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Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

"Roger that, sir." He said, softly grumbling to himself as he stepped forward, long-las rifle raised and watching ahead as Ojhmar tried to track the enemy. He follow the Feral worlder quietly, waiting patiently. Coming up beside him, Lucian had his weapon at-the-ready, as well. "Think this one can find anythin'?" The shorter man mused to Zach, which he immediately scoffed and shushed him quiet.
The orks' tracks prove to be difficult to trace, to say the least. In the time they've had to lose you, they've... disappeared, however inconceivable it sounds. The tracks become increasingly difficult to follow - it appears that the enemy has made deliberate attempts to whisk them away and conceal the marks of their passing. At times, hope of catching up with them seems bleak indeed, and the tracks disappear entirely - but then a small slip-up gets you back on track again. But as the minutes tick by on the chrono, the hope of actually reaching your missing squad members in time to save them grows slimmer.

Your journey takes you deeper into a claustrophobic part of the city, with multi-storey buildings towering high above you on all sides. Some of the buildings appear to be simple apartments - steelgrey cube-shaped blocks piled high onto each other in large towers and long rows, simple living space for the poorer parts of the population. As you pass the poorer quarters, though, the homes become more independent, with fewer storeys. Some even have small patches of garden, now overgrown from abandonment and invading the street, causing the asphalt under your feet to crack.

Progressing deeper into the city, the air clears a little - the sterile blocks of the slums give way to more independent, and sometimes even colourful, residences with fewer storeys. This part of the city is even more overgrown, with more gardens for the plant-life to advance from. Some of the plants have even climbed the buildings, covering their whole faces with greenery. In a way, it's a refreshing sign of life. The air even feels fresher here.

As you leave the city-forest behind, the tracks become increasingly straight - soon, you are simply lead straight ahead through the streets. If you were to check the map, you would discover that you were moving towards the plaza, by which the former mayor's mansion lies. The richer part of town, in other words. Drawing closer to the plaza, you see that the houses around you grow taller again. The faded marble spires and palaces of the old nobility replace the humble apartment blocks and the dwarfed houses. The great monuments to old blood are laden with scarred gilded ornaments and surrounded by statues of local saints, former planetary governors, historic lords, and more. But it is all weathered and mangled. What remains is a frayed parody of the greatness of old.

The cluttered street opens up, widening into a great, hundred-diameter plaza encircled by a strip of trees, a sort of half-hearted attempt at hiding the city beyond. It appears to have been the site of meetings between the nobility, because of the presence of several marble benches, high-backed and ornately carved with the faces of Imperial saints, aquilas, and scenes from long-forgotten legends. The benches are arrayed in two circles, one within the other, and all face the centre.

... the centre...

In the centre of the plaza lies a dozen heaps in dark, coagulated pools.
As the group made their way through the ruined city, Zacharias was ever on his guard but he at least felt a little at home.. An uneasy homecoming feeling. A mix between happy to be here and Emperor please deliver me from this torment. And the latter became a much stronger feeling as they entered the plaza centre..

His eyes went wide at the sight before them but he didn't give himself time to linger at the mess ahead of them.. He had an assumption of what it was and right now, their lives were more important.. He dropped to a knee and scanned the area, looking for any possible movement or sign of enemy presence.

Lucian was in the middle of some rambling nonsense when Zacharias' eyes narrowed for a moment then went wide. He snapped his fingers to get attention and set his sights on the tree-line. Lucian immediately got the hint, his weapon leveling on the tree-line, as well.

He said quietly, "Movement. And snorts."
Helly, hanging back and deftly navigating the overgrown gardens in silence, immediately points two fingers in the air and gestures upward with her eyes. Killy has already had the same idea and begun searching for a nearby estate with a good field of view and easy second storey access from which to set up a firing position.

In case it's useful. Could also be Scrutiny with the same result. [dice]3507[/dice]
Malakai raised his Lasgun as Zacharias spoke, and Mord did the same. Malakai's eyes flicked from the tree-line to the bodies, and back again. If by the Emperor's grace any of them were still breathing, they wouldn't be for much longer unless they received medical attention.

"Someone want to go and check it out?" He whispered. "I'm not keen with being in a standoff in the middle of a warzone. Especially if whatever made that noise turns out to be harmless."
The commissar stays low to the ground and motions for everyone to stow the chatter. He starts moving as quietly as he can towards the area that Zarcharius indicated the sounds had come from, keeping his bolt pistol raised to be ready for whatever might be hiding in that treeline. If this was an ork then they picked a rather obvious spot for an ambush. If this were native wildlife he was walking up on...well that would really make him look like an ass.

A loud squeal, and a strange creature bolts out of the bushes. It is not at all large, but its presence is nonetheless ominous to those with the right knowledge. It is a short, round creature on four legs, with a tusked face and a mottled, grey-greenish skin. To the Tarsians, this creature may be entirely unfamiliar, and even mistaken for local wildlife, but some would recognize it - perhaps only from tales - as a squig.
Ojhmar made track after the trail left- but it was no easy task, and the Feral seemed most unused to tracking in the urban environment so unlike his home. He kept crouched at all time, leading ahead of the group, having to pause for minutes a time for what seemed to be a trivial reason- in order to decipher if the tracks were indeed tracks, or mere markings made by time. Either way, it was clear that the tracking could have gone a whole lot better, and by its ending point even the Feral had lost the certain smirk to his lips in favor for a frustrated- and concentrated frown. However, at long last- and certainly with a few backtracks in the middle, they've made it! And what he saw, did not please him. His eyes narrowed on the heap of corpses- long enough for him to mutter something in his native tongue, and for Ibrahm to gulp nervously and withdraw his Lascarbine. Ibrahm looked to the Feral and spoke to him in his own tongue- trying to maintain a certain air of sternness about his strange words mingled by the swallowing of his tongue and the clicks it'd produce. But it seemed that Ojhmar got the message fairly certain- and instead of charging on ahead at the first sign of trouble, such as marked by Zacharias, he instead slung back his Eviscerator and withdrew his Lascarbine, seeking standard cover- preferably made of sturdy material, and knelt behind it in customary firing position, clumsily handling his Lascarbine, quite clearly more comfortable wielding the monstrous meat-mangler.

He startled a bit- finger leaping to the trigger, but not yet squeezing. Dependent where the Squig was running- Ojhmar might not shoot.
The squig bolts out of the bushes, between Zharkov's legs, and out into the plaza. It tries to hide among the corpses, provided it reaches them in time.
The squig's scream actually manages to bring back some pretty pleasant memories from a much earlier time in the Commissar's life. They were always a good way to keep morale up because as far as enemies went, squigs were probably the least dangerous. He recalled one particular time a regiment took over a stadium and managed to train some of them to play football. Now wasn't that time though, seeing as the orks had butchered their comrades after going through the trouble of capturing them. With practice that can only come from executing deserters, he spun quickly on his heel, quickly took aim at the squig...and BLAM.

"Definitely orks. Everyone, defend yourselves!"

*Edit: forgot an additional -10 due to short range*


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Sergeant Yorke watched the entire macabre affair playing out, feeling a slight spark of rage at what were likely dead guardsmen. He suddenly gets a very bad feeling as he looks around some now. Why leave the bodies so blatantly out in the open after being so sneaky in the first place. This felt like another trap even as that damnably ugly little creature squealed and went darting away into the bodies. Then he heard the bolt pistol go off and swore as the Commissar fired.

"Damnation, this could be an ambush! Guns up and get to cover!" Yorke barks immediately as he grabs for his lascarbine. Moving for the best cover near him now to scan the area better. He wasn't taking the chance with his men yet, but he had to confirm who the dead were after this. If they didn't find the Lieutenant, then he had a whole new issue to worry about since these damn orks were already making him worry.

Macharius swore as well and grabbed his own carbine, looking around now with his superior. Hugging the side of a building while peering around for possible Ork responses to the new mayhem playing out.
Zacharias had the squig in his sights the whole time it was moving, just waiting for an order. Once the Commissar took that shot, he immediately swung around to find himself some good cover, Lucian in tow. He made sure his cloak fitted well over most of him as he peaked up to try scanning the plaza centre again.. Maybe the shot caused some movement.

A strangled cry echoes through the plaza. On a third-storey balcony above the bushes, a massive ork appears. He wears a flamboyantly decorated greatcoat, and squarely between his giant, bat-like ears sits a... commissar's cap? Either way, the ork has an expression of utter shock on his face. "You'se gitz shot me squig!" he cries in outrage. He looks at each of you in turn, clearly uncertain who to take his rage out on first, and then he spots Zharkov. His face twists into a malevolent, toothy grin. "No matter! Boyz! It's time to stomp 'em good!" He bellows. "You’se lot will always remember ‘dis as ‘da day when you’se DEFFANITLY got stomped by Kaptin Urzak Hat-Steela! Which should account for ‘da rest o’ ya livez, really! Stomp ‘em, boyz! I’se got a prize for ‘da best stomper! Sumfink big an’ killy for you’se! WAH-HA-HA HA-HA!"

At the boss ork's cry, five orks leap leering and hooting out of their hiding places in the hedges, and another two appear in second-storey windows on either side of their boss. The orks on the street-level wield primitive axes and big pistols, while the two in the window each have a crude machine gun mounted on the window sill.

The plaza is a hundred metres across, surrounded by hedges, with four exits in each direction - north, east, south, and west. You entered through the northern entrance, and the orks appeared from the eastern side. The corpses of your platoon-mates lie in the dead centre.

Initiative (roll 1d10 + AG bonus). You may state your first action in the same go.
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Helly immediately sights the heavy weapon in the window, brings her launcher up, and unloads a Frag missile into the window from the garden below. "That's my spot, you fuckers!" She promptly rolls away to avoid the flaming remains of the shrubbery behind her and any return fire, relying on her camo cloak and the concealment offered by the gardens for protection.




BS 45 + 10 Aim + 10 Single Shot + 10 Short Range Edit: + 10 Best Craftsmanship


2d10+2 Pen 2

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Aleksandr looks unamused. "It is against Imperium Regulation to wear the uniform of a commisar. Take off that hat." He calls to the ork as he hides behind his Servitor, drawing power axe into his hand. He tests its weight as if it were unfamiliar to him.

Zharkov gets that look of anger on his face that all commissars get after someone has done something particularly stupid, this is the first time you've seen it on him since the regiment was founded. He meets the ork's glare as the green beast starts his monologue. After the ork is done with introductions, Zharkov squishes the pile of goo that was once a squig for emphasis. "And here I'd thought you managed to elude me, instead you present yourself on a platter!" The Commissar gives his chainsword two great flourishes. "Come Hat-Steela, I demand our unfinished business be satisfied!"

Zacharias already had his sights lined up, scanning between the targets. He really detested combat.. but he pushed his thoughts aside as he took one more second to check and make sure his weapon was fully loaded before he aimed up at the Ork shouting at the group.. Target acquired. Lucian followed Zach's sights, ready to fire as soon upon the biggest Ork. The sniper was silent, making sure he could line up the perfect shot..(Full Action Aim)

(Dice Error on my part. Two separate rolls with +4, so 12 and 14. Taking 14 as Initiative roll)

Malakai dropped to a knee, swearing imaginatively at the Orks who exploded from the hedges. He was in the open, having advanced halfway towards the corpses in the Plaza's center. He had to find cover, and quickly. For now though, he'd just have to hope his luck and camouflage was better than the Ork's aim.

Sergeant Yorke looked out at the Ork with a bit of a scowl and again reminded himself why he never trusted anything in the damn Primer. This was an ambush but thankfully the Orks were too caught up in their own antics so he'd caught on fast enough. Now he knew his enemy a bit better and was ready to hand him his first defeat. He'd take that Orks teeth as a trophy for what he'd done. For now though, he needed to get his squad fighting.

"COVERING FIRE!" Yorke barked immediately, and Macharius as one of the first of their comrades to hear rolled around to start laying down fire like ordered.


Issuing Sweeping Order: Covering Fire (Free Action)

+10 Dodge tests for all PCs in Cohesion with their Comrade.

"Terra's skies!" Ibrahm calls out in fright, kneeling by the same cover as the Feral worlder as the Orcs arrived. The Feral man bore his broad grin once more at the sight of battle- and quickly spoke to the man by him in his native tongue. "Ma'hmjook mik'tal!" He said to him- a thing Ibrahm didn't seem pleased to hear at all- but before he could even protest, the Feral was acting.

Ojhmar quickly dabbed himself in his cloak, which rapidly took unto itself the color of the floor and surroundings in a shimmer and swiftly withdrew his Eviscerator in his burly grip as he ran free from cover, trying to run past to the Ork'z left flank, yet unseen- attempting to utilize the Covering Fire and the chaos of battle to escape unnoticed. (Full action - Run.)

Ibrham quickly slunk back into full cover. Only popping out the slightest with his Lascarbine in tow, beginning to lay down shots at the enemies that so promptly sprang from the brush!


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OOC: I am not going to write anything about VisionImp or Bones Johnson's stuff yet, seeing as none of them have done anything that requires a roll yet.

  1. VisionImp
  2. Bones Johnson
  3. Crocodile
  4. Unlucky Fellow
  5. Hellkite
  6. Orks
  7. Random Word
  8. Cartoonkarl


A barrage of lasfire lights up the square at the sergeant's call, hampering the orks' advance and making (most of) their attempts at reaching you exceedingly difficult.

@Unlucky Fellow's turn.
Zharkov glares up as Hat-Steela doesn't seem to have accepted his challenge. He raises his bolt pistol and takes aim before firing at his arch nemesis. "If you've won't come down I'll just have to blast you down!"



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