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Finished [Odai Island-West Empire] A Monstrous Task

Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Connor's katana hit the monster quite solidly, and even managed to bury into its body. However, it did nothing to actually stop it, and he quickly pulled back as he observed it immediately starting to regenerate the shape it lost from his attack. Great, now we know that won't be effective. Meanwhile, he notices Velvet helped the man behind him get up and away from the rubble. Introducing himself as Elliot, the man quickly warned them to retreat. Velvet seemed to agree. He nodded as he urged the both of them to move away and towards the outside. Given how this monster seemed to emerge from the ooze they have been seeing since way earlier, there's probably more of them outside as well, but the more open area might provide more escape routes. What Elliot was saying certainly made sense.

"Aye, good idea! The others might be in the same situation...!" he said as he started to back up towards the opening that they came in from, watching the monster complete its regeneration. The monster then suddenly spits out a mass from its mouth, and he rolls backwards along the ground in a split second decision, not wanting to know what the ooze might do to him. At this point, a [Sonic Strike] at the monster might be a good idea to try and stall its advance.

  • Dodge globster attack
  • Move towards the square Connor was in the previous turn.
  • [Sonic Strike] at the globster
Sonic Strike - Magic E, Range F, Performance F - Briefly play a note imbued with magic, generating a sound dealing damage to a target up to 30 ft away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
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Davito Aranda


Davito saw Rios shred a monster out of the corner of his eye, then stepped back to avoid the pus spraying from the globster's ruined eye. He quickly parried the flurry of blows thrown by the slowly recovering monster. "This regen is a problem." Davito muttered to himself. He called over to Rios. "They seem to be healing through the ooze pits. Try to get it away to kill it more efficiently." Davito looked for a suitable place to draw the monster, and a patch of fire caught his eye. I could use that to my advantage. My attacks aren't very effective anyway. He slashed at the monster, hitting a few smaller eyes, mostly to make sure it followed him. Davito then backed up, towards the fire. He tried to keep at least part of it between him and the monster.

Actions 3/3
1. Block the monster's attacks
2. Attract attention through an attack at a smaller eye
3. Reposition near the fire​
Mentions: Develius Develius

Rios was surprised to find that the goop monster was able to withstand the sensation of getting cut by his vorpal blade technique. Times were tough for those who followed the way of the sword. Luckily that wasn't the only method by which he could fight these creatures. He'd been developing something new as of late. Although it was a new development in his training. Rios thought it would at least make a little difference in this fight. First he popped off his [Energized F]. His next move was to trigger a weaker version of his previous move. However the difference would be in the content of this move rather than its overall power. The ground at Rios's feet grew darker as if drinking in the shadows whilst his twin katana had embers spark to life at the edges. Making a quick series of slashes with his now burning blades. Rios wanted to see if the slime creature could deal with being burned and vorpal bladed at the same time.

He'd first begun developing the ability to coat his swords in flame after his body began to generate a pool of darkness at his feet. Rios lacked the vision to see through the shadows if they got too dark. Hence why he had taught himself to light his swords aflame. The trigger was simple, the bloodlust he felt towards those higher powers who got off on deciding his fate. Whilst cutting into the monsters, Rios did his best to catch any goop in his mouth so he could [Devour F] it. What didn't kill him could only make him stronger.

.Energize F to reduce cooldown on Fighting Style
.Blight F (Flame) + Aura F (Darkness)
.Devour F

As the globster loomed over Connor, ready to attack once more, it would reel violently at the shrieking Sonic Attack shocking its system. The musician would find this attack to be much more effective, as the rapid vibrations caused the monster's mass to convulse and spasm wildly. It groaned terribly while flailing around in the muck. It certainly looked as it was going to take a minute to recuperate, leaving enough time for Connor, Velvet and Elliot to escape the burning manor from which they came.

Velvet quickly grabbed the squire's sword and gave it to him. The blonde man kindly thanked her, "T-Thanks-" When she asked Elliot if there were any other survivors in the building, the squire shook his head. "N-Not that I know of," he stated unsurely, "But my master, Sir Raedolf, must be somewhere nearby... We got separated when doing our search here; I was inside, while he was outside. Some of these, "globsters" as he refers them attacked him... then the ceiling collapsed and I, well, got caught in it. He must be somewhere nearby!"

Once the three were back outside, they would find the others being harassed by three additional globsters, one for each member! Rios and Davito were busy taking care of their respected opponents, though the one near Aniel was getting the upper hand!

"Oh gods..." Elliot shakily breathed as he overlooked the battle taking place before them, "They must be your friends right?"

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
[ Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker | Faynorae Faynorae ]

As Davito slashed against the globster's smaller eyes, they would combust in place before a new set grew in another location. However, these eyes were significantly smaller than the ones before... probably due to the limited about of goo they had on hand. Small splotches continued to leak from its body, splattering to the ground like melting sewage. The knight carefully positioned himself partly behind the fire, as if beckoning for it to come closer. Indeed, the globster would actively try to avoid touching the spitting flames; its black essence recoiling in on itself as it got closer.

It definitely had an adverse reaction to the extreme heat.

Nonetheless, the gangly cyclops wobbled ever closer, attempting to keep itself a considerable distance from the fire. It issued a squealing gurgle and quickly hurdled towards Davito with outstretched arms!

Rios' enhanced strikes, a combination of vorpal and flame, seared into his globster's body with acute precision. What would've been resolved quickly with its healing factor would turn into a melting mess as its entire torso had now caught fire. The flaming globster unleashed an anguished moan as it tried desperately to pad itself out; its thick ooze trying to surpress its burning body. Given it was still connected to the ooze-pile, this process would begin to proceed, albeit slowly. But it certainly affected the globster rather severely, as it wildly thrashed in place with arms flailing around madly. As it did, loose bits of tar would be flung from its body.

One of these large inky-black globs of tar would happen to find its way towards the blue-haired swordsman's mouth. Biting into it would be as if he was biting into very sticky taffy and unsurprisingly tasting of crude oil and tar. It would be incredibly unpleasant and vile experience, but should Rios be brave enough to swallow it, something else would occur. He'd feel a sharp piercing sensation flood his mind as visions flickered through his consciousness like that of a disturbing fever dream. A nightmare. He could barely discern what was going on or what he was shown given the breakneck speeds at which these scenes flickered, but there would be elements that would stick out to him:

A city burning. People fleeing. Ooze corrupting everything it swallowed. Globsters changing into something bigger. More monstrous. A divine entity loomed over the infection. Clad in white and gold; a blade of blinding light. A gargantuan explosion. A high pitched whine festered with the anguished cries of thousands. A glowing xanthic eye. Fanged splayed teeth.

The very last image... a silhouetted entity looming over ruins. Gigantic... hunch-backed... monstrous. It roared; the whine becoming distorted and ever louder as vision fades to white-

Then it ends, as Rios would find himself focused back onto reality. What felt like minutes would all be over in a matter of seconds. Whatever he could discern from this experience was hazy yet disturbing. It would feel as if he saw something that no mortal being was supposed to see. Yet he would feel as if he was... seen. He was seen and tainted by... something. Something indescribable*. But he wouldn't have much time to process this information as the globster he just struck would lurch its gooey arm forward and extend forth in order to grab him! Should it succeed, the beast would attempt to pull him into the ooze pit!

- Mark Of Dread F: After ingesting a piece of the black tar, Rios found himself harassed by ominous spastic visions of events relating to the consumed. You feel as if something had seen you, tainting you with an essence of unknown consistency. You're unable to adequately describe what you've seen to others, only how it made you feel. No other adverse affects can be determined at this time...
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Location: Palace -> Shore

Velvet listened to the squire's story as she tried to put things together piece by piece. There's a lot of question lingering in her mind but it she immediately threw that away when she witnessed her other companions battling all those globsters.

"Y-yes, they're with us." She answered before she dashed towards Aniel, he seemed to be the one needing help the most. Though, regardless of how reckless she can be, Velvet realized that her bare hands wouldn't able to damage the globster much so she didn't intend to fight them head on. Instead she would simply snatch Aniel away as she passed by, carrying him on her shoulder like a sack of potato. Velvet didn't stop running until they reach the shore. Which only then she put Aniel down and checked on him.

"Are you okay? Any injury?"

1. Move to Aniel
2. Snatch Aniel (Acrobatic F, Athletic F)
3. Move to the shore

Develius Develius Renny Renny Faynorae Faynorae
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae

Fortunately, it appears that the monster, a “globster”, were much more susceptible to the more magic oriented attack that Connor did, stopping it in its tracks. The brief stagger the globster experienced gave the three of them the brief few moments necessary to make their retreat back outside. Now is the time to... run away!

“That would be a correct assumption, yes.” Looking over at the rest of the team, it seems like they all encountered the same monster as them, likely rising up from the same black ooze they saw earlier inside. “Velvet...! he started, though it seems like she thought the same thing as she was already moving towards Aniel. Connor then looked at Elliot, “I don’t know where else would be safe so uh, stay behind?” he said with a nonchalant shrug. Along with Velvet, Connor then wasted no more additional time as he started moving towards Aniel to assist.

  • Move south towards Aniel’s position
Mentions: Develius Develius
Rios Theme Song

Rios almost threw up after that damn goo monster came into his mouth. His dismay turned to distress as seemingly the thing was part of a hivemind and began screwing with his brain. He saw visions of burned cityscapes, mass destruction, thousands dead and a large creepy eye looking over everything. Once the vision ended, Rios would find himself back where he was. The goo monster was coming for him once more. The cyan haired swordsman tried to gain any sense of the situation so he wouldn't lose himself to what he just saw. Exhaling for a moment before letting his body do the talking. Rios remembered the bitter cold he felt whilst he was training in the snow. His swords immediately caught fire as the ground beneath his feet began to soak in the shadows cast by the flames raging around them. "You are not the only danger here, beast... no... FOOD" said Rios while preparing to take another few swipes at this thing. One of them was going to eat the other and he would be certain HE was eating.

.Fighting Style F + Blight F (Fire) + Area F (Darkness) + Vorpal F + Devour F
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Elliot felt flustered after Connor told him to stay put, his posture giving a combination of nervous yet quirky energy. "Well, erm-" However, he wouldn't get to respond before both the musician and Velvet would jump into action to save their companion! The disfigured globster looming over Aniel was about to slam an inky black appendage atop him, only to be denied as Aniel would unfold her white feathery wings and leap into the air through [Flight F] and proceeded to fire an arrow at it*! The arrow streaked through the air and pierced right in the monster's primary eye! It cried out as the tar-laced tendril squelched on the ground, leaving bits of globular residue on the browning grass underfoot.

Velvet's momentum would find herself nearly running into the attack as Aniel flew to reposition, barely avoiding it as she skidded towards the shoreline. It was a close call for both of them. The globster gave a frustrated moan, as more eyes appeared elsewhere on its body. It bared its teeth at Velvet before noticing Connor rushing towards it. Now the globster found itself outmatched in a 3v1! Not that it seemed to comprehend his disadvantage, as it proceeded to stretch its right globular arm towards Connor and his left towards Aniel above!

Rios, meanwhile, went completely savage; focusing solely on the globster grappling him and proceeded to tear into it! Flames erupted from below their feet, scorching the globster which was followed by a fury of swipes that sliced into the tar-ladden form. The monster wailed in sheer agony as chunks of goo and bone pieces were effortlessly being cut away from his form. Its release on the swordsman would falter, before a gurgled moan of defeat had it sinking into the tar pit, still ablazed. Though as it began submerging, Rios would find the sludge sliding off its arm to reveal a humanoid hand underneath. Whether this hand was from one of its many victims or a bone-shaped hand of coincidence remained unclear before vanishing into the depths. The mound where it once stood began to bubble, as if attempting to regenerate from scratch.

However, with the amount damage that Rios had caused it, it didn't look like it was getting up anytime soon.

1). = Globster avoids fire and hits
2). = Globster avoids fire and misses
3). = Globster rushes into fire and hits
4). = Globster rushes into fire and misses

Result: [4]

In its ravaged tunnel-visioned attempt to strike at Davito, the globster he faced would find itself straying too close to the fire. Half of its body caught ablaze, its burning misery causing it to miss as a flaming appendage hurled right by its target! As it dealt with the flames enrapturing its form, for that moment it would be too concentrated on his current affliction to refocus on its target...

*Added at Faynorae Faynorae 's request via DM; figured they should have the higher initiative given their lack of contribution for the moment.
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Swainling in Suffering. Damselette in distress.
  • Flower not a fighter, was a term that Aniel used to describe himself when people brought up scuffles. This is why, for the most part, Aniel had not contributed much of anything at all during their current battle of black tar. Had his mind not drifted to the niceties of not having to participate in such beastly action, Aniel would not have had to face the red reality of the current circumstances.

    He'd groan, a hoase sound accompanied by how his face had become like a crumpled piece of paper as he'd tightly grasp onto his right hand, with his left in futile attempt to minimize any bleeding. The creature loomed over him, and he felt himself tremble. Yet, it occured to him that a creature such as this could not do anything to him that mattered—afterall, only love is true and one must be brave and strong to protect the people they loved.

    He knew he could not do anything effective in such close range, so Aniel breathed and attempted to ignore the blasted pain in his right arm. At this point, Aniel had become more a swainling in suffering than a heroic rescuer of the people, which made more sense in the anycase but having one's arm thrushed about by a monster really didn't seem very attractive.

    As Aniel made his ascent, with his gently blushed wings beating the air at the same pace of his heartbeat. The exxhilaration, fear, throbbing pain, adrenaline, the feeling of taking flight; it all made his heart pound as though he were running down a steep hill from a boulder which was merely an inch away from him. He saw Velvet and Connor running up to him in a rush, and smiled. They seemed worried, and though he hated himself for being a reason of concern, he felt happy to know there were at least two people in this world who care enough about him to be worried.

    "Ahaha~ I'm doing... p- perfectly lovely!" Aniel forced a smile as he waved down to the two, his voice cracked. "W- well, except my arm has been a bit... uhm..." He averted his eyes as he lifted his now torn cloak, which although already crimson, was stained more crimson by the bleed of where his arm was cut. Aniel cringed, a large wound he never thought a coward like him would ever bear, bleeding down his arm, to his wrists and then his hand; as it soaked into the pale fabric of his sleeve. Aniel tilted his head as he'd nervously laugh, "Haha~ Grotesque, eh? What a waste... of perfectly good clothes..." He was more worried about it scarring rather than the clothing.

    Aniel turned his attention to the Globster who was hurling another jab toward him. "Take a hint, won't cha!?" He'd shout, now that Aniel had some distance he felt he'd a better shot at doing something. He'd weakly lift his right hand to where a string would usually be on a bow, "No one's interested!" He'd yell, [A1] – [The Trembling Throbs of First Love] with a deep breath, Aniel began to quickly chant, "O fair mother of roses red and white, the weaver of wiles and deathless star of sunfall, sunrise and moonlit night;" A rose coloured energy began to conjure around Aniel's bleeding hand as he slowly pulled the unexisting string of his bow, conjuring an arrow filled with the emotions of love given light by mana, "heed me now, if ever before, and bring the agonies of adoration upon whom dare deny thy will!" As though bursting into full bloom, a sigil of venus' rose manifested before Aniel's bow, which would then scatter into dispersing petals briefly dancing into sparks of light and then nothing; as Aniel released his delicate hold onto the unexisting string, allowing the magical arrow to fly into the air like a shooting star leaving behind a trail of dwindling petals as it hopefully hurled into the Globster's arm.

Interactions Develius Develius ; Renny Renny ; Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
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Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae

The sounds of combat from other party members continued. Shouldn’t be anything that they can’t handle, and so Connor kept his focus on the globster attacking Aniel. Velvet shouted out what he was already thinking. “Here to help!”

Aniel was hurt, but it doesn’t seem to have been bad enough to affect his ability to fly. The noise from the pouring rain was a bit annoying, but Connor was able to understand that he isn't out of action quite yet. Good. Now that he was close enough to attract the attention of the globster that was attacking just a few moments before, he stops a few feet away. Hearing Aniel shout back at the globster, Connor brings his violin back up. Going for another [Sonic Strike] as he heard Aniel chanting behind him, he notices the black growth stretching out towards him. In response, he quickly swings out his katana defensively, hoping to hit the arm moving towards him.

  • [Sonic Strike] at globster
  • Attack globster arm with Katana (D)

Sonic Strike - Magic E, Range F, Performance F - Briefly play a note imbued with magic, generating a sound dealing damage to a target up to 30 ft away - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Mentions: Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker

Rios watched as the goop monster vanished into the pits of hell from whence it came. Unfortunately it didn't seem to leave anything resembling a corpse. No food for Rios to feast upon as a prize for his victory over the malicious slime creature. It did however, leave a single hand. Rios had no clue what exactly this hand was or where it came from. He gave it a scan over with [Appraisal D] since his eyes were little tried from being laser focused on the battle just now. Rios in no way wanted to let any trace of the slime escape his investigation. Once he had looked over the hand from a few different angles. The swordsman ate it in one mouthful with [Devour F]. Consuming something that may have belonged to an innocent sentient person may have raised an eyebrow or two from those around him. Those same people were probably too busy with their burning town to notice Rios eat a hand. Seeing that Davito was still battling his own blob assailant. Rios tightened his grip on his swords before rushing at the unsuspecting blob.

.Scan hand with [Appraisal D]
.Eat hand with [Devour F]
.Killsteal Davito = Fast E + Fighting Style F + Blight F (Fire) + Area F (Darkness) + Vorpal F + Devour F

In the globster's last ditch fury to secure victory, it would prove utterly useless against the combined attack from both sides. Aniel's arrow would make its mark, piercing deep into the globster's outstretched arm with surprising ease. In fact, as it impacted, the ooze would begin to wither and jitter violently, refusing to cover the arrow! The unholy abomination would reel back in surprise, crying out in a mortified scream of its own as it tried to shake it off with little success. The arrow was surprisingly effective! While the feelings of anything good in love and war would remain mute against such a mindless monster, its own gooey essence appeared to be imploding upon itself with the arm. Aniel would also see a skeletal humanoid hand and arm peer momentarily from the ooze, grasping out in a mindless dangly motion. Perhaps something else was causing a violent reaction against this unholy glob.

Yet the globster would have no time to truly comprehend his predicament as it felt Connor's sonic strike rip into its side! Lobs of goo ejected from its form, now showing more of these bones underneath. Not just boney spikes or hands... but ribs and something vaguely reminessant of an entire skeletal system. These bones were no doubt its past victims, all amalgamating into this twisted skeletal form and added armor. All of it now deemed worthless. The globster gurgled in defeat as it melted right before their eyes. Without its goo pile to repair itself, the beast was unable to regenerate and now succumbs to its destruction; leaving behind only a layer of sludge and boney remnants.

Meanwhile, Rios immediately recognized the hand to be that of a human victim the globster had consumed. Whether it was its first or latest meal, or the potential identity of its owner, was now irrelevant as the gluttonous swordsman proceeded to consume it. No unusual effects would be felt, though he might see Elliot give a concerned glance at his antics. With his foe now dispatched, he proceeded to turn his sights onto the last globster on the field; burning as it desperately tried to strike at Davito. With little effort, the blue-haired swordsman would finish it off, as it disintegrated into the flames below. Rios would be unable to recover any pieces from the crisped globster...

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

[Combat has concluded.]

With their gooey opponents now neutralized, the party would have a moment to breath and recuperate. Connor, Velvet, and Davito would find themselves mostly unharmed, aside from maybe a few bruises at best. Aniel's gash on his arm looked painful, but didn't sever any important veins or arteries. Thankfully, none of the tar had gotten attached to him either, which if they'd reached the wound would probably complicate things. All in all, nothing a bit of healing couldn't fix. For Rios however, his ravenous craving for violence may have ended, but his willingness to devour the tar had come with some side effects. Aside from the visions he'd felt previously, he'd notice that his veins were now subtly colored black; most notably the veins in his wrists and head were no slightly discolored. Slight nausea could also be felt here and there as well, as well as a vague feeling of dread, but otherwise he still stood generally ok.

"Everyone OK?" Elliot asked as he approached the group. He noticed Velvet Observing the carnage around, he could help but whistle a sigh of relief. "Well gosh... Dunno how you guys did it, but you actually took them out!" He seemed to now sport a twinkle in his eye, as if charged by a newfound sense of determination. "Maybe there's still hope left for this place after all..." Looking at Davito, Aniel and Rios, he stood to attention as he slammed a fist into his chest piece. "Name's Elliot Lancaster." he introduced himself properly, now looking at everyone else, "Squire to Sir William Raedolf of Ryke. We were on holiday here before everything went to hell; it was absolutely horrible!" He looked behind him towards the city with a worried glance, his body tightening in nervousness, "Now we've been separated and I have no idea where he is! Pray be that he hadn't been eaten... those 'globsters' are pretty tough."

Elliotthen faced the party again, pausing for a moment as he eyed them curiously, "I know that girl in the black dress said you guys were a rescue party right?" Elliot assumed, obviously referring to Velvet, "Let me help you. I may not be as strong or magically inclined like you all, but I can help guide you through his part of Odai. Hopefully we can find more survivors as well as my master!" He then pointed back at the nearby intersection, where they'd see two major points of interest. "There's a church slightly further into the city." the squire said, pointing in the direction past the manor and up the road, "Haven't been inside it yet, but maybe there's survivors there." Looking opposite, he'd then point towards the Pier with the overhead arcade. "Or we go over to the Pier? Maybe we can find Master Raedolf there and maybe a few survivors too? I probably wouldn't go in there myself, but with you all I feel we can take it!"

The choice was now up to the party. Head further into town towards the church, or towards the pier by the coast?

Velvet let out a deep relieved sigh as the globsters were finally neutralized. She wasn't unable to do much during the fight but the most important thing was they're all relatively unharmed, mostly. Velvet glanced at Aniel's injured arm, she knew that she should wince at the sight of it or something like that, but she just think it looks a bit delicious, maybe it wouldn't hurt if she take a lick... Velvet pinched her own cheek. Vampire or not, that thought was improper of her. She also noticed something else was off, this time from Rios as his veins now was slightly darker than before. She was racking her brain trying to remember any medical knowledge that she might has so she can help them. Unfortunately, even with all those years she spent in hospital she know nothing about treating wounds.

The squire introduced himself to the rest of the group and while she had known his name already, she just realized that she hadn't actually introduced herself. She looked at Elliot with a sheepish smile on her face before she did a slight bow to introduce herself.

"Name's Velvet, I am, err... traveler." She didn't have any known title so she just left it at that. She continued by quickly introducing everyone else in the group. Davito the knight, Rios the adventurer, Connor the musician and Anies the lover. That last one sounded a bit weird but she didn't dwell on it. The squire suggested two option for their next destination. While finding this Sir Raedolf might be important, Velvet still thought that their priority should be the helpless civilians.

"Let's go to the church then!" Church was one of the most likely place to become a shelter during disaster so they should find someone there.

Develius Develius Renny Renny Faynorae Faynorae Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia 1Lucker 1Lucker
Connor Erland

Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae

Connor watched as the globster started melting in place. As it shrunk down into the ground, skeletal remains now revealed themselves now that all the black tar-like body was not covering them anymore, causing him to frown. Well, there's no doubt now what could happen if they weren't able to defeat these monsters...

It seems that the others also took care of the globsters that they were fighting right around the same time as them. Davito, Rios, Velvet, Aniel. Good, they were all still standing fine, though for the latter a quick [Soothing Melody] should help. Connor does just that before finally sheathing his weapons, just as the man they rescued, Elliot, approached them. At his praise, Connor couldn't help but stand a little taller himself, though he let Elliot finish speaking. Velvet went ahead and introduced each one of them to the squire, with Connor bowing as Velvet passes over him.

Right, there's still the rest of the city to think of. Well, if Sir Raedolf that Elliot was with is supposed to be a knight, there's a high chance he'll be out there helping out the rest of the civilians. He's just one person though, so they better get a move on. "If you say so Elliot, we would appreciate your help."
Velvet suggested going to the church first. Connor didn't mind either of the destinations that the squire proposed, but it seems that the city church would at be a more recognizable landmark for people looking to find some help. He nods in agreement, "All right, church it is then."
Davito Aranda


As the last Globster fell to the combined assault of his allies, Davito sheathed his sword and relaxed a little bit. Meeting up with everyone else in the center of the courtyard, he noticed that Velvet and Connor had picked up someone else. Maybe there were still a few survivors. The young man introduced himself and as Velvet introduced the party, Davito nodded towards the young squire and returned his salute. "Nice to meet ya, Elliot. We'll do what we can for anyone who's still left."

Davito heard the group consensus and agreed to go to the church. He turned to Velvet, "You're a vampire, correct? Does blood heal you? Because I found a vial earlier if you want it."

  • Vial of Blood F (x1): - A vial of unidentified red humanoid blood. Non-magical
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny 1Lucker 1Lucker

Rios looked at the remnants of the goo monsters that had been defeated by this ragtag group. None of them looked particularly appetizing at the moment. However consuming the slimy flesh of his opponent had left Rios with blackened veins and an aching head. His guess was that the slime hivemind was trying to worm its way into his system so it could add him to the horde. Such disgusting tactics would never work. The slime needed to understand it would facilitate HIS growth, not the other way around. Rios also wondered if maybe the hivemind could track him. He thought it would be prudent of him to inform the others of what he saw on their way to the church. The swordsman had no problem with heading on over to the church because his thought process had brought him to the conclusion that a refuge full of people had likely already fallen to the goo gremlins. What remained in its place could be theorized to be a gestalt slime creature or maybe even a slime general. This was likely a problem for the others but a welcome challenge for Rios.

"REEEEE. Sorry. REEEEEE. Sorry. REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" said Rios while maintaining his usual stoicism when not in battle.
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[Remember to keep track of your status ailments.] Yet as Rios tried to convey what he had seen, he found himself fumbling on his words. Anything after a few syllables of thought would have his voice trail off, losing track and seemingly forgetting what he was going to say. His mind became cloudy and uncoordinated as unholy sounds began echoing in his mind, drowning out his thoughts on the subject completely, like tendrils caressing his brain. It was enough to cause violent wave of utter fear and dread to wash over the swordsman each time he'd attempt to state the forbidden knowledge he had witnessed; almost as if whatever he ate was smothering him to a code of unwavering silence. It was a warning. Whatever caught ahold of him didn't want him to reveal the surprise so soon. Any further attempts might result in something worse. The only hint of his touch of knowledge that he'd be able to speak without punishment was his feeling regarding it and his surroundings.

- Mark Of Dread F: After ingesting a piece of the black tar, Rios found himself harassed by ominous spastic visions of events relating to the consumed. You feel as if something had seen you, tainting you with an essence of unknown consistency. You're unable to adequately describe what you've seen to others, only how it made you feel. No other adverse affects can be determined at this time...

His companions would have no idea what he was talking about... being none the wiser about the truth with what was really happening.

With the party majority making up their mind, Elliot clapped their hands together. "Right then! Church it is." he stated assuredly, almost relieved in a way, "I wasn't quite fond of going to the pier anyways." He'd then proceed to lead the party further up the cobblestone path, leaving the rot and sludge in the park behind.

The party wouldn't have needed to walk far as they continued up the path, seeing more of the tar and destruction in their wake. One short four way intersection and a branching path later and they would come around the corner to find the church. Yet surprisingly, they'd notice that the church saw little damage to its structure. It was almost in pristine condition, its white walls looked gleaming with the red clay tiles adorning the roof. A bell tower could be seen farther back, which lead into a large lush courtyard. A few chipped walls and mangled foliage was all that blighted this sacred building. However the path forward, branching towards the courtyard entrance would be blocked off by a large tar pool.

Yet as the group stepped a bit closer to the church, they would suddenly feel themselves basking in a soothing sensation. As if a soft light was casted upon them from the heavens, as if cleansing them. The same, however, wouldn't be true for Rios, as would feel the dread within him struggle and ungulate in his mind. He'd feel a mild pulsating headache spiraling within him, coupled with a bit of nausea. It didn't like him being here. They party could also the faint sound of what sounded like an organ playing from within the church.

Though shortly after they stepped inside, the ooze pit opposite would begin bubbling to reveal multiple globsters that then proceeded to charge at them with mindless intent! Elliot flinched as he readied his sword. But then the creatures suddenly stopped dead in their tracks. They stood almost motionlessly, their bodies dripping in unholy bile and their mouths agape. It looked as if they were unwilling to go forward into the holy sphere...

The party appeared to be safe, so long as they remained close to the house of god.

"L-Lets head inside shall we?" Elliot suggested nervously as he went over to help open the two grand doors.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Organ Church

Upon entering the church, the party would instantly be met with the full majesty of the grand organ now fully on display. While the interior itself wasn't too different from any other church - with many rows of empty seats flanking the main corridor, murals and stained glass windows of various religious events unfolding to their left and right, an elaborate chandelier of fine crystal hanging from the ceiling and of course the grand organ situated in the very back - the air was thick with reverence and tension. The song playing fit right at home with the grand sense of impending doom and despair; a somber ballad of a doomed city mixed with humanity's last ditch effort against the encroaching darkness situated within this bastion of virtue. It was beautiful as it was bone-chilling.

The only soul within the house of worship was at the helm of the organ, his attention firmly placed upon the piece he played. Aside from a black long-sleeved outfit, they'd see the back of the human man's head that sported neatly combed blonde hair. So concentrated was he that it almost appear as if he didn't hear them come in, but seemed determined to finish his piece. Elliot approached forward, gulping softly as he rose a hand out. "H-Hello?" he called out, his voice wavering softly. The man seemed to ignore them, continuing playing.

However, something rustled through his collar, revealing a small little critter. A tiny black-furred mousekin. Its pink little nose twitched as its red eyes watched them inquisitively for a few moments, as if it was silently judging them. Waiting for a response...
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Develius Develius Renny Renny Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia 1Lucker 1Lucker Faynorae Faynorae

"C-can I really have this??" Velvet was surprised when Davito handed her a vial of blood. Did he go out of his way to get one for her? Unaware of what happened, Velvet happily accepted the vial with a slight blush on her face and a big smile on her face. She pocketed the vial for now. She didn't like drinking blood in front of other people as it can be a bit messy.


As the group arrived at the church, Velvet didn't immediately entered the church. There's something that piqued her interest. As if there's an invisible barrier, the globsters were unable to enter the church ground. Velvet took this opportunity to sat right in front of the globster.

Seeing the globsters in this state actually reminded her about her first time arriving in this world. She thought she would be afraid of garlic, unable to walk under the sun or require verbal permission to enter someone's property. She didn't even have the bloodlust oftenly associated with vampires. She was never sure about why it happened as she knew regular vampires exist in this worlds somewhere, but the church and the globsters just showed her the answer. Her vampirism was a direct gift from one of the God, its neither a curse or something unholy. Smiling at her realization, Velvet turned away from the glob and headed inside the church.

The interior of the church was majestic indeed, though Velvet immediately noticed something lacking there. Refugees. Why there's none of them here?

As the group approached the man playing the organ. A mousekin appeared and watched them. Since the man seemed to be very focused on the instrument Velvet greeted the mousekin instead.

"Hello. We're the rescue team sent here from the city. May I ask where the other people are?"
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia Faynorae Faynorae 1Lucker 1Lucker

The city itself was in a very sad state, the streets that would have been being used by its citizens at this hour eerily empty, alongside all of the destruction of property. Following Elliot, they eventually arrive at the city church, relatively unscathed compared to the rest of the area they were passing through. With a noticeable lack of guards or activity, it was as if the church itself was under divine protection, warding off the intruding monsters. This thought gets reinforced further as they approach, with Connor feeling the noticeable change in his senses. The faint sound of organ music also caught his attention, further adding to the ambiance as they entered the main building. Are they also under its protection now? It appeared as if that was the case; Connor's hands moved quickly towards his weapons as globsters suddenly revealed themselves, yet were not able to approach the group.

Connor heard some of it from outside, and now he can clearly see the source of the music. A man was busy playing the organ, seemingly all on his own, without anybody else in sight. He expected other people would have come here for refuge, especially since there clearly was some power providing just that, but...

As Elliot attempted to get the mans attention, a mousekin appeared, noticing their presence. Velvet asked the same question Connor was thinking of, and he kept silent as he watched the man continue playing, captivated by the music and emotions he was feeling.
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

Rios felt his skull flare with pain the closer they got to the church. His senses blurring and dimming with each step. No doubt the goop in his system was telling him to stay away from this place, as it had some connection to the Goop Flood. Unfortunately for the goop, Rios wasn't the kind of person to back down from such a provocation. Joining the others as they made their way into the chapel dedicated to the gods. The cyan haired swordsman immediately noticed the severe lack of people. Now they could be hiding in the back but the presence of the man sorrowfully playing his organ set aside any notion of that being the case. Velvet seemed to be of the opinion that this organ man was in some way a normal person who could lead them to the surviving townsfolk. Connor was making some funny faces which Rios attributed to what that accursed dragonkin described as vibing. The music was of decent quality and its pianist was no doubt of equally decent skill. However Rios wasn't in the mood for waiting around any longer. Hence why he immediately triggered a [Lucky Guesstimate D] on the guy. These days, Rios had felt Goddess Delilah seemingly doubling down on her interest in him. He tried to avoid such attention lest her interest bring the eyes of those he wished to slay upon him. Now was an exception given how elusive the Goop Flood was.

.Lucky Guesstimate D = Lucky D + Appraisal C
Davito Aranda


Following the rest of the group towards the church, Davito reflected on what had transpired so far. A tar-like corrosive species of monster that seemed to have absorbed and destroyed the town overnight. He also thought of Elliot not wanting to go towards the pier and questioned as to why. It could've been that survivors were more likely at the church, or maybe something deeper than that. He wasn't 100% on trusting the squire. The circumstances were a bit too perfect.

Upon seeing the globsters, Davito reached for his sword. Realizing that they were on the far side of a barrier, he relaxed slightly. Entering the building, he saw the organ player and noticed the mousekin. Davito couldn't quite shake off the feeling of suspicion that he had been feeling, and therefore stayed near the door. "I'm going to keep watch from over here. This doesn't feel quite right."


| Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | [Outside the Church]

As Velvet sat by the barrier, she could get a closer look at a globster closest to her. The inky-black wretch gurgled and groaned as it's singular eye stared straight into her, unblinking and dripping with viscous fluid. Upon closer inspection, these grizzly monsters were rather pathetic looking, being near mindless creatures that only cared to consume. It attempted to reach her with one of its malformed appendages, only to have it splay out repulsively upon contacting the barrier. A faint yellowish light would showcase the spherical perimeter, mixed with faint glittering sparks that floated through the air. Velvet would be able to see several bony appendages peer from the glob for only a moment before retreating back into the tar. It would still linger as the vampire left, its body contorting and contrasting in place as if in mild frustration.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The Mousekin's ears perked upon hearing Velvet asking for refugees, though it would remain mute to answer. Its nose twitched as it briefly groomed itself, almost as if acknowledging her question. Yet the organist wouldn't falter in his performance, still adamantly playing as if an invisible audience sat before him. There was not much Rios could glance from him initially in this stage. Perhaps he was a devoted priest who forbid himself from leaving the church, either madly devoted to his god(s) or willing stayed behind as a safeguard to keep any hostile elements from tainting the glorious hall's interior. Still, he could sense that the organ had an important purpose. It must have.

Once acknowledging the party, the mousekin scurried down the man's collar. The very faintest of squeaking could be heard as the man's head seemed to lurch down and to the left, as if he was listening intently. "You will be addressed shortly."
the man stated to the party politely, though his tone would be coldly-calm as he continued playing the organ, "Please... take a seat." Elliot looked around cautiously before sitting in one of the rows; his hands clasped together and on his lap awkwardly. The priest played for another two minutes, the song rising in tone into a surmounting crescendo.

Then it stopped, as the last note permeated throughout the church. The priest, still facing the organ, would silently rise to his feet as the bench scraped back. While all this took a matter of mere seconds, the atmosphere and performance that filled the room would make it seem like one very long minute. Then the organ proceeded played a calmer but more ambiatic melody, seemingly all by its own. It was here Rios would get the hunch that there was something more to the organ. Call it a hunch... he might get the sense that it must have something to do with the magical barrier currently up.

Finally, the priest turned to face the party. Looking to be in his early 30s, the chiseled man's sharpened, mildly-sunken eyes glanced at the individuals within the room with a calculating essence. He appeared unusually calm, yet cold in expression; though nothing terribly unsettling appeared to strike out at them. Still, the fact he was here alone - aside from his mousekin assistant - could be seen as somewhat puzzling if not concerning given the current state of the island. Though if any such doubts or fears were situated in the priest's mind, he wouldn't show them. He'd proceed to slowly walk down the steps on stage and up the aisle.

"You will not find any survivors here, I'm afraid."
the priest answered Velvet's statement solemnly, though his tone would remain cold and steeled, "Either they have fled in terror or killed by the wretches cursing this island." He paused for a moment, staring beyond towards a damaged stained glass mural situated atop the entrance. It showed a figure of a goddess, perhaps a local deity, showing off her divine aura to ward off the demons... only that her face and parts of her body had been shattered or cracked. He portrayed a lowly frown. "Even the gods have abandoned this place."

He continued pacing forth in a slow, almost leisurely pace. "I encourage the rest of you to leave while you still can." he stated, keeping his solid composure but portraying a genuine request or urging, "While I commend your efforts to find and rescue any remaining survivors, the situation here has grown far beyond the capabilities of Hondoshire to control. I do not make this statement lightly. You will find only terror and death the deeper you descend... and wretches unspeakably worse than what you've encountered thus far."

The priest seemed hesitant to allow the group to continue forward, providing a dire warning for which he urged the party to take heed. He wasn't forceful in his attempt, but it seemed clear he knew more what was going on. Though a convincing assurance or one aspiring confidence may allow the party to convince him they were up to the task.
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Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia 1Lucker 1Lucker Faynorae Faynorae

The priest finally acknowledges the group, though it was to tell them to wait for a bit more, having no intention of stopping his performance. With a shrug, Connor moved to take a seat as well, just beside Elliot. They didn’t seem to have much to do, and if this priest here was still alive in this sort of situation, maybe he has better information on what is going on. He crossed his legs and leaned back, letting some of the tension out, and listened to the performance.

Once the organ quieted down, and its performer turning back towards them, Connor straightened himself out and once again stood up. He was hopeful there would be some information as to what was currently transpiring, but when the priest started addressing them, that did not seem to be the case. Instead, Connor and the rest of his group were being urged to leave. This just feels like leaving a job half-done however, and so he lifted up a hand gesturing for the priest to wait. He briefly looked over at the rest of the group. Surely they also think they can’t just give up just like that? And besides, they were also supposed to be searching for one Sir Raedolf specifically.

“Before we all make a decision, would you be able to tell us all that you know? You seem to have an idea of… what’s happening to the city.”
Connor pointed a thumb back towards the entrance, where the globsters were being kept at bay, “Like those black monsters, or whatever.”

Velvet listened carefully as the priest shared his answers. Velvet found herself mostly agree with his dire warnings, the situation here was clearly beyond the capability of five strangers like them, but still, she wanted to search a bit more. Their exploration so far managed to safe Elliot, maybe they can save a few more. Connor made a good question asking for more information, though Velvet's mind still focusing on saving people instead of unraveling the mystery of the blob.

"Come with us, Sir Priest. Help us look for more people, and then, if you think it become too dangerous we can all retreat to the shore and escape together." She tried to convince him to join them. She had no clue why he was still here if he thought the city was beyond saving so she wanted to get him to a safe place too.

The priest eyed Connor as he listened to the young lads' inquiry. A hint of hesitation could be seen in his gaze, one which felt guilty whether or not he wanted these newfound party to be involved here. Even so... he seemed to be grappling where to even begin. There was an empty sigh, which while subtle had a tremendous weight within the church. "Not nearly as much as you'd like to believe," he stated bluntly, while beginning to pace slowly through the column, "But I have seen what it does to people. And what it means for the entire island... dare even say the whole world as we know it."

He paused for a moment, as he looked through one of the side stained-glass windows to the desolate atmosphere outside. "The black 'tar' that you see smothering Odai - as had it done to Kimori - is a vile substance." he began, his voice envenomated with a hint of visible disgust, "Unassuming at first, it gradually infects its host through direct contact with blood. What follows is nothing short of a torment of utter agony of the body and mind. Headaches, nausea, vomiting are the first to arrive... but it gradually gets worse. Their blood turns thick and black, headaches turn into violent seizures, words become slurred and incoherent, as they begin melting and ultimately becoming these 'black monsters'."

"You could see it in their eyes, you know. Widening in pure terror as black ichor gush from their orifices... as if they've gazed into something not meant to be seen. Yet they'd never be able to say what that is. As if something was censoring that very information against their will. Only their expressions of emotion truly hint of what they've been subjected... stating how they felt scared, angry, or mournful of an extreme degree. The most common of them..."

The priest glances back at the party and lightning crackled outside, "Dread."

As the priest continued, Davito - standing by the door - would hear something coming from outside. The faint crashing of metal and glass amiss the heavy rains of the storm. If he was to glance outside, he'd realize that the disturbance was coming from somewhere outside the barrier. However, he wouldn't know exactly where it was coming from at first. He'd swear to catch a few... shadowy shades from with alleys and rooftop sighting, but they were so quick within the stormy darkness that he couldn't be able to properly identify it. Though it wasn't coming from the globsters hugging the barrier, though they were now standing... painfully erect.

Another scuttling clang later, and Davito would be able to glimpse something... a figure hunched over atop a distant rooftop. The knight wouldn't be able to clearly detail what it was, but it looked tall and lanky. Dreadfully sharp. Unnaturally so. And was that a long tail he saw too? The thing seemed to be looking in at outwardly direction; as if searching for something. Hungrily.

Completely unaware of this, the priest continues without a hitch. "Whatever it is... whatever it wants... it doesn't want its true intentions to be found out. And if it can't prevent mortal eyes from seeing it... it will silence them."

The priest's stern look would then soften, stopping to take a deep breath.

"I hope you now understand the severity of the situation which lays before you." he'd conclude softly, looking at the party, "If you wish to continue with your mission, I will not stop you. But be warned. Once you step outside these premises, I won't be able to assist you. You will be on your own... and at its mercy."

As Velvet pleaded for the priest to join them, even suggesting that he could leave with them, the man issued a hollow smile. "A tempting offer," he chuckled shallowly, "But I am needed here. I took an oath not to abandon the natural powers of this land. Many may flee, and I do not blame them, but someone has to stay behind and play the role as martyr; buying them time to escape. Against the darkness should a bastion of hope stand defiant to the bitter end. If I am to die here, so be it... just have it be long enough... that it will all be worth it."
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