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Fantasy On The Run (Always Open!)

Ooc: I was about to ask what you meant by mimicker but then I remembered Matt's powers.

xD Stupid me!

Bic: "But I'm not sure what I'm looking for!" Matthew wanted to say. There were so many things he wanted to say but didn't. He wanted to tell him that he wasn't the guide Vlad thought he was. He wanted to tell He wanted to tell Vladimor that he didn't deserve Vlad but wanted his love anyway: He said none of this though. Instead, he just let Vlad let go of him. "...I really should have drank some more." was all Matthew said. He had been sobering up for a while now, thanks to the adrenaline that had entered his veins. He tried to lay down, only to cringe in pain at the slightest movement of his back or right upper leg. He sighed, feeling defeated. "If you do this again I'll kill you." he warned Vladimor halfheartedly, but what he meant by it was "Don't go."... He just would admit it. "Where's Derrick?" he asked, looking around as if he had just noticed the boy's absence. He had noticed that he and the vampire had been gone for a long time actually, but it wasn't until now that Matthew felt the need to bring it up. Maybe then Vlad would throw his worry at somebody else, perhaps even going off in search of his servant. Matt knew he was a coward, but he didn't feel like he could face Vladimor now, not when he was this weak and out of his mind. He was in love, but Vlad didn't need to know that.​
The vampire sits up stretching before his violet eyes meet service's red. "Hmm..? A old apartment building not far from the buses, I thought you'd get sick sleeping outside like that...don't worry though I'll have us back before it's time to go again.." He murmured with a smile. The vampire was shirtless and it looked like he had attempted changing his bandages.
Vladimor chuckles a bit, raising a brow. "I don't believe that, really,'' He says, sitting in the seat across from him with his back against the window. With the mention of beer, Vladimor scrunches up his nose. "You need to stop drinking, it's going to start getting you into trouble. You're not even of age." He thought aloud, shaking his head. When he realized he hadn't been asleep since yesterday night, he sighs, closing his eyes in the attempt to sleep. When he asked where Derrick was, he scoffs. "With that damn vampire." He says when he recalls seeing him carry him off somewhere, and he believes with how Orious had been acting around him that he wouldn't do anything to harm him. Even if, Vladimor believed he Derrick was smart and strong enough to get out of trouble on his own.

There was no trouble at all. Derrick looks at the sky, the near black now muted itself into a slightly lighter shade of blue. It was just very early in the morning. "Oh," He says simple, looking at his lap as he chews at his lip. "I don't get sick easy, though. The cold isn't a bother." He shrugs, laying down again, but after so many times of waking, his body decided that it wasn't that much tired anymore. He huffs, flipping over to his stomach, burying his face in the sheets.


Matthew didn't tell Vlad that he planned on drinking all the booze he could get his hands on when they got to Vegas. Instead, he just sat there, watching Vladimor slowly doze off. Once he was sure the taller male was asleep, he looked around the bus for something to do. It seemed most of the people on it were either asleep or out doing something else.

"You're still awake?" Tabby asked, walking over to Matt as if she hadn't done anything wrong. (Technically she hadn't, but that doesn't change anything!) She had come back from her walk and decided to check on Matthew before she went to bed herself. Matthew opened his mouth to answer, but she cut him off. "Go to sleep. If I hear you say another word I'm going to come over here and make you sleep." She glanced over at the old, blood-stained shirt Matt had been wearing and the one she had provided him. They were both still on the floor. "Wear it." she ordered him, before marching off. "Go to sleep before I make you!" Matt mocked her voice as she left. Tabby heard him but ignored it, going unto her bus. Matthew sighed and put on the shirt. Very, very carefully he laid on his side in his seat, but his caution didn't help matters: It still hurt like Hell to move. Still, he just bit his lip to mute the sound of his pain and laid there. "Life's a bitch." Matthew decided. He took an uneven breath in, and took an uneven breath out. He waited, but thirty minutes passed and still no sleep came. "This is going to be a long night." His mind informed him, and Matt quietly agreed, but closed his eyes nonetheless.

Ooc: Time-skip soon? I have barely anything to post now, but idk about you guys.​
Ooc:Fine by me I think i'm going to leave Cicero on the roof when the bus starts....then wouldn't he fly off
Orious looked to him for a moment touching the mark on the smaller male's neck. "...does it hurt still? " he asked in a concerned but soft tone as he had crawled over the human looking down at him and leaned down his head. His pale lips next to the other's ear as he began to murmur quietly. "....derrick...what am I to you?....can I ask.." He questioned gently as he Sat back up awaiting the human's response.
Derrick shrugs. "Just kinda sore. It doesn't bother me, but puncture wounds take a bit to heal so it's just what to expect." he thinks on the bite, humming in though. Said hum turns into a squeak. "My friend?" He says quickly and more than slightly confused. He pushes at his chest with his feet( There he goes walking in the cold barefoot again) until he sat up. He sticks his tongue out at him and stands. "Let's go back." He suggests.


Note: Who's ready for Las Vegas?

;) Just as a spoiler, prepare for an inside look into the facilities during our stay here. ;)
((OOC: READY FOR FREDDY. Also can they get like....a couple days off? I'm ready for some fun times))


Ooc: Of course there's going to be lots of partying! This is Las fuckin' Vegas! Also, it wouldn't be nearly as fun if the disaster wasn't unexpected.


Bic: "We're here!" Tabitha shouted. The raven-haired girl was the first person to see the sign reading Las Vegas- only a mile away! She didn't care if she hurt her own ears because they were going to Las fucking Vegas! Really, Tabitha wasn't much of a party animal, but she enjoyed the liveliness of the big city, and who knows? She might even gamble here while she's at it! With other people's money of course. She turned to Cicero, punching him in the arm to wake him up. Truly, there was nothing more frightening than a happy Tabitha.

Matthew didn't act nearly that excited. His morning started when the bus finally stopped, knocking the sleeping boy forward and out of his seat. He landed on his stomach luckily, but the stitches still hurt. Actually, hurt was a poor word for it. They felt like little pinpricks all along his back. He wasn't as much of a child as he was last night however, and he quickly stood up, massaging his head to relieve the headache he felt right now. Vladimor was right: Drinks and Matthew did not mix, at least not hours later when he was sober again. He was one of the last to leave the bus because of this. "Where are we?" he said when he got out, flinching as the morning sun invaded his eyes. Already two things were bothering him this morning: Brightness and people.​

As they drove, Derrick took window seat next to Vladimor once again. "Woooahhh!" The servant says, the bright lights reflecting in his red eyes. "This is such a delight, it's so extravagant! Just like in the movies!" He says, an ear to ear grin on his face. Vladimor laughs at his enthusiasm(He had woke about an hour ago and kept an eye on Matthew as he slept) He actually had the audacity to climb over Vladimor, being one of the firsts to rush off even without Vladimor. He'd catch up.

Vladimor himself waits for Matthew. "Vagas, baby!" He says quoting Swingers.To be fair he hadn't watched it, it was just a relevant and popular quote." He stands by his side in case he might of needed anything. "Are you still certain that you'd rather a hotel over my house? I mean, people are loud here. Always drinking, smoking, yelling, fuckin', and screaming. Vegas is the city that never sleeps, but damn I'm betting since this is my dad's business house, it's pretty damn nice. Away from more people." He says, trying to convince him to stay at the house rather than a hotel.​

"Yeah, no thanks but thanks for the worry mom. If people are drinking or fucking, it sounds like my sort of place- You can keep the smoking to yourself though." Matthew replied, running a hand through his hair with his left arm to avoid dealing with the stitches right next to his shoulder blade. It was strange, seeing the boy outside. His skin was considerably paler than the rest of the group's, save for maybe Orious. If you didn't know him, you might think the boy never went outside- then again, until six months ago he hadn't been outside since he was thirteen.

"Anyone else ready to party?" Tabitha asked the group, being one of the first on bus one to step out. She gave a bright smile, not really meaning that she herself would take part, but she knew plenty of people in the group were excited and ready to. Noticing Vlad and Matt arguing over where the shorter boy'd be staying, she just shook her head and walked over to them. "You're going to have to kidnap him to get him to stay. Anyway, where do you want to go first?" Tabby asked, grabbing Vlad's hand and making him twirl her around. She wasn't flirting: That had to be obvious to the group, considering the fact the two of them were already very committed. The only difference was one of them actually had the guts to claim the person they loved.​
Cicero was half awake when Tab yelled something about them being to Las Vega and then she hit him "Ow...i'm up i'm up." He stated while getting off the bus yawning "I'm still tired." The cat-boy stated while stretching "Anyways whats the plan from here?" He asked looking at the group with half asleep eyes 'I wonder if they would say stealing some beer or something of that sort I hope so anyways.' He thought smiling at the thought of stealing something again and since Nick wasn't with them he wouldn't know that he stole something again and getting excited about the idea of stealing and gambling
"I say we visit a bookstore." Matthew suggested, completely ignoring his so-called friend's plan to kidnap him. He didn't care if it was boring: He hadn't been to one since he was little, and he was really excited to go again. He remembered leaning against a tree for sometimes a full day on the weekends, reading to his heart's content. Maybe his tastes had changed a little from when he was young, but the idea of reading something other than a single sheet of writing once more sounded like fun to him.

Vladimor smirks. "If it's that you want, then you can certainly stay at my place." He tells him deviously. When Tabitha pulled herself into a twirl, he ends it with a dip, laughing a little. He pulls her up straight before shrugging. "I'm actually going to the house first to get everything settled and cleaned of any dust." He takes out a pen that had so conveniently been in his pocket at takes Tabitha's wrist, writing something on it. "Make sure you tell everyone so head there as a default so we can all stay together. 64 Promontory Ridge Dr." He tells her, clicking the pen and shoving back in his pocket. When Matthew suggests something so simple, he laughs a little. "Matter fact, I'll go with you. I haven't a book in a while." He tells Derrick to follow, and the servant snaps out of his little Vegas fantasy and nods, ready to go along. "Shall I call a taxi?"

Sia had fallen asleep outside of the bus and was left behind ( O_O ), he was surprised when he woke up found everyone else had left. "Well, I guess I better start walking to Vagas. He began walking in the direction that the bus had left. Nagato had fallen asleep again on the seat he had moved to and when he woke up he looked out the window watching the bus dive past sign and such things. Brood Mother woke up surprised to be on the bus still, she walked of off it and headed towards the second bus to see who was still there.
"But the bookstore is boring....plus I already stole from one." He said while pulling some two books out of his pocket "Ok don't be surprised even I can read." He said while putting the books back into his pocket fully knowing they wouldn't believe him "Oh the house better have something to ste....I mean admire totally wasn't planning on stealing anything." He said while whispering the last part before going over to Tab and trying to see what Vlad wrote on it plus he was just bored and if he bugged the other two he would must likely get an ear full from Matthew and Vlad breaking his neck with his shadows

Tabitha nodded but didn't say anything else to him when he wrote on her wrist and gave her the instructions. "Will do!" she replied once he was finally done, giving him a dramatic salute before turning to the group of people that were still here. "Everyone take out a pen and write this down somewhere, and don't go off somewhere in public with less than two other people!" She was (of course) wearing the earmuffs Calvin had given her what seemed like ages ago. She was still sad about Calvin's death, but pushed that to the back of her mind. "Life goes on." were the words her mother always told her, and Tabby had decided to live by them. Still, she was so excited that she didn't even notice Cicero until he was right by her. "Oh hey, what do you want to do today?" she asked him cheerfully, grabbing his hand and doing the same thing she had done with Vladimor- only this time she drew herself a little closer to him, a flirtatious look on her face... Before she suddenly stepped away from him and acted as if nothing happened. "What do you want to do today?" she repeated, her hands on her hips and a smile full of energy on her face.

Matthew instantly felt flustered at Vlad's words, but he didn't let it show on his face: He was a guy, after all, and while he didn't go out of his way to act masculine, he was strongly opposed to fitting any part of the gay stereotype, besides the liking guys part of course. "Does that mean I'm tagging along with you to the house and back? If we're going to the bookstore, that is." Matt kept his voice indifferent, but in his mind he wouldn't deny the fact he was curious to see the property Vlad technically owned. It wasn't like Vladimor grew up here, so Matthew really had no excuse to be curious, but he was curious nonetheless. Really, anything even associated with the male was fascinating to Matt, but it wasn't like he needed to tell Vladimor that. Sometimes secrecy was preferable to telling the truth, and that always seemed to ring true for Matthew more than anyone else.​
"Uhh...Anything that doesn't get me slapped in the face or punched."He said "And why do you have to keep doing that its no fair." He said while he put his lips right next to her before backing away and smiling "Well I'm pretty much do anything that seems fun I mean it is Las Vega so lead the way beautiful." He said while spinning around in one spot before nearly fall from getting dizzy "Didn't go as planned." The boy stated out loud while trying to stand straight
Tabitha's face lit up in embarrassment at what he said and did- until he fell over. She immediately laughed, covering her mouth out of habit when she did. "How was it supposed to go exactly?" she asked him, before continuing on with their previous topic before he fell. "I get promise we won't get slapped, or even mugged for that matter, but how about the casino?" There was an almost devilish glint in her eyes when she suggested it, as if she was anticipating all the trouble they'd get into.

"I guess me not falling on the ground I just wanted to see how it felt to get drunk." He said while getting up and dusting himself off "But it seemed like you got a good laugh out of it now my feeling are hurt." He said walking up to her and pulling her in for a hug and he let their lips meet only for a second before pulling away "Sure the casino sounds like fun....one question though if say I do get a chance to steal something can I?" He asked the girl in his arms while smiling at her and wondering what he could steal at a casino other then money and drinks

"We can go straight to the bookstore then home. We don't need to make unnecessary trips." He felt a little off calling it 'home' but it flowed more naturally due to him owning it. Derrick has stopped a taxi gesturing for the two other to come along with them. Vladimor follows along, holding the door for Matthew.

Later as they're driving, Derrick goes on about how excited he is, and how he'll be sure to buy Vladimor more suitable apparel for these sorts of things. There's a mention of making fake ID's and the such as well. Not such an innocent little follower.Either way he rants as he stares out the window, Vladimor just listening to it all like alway until they came to a stop, paying the man(Derrick had brought both his and Vladimor's card)the fee before exiting out. For such a large city, the store was so small and cute, and Derrick just rushes in, even though there's nothing too special about it.​

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