

Killy is caught by one of the machine guns - there's nothing anyone can do. One moment she's dodging the hailstorm of shoota rounds. The next, she shrieks in agony as her arm bursts like a star going supernova, splattering the marble floor with blood. She spins a full 180 degrees, her limbs flailing like a marionette's, and is dead before she hits the ground.

@Random Word's turn.
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Malakai feels a searing pain in his chest as the shot connects, and his arms buckle, plunging him into the marble floor. He groans, clutching at his ribs and feeling something hot and sticky oozing through the hole in his Flak armor.
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Thankfully Zharkov bothered to pay attention, though the orks are big and loud enough that even a blind deaf would know they're coming a mile away. He raises up his chainsword to meet the opponent's weapon. Given the ork's strength the hit is obviously very jarring even after turning it away.

Helly barely feels the splintered fragment of a nearby ornamental tree cut her cheek as yet another round hurtles passed her head, so intently is she focused on lining up the sights of her launcher with the balcony. "[HG] I urge you to heed the better part of valour, dear sister, and [LG] get the fuck into cover!" demands Killy, irately, providing desultory return fire from behind a nearby tree in the short reprieves between volleys from the heavy weapon.

"[HG] Be silent. I'm meting divine retribution and you distract me. The blind fool aims not, and soon will be not," snaps Helly, gritting her teeth and re-centering the crosshairs of her targeting array.

"[HG] You soon will be not, you stubborn child. If mother were-" Her words are interrupted by three wet thuds in short succession, interspersed with the sharp crack of another branch breaking. Helly feels another fragment lacerate her cheek, and a warm wet fluid spatter her skin. Startled from her single-minded focus her hand reflexively rises to touch her cheek and she glances down at her bloody fingertips. A single thought darts across her mind, Have I been injured so gravely?, before the scream tears thought from her mind. Her head whips around and she beholds with dawning horror the remains of her sister's arm strewn metres behind her, her body lying face up in a rapidly growing pool of her own blood, her distant unfocused eyes thrown wide in shock and pain. Killy's scream is abruptly strangled by the crushing embrace of death, and as with horror and pain, where hers ends Helly's begins.

Helly's mind shuts down briefly, unable to process the scene before her. Distantly she is aware of a screaming voice, nearly drowned out by the great drum of her heartbeat. It sounds so like her sister, it's so easy to believe Kilias still draws breath even as she stares uncomprehending at still, pale lips. Three great beats of the drum sound before the sharp crack of bolt rounds detonating on stone snaps her attention back to the battle and the balcony.

Instantly all of her fear, anguish, and pain sublime into hatred. Everything that is wrong in the world, all the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, have coalesced into the loathsome creature before her and she will suffer its existence no longer. As she raises the reticle once more to her eye and begins to softly hum the Litany of Accuracy in an empty, dispassionate voice which might have made Aleksandr proud, she realizes she had been screaming all along. She's dead. The tank that ended her mother may have eluded her forever, but her sister's killer she would end.

The Litany of Accuracy is phrased for careful control of the breath, and when properly executed the marksman fires at precisely half way through exhalation. Helly's rendition was flawless, her aim true as she let fly a Frag missile, striking the madly laughing creature directly between the craggy yellowed knives of its teeth with a satisfyingly thunderous roar. Her rage spent with her weapon, Helly collapses beside her sister, weeping.


BS 45 + 10 Aim + 10 Single Shot + 10 Short Range Edit: + 10 Best Craftsmanship


10 DoS, Hit Location Head

2d10+2 Pen 2

Vengeance flies through the air, planting itself straight in the beast's maw. The missile explodes, splattering the room behind the ork with blood and gore. If the sun had been shining, it could've shone straight through the xeno's head. Despite this gruesome disfigurement , the ork remains standing - in a sense. He slumps against his gun, howling miserably.

@Cartoonkarl's turn.
Aleksandr seems perfectly fine with hiding behind his rock, but after seeing one the biologicals die he lets out an almost mechanical, non-human, sigh. He would sit up from behind his rock and point his rifle almost halfheartedly at the nearest ork, he sits there as if judging if he should really fire before pulling the trigger.


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