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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc:His body knows its in pain but is just insane right no to notice is that to op or no

Bic:"Oww...that hurt."he said while getting shocked and through but jumped up over the ball spear or what ever it was then Cicero got on all fours and ran at the boy like a cat kicking the boy in the stomach hoping to make him slide a few feet so before Nagato could grab his foot Cicero jumped back a few feet and waited for Nagato to retaliate
Vladimor nearly dropped his own books when Matthew ran into him, but he laughs it off, turning to ruffle the boy's hair. "It's fine. Yeah, we're going now." He tells him as he begins to walk out the door to meet with Derrick who was holding a taxi for them once more. This time the ride was much longer, and Derrick hadn't said much, just a few notes to himself maybe. The houses began to start spacing out, becoming larger and more extravagant as they met the outskirts of the city. When they arrived, Derrick tilts his head, an almost disappointed look in his eye. "It's a lot smaller than what I expected. No matter, at least it's better than a common house anywhere." He once again pays the taxi driver the fine, heading up to the house with a pep in his step. Vladimor chuckles at his enthusiasm. "This is the first time I've seen here, beside the pictures. I've only been to our house in Washington D.C" He thinks back on the memories. It was a trip that he had to take with his father. He doesn't remember much except for a lot of fancily dressed people with shiny drinks all crowded and speaking with one another. He hid in the bathroom. Other times he had to act as a representative. He wasn't allowed to hide. As they walk to the door, Derrick seems to be looking around under stuff for something- "Aha!" He exclaims, pulling a key from under a large stone. The servant unlocks the door to the house, opening the door to reveal the inside of the house. Vladimor wasn't amazed, but was excited to back to something that felt like a piece of home. "Like it?" He asks Matthew as he steps inside placing his bag down. Derrick tells them that he'll be out buying food for the house, along with other necessities. When Vladimor finds a bookshelf built into the walls of the living room, he smiles, taking his books and putting them on the half-empty shelf.

Nagato slide back a few feet grabbing his stomach, "Ow that was a nice hit." He quickly glowed green while his body repaired anything that had been hurt, then he glowed blue as his energy was put to use making him faster. He then punch Cicero in the stomach like how he had kick Nagato in the stomach. Then he jumped back gathering energy in his eye again.
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Cicero coughed up blood but stood up his body has in server pain but his brain wasn't processing any of this he was to insane to notice he just smiled "I could say the same for you....but one thing troubles me could you explain your power."He said while jumping from wall to wall not as fast as he usually could but still fast enough to were he was some what of a blur he appeared behind Nagato and kicked him in the head no hard but enough to still make it hurt a lot then punched him in the back letting Cicero back flip away from his opponent
After feeling his life drain away from playing way to much pachinko, he moved over to the blackjack tables, where maybe he could win a few of his IPads back. Only then, did he spot Tabitha. "Hey! Tabitha!" Clearly, attracting the attention of a bunch of drunk people and T-girl, or attracting people in general, wasn't so great when you're a large metal guy with lights and sound constantly pouring out of him. Nonetheless, he stumbled over to her, trying not to create a scene by acting like one of the semi-drunk patrons. "Hey there, where's the rest of the crew?" Before she could answer, he immediately asked, "Want some more chips to help with your unhealthy gambling or do you want me to spend the rest of the night sliding down banisters covered in blood?"

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He grabbed the back of his head in pain and his hand glowed green healing the injury, thankfully he had gathered the energy prior to the attack. "Awe, now you want to know what I can do, maybe I will tell you after the battle." He then glowed blue showing he was faster and he ran up to Cicero before glowing red showing he was stronger now. He then punched Cicero in his chest before jumping back again and gathering energy in his eye.

"Sweetie? There's nothing sweet about me lady, but compared to you I'm an angel." Matthew replied to the bitch who made him fall last night. He had made the mistake of running into Vlad, so maybe this was karma. The only difference was that Vladimor ran into somebody he didn't want to kill... Most of the time anyway. After that was out of the way, Matt followed Vladimor to the taxi without another word. He wasn't really angry though. Instead, he enjoyed the long car ride, tapping his fingers against the seat of the taxi. If he was alone he might have even hummed a song, but Matthew didn't have the confidence to do that around Vladimor. When Vlad was nearby, Matt became self-conscious and maybe even a little paranoid, but the boy didn't dwell on these sort of thoughts, or try to reason out why Vladimor made him like that. Instead, he looked out the window and admired the city around them.

When they got out of the car, Matt's first reaction was to merely gawk at the immense beauty of the place, but he quickly controlled his facial expressions once more. Still, he couldn't help but raise one eyebrow at what Derrick said. "This is small?!" he wanted to say, but he kept his mouth shut. He didn't want to make a fool out of himself. He walked in rather quietly, holding the books he had bought to his chest and feeling rather out-of-place. It wasn't like wealth was the most important thing to Matthew, but it still shocked him that anyone could live like this. This is why he had to be honest when Vladimor asked him if he liked the house, but Matt felt himself grow mute and ended up just nodding his head. At first Matthew had just been shocked and (though he'd never admit it) impressed with the place, a realization suddenly hit him: He didn't belong here. Because of this mindset he continued to hold his books and stand sort of awkwardly to the side.

"You can do the second- I'm going to find Cicero." was all Tabitha told the iron giant, walking off without another word. She didn't know why, but she was extremely worried about him right now: Where could he have run off to?!​
Cicero coughed up more blood and fell to his knees before getting up again and smiling "You know I remember you said you wouldn't use your eye....soooo let me just poke it out."He said jumping in front of Nagato poking the wrong eye before kicking him in the leg and punching him in the chest and glided back a little preparing for the next attack 'I can't stay like this for long I have to block some of his attacks instead of taking them head on and getting hurt more I'm already started to feel some of the pain already.' He thought to himself while preparing to block or dodge any attack needed will trying to withstand the pain he was feeling in his body
Nagato held up his hand sending a wall of eclectic energy at Cicero and right after that he shot a spear of energy from his eye. He place his hand over his right eye feeling where Cicero had just poked him. He also coughed up blood from Cicero's attacks and he glowed green again healing his minor injuries. His left eye then began to bleed a little from the excessive energy usage without him gathering more. He then gathered more energy using his eye preparing for Cicero's next attack, while holding his chest in pain.
Leaving out the back door with a few large bags of yard trimmings, he followed Tabster closely, trying not to attract the attention of the police armed forces. The way he accomplished this was to follow one type of logic, if there was nobody to see what crime he committed, who would arrest him? The plan was perfect! There would be one problem though, where would he put all the bodies? As the pile began to accumulate, Tabitha soon became a reaper, albeit an unconventional one, instigating a quick slash to the occasional overly-curious citizen. Not like it wasn't their fault though, for looking at a large guy heading to a rave with multiple bags of what could only be identified as "gross"
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Cicero was getting shocked he was gritting his teeth in agony since he was back to his normal self he felt all the pain in his body and from what he could see Nagato's eye was bleeding "Guess I hit the wrong one didn't I." He said getting up swallowing the blood in his mouth and wiping the blood that escaped his mouth "Things got serious didn't it?" He asked the boy laughing a little 'Time focus if hes eye is bleeding he must using it to much so I have to keep making him use it.' He thought to himself while he ran up to Nagato and punched his stomach and chest kicking his legs and jumping up to kick his neck then jumped away breathing heavily exhausted from how far he pushed his body and how hard Nagato's attacks where if it kept up like this Cicero had a chance of passing out everything has already getting dizzy but he pushed through it he had to prove he was strong to protect the ones he cared about he thought of his nightmare again and a tear slide down his cheek he wiped it off and got up "Are you going to attack or what?" He asked the boy while he steadied his breathing the dizziness went a way a little
Ooc: Tabitha is wandering around the city, Leo has no idea where to go so he follows her, at the same time he is carrying bodies, and when people might question about the bodies, Leo adds to the pile. So inadvertantly, wherever Tabster goes, people die due to Leo being there.

I use too many metaphors in my writing, gotta explain it a bit more don't I? @iiimee
Nagato took the blunt of the blows only managing to dodge the attack to his neck. Dam I can use power energy attack, because if I don't I wont be able to use energy. He use the majority of the energy he had gathered to heal himself, doing so didn't hurt him anymore but now he had a limited amount of energy to attack Cicero with. He began to glow blue and was running around Cicero throwing weak attacks at him before glowing red and punching him in the face. He then jumped back and fell to his knees exhausted and began to gather more energy incase he need to have it again.

Tabitha kept walking, calling out Cicero's name once in a while. She acted calm, but she was starting to get paranoid. Every time she took a step, so did somebody else a little bit farther behind her. She tried to ignore it, but her heart was beating extremely fast. "Is it one of the scientists?" she wondered. Her hands shook slightly as she tried to think of the possibility of that being the case. It was already getting late, and Las Vegas was known to have a huge facility... She took strange routes, hoping to lose her pursuer, but they were unusually good at tracking her. "Don't look back." she warned herself. If they knew she saw them, they'd dispose of her immediately, and so she kept walking- until she heard a scream, that was quickly cut off. She swerved her head around to see Leo, in his giant metal body, slitting the throat of an unsuspecting citizen. Tabitha took a step back, ready to run. What sort of monster was he?!

Ooc: Leo's an ass. Matt would only help Leo hide the bodies now because he doesn't want the others getting harmed by Leo's mistakes. :P
mewbot5408 said:
Izabell nodded."well I like it" s/he said with a smile and nodded twirling then crushed holding the ends of the blue lolita dress she had bought and was wearing accompanied by some striped stockings,boots,and a frilly lace headband. "Watcha think?" Orious approached in a black and red gothic/punk styled vested tailed suit with black boots. Orious sighed annoyed and looked at izabell who blushed. Ori was pretty sexy in a suit that fit his tastes. "My my Ori what a sexy look, don't you think so too lia darling?"
Lia nodded, looking at both of them, "You guys look good," she said, "I'm going to go pay for these, okay?" She went back into the change rooms, changed into her old clothes, paid for her new ones, and changed back into her new ones. Still smiling, Lia walked back over to Izabell and just watched herself in the mirror for a while. After that, she bought a couple t-shirts, jeans, and one hoodie. Satisfied, she said, "I think I'm done" She had spent $90, so she desperately hoped John had won some money for them.
Cicero tried and managed to block some of the weak hits but when he got hit in the face he flew backwards landing on his back he got up still slouched over like a zombie or something at this point he felt like one he keep getting up hit after hit the memory of seeing Tab's head on the pole and everyone he knew and loved dead around him he grew furious at himself for not protecting them he looked up at Nagato rage consuming his eyes he didn't see Nagato as himself instead he seen him as a scientist his pain went away from the adrenaline that coursed through his veins and body he ran to Nagato grabbing his throat and punching him in the face and stomach and slammed him on the ground still choking him while punching him in the side Cicero didn't know reality from the nightmare anymore all he could see was him beating up a scientist tears streaming down his face as he remembered Tab's severed head and Ocean's skeleton
"Hi Tabitha! Where are you heading off to?" Leo replied as he finished stuffing the body into a already overstuffed bag. Noticing her stance, he casually licked the blood off his large, blade-like finger. "You see, its kinda a long story, but the gist of it is when you said I could kill people? Well... I did. But then people got curious about the bag, so I had to kill them too. Then things got out of hand so now we have this!" He unfurled the large shiny bag to reveal 11 bodies, each with their throat slit. "See? Foolproof!" He gestured to the bag. Evidently, the mood needed to be lightened. So, he sang in the tumne of Frozen's "Do you want to build a snowman?" "Do you want to hide a body?" He leaned in and whispered into her frightened ear. "It doesn't have to be in one piece."
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"Get away from me!" Tabitha screamed- not a very wise decision for the girl. Soon after she found herself on the ground and blood was dripping from her ears, but she didn't care. He was killing innocent people! "You can't just stroll around killing whoever you like!" She was going to yell at him some more, but her body wouldn't physically let her, so her words came out as a whisper. Tabitha quickly got up, but it was clear from how pale her skin had grown that she was weak. "J-just... hide those!" she said, pointing but not looking at the bodies. She couldn't stand to see the faces of those people, not when she knew she could've saved most of them if she hadn't been so oblivious. Tears tried to slide down Tabby's face, but she wiped them away before she could. She felt sick to her stomach, and the scent of fresh corpses didn't help.

Nagato had realized that Cicero had lost touch from reality and if he kept at the pace he was going he might end up killing him. "Well then I don't think I can you win." He said coughing up blood and struggling for air. He grabbed Cicero's hands and began to electrify him. Do to the electricity Cicero would tense up and not have any ability to move but he would also act like a circuit sending the electricity back at him. It was the only way for both of them to live, as long as he kept the electricity a low voltage. He could also use the energy to blow up Cicero's wrist but he might not be happy with Nagato if he did do that, plus there are arteries there so he could end up killing Cicero.
Orious nodded."Well I'm gonna head out." And with that the vampire started to walk off as quickly but was tackled by izabell who started singing and stopped in his tracks as izabell approached with a dark smirk. "Now be a good boy Ori, little izzy wants to play still." S/he murmured tracing a finger under the vampire's chin before learning in a giving him a kiss. Orious sighed."yes,master.." He muttered and izabell pulled him behind her with a giggle."good boy." Then waved to lia."we're gonna head to the house." She shouted and dragged Ori behind her.
Vladimor smiles hooking a finger in Matthew's pant pocket, pulling him along as a gesture for him to follow to explore the house with him. He decided to look for the back door that takes some time to find in this maze of a house. He opens the sliding glass door, running out to look at the hot tub and pool that in the night, was complimented quite nicely by the night sky with it's blue lights. "Hot tub? Wunderbar!" He says, looking at lush bushes growing around outside. (But you know how vegas is...it's just there to hide all the weeds and sand!) "We'll have to use this soon, eh?" He suggests looking over to the small boy still holding his books. "Find somewhere to put those then lets go look for our room, yeah?" He says, not really conscious of him saying 'our' but hey, the house was smaller than he thought, so it wouldn't be unexpected that a few people shared rooms, especially with how big each of them were...He steps back into the door, closing the door when Matthew comes in, giving another look around. It had a more elegant feel, matching Vladimor's aura, but far from his personality. Could have been more darker, scene kid.

Cicero felt his arm then his whole body tense up like he just got tazed by something he eventually fell over not being able to move he still seen Nagato as a scientist "No get away from me.....get away or i'll kill you like you killed Tab you sick fuck."He stated like venom coming off his words while he glared at Nagato trying to move to no prevail he eventually stop struggling and started crying seeing how he was still wasn't strong enough to protect the group this was short lived when he thought he heard Tab scream "Tab....your still alive?"He asked himself confused on why he heard her voice when he seen her head on a pole he really was going crazy he started laughing a little "No one of this is real is it....."He trailed off when all he could see was black he couldn't even open his eyes is he tried

Ooc:Sorry I didn't know if his body being tensed if he couldn't talk or not
"I'm sorry Tabster, my apathy settings are at the highest, so I literally don't give a flying fuck!" Leo then skillfully threw the bodies into a passing garbage truck, letting the bag sail across the street for the whole world to see. "I should really fix that later, the panel they installed on me is really stubborn though. Where are we headingf to again?" He asked without a care in the world. He plucked Tabitha off the ground and tried to gingerly sweep her off. "Happy? You should find somebody to unweld the panel here." He knocked on his chest, the only part of him that wasn't fluid like.

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