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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

When Tabitha came out, Vladimor rushes in, releasing the shadow restraints around Matthew's body as he rushes to his side. "Are you alright?"He asks as if it were much worse than a simple stitching session. To them both, it was. A trauma session, maybe. "I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry, Matthew I just-" He jaw clenched and his chest tightens when he is met with his face, losing all the words to speak. "I...just want to do what's best for you," He says in an exhausted huff, closing his eyes for a moment. That was a poor choice in words. Something your parents would tell you in a way to justify their cruel ways when they just want to hurt you. This wasn't that. He only wanted to help Matthew.

Sai woke up to his father yelling as they were trying to stitch him up and tried to hide his head in his seat. Not long after Sai had woken up Nagato woke up, "Oh great another person who doesn't care about their family." He muttered to himself. Sai saw his brother wake up even though they where both at the other ends of the bus. Nagato had slept on the floor and his head stuck out into the hallway. At this point Sai had been sitting up and saw his eyes open. He then stood up without his brother seeing him and walked through the side of the bus, right away Nagato's expression changed into nothing. Nagato then got up and move into a seat by Matthew watching him and Vladimor.
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Tabitha watched as Vladimor rushed into the bus, before shaking her head and walking off. Even if the young runaway lord acted cool most of the time, these small moments reassured her Matt would be in safe hands. It wasn't like she knew if their relationship would work out: She never pretended she did, but she was certain Vladimor would take care of Matt, at least for now. If Vlad left, surely another person would run to Matthew's side. She had never told Matthew that she thought this, but she felt that there was something attractive about his personality, something that made people run and cling to the boy. As long as he remained the same person, she was sure people would continue to flock around him like moths to a flame. "Burn bright my friend." she whispered, and as if the universe heard her, it blew a gust of wind around her, making her hair fly behind her while she went on her evening walk. She wouldn't go far, but she wanted time to contemplate about the life she was living now. Could she change her destiny? Usually she'd say no, but right now anything seemed possible.

Matt sat down the second the shadows stopped pinning him against the wall, only to realize how immensely painful that action was. Vlad came in a second later, and at first Matthew wanted to ignore him, but the things Vlad was saying really surprised him. "Why do you care?" Matt blurted out, adding flustered to the list of things he felt. His question was nearly as painful as the last thing Vladimor said. "I just want to do what's best for you." What did that even mean? Those words stuck out to Matt the most, and were the reason he asked his question. Part of him wasn't certain if he wanted the answer though, and he was sure Vladimor wouldn't answer: The taller male never answered his questions. The stitches were still extremely painful, and the mental image of them being put in didn't help. It hurt to move, it hurt to breathe. This evening was almost as much of a disaster as he was. All he wanted to do was forget it, but now somebody was here preventing him from doing so. "It hurt..." he finally complained, averting his gaze from Vlad.​
mewbot5408 said:
After a while Orious got bored and went to go check on derrick.
(Sorry 4 the lame one liner...I wanna rp so yeah..)
(What about Zadock)
Sai saw Tabitha and walked up to her, "thinking about something?" He could see her face was distant, and he had things to think about to. He loved his brother but he knew that it shouldn't have gotten as far as it had. Now all he feel was sadness and was slowly falling into a depression, if he hadn't met his brother, however, he probably wouldn't be talking to stranger. He used to always snap at people when they had tried to talk to him, but at this time he was to sad to behave that way any more. He just wanted someone to talk to. "This is a cruel world we live in."
Izabell hummed softly and patted him on the head. She turned around and twirled before taking his hand and leading him with her.
mewbot5408 said:
After a while Orious got bored and went to go check on derrick.
(Sorry 4 the lame one liner...I wanna rp so yeah..)

Derrick still sat outside, sleeping while sitting up. He was a little tipsy, his body trying to keep him upright as he slept. He mumbles in his sleep, things to food, to monsters, to sleeping(Ironically...),to life at home.

"It really is." Tabby agreed with the boy softly, not even looking at him. She kept her eyes pointed toward the stars, which glowed so brightly. Her favorite had always been a star called Sirius, but she never figured out why. She was sure there was a legend about it, but she didn't know what it was. Looking at that star was what she did the night before she escaped the facility, and it was what she did the night of her escape. She didn't say much else for a while, simply just looking at that gem of the sky that she loved so much. "I love him, but I can't hurt him more than I already have. I might become inconvenient, and then I won't just be hurting him, but everyone around him." Tabitha said aloud. She wasn't really directing her words at anyone except maybe that star, but what she said applied to more than just her and her friend. She was completely oblivious to Sai's woes, so maybe it was funny how they went along with his story too. It might have been, if his story was fiction, but it wasn't. Both of them were dealing with very real issues, and neither could laugh at them.

Sai sat on the ground listing to Tabby's words, it was as though the world was playing a cruel joke on everyone, making their lives unbearable. Life itself was the world's cruel joke, a place were small animals eat plants and predators eat them, only to have humans eat them who in turned would be eaten. "Is this the cruel reality that one must carry with them, or is there a way to over come it." Sai said this although Tabby couldn't hear his thoughts, she would be left clueless.
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mewbot5408 said:
Izabell hummed softly and patted him on the head. She turned around and twirled before taking his hand and leading him with her.
Zadock came to a few minutes later and his pupils were huge he stared around quickly "what happened? Why do you look like that? Is that you Izabell?"
He frowns, looking away when he had to think of why. Without much thought, the answer found itself before he did; "You mean a lot to me." His voice was quiet, he being barely even able to hear himself. The male steps forward, looking the other straight on. "Look at me." he says sound wanting, desperate even. The guilt still plagued him, even though the aftermath was much less than he expected. Thank the stars. "I know it hurts, but what would be worse, this or a life-threatening infection?" He asks, his joking undertone being extremely subtle. More serious than not. He tries to give comforting smile, but it was harder than it looked, so instead he took one of Matthew's hands in his own and apologized once more.

Cicero woke up and got up on his elbows and raised his knee and looked behind him to see Tab talking to someone and Matt and Vlad no where in site "Guess they got him under control." He said to himself before getting up and walking down the road half asleep and bored 'What can we do when we actually get to Las Vega?' He thought he looked up and the stars hoping they had the answer but nothing as usual he looked back to see nothing but road "WHAT!....seriously how far did I walk?" He asked himself now fully awake from shock of how he wasn't tired from walking that far he started running back the way he came only to be met by more road 'This sucks.' He thought while he slowed his run to a jog and eventually a walk then he seen the bus again and laughed "I really need to stop walking when i'm bored and half asleep." He told himself while jumping on the roof of the first bus and laid down reaching up trying to grab the stars "Still out of reach..."He said in a barely audible voice before butting his hand under his head as a pillow and smiled at nothing
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Orious sighed and scooped up the sleeping human with a sigh."you're gonna catch a cold..." He murmured with a soft breath and started walking to a place he knew going in and setting derrick in a the bed before plopping down next to him onto of the covers. Ori closed his eyes and kept aware of any kind of sound.

Matthew's eyes grew wide when he realized what Vladimor just told him. He looked at the other boy when he was told to, but quickly looked away again. He couldn't face Vladimor. Not now, when he was too weak to run both physically and from the truth that left Vlad's lips. "You shouldn't. I'm really clumsy and I'm not good at relationships, if that's what you're seeking. Did you know the bruises I got at Calvin's house were because of you? I tripped trying to run after you." Matthew started talking before he could stop himself. Maybe he was trying to distract himself from what Vladimor had said, or maybe he was just too drunk to control himself. "Romance... romance doesn't suit me." Matt thought, closing his eyes and covering his face with his one free hand to hide his embarrassment. His heart was still racing, and he didn't know what to do. From night one this boy had shown how easily he could mess with Matt, and maybe the boy should have just stayed away after that, but he found himself coming back to Vladimor's side again and again: Matthew couldn't help himself. There was something addicting about Vlad, and when he wasn't nearby Matthew find himself acting seeking the other boy out. It was like a game of cat and mouse, only the mouse missed his feline companion when he was gone.

Ooc: @Cicero , how is your character laying down and looking at stars... on a bus? Is the roof see-through?​
mewbot5408 said:
Orious sighed and scooped up the sleeping human with a sigh."you're gonna catch a cold..." He murmured with a soft breath and started walking to a place he knew going in and setting derrick in a the bed before plopping down next to him onto of the covers. Ori closed his eyes and kept aware of any kind of sound.

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After a long while of being covered in crumbs and dairy product, Leo decided that it was time to wake up. And how else would he celebrate this graceful event? Eating and/or tearing things nearby him. Preferable targets? Pillows, clothes, and humans. Or at least living organisms. And so, the quest to find more things other than himself was a go on bus one. And at that, he rose from the backseat and headed over to his luggage in bus two. Upon his arrival, he noticed Matt lying very still with a large shadow bunched up over him. 'You... you having a bit of a trouble you... eh. Mongrel." Not giving two shits, he moved out of the bus to see multiple people conversing with each other. Realizing he isn't gonna be getting any, he moved himself out of the damned machine and clawed his way onto the top of the bus, leaving few scratch marks on the side, as if a large animal were to attack it. He stood atop the bus, looking blankly into the night sky. Headphones screeching out tunes of melancholy.

The strobe lights in his arms flickered and the world spun. He felt around his neck but he felt nothing. What was this sensation? It certainly wasn't knowledge. But, maybe this was the first time after they took it. Oh well. It is what it is.
King Anthony]((OOC: WHERE BED)) ((OOC: WHERE PLACE)) [/QUOTE] Ooc: [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/26561-mewbot5408/ said:
@mewbot5408[/URL] , just make it a sleeping bag that Izabell brought for Ori.
[QUOTE="Surprise Meteors]After a long while of being covered in crumbs and dairy product, Leo decided that it was time to wake up. And how else would he celebrate this graceful event? Eating and/or tearing things nearby him. Preferable targets? Pillows, clothes, and humans. Or at least living organisms. And so, the quest to find more things other than himself was a go on bus one. And at that, he rose from the backseat and headed over to his luggage in bus two. Upon his arrival, he noticed Matt lying very still with a large shadow bunched up over him. 'You... you having a bit of a trouble you... eh. Mongrel." Not giving two shits, he moved out of the bus to see multiple people conversing with each other. Realizing he isn't gonna be getting any, he moved himself out of the damned machine and clawed his way onto the top of the bus, leaving few scratch marks on the side, as if a large animal were to attack it. He stood atop the bus, looking blankly into the night sky. Headphones screeching out tunes of melancholy.
The strobe lights in his arms flickered and the world spun. He felt around his neck but he felt nothing. What was this sensation? It certainly wasn't knowledge. But, maybe this was the first time after they took it. Oh well. It is what it is.

Ooc: Vlad and Matt are on Bus Two, I'm pretty sure...

[QUOTE="King Anthony]((OOC: WHERE BED))

(Ooc: opps...forgot to mention..a little abandoned apartment which so happens to have a bed...Orious knows places since his job)
mewbot5408 said:
(Ooc: opps...forgot to mention..a little abandoned apartment which so happens to have a bed...Orious knows places since his job)
Oh, ignore what I said then. I thought you guys were still on the bus.

Vladimor feels a little feeling of triumph when Matthew looks at him, but the feeling vanishes quickly when he looks away once more. He sighs. The shadow boy lets go of the mimicker's hand, placing both of his own hands on his face, gently guiding him to meet his gaze. "I don't know what I'm looking for, honestly. You're my guide in all this mess, and if it weren't for you, I'd be right back in the fucking labs. " He seemed to be closer to Matthew, a soft look in his big blue eyes. "I'm not that well either. I have trouble getting people to like being around me. Then when It's not that, I have trouble enjoying others." He laughs at himself, shaking his head to dismiss what he said. He smiles at him, his hands moving down to tap his fingers against Matt's collar bones. "I think I'm just looking for the same thing as you. I want you to think about it. If you ever find a true answer, I'd like you to let me know." Vladimor tells him as his drops his arms by his sides and takes a step back.

Derrick was awakened by being lifted, but not much so. He panics a little, but as soon as he recognized the smell he calmed himself. He was half awake for the whole walk and was nearly back asleep until he was set down on a bed. He stretches out over the bed, yawning as he does so. He looks at Orious with his half-lidded eyes, tilting his head. "Where are we?" He asks in a small voice as he sits up,looking around.​

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