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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

"Sorry to say but it can't be Vlad cause hes weak right now....that leave Derrick,Me,and Ori and anyone else." He said while looking at the sky "You know its funny the first time I wish Nick was here he could easy hold Matthew down but Matthew would struggle and end up breaking something." He said out loud oblivious to anyone around him but finally looked back down and Tab and smiled "I'll try." He stated getting a cookie out of his pocket and started eating it while scratching his face like a cat
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They had made it. It had taken a long time, but they had found the main lab, and had infiltrated it. They walked through the hallways, each member of their group flinching at the sights and sounds of the seemingly abandoned lab. Test subjects had been left on tables, or in mako showers--giant tubes filled with the green liquid, where inside floated the subject, an oxygen mask over their face. Some of the tubes' contents were tainted red, and inside floated dead subjects that had accidentally drowned. A few members of their group may have puked, or turned away--Naomi couldn't be sure. She wasn't focused on them. She was following the feeling she had deep in the corners of her mind, tugging at her soul.

A sense of wonder overcame her when they entered a huge, dark room, with bright pinpoints of light dotting the ceiling in resemblance to a night sky. And there, in the center of the room, was a single transparent figure, outlined in white. It was facing away from the group, head bowed and shoulders slumped. A voice echoed throughout the room, seeming to come from everywhere yet nowhere.

"I'm so sorry." The echoes made it impossible to discern anything, even the gender.

Could this be the leader of the foul scientists? Naomi wasn't sure. It seemed so, yet why was he apologizing? The figure turned, and Naomi caught the glint of glasses, and a hint of sad, brown eyes, looking over the group to pause on her and Matthew, before everything went black.

Naomi was awake, but she refused to open her eyes. Could it really have been..? It was just wishful thinking, she was sure, but everything had seemed so clear. She had pulled her knees to her chest when a small brown cat jumped onto her seat, meowing at her as if it understood how she felt and cuddling up next to her.

"Poor kitten," she murmured as she stroked its fur. "Seems nobody can get through without suffering."
Vladimor snorts at her. "Alright, Bug Mother." He says, still insulting his name. "Call me King. It's not a title, just my last name. Farewell for the night, Victoria." Vladimor says, not at all comfortable around someone harboring so much bugs. When Tabitha asks who's the strongest, he volunteers. walking over to her. "My body is weak, but my shadows are stronger and more stable than any human could be. Great for restriction." He says, a few shadows going about. He looks over to Cicero, a smirk on his face. "You'd probably do more harm than good with your strength." He teases.

Victoria lifted her hand and a small little bug came crawling out, "go my little darling, keep an eye for me and get me if I am needed." The bug then ran off and hide on the side of the bus watching the group. "Well one can't be to safe, I should have some of my little darlings watch over me." She sat down on the seat and a few more bugs came out of her body and crawled into different places to watch for intruders that might hurt their queen. "Wake me if someone comes, I will decide if they are a threat or not."
Tabitha looked at the two boys who had volunteered a little skeptically. She hadn't just turned to Cicero simply for the reason that Matt had proved he could fight the cat-boy ages ago. "Can you really control them without harming him?" she asked Vladimor. Matthew would be far from happy if she picked Vlad she was sure, but what other choice did she have? "We'll be back in a second Cicero." Tabby said, giving her boyfriend a quick kiss on the lips before taking Vlad's hand and basically dragging him into the bus with her. Inside the bus, Matthew looked pathetic and terrified. Tabby cursed quietly when she realized she still hadn't given the boy his new shirt. "Lay on your back." Tabitha commanded him, but Matt merely tried to run past her. She just pushed him back down unto the seat, which made Matt cry out in pain. She realized after a second that she made him land on his back. "Turn around." she ordered again, not surprised when he didn't comply. She turned to look at Vladimor. "You know he's going to hate you after this right?" she asked him. She really hated to ruin their romance but this was necessary to keep his wound closed and without infection.

Orious poked his head in."I can help...He already hates me.." the vampire said with a sigh and smirked."ah...but maybe I'm too scary."
Izabell walked around for a while before stopping and sitting down. She/he popped a piece of candy in her mouth and Sat crossing her legs humming along to the music in his headphones.
mewbot5408 said:
Izabell walked around for a while before stopping and sitting down. She/he popped a piece of candy in her mouth and Sat crossing her legs humming along to the music in his headphones.
There was a crackle in the air that caused his arm hairs to stand on end then the music stuttered and stopped as the machine powered off. There was a faint chuckle that turned into an exasperated sigh. "Uhh I'm sorry about your music... I didn't mean to do that." Zadock seemed to appear out of nowhere and he looked at Izabell but he suddenly shook and grabbed his face in pain.
Vladimor nods, shadows already ready to roll. When he follows Tabitha, he sees a clear view of Matthew's face and it pained him. He was going to be doing something that Matthew was far from approving of. But he still did it for him. When he refuses to listen to her, he frowns. "I understand. I rather have him safe than infected." He says plainly, going over to Matthew, attempting to use reason before force. "Hey Matt?" He wasn't too sure how to convince him. It's like asking someone who's afraid of the dark to turn the light off. "Can you please keep this simple? I don't want to see you scared, but I don't want you to go through something worse just because you won't allow her to stitch you up. " He bites his lip, as he looks at Tabitha then back to Matthew with a deep breath. "I know it's scary, and it hurts, but it's gonna hurt me a lot fuckin' more to be the one to hold you down." He says quietly in a pleading voice, gesturing to the shadows that were slithering about on the bus's surface. "I don't wanna force you, but this is important."

Waking up in the revelry of half eaten hamburgers and oils, he balled up all the gunk and brought it with him in a garbage bag made of his own flesh, and promptly threw it out. Heading back to the bus, he spotted Matt drinking beer. Acting on sheer impulse, he wrapped his hand around the bottle and threw it away with a wild look in his eyes. Realizing his mistake, he slunk into the gas station to buy some of his favorite snack, BBQ Potato crisps.
"Ok....well what am I suppose to do know so?" He asked himself walking down the parking lot and laying down on the concrete looking at the stars and moon smiling at them like they were a person to Cicero the stars represented the experiments in the world and the moon resembled their group and every time one of the experiments died some how a star would disappear 'I wonder how many there are out there.' He thought to himself he pointed at the stars "One two three four five six seven eight." He counted and continued until he fell asleep with his hand behind his head like a pillow
Drumonkey said:
There was a crackle in the air that caused his arm hairs to stand on end then the music stuttered and stopped as the machine powered off. There was a faint chuckle that turned into an exasperated sigh. "Uhh I'm sorry about your music... I didn't mean to do that." Zadock seemed to appear out of nowhere and he looked at Izabell but he suddenly shook and grabbed his face in pain.
Izabell took off her headphones with a smirk and gently touched zadock on the shoulder."...you okay?" The siren asked with a little meliody In her voice.
mewbot5408 said:
Izabell took off her headphones with a smirk and gently touched zadock on the shoulder."...you okay?" The siren asked with a little meliody In her voice.
He groaned slightly as he heals his head hiding his face "nothing it's just that when my powers expand and grow I experience pain until it's over." Zadock groaned and fell to one knee and his hands hid a faint light that was leaking through his fingers.
"Goddammit. I'm turning into a fucking weeaboo." Paying the cashier with an IPad he slithered away, the cashier calling after him, "Sir! I don't think we accept these as payment!" Covered with snacks, he boarded the inside of the bus, blubbering and shoving ice cream into his face while trying to dodge any sort of attention, as he usually does. Then, he took his tub of mint-chocolate ice cream and his various assortments of Leo comfort food, and placed them on his lap. After finishing 3 bags of Doritos and a Kit-Kat bar, he placed his hood backwards over his face and quietly sobbed into it while absentmindedly shoveled Doritos into it.
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Orious had managed to climb into a tree and looked out to the sky,he had a cigarette in his mouth and withdrew it blowing out a few rings. It seemed like there was nothing he could do for the time being. Derrick was asleep and he didn't quite get along with the others. He was glad they had little idea of his true purposes and he planned to keep it that way no matter what. If the others did find out the truth behind him and izabell it would mean more than the end of his current contract but it'd also mean he'd loose his only friend. As things kept on like this he felt like he was truly going to get too attached. The idea of what could happen if he wasn't careful utterly worried him. He shook his head lightly and sighed. Best not to think about it.
Matthew shook his head. At this moment in time, he wasn't Matt: He was somebody devoid of all reason. He didn't care what he had to do to keep that needle out of his skin. His brain, being in survival mode, didn't understand that there was no choice in the matter. "Please don't." he begged, but Tabitha was tired of listening to this. She dealt with him enough to be unfazed by this behavior. "Hold him down. I need to remove his shirt to get a clear view of the wound." she ordered Vladimor, completely indifferent to the shadows around the bus which were soon to become Matt's worst nightmare. The boy tried to run again, but Tabby just pushed him down once more. "I really wish he had at least drank another bottle- If he did he might have been nearly unconscious, but I'm not knocking him out just to keep him still." Tabitha commented, all the while ignoring the look of betrayal Matt was throwing at her. She could deal with Matthew hating her for a bit: She knew after what could be hours or months, he'd eventually forgive her. She wasn't so sure about Vladimor, but she didn't tell that to the taller male. She needed him to help her, so some things were just better for him not to know.

Drumonkey said:
He groaned slightly as he heals his head hiding his face "nothing it's just that when my powers expand and grow I experience pain until it's over." Zadock groaned and fell to one knee and his hands hid a faint light that was leaking through his fingers.
Izabell nodded quietly and looked up to the sky."ahh..Okay."
Unbeknownst to Tabitha, Vladimor, and Matthew, Leon was still asleep a few rows behind them. He woke up due to all of the commotion and watched as Tabitha pushed Matthew onto the seat. Completely unaware of what the situation was, Leon stepped towards Tabitha,"Er, what's happening?" He then got a good look at Matthew and saw that he was obviously not only terrified, but also in some sort of pain. It didn't take a genius to put two and two together to figure that one out. Leon then turned back to Tabitha,"Actually on second thought, I'll just ask later. Do you need help with anything? I'd be more than happy to lend a hand if you want it."

@iiimee @King Anthony ((Totally didn't use this as a jump in post))
mewbot5408 said:
Izabell nodded quietly and looked up to the sky."ahh..Okay."
Suddenly Zadock stood up and threw his head back groaning lowly as electricity rippled out of his eyes and down his body and when it stopped his eyes rolled back and he began to fall over a faint charge sticking to his body.
Vladimor sighs when there's no other way. With a brief moment of hesitance, Vladimor's shadows coil around Matthew's body. With just about every section minus where the gash was located was held down and restrained the boy. He moved him to a more accessible position. "You're not going to need me for anything else, will you? I don't want to be here to watch." he says, a sort of weakness in his voice when he spoke, casting a pained expression in Matthew's direction.


Tabby glanced over at Leon. "No, I don't need anymore help, but thanks." she said rather shortly, not even bothered by the way Vladimor's shadows coiled around Matt's body like some sort of restricting snake. "You should really learn how to do this, but if you don't want to deal with a grumpy Matt then go on ahead." Tabitha answered Vlad, not even looking in his direction before going over to Matthew and rubbing some more cleansing alcohol on him to make sure the wound didn't catch anything else when he fell.

Every piece of Matt was telling him to run, but none of him could act out this heroic action to save him from the pain he was about to endure. He flinched when he felt Tabitha take off his shirt and start rubbing alcohol on the long, deep wound that cut from his shoulder blade to his waist. He wanted to say something, he didn't know what. Maybe he wanted to scream, maybe beg some more, maybe just say something to hide the shame he felt at having to be treated like this, but the shadows that were wrapped around his mouth muted him.

Ooc: Friend's calling me sorry for short post.​
Vladimor shakes his head. "I've stitched up Derrick plenty of time to know how it's done." He states bluntly, leaving the bus without another word, leaning against the bus as he waits. There were waves of guilt waving him, and it was hard to think of someone else. Part of him understand that this was the best thing to do for him, but the other half though screams at him; I really am a terrible person. To be fair, maybe that was more than half. He groans with a heavy heart, sitting down on the rocky ground, resting his head on his knees as he sits in silence.

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"Really Matt, you're such a baby." Tabby said, rolling her eyes but wincing slightly as she stitched the boy up. Muffled cries could be heard from the boy but he didn't struggle. He couldn't. The grip the shadows had on him were ridiculously tight but at least they we're painful like the needle and black string Tabitha was threading through him. Blood dripped down his back from time to time, but Tabby merely took the shirt he had on earlier and wiped it off. Matthew tried to calm himself, but to no avail. His heart seemed to beat every quarter of a second. "Can he hear my heart too?" The boy wondered silently, the idea only bringing him more shame. He didn't want to be a coward, but here he was shaking at the idea of a needle entering his skin. He also knew it wasn't his fault he was afraid, but it was still him that fought Vlad, fought Tabby. He felt guilt, but it was almost as if he couldn't think when needles were around. Finally Tabitha finished up and stepped away, leaving Matt briefly to tell Vladimor that she was finished with the procedure.


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