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Futuristic Only War: The Shining 1st

"You need not worry Sir Barnes, for the explosives will only detonate if they have received sufficient amount of pressure and heat, similar to that of an Imperium Standard Issue Las-gun. There is little to worry about, just do not get shot." It is hard to tell if he is being sincere, analytical, or sarcastic, either way his tone is reassuring but his words words say otherwise...
"So what ya' be sayin' is... These'a explosives." Ojhmar pauses. "An' if we be gettin' shot, burned, or exposed ta' heat, they go off. On our backs." He slowly leered at the Cogboy. "Can't we jus' call up one of'da Emperor's mighteh metal birds an' get outta here?"
"Oh, great." Malakai replied to Aleksandr sarcastically. "Just don't get shot. That's all, just don't get shot in the middle of a warzone."

He touched the bandages on his chest.

"I've been shot once already, and I thought my day couldn't get any worse."

Then Ojhmar spoke up. Malakai listened to the hulking man, sighing wistfully at the suggestion of an extraction.

"It's never that simple, Ojhmar." He shrugged his shoulders. "Murphy's Law. If it can go wrong, it will. And there are a lot of things that can go wrong with a Valkyrie flying through anti-air fire."
"Zharkov, we need to get these explosives delivered and ready to detonate. I need you to know what all they want in case something happens to me," Yorke said in a serious tone as he hands over the dataslate for the Commissar to see.

"As for your questions, we need to move these because I'm not leaving them for the Orks. There's a old rail netwrok apparently with a tower on our target zone. Seems we need to make that tower cease to exist. So we're going to locate a tunnel entrance and go below ground. My number one priority is finding a functional rail car or getting one running. We're going to need it to escape the blast radius once we put those in place. More so I don't want to lug that damn box around; it too clunky an if it takes a good hit we're all dead anyways."
Zharkov reads over the dataslate with one hand while stuffing bricks of high explosive into available pockets with the other, knowing that as XO he'd have to salvage the missions should Yorke be knocked out. "Well it's not the blast radius we should be worried about so much as the tower falling on top of us. This area has been heavily shelled so it's doubtful the power grids are still up, we can only hope the railcar either run on liquid fuel or an underground generator somewhere is working."

He buttons his greatcoat so the explosives in the pockets don't cause it to drag down his arms at a critical time. "Hop to, everyone. We're losing daylight."
Filling your pockets with the explosives despite all sense, you prepare to leave the massacre behind. Once the load is shared equally between you, you set off - moving down from the great hill and back into the city. You can see your target looming high over the rooftops in the distance. Between you and it, there is a overgrown concrete jungle like the one you passed through before. All things considered, it is a pleasant change of scenery from the killing site you left behind.

As you walk, the sky turns overcast and progressively darker. You start to take note of the lamp posts lining the streets. Most are dark, but some are turning on. Others are flickering. Sometimes, you find yourselves gazing into an endless darkness ahead, until it is suddenly broken by faint lights in the distance. Other times, the street is bathed in light. Around you, you see the ruins of civilization. Neon signs shout voicelessly at you from all sides, colours burning hotly against the grey.

In the end, your map finally reveals that you have reached your target location. The street broadens and evolves into a square. In the centre of the square, beside a fountain and abandoned market stalls, lies an entrance to the metro - stairs like a gaping maw in the ground, flanked by a marble balustrade on the surface. The metro appears to have been locked when the city was evacuated - at any rate, there is a gateway blocking the entrance. It looks like it could've been strong once, but it is worn now. You also notice a control panel on the wall.

The gateway can be broken open with a Arduous (-40) Strength Test, with an added +10 for each joining pusher. It can also be opened by way of the control panel with a Hard (-20) Tech Use Test.
Aleksandr instantly appears at the control panel, staring at it for a moment the Censer on his shoulder lets out a puff of incense and smoke, which smells a bit sickly sweet, a mix of pungent cinnamon and the dour scent of oil. He begins tapping on the terminal, clicking away as he tries to open the gate without even Yorke giving a command.


He lets out a metallic sigh, the machine spirit is too uncooperative over its time of decay in this warfare. He kneels down next to it and draws incense sticks from his robes, which he sticks into the ground and lights, using his mechadendrite to begin digging a circle around him with odd twists and turns in the symbol of a gear. He is obviously lost in prayer.
It appears that the old panel is far too damage for Aleksandr to truly operate. The gateway does not budge. It appears you have no choice but to force it open.
Zacharias sighed a little to himself as he watched the machine-man try, and fail, to open the door. Already seeing where this was going.. "I'll watch our backs." He said then turned around to survey the area, weapon raised.. Lucian was going on about nonsense, which Zach was doing his best to ignore as he looked around.
Malakai sighs as Aleksandr backs away from the door. He turns and glances at the rest of the squad.

"You know, what with all us being walking bombs, we could probably spare some to blow this open?"

The medic turns away, imagining the unimpressed expressions he expected would be receiving from Yorke and the Commissar.

"Well," He said, touching his bandaged chest. "I guess we'll have to force this open then. I suppose I can't excuse myself from physical exercise with this wound, can I?"

With a shrug and a sigh, Malakai approached the gate and braced himself against it.

"I expect not." He groaned, before beckoning to his squadmates with a resigned expression. "Someone give me a hand here. I can't do this by myself."
"Hop to it, we need to get this door open. You as well, Aleksandr. We need to force this and if tech won't do it, we're have to. We've got to get below before some damn patrol spots us. Hopefully Zacharius can off any scouts he spots," Yorke orders and proceed to join in pulling himself. He wasn't about to order manual labor like this and not participate as well.
Helly trudges along morosely behind the squad, hugging the kite to her chest under her camo cloak, periodically venting her frustration on bits of neon debris strewn by her vengeful feet. The grey suits her mood, and the glowing fragments offend her - especially the green ones. She pays the rest of the city little heed, and nearly bumps into Zacharias when the halt is called. "If they'd issued fucking Krak missiles I'd just blow it open," she mutters sullenly, slumping into a nearby alcove to sulk.
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They aren't going to get anywhere by being lazy so Zharkov joins in on pulling the gate as well. "Quite frankly trooper Helly, I'm inclined to agree but if they issued every warm body what they wanted...well there aren't enough Baneblades in the whole Guard for that. Given the nature of our assignment, I will be having a word with the munitions officer once we get back."
Ojhmar walked along the gang- his eyes narrowing. It was subtle, but to all those who would actually follow the savage's facial expressions and bodily language- they'd spot quite clearly, terror in his eyes whenever he stared into the dark, rushing his steps as they walked, at great unease. When they arrived to the square, he blew a huff of relief from his nostrils- flaring them once more. Even as the party spoke and the Techpriest had found the door uncooperative, Ojhmar slowly lumbered on ahead with his friends, his blood mangled form lining up to offer some considerable bulk, as he joined in on the yanking, his burly grip aiming to take hold of the door, and with a leaning of his body, pry it open alongside his comrades.


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Assuming your comrades are assisting with the door, you now have nine individuals pushing on the door. You have reached +10. All who are helping with the pushing, roll an Ordinary (+10) Strength Test. You may re-roll your result. Comrades do not roll.

In the meantime - Zacharias. Awareness. (+0) Challenging.
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With your combined effort, you succeed in pushing the door down. It falls to the floor with a crash that echoes through the subterranean halls. Climbing over the wreck, you find yourself looking into a wall of darkness. Your preysense goggles come in handy now. Looking around in the now green-lit halls, you see faded old signs. The Gothic text is similar enough to your own Tarsian script to identify the direction you will have to go to reach your mark. As far as you can tell, it is a couple of stops on the line away from your current position.

Descending a flight of stairs, you find a platform with rails on either side. The lamps in the room are flickering and crackling with electricity. No train appears to be present and, with the signs of electirity, it seems a bad idea to follow the tracks on foot. Looking around, you see that there's an enclosed command centre on the centre of the platform, in the opposite end of the room to the stairs. You may be able to call a train from there. Otherwise, you could attempt to find information on how to shut off power and walk the rails safely.
Zacharias was making sure no one snuck up on them as his companions got the door open. And as the door was finally forced open, he waited for a moment, expecting gun fire but when none came in that split second period, he moved inside with his weapon raised.

He scanned the area, his goggles down over his face now, looking for any movement or possible threat. And he really hoped he want the only fool standing there with a gun..
Zharkov slowly approached the train platform once they were underground. It's been years since he used any kind of transport like this and to be quite honest, it was almost reminiscent of a simpler time in life...at least as far as the lives of IG can be. He tried to imagine what the station would have looked like had the people of the planet not forced a land invasion. It was almost a shame to see work that must have taken years almost in ruins. He drew his bolt pistol and slowly paced to the edge of the platform, looking both ways down the tunnel as well as examining the tracks for any sign that a train had recently been used, such as lack of rust on the rails.

"Aleksandr, have a look here when you get the chance. If we can't shut the power off is there a way we can safely walk down there? Everyone else, keep your eye on the entrances. We don't want another nasty surprise today."
Ojhmar stood silent- as the gates opened to the train platform beneath the earth. And at its sight, the savage's eyes widened and the color drained rapidly from his face- as the very hairs on the back of his neck seemed to stand out. His fingers twitching uneasily around the hilt of his Eviscerator, as he remained absolutely glued to the spot in the light of day, leering down to the darkness. Swallowing nervously, the only thing which even allowed him the courage to descend down the initial flight of stairs was the preysense Goggles he strapped to his head. "Sarge." He said with great unease in his voice. "I do not think it is wise to travel through the darkness, in the stomache of the earth. Things prey where eyes can not see." He muttered, a thing which caused for Ibrahm to roll his eyes (obviously not too visibly).

"The Makkarians- Ojhmar's tribe, fear the Darkness like a heretic fears the opposite end of a righteous Bolter, Sargeant Yorkes." The translator explained. "They have much superstition about it."
Zharkov's inspection reveals that it has been a long time since this station was used - it may even have been closed prior to the war, but it's hard to tell. The oppressing darkness - relieved by only a few remaining lamps along the length of the platform - can't hide that this place has fallen into disrepair.

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