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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Cookie8272 said:
Hylia had just finished reading her book, so she put it back on it's shelf and went outside. When she saw Izabell and a tall boy walking by, she walked up to them, "Hey, whatcha doin?" she asked and started walking with them.
OOC: I'm assuming Izabell and Hylia spoke when she got a room in the hotel, even though I skipped that when the time skip happened. Did that make sense? It makes sense to me... X.X And sorry for the short post... I don't know what else to say about it...
"Hmm..we're going to get a little clothes shopping done. Care to come with?" S/he answered with a giggle her around Orious' arm and s/he was practically dragging the tall male with her to the clothing outlet. Ori seemed like he didn't want to but he followed anyways. When they went in izabell smiled excited and ran over to a really frilly dress.
Victoria and her little bug walked for a little while until they had found a bookstore and the little bug went under the door. She opened it and her eyes light up with wonder and joy at the sight of all of the books. She picked up her little bug and it went back into her, "well the others are here, but I think I will look around." She went over to one of the selves of books and began to examine the books taking one book out at time reading the back and putting it back.


Nagato went into the casino and began to explore it, seeing a certain someone stealing. He walked up to one of the tables and began to watch others play, he didn't know the game but heard someone call it blackjack.
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Cicero looked around the casino hoping to find more stuff to steal but instead he seen Nagato walk in he walked up to him leaving Tab to play poker not wanting to distract her by saying something when he got to Nagato "When did you get here?" He asked while stealing some money and a pocket watch someone had while they walked by
"I just got here, why?" Nagato saw him steal more items off a poor stranger on his way here but he didn't know that was a bad thing to do. "How long have you been here? Have you seen Sai, I haven't seen him since we got on the bus yesterday." Poor Sai's feet were on fire, he had been walking since the sun had risen, somehow he had been left behind. "That is the last time I fall asleep outside of the bus." He was now sitting on his but on the side of the road taking a short break.


Victoria found a book about Greek mythology interesting, it had a story about the first women Pandora which she could relate to. Then she found food a really good cook book with all sorts of methods to cook meat and bake sweets.
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"I don't guess I was curious and as for me I was here a little bit after we got off the bus with Tab but she's playing poker so I came over here." He stated looking back at the poker table then back at Nagato "I actually haven't seen Sai get off the bus...then again I was half asleep but for the whole time we were in the parking lot talking I haven't seen him there is a chance he got off before us or just never got back on the bus." He said plainly while putting the pocket watch and money he stole in his dark abyss of a pocket
"He wasn't on the bus I couldn't feel anything when I was on it." Nagato looked back at the poker table with Tabby to see what he had been talking about. "I thought of something, last night I woke up and Matt was getting stiches, I lost my emotions shortly after I woke up. Sai must have gotten of the bus." He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad that his brother was gone but, he knew that he felt something while his brother was around and he wanted that back.
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"Welp I don't know how we can help since were already in Las Vega so I wish Sai the best of luck that's all we can do since he got off the bus." He stated "Any ways don't tell anyone that you saw me stealing ok." He whispered in Nagato's ear before walking off stealing more things as he passed until he found the bar he looked around to see the bartender serving half drunk men he smirked a little while he made his way around the bar and took a bottle of wine and vodka and put them in his pockets before returning to Nagato "Anyways what do you plan to do since Sai isn't here at the moment?" He asked the boy
Nagato was confused, was stealing a bad thing? Why would he do it if he didn't want anyone to know? "I will probably just watch the tables since I don't know anything else to do, do know how to play this blackjack thing? Or do you have anything else in mind?" Nagato took of the cloth that he had tied around his hand and removed the cloth that covered his left eye and placed them into his pocket. His left eye was a different color from his right. His right was brown and his left was green.
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"Nope just curious of what you were going to do also do you know the address we have too go to?" He asked the boy while he tried to think of it himself 'Uhhh......what was it again heh good thing Tab's here I would must likely be lost.' He thought to himself while also trying to think of the address Vlad said but nothing came to mind of what it was
mewbot5408 said:
"Hmm..we're going to get a little clothes shopping done. Care to come with?" S/he answered with a giggle her around Orious' arm and s/he was practically dragging the tall male with her to the clothing outlet. Ori seemed like he didn't want to but he followed anyways. When they went in izabell smiled excited and ran over to a really frilly dress.
Lia smiled when Izabelle ran over to the dress, and walked around the store a bit, looking at the clothes. It'd been so long since she'd gone clothes shopping, and she felt like this was good for her in a way. She picked out a black tank top, a sweater that showed off her shoulders. It was a shade of red that was almost pink, but not quite. She also picked out a pair of white skinny jeans, and went to go try them on. Lia decided she liked it, and when she went to go show Izabelle, she saw a light grey hat with a pom pom on it, and put it on. She liked that too, and proceeded to show Izabelle. When she found him/her, Lia said, "So... what do you think? I think the colours look good together, surprisingly," She twirled around once, and smiled. John had given her half of his money so she could do things like this, so that was one less thing she had to worry about. Lia wondered why John carried so much money on him, as he gave her $110. Either way, she hoped he didn't gamble it all away, cause that's all the money we had.

"I was never told an address at least I don't remember being told an address. I guess I should stick around you so that we can both find the place with Tabby." Nagato rubbed his left eye, holding a hand up in front of it remembering that he couldn't see out of this eye. This eye was created in the facility and enhanced his energy powers in away. It really only allowed him to gather energy quicker, which only worked when 'it' could see.
"Well dang it...I wonder how long a game of poker last anyways." he said looking back hoping it was almost over cause he wanted to get to Vlad's house and steal some of his stuff and drink the vodka he stole 'I wonder if Tab is winning.' He thought looking trying to find his raven haired girlfriend with no luck people where blocking every side of the table
"Hum... I think we should find something to do. Just waiting here is a waste of time, perhaps do you want to spar? I will cover my good eye." He pulled the cloth out and put it around his right eye, all he could see out of his left eye was a rainbow of colors. However, when the scientist had sent him out on missions he use to only use his left eye and had been a good fighter. Plus fighting like this allowed him to gather more energy, making him quicker, stronger and he could heal in the middle of a fight.
"Sure we can spar but we have to go somewhere where there's no people so no one gets hurt and no one can find out our powers and as for you covering up your eye whats the fun in that if my opponent isn't trying his hardest and handicaps himself there's no fun in it what so ever." He said while making his way to the front door walking out and turned around and waited for Nagato
Nagato followed him out, "it has been a while since I have used this eye, it was made a as a weapon for me. I would like to use it again to see what it can, although I will admit it can be difficult to see without a proper eye but I can use both at the same time." He could barely make his outline out in the rainbow of colors, he had to rely on his other sense, "so you want me to go my hardest?"
"Well try but not enough to you know break my bones or kill me well pretty much pretend to be a superhero and i'm a super villain you know the super hero always lets the guy live pretty much just like that....that was a lot more complex then it needed to be."He said scratching the back of his head and walking down an ally way trying to find a place to fight 'What would be a good place?' He mentally asked himself looking around
Inside, Tabitha was winning. "That'll be twenty more dollars for me!" she thought happily as everyone handed over their cash. Usually she didn't have so much luck with games, but these idiots had the nerve to whisper to each other, so she knew every move they were about to make. "Why do they work together? Don't they know that's what's making them lose?" the girl wondered. Eventually the whispering stop, but by then she had sensed a pattern in what they did: Drunk gamblers were so predictable!

Nagato gave Cicero a fake smile, "okay I just wanted to make sure that I shouldn't use my swords, you know because they kill." He continued to follow him into the ally way, he knew this was for the best. Normal people shouldn't see them use their powers or else the government would know where they are and they would have to move again.
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Cicero suddenly stopped "This is a good place right?" He asked the boy without looking back at him what Cicero found was an abandon building that looks to be a good place for fighting but of course Cicero didn't wait for the boy's answer he went into the building it was complete shit but Cicero wasn't excepting a five stat hotel he went up to the second floor and sat down waiting for the boy to follow him up and by waiting Cicero took off his hat and sat there spinning around while criss crossed on the ground smiling and humming random words that popped into his head
Nagato followed Cicero into the building and up the stairs, "ya this looks like a good place to fight." He the withdrew his swords and placed them against the wall removing the temptation to use them. Hum... I will have to use weaker attacks to ensure my energy won't injure him, He thought to himself. "Tell me when your ready."


Victoria kept looking a round at books, she had three books now; Greek Mythology, a Cook Book, and A book full of children's bedtime stories. She walking around the book store looking at other books when she bumped into Matt,
"oh I am so sorry sweety I didn't watch where I was going."
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"Oook."He said like a little kid making a deal with their parents he jumped up from where he was sitting and jumped on the wall farthest away from Nagato before launching himself at the boy trying to punch his face but tied his tail around Nagato's left leg tripping him "I'm ready." he said smiling like an psychopath that went on a murdering spree "I promise I won't shed much or your blood"He said while he started humming something about seeing Nagato's blood on the walls and floor smiling
Cookie8272 said:
Lia smiled when Izabelle ran over to the dress, and walked around the store a bit, looking at the clothes. It'd been so long since she'd gone clothes shopping, and she felt like this was good for her in a way. She picked out a black tank top, a sweater that showed off her shoulders. It was a shade of red that was almost pink, but not quite. She also picked out a pair of white skinny jeans, and went to go try them on. Lia decided she liked it, and when she went to go show Izabelle, she saw a light grey hat with a pom pom on it, and put it on. She liked that too, and proceeded to show Izabelle. When she found him/her, Lia said, "So... what do you think? I think the colours look good together, surprisingly," She twirled around once, and smiled. John had given her half of his money so she could do things like this, so that was one less thing she had to worry about. Lia wondered why John carried so much money on him, as he gave her $110. Either way, she hoped he didn't gamble it all away, cause that's all the money we had.
Izabell nodded."well I like it" s/he said with a smile and nodded twirling then crushed holding the ends of the blue lolita dress she had bought and was wearing accompanied by some striped stockings,boots,and a frilly lace headband. "Watcha think?" Orious approached in a black and red gothic/punk styled vested tailed suit with black boots. Orious sighed annoyed and looked at izabell who blushed. Ori was pretty sexy in a suit that fit his tastes. "My my Ori what a sexy look, don't you think so too lia darling?"
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After counting her winnings, (and making sure nobody skimped out on her) Tabitha looked around. Where was Cicero? She wanted to check, but before she could a group of angry gamblers approached her. "Hey doll, care to loan us a few bucks?" The guy who seemed to be the leader of this band of drunkards said, opening his palm to imply she should hand it over now. Tabby let out a small frustrated sigh, clearly annoyed. "If you want to die, go ahead and try." she dared him. She really shouldn't have been pushing her luck, but she figured she wouldn't be staring here for long anyway. "Oh, so that's how it-" The man immediately stopped talking and grabbed her wrist. She screamed as nearly everyone in the casino ganged up on her, kicking, biting, and scratching at her. "Let me... go!" she yelled, and somehow managed to get out of the brawl, dashing out of the casino before anyone could even realize what she was doing. They didn't chase her when they figured it out however- why would they? There was still money to gamble with, and they had to pay to get in, unlike her.

Ooc: Victoria is "Brood Mother" right? X_X So confused.​
As he fell Nagato grabbed Cicero's tail and shot his energy into him, the energy that he shot was electric and it would surely be shocking. He then spun Cicero over his head and tossed him away. Looking at him, his eye began to accumulate energy and it was visible as a red ball at his. When he blinked the ball of energy shot at Cicero like a spear. "Don't worry it isn't lethal."

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