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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Tabitha was about to make some teasing comment, saying she didn't care if she hurt his precious feelings, but was interrupted by a kiss. When he pulled away she found herself blushing faintly. She wanted the kiss to last longer, but that wasn't something she'd tell him: Not now anyway, while they were in public. "Sure, let's go wild." she murmured, looking down shyly before pulling free on his arms. "Let's go!" she said, running off to the casino she had seen earlier without waiting for him. She was sure he could catch up anyway.

Matthew entered the taxi quietly, but he wasn't used to somebody holding the door for him, or really showing him the respect Vlad seemed to recently. He listened to Derrick's chatter but doesn't really join in. It seemed the boy could have a conversation all by himself! Matt pretends to be looking out the window, but he glanced at Vladimor from time to time. The boy was trying to make guesses on different aspects of Vlad's personality, but he wasn't very confident with any of them. "Was he so sensitive before the experiments?" Matthew wondered. He thought of asking Derrick, but figured the servant would never answer him. He got out of the taxi and watched Derrick pay before walking in after the boy, who practically threw himself inside. He wanted to say thank you to the both of them, but figured the sign of gratitude would only be ignored or denied. In order to make his train of thoughts less obvious, he turned to Vladimor. "What sort of books do you enjoy?" he asked. He knew it wasn't the most interesting question to ask, but he sincerely wanted to get to know this boy better and didn't want him to feel like Matthew was interrogating him.​
"Aww man more running." He whined a little before sprinting after her eventually he was to the left of her "So how far is the casino?" He asked the girl giving her a quick glance before facing forward again he didn't really want to trip it might hurt a lot more then just falling on the ground 'When I get there the first thing I'm looking for is something to steal.' He thought to himself while smirking at the idea of everyone in the place being confused wondering where their stuff went while him and Tab are gambling and enjoying their day but something caught his mind don't you have to be a certain age to enter the place their going but he lost interest in the thought he was sure Tab had a plan
"Don't worry- I recognized the guy who works there." Tabby said happily, running a few more feet before finally they came to the casino. It was huge, with huge purple letters on the front of it that said "Fool's Gold". Tabitha shook her head- didn't he (the person she mentioned earlier) have a better idea for a name? She walked up to the front of the line, ignoring the glares and curses thrown at her. "Rick, what are you doing these days?" Tabitha asked a security guard slyly, crossing her arms and giving a look that said she had some tricks up her sleeve. The young man looked angry. "What are you doing gal? Not done ruining my life?" he replied sharply back to her. If he wasn't wearing shades he'd certainly be glaring at her. Tabby smiled and tilted her head to the side, ignoring his question completely. "How is Amber doing?" she asked smoothly, feigning complete innocence. "She's my wife now- we got married last September..." Rick answered slowly, already knowing Tabitha was up to something. The girl smirked- she had him exactly where she wanted him now. "Oh, so she doesn't know you got Bianca pregnant? I guess I better text her..." Tabitha took out the phone Cicero had given her, pretending to dial a number she didn't know in. "Okay, okay, I get it! Just... don't tell Amber." Rick said, and without another word he let them pass. Tabitha smirked, putting the phone back in her pocket and sticking her tongue out at the security guard as she passed. When they were far enough into the casino, she turned to look at Cicero. "Did I mention I was born in California? It's not that far from here: That guy out there was my cousin." She gave her boyfriend a quick excited hug, before looking around. "What game do you want to play first? Poker seems to be the big thing here." she said, pointing over to the large poker table in the very center of the room, where people were just now gathering for a new game.

Nagato walked out of the bus and went towards of the buildings, curious what he might find. After a few steps he stopped dead in his tracks. "Where is Sai, I can't feel anything." Sai was walking along the road trying to get cars to stop for him and take him the rest of the way to Vagas. He wasn't having any luck everyone just drove past him ignoring his existence. Victoria walk away from the second bus and more bugs crawled out from under her finger nails and it began to follow on of the bugs that had found its way onto Vladimor. Victoria then began to follow that bug.
Ooc:I actually don't know how to play poker so I'll just let Cicero watch

Bic:Cicero was confused on how Tab knew this stuff about this guy but never the less he let them in and that's when Tab explained everything "You were born in California cool." He stated while looking around and at the poker table she pointed out "Yea sure looks like fun." He said grabbing her hand and walking over there occasionally stealing random things that people left in the open until the got to the table
Vladimor begins to walk inside with Matthew looking around in the store. "Fantasy, I guess, I like to get away from the planet and go somewhere I belong." He tells him with laughter behind his voice as he picks up some book about fox spirits.(Ironic enough.) Derrick had been looking at books randomly, grabbing the few that interests him. When he has 5 thick books he puts then on the table and buys them, squealing in joy when he carries them around in a bag. Vladimor took his time, only getting 3 before he begins to wait on Matt. Derrick, while waiting, goes to call another taxi.



@King Anthony , want to introduce Rin and Rei?

Bic: "Really? I prefer historical fiction actually. It lets me pretend there were people trying to fix their mistakes, even way back then." Matthew replied, but he understood Vlad's reasoning. It wasn't like he hadn't tried escaping reality time and time again. He spent a lot of time in the more romantic sections, openly criticizing the work of several of the writers and their editors. How could they leave mindless spelling mistakes scattered throughout their text?! Eventually however he got bored of that genre, finding most of the writing was of the softer nature and geared toward women. He went over to the historical fiction and, after much debate, decided to buy two books: One describing the life of a young geisha girl, and the other about the beliefs of ancient Rome and the many theories to why such an empire fell. He walked up to the counter and paid for the books, only to drop them when he ran directly into Vladimor. "S-sorry!" Matt muttered, quickly kneeling down to retrieve the books and then standing back up. Matthew always seemed like such an uncaring badass, but in this bookstore he felt a little bit like his old self: A geeky boy who just wanted to live life one step at a time. He had a lot more worries now, but that didn't change the fact he was once that person, and sometimes that piece of him emerged when he was in an environment like this. Before he became an experiment, libraries had always been his safe haven. "Should we go?" Matthew asked Vladimor. His voice was a lot rougher from when he was barely a teenager, but he still had the same innocent eyes, even if his facial features had grown more well-defined and mature with age. Of course Vladimor didn't know Matthew as a child, but there was a chance even he could notice this subtle difference in Matt's personality. Anything was possible, at least right now.

Tabitha stood at the poker table, handing them what little money she had in order to play. She glanced briefly at the other gamblers. They were all rough-looking men who didn't even pretend to look surprised when she joined the game. There were two women playing around her age, but she didn't play much mind to them. One of them dealt the cards out to everyone, and Tabby quickly looked over them- They weren't that good. Still, with any small amount of luck at all, she was certain she could win.​
Being awestruck wasn't common for Leo, nor was actually being stuck to something. But, there he was. Las Vegas, suction cupped to the top of a rental bus. He didn't notice the large group of guys running out of the automotive, nor the fact that he'd been staring at the sky for the past several hours. "We're here already?" He said disappointedly. "Better stop somewhere for the night." Searching the big city wasn't easy, as people had tried to pickpocket him for the past 30 minutes, only leaving them with multiple cuts and a confused look, as if he filled his sweater with razor blades.

But even then, he was drawn like a moth to a nearby casino, "Fool's Gold" it read, purple neon letters that had flashing lights, and plenty of noise inside.

Clearly, this was the place to be, he might even find one of his bus-mates in there. And with that, he let himself in to find a long line of people without IPads. Letting himself go first would require a lot of bloodshed or a lot of IPads. And he needed people to play against at some point. So it was decided, give IPads as a bribe for him to cut in line. After reaching the front of the line through an arduous journey of the apple product licensed, he took one look at the cashier and instantly knew one thing. "You! You've seen hair girl! The one with the hair that's really curly I think?" "Tabitha?" He replied, clearly confused whether the Leo worked for somebody or was an escaped mental patient. "Yeah! T-Girl! Where is she?!" "In the casino... Like everyone else..." "Greatthanksbye!" Leo then funneled 3 IPads out of his sleeve and took his chip case as he swooped down to the pachinko tables.
" Ok lets go there. " Sage said before smiling and grabbing Shuzo's hand and pulled him toward the bookstore.

Ldybug123 said:
"I-I d-dunno. I-I h-heard t-there w-was a-a b-bookstore t-though." Shuzo offered, knowing they were too young for the casino. @djinnamon

Sage walked into the store and looked around. Meanwhile Isaac was on his way to Las Vegas in his car we was following the bus.

Ldybug123 said:
Shuzo ran after Sage, looking around at all the lights.
(Isaac should come back, you could say he knew we were going to Vegas) @djinnamon
Lia woke up on the floor of the bus and immediately stood up. She figured John had pushed her off the seat - he had always been a thrasher - and shook him awake. He rubbed his eyes, but then stood up as Lia did before him.

"Are we there yet?" He asked like a child.

"Yep." She answered, "What do you wanna do first?"

"Let's look around," John smiled ear to ear.

As soon as they stepped outside, John saw the casino. "Fool's Gold" it read. He went straight inside, without a word to Lia. Sighing, Lia went into the bookstore up the street. She didn't feel like gambling yet. She would read and go sight-seeing first. She saw Sage and Shuzo were already there, probably just because they were too young for the casino. She also saw a few others, but she went straight to the mystery section, saying "Hi" to Sage and Shuzo as she walked by. She picked up the first book she saw on the shelf, sat at the one table, and started reading.

As soon as John got into the casino, he saw the couple that was sitting next to him and Lia on the bus. The girl was playing poker, and the guy was watching. He went over to the slot machines, and ended up winning $200. John walked over to the poker game the girl (I can't figure out any other way to word that) was playing. He stood beside the guy she was with and watched the game.
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Orious had wandered off with izabell and they went to a clothes place they knew. Izabell giggled dragging the vampire along with her. S/he wanted another cute dress or two to wear and thought it'd be nice to have Orious wear a suit. The two had plenty of money from their current jobs let alone Ori's past job as a paid assassin and thief. He used to have big name companies and even the military as clients so he had plenty set aside even. Izabell led him to a clothes place and they went inside.
Naomi had barely been awake to hear the address. "64 Promontory Ridge Dr," she murmured to herself, stretching and yawning. She picked up Milee, who chose that moment to jump out of her arms, into the aisle, and turn to face her..

And turn into a blonde-haired girl with golden eyes, wearing a hat with a pair of goggles loosely on her head, a black tank top, and a pair of slightly torn jeans. And no shoes, which was weird because they were about to be in a city. Almost as weird as a cat turning into a human.

"I, uh, I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I've been looking for you, Number Two.. I escaped, finally, not too long after you did, but I couldn't find you!"

Naomi would normally have been pretty angry at being called her lab name, but she had begun to have sympathy for just about any experiment they found because she knew what they had been through.

"You're a lot older than I am," she grumbled in complaint. "My name is Naomi. Please, don't call me Number Two anymore, or I won't hesitate to punch you."

Milee nodded in understanding. "Call me Milee, then. I think we can pull of being sisters, don't you? If only for disguise from normal people."

"Yeah. Seeing as I'm not exactly old enough to do anything in this stupid city, should we go ahead and get to the house?"

Milee shrugged. "Sounds like a good plan to me."

Naomi knew who Milee was, but also knew the girl had only done as the scientists had told her, nothing more, because the girl had later come to Naomi and tried to help treat her wounds, only to be held back by guards. Nevertheless, Naomi would watch the older girl, because there was no telling if they still had a hold on her. The two walked to the house that apparently belonged to Vlad, chattering about random things like their favorite food. Then they came to the subject of Calvin when Milee mentioned making a necklace chain--or finding one--for the glasses Naomi held close to her.

"I'm sorry for your loss," Milee murmured. "I didn't know him well, but he always seemed kinder than the other scientists."

"Don't bring him up if it has to do with the labs," Naomi said quietly yet firmly. She didn't want to remember that, yet. Nothing else was said on their way to Vlad's home.
mewbot5408 said:
Orious had wandered off with izabell and they went to a clothes place they knew. Izabell giggled dragging the vampire along with her. S/he wanted another cute dress or two to wear and thought it'd be nice to have Orious wear a suit. The two had plenty of money from their current jobs let alone Ori's past job as a paid assassin and thief. He used to have big name companies and even the military as clients so he had plenty set aside even. Izabell led him to a clothes place and they went inside.
Hylia had just finished reading her book, so she put it back on it's shelf and went outside. When she saw Izabell and a tall boy walking by, she walked up to them, "Hey, whatcha doin?" she asked and started walking with them.

OOC: I'm assuming Izabell and Hylia spoke when she got a room in the hotel, even though I skipped that when the time skip happened. Did that make sense? It makes sense to me... X.X And sorry for the short post... I don't know what else to say about it...
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