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Active [Odai Island-West Empire] A Monstrous Task

Mentios: Develius Develius Faynorae Faynorae Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

Rios witnessed his attacks so easily evaded by the hulking goop monster and almost grit his teeth hard enough to damage them. His body currently was at two thirds of its usual strength, meaning he would have barely begun damaging it even at full strength. Now the thing had latched onto him and was in the process of trying to fill his mind with its evil goop ambitions. No doubt it wished for him to forfeit his free will to become part of the collective. His blade currently held by the thing. The sight of Aniel's arrow making the situation somehow worse just made Rios wonder if the proclaimer of love was some kind of moron. Tightening his grip on his weapon. Rios continued to crank up the heat on his sword. Although it seemed to have some kind of resistance to heat, resistance must have had its limits SOMEWHERE.

Once his shadow began to become more amorphous in shape. Rios began hacking at the goop since as long as it was holding on to him, it couldn't dodge his attacks anymore. Although he was by no means a Tank and much preferred dealing damage. He and Aniel would have to make up for the fact their team lacked certain qualities. Velvet was in the process of trying to punch the thing with her hand. Rios doubted this would have any real effect but damage was damage. Connor also seemed to try and utilize fire against the blob creature. Continuing his assault while trying to force HIS will on the goop collective. Rios refused to give in, no matter how bad the situation.

.Turn up the heat = Fighting Style E + Blight (Flame) F
.Energize on Fighting Style D
  • "Mmmhmph—Fuck!" Aniel stomped his heel into the ground and it collided with an almost plasticky click. What in the names of love should he do now if the thing could so simply dodge his arrow? Well, he just needed a surprise shot in the first place but... oh well. It seemed like his friends having any more fun, if anything, he was better off as someone standing so far—he could run very far away if need be. He could even fly high up into the sky and then what could that thing do to reach him? Nothin'! Nothing at all... He'd pray.

    Someone stronger would have to help Elliot carry Raedolf outta here, no matter how much anyone shouted for someone to help Elliot, Aniel could not physically warrant it. He found himself to surprisingly being the least physically capable person here, after all he believed himself nothing but an easy sight on the eyes and a good conversationalist. Well, enough thinking—Act. [A1] Aniel ran up a few steps, spreading his pitifully sized wings and causing his cloak to open in a flutter as Aniel's wings lifted him off the ground and into the air. He flew up within 10 feet of the monster and readied his catalyst. He hadn't enough juice to fire another blow, but he could be loud.

    [A2] "OI!!!" He'd put his hand in his mouth and whistle for good measure, could he provoke it? Could they reason with this thing? It seemed to be a bit more... smart, per se; compared to the ones they fought 'fore. "You better listen 'ere you froward and unable, lily-livered lump of foul deformity," He'd point, [A3][Persuasion F] "You'd best stop this all at once, else you'd face the divine wrath of the eventide star and I ain't takin' a tar claw for an answer! We don't HAFTA fight, y'know?!" He shout and scream and do nothing else particularly all in an attempt of persuasion. This thing probably didn't understand the... what was this world's language again...? [Common]? Aniel barely understood it himself. It wasn't running, it was outnumbered and yet fights—because it must be either incredibly arrogant or dangerous. Either way, Elliot should run. Then everyone else should run. Then Aniel should fly into the sky and check if there's any more these things nearby.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​
Davito Aranda


Davito followed the others into the store, but kept watch at the entrance, not wanting to be caught by a surprise attack. As Velvet rummaged around, the party heard the sounds of a fight, and Elliot ran off in search of his master. Following the squire led to a fight between a man that Elliot said was Sir Raedolf, and a giant creature, much like the one that Davito had seen before. Seeing the knight get injured, Davito knew that he had to step up. With Velvet and Connor's reckless charge, and Rios' strategic stance, both ending in failure, along with the missed arrow, Davito had no idea what to try.

He saw the young squire struggle to drag the wounded knight from the battle and everyone else double down on fighting the monster. Davito knew what he had to do. I hope the others can hold it off long enough. Rushing towards the wounded knight, Davito kindly pushed Elliot away from him. "Elliot, pay attention. I'll move Sir Raedolf over. I need you to to protect us while I move him." Davito threw one of the knight's arms over his shoulder and lifted him up, half supporting, half carrying the injured man towards the shelter of a nearby storefront.

Actions 3/3
Running to Elliot and Raedolf
Telling Elliot to protect them
Carrying the injured knight out of harms way​



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Overarching: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Current: Get equipment from General Store.
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

As Velvet ran to check on Connor at Sir Raedolf, the young squire nodded as he struggled getting the knight on his feet. "Y-Yeah," he groaned, raising a thumbs up, "B-But Raedolf's pretty banged up. He'll need medical treatment-" The knight hissed through his teeth, managing through the pain as best as he could while giving out his own status update. "D-Don't worry about me-" he grunted, already up onto one knee. He was still willing to fight, but he was obviously exhausted, "Just go before it-" Another staggered breath nearly caused him to drop back down to his legs, barely holding onto his golden lance for support. It was clear based on his battered armor and fresh wounds that the Aggregate had done a considerable amount on the knight.

Velvet then proceeded to give Elliot a torch as well as two matches, telling their game plan to fell the beast. Elliot seemed bewildered by the idea at first, "O-Ok-?!" he cried out, already feeling overwhelmed and conflicted over the sudden advancement of the situation. Though it would be Davito who'd put him out of his stupor, politely pushing him away to help out a fellow knight.
"H-Hey wait I-!" he called out, stretching out his hand to try and hail the situation. But after being ordered to help protect the party to provide assurance for the victim, Elliot would reluctantly nod. He trusted them to do the right thing.

Lighting the torch with a match, [-x1 Match], he watched it blaze to life; joining the few beacons of light present on this island. He also eyed Sir Raedolf's [Heater Shield] that he had left behind, feeling a sort of faint energy emitting from it. It felt... warm. Like a reassuring blaze of light that while not perfect would help whoever wielded it to the best of its ability coupled by proper usage. Perhaps inspired by Velvet's use of the one she found, as well as just an additional form of protection, Elliot picked it up as he began running towards the group and the beast that had violated his lord; awaiting a chance to strike at it

Still within the vile Aggregate's grasp, Rios seemed to have no other choice but to continue fighting; now cranking up the heat on his blade once more. Even though his foe seemed oblivious, or downright tanking the flames which encapsulated his hand, the effect of which it had on its form was no less visible. A sizzling squeal could be heard among the bubbling blisters which bursted from its hand. Whether it had screamed that vile name in agony, rage, or something more cryptic however was still not terribly clear. Though it was safe to say given its predecessors' adverse reactions to heat, it certainly wouldn't like it one bit. Rios would feel its claws digging deeper into his skin...

Then the beast's dagger-shaped ears twitched as he heard Velvet charging at her again. While it didn't move from his grapple with Rios, its upper eyes shifted in her direction before feeling a hit clang against its thigh. While the punch succeeded to land, it wouldn't do much against the hard white boney protrusions which acted as part of its natural armor. In fact, the Aggregate hardly seemed to register the hit at all. Though Velvet would also see that the back of the thigh seemed less armored than the front; given it still had that black goop-like substance. A potential weak spot perhaps? shortly after, the beast's clawed tail began curled behind him, as both pincers were poised to dispose of this mere menace from his newfound prey.

Yet before he'd have a chance to hit her, Connor came running in with his blazing torch and swung it at its leg! The torch scrapped against the Aggregate's armored front, sliding against the smooth surface it before hitting the meeting point between the front white bony protrusions and the darker more vulnerable back portion. The flames licked at the oily skin, being just close enough to stick to it and set the back portion of its left leg on fire. While not a roaring flame, it was enough of a flame to have the Aggregate take keen notice before it was promptly extinguished by the roaring weather.

Another horrid screech emitted from its mouth, echoing into the stormy night sky.

In addition, Rios' shadows would congregate at this time, taking a shapeless form before slashing at it with an emphasis of fiery mayhem. They struck against its thorny pectorals, cutting through decent sized chunks with considerable force, though was unable to properly slice through its armored sternum as effectively. Fire seared through its torso, though the scales would keep it from burning too much. Only embers ticked within the freshly gashed wounds.

Now with two fresh hands, the Aggregate speared its dagger-like claws into Rios' chest before throwing him 20 feet back into a shop window. Then it turned its attention towards the two misfits; focus far more upon the man who tried setting him aflame while its back was turned. Its body appeared to swing from the torso down before coiling his body and unleashing a furious upside-down Spinning Kick, its fluid movements moving like that of a wicked breakdancer. While focused specifically on Connor, it would have enough area to strike Velvet with its long hook-like foot claws, through the brunt would attempt to push back Connor a good 15 feet back.

As it began descending onto the musician's position, Its attention once again shifted as Aniel would fly into the air, demanding to reason with the demonic-esque murderer. Its upper eyes stared at the pink and crimson-palleted cupid, unblinking and unmoving; its teeth ever situating in a perpetual toothy grin with a brief pause. It seemed to be listening, in a way that suggested deceptively intelligent thought. It was thinking...

And yet at the same time, the dreadful xanthic lighting from both eyes were beginning to pulsate rapidly. Faster and faster... a hum faintly audible over the storm. Then a flash... and suddenly Aniel would see two thin beams of dreadfully golden light rush at him; attempting to shoot him right out of the sky!

| 1Lucker 1Lucker |
As the fight intensified, the two knights slowly made their way into a nearby storefront. Sir Raedolf was limping badly, despite his efforts to mask the pain, but with his lance he was able to keep himself steady enough. The two would slowly enter the dark and vacant storefront, as Raedolf sat with his wall against a wooden counter, coughing. With his back against the wall, he slowly slid to the floor, allowing Davito to get a better look at Raedolf's injuries. It was here he could tell that the spear wound caused by the Aggregate earlier had pierced through his armor... and that it leaked a black fluid. The other cuts lacked this black infection, but it was clear that the tail injected something into the poor knight.

"Curse that vile cretin," he groaned, clutching his side with his free hand as he coughed again. He still gripped onto his lance. "Such potent speed and terrible strength... Never had I encountered such a vile and despicable hell-spawn cross upon this land... " Raedolf's bloodshot eyes looked wearily up at the knight, looking almost delirious-like, even as he forced a smile of assurance to state otherwise, "Fellow knight, I implore thee. Leave me here by thy lonesome. For I fear that my life has been cut so woefully short; to the point I am merely burden. He is more important than me, as is... everyone else. All I wish now... is for my boy to make it out alive. Swear that you grant me this sole wish?"

Aggregate Actions:
1). Throws Rios into Shop Storefront [20 Feet]
2). Acrobatic Spin-Kicks at Connor and Velvet; focused on Connor.
3). Fires [Eye Beams] at Aniel.
Last edited:
run away run away run away run away
  • Watching Connor and Velvet's attacks seemingly worked filled Aniel with a bit of encouragement. Rios getting thrown to the storefront was much less reassuring. Eitherway, it was all made apparent that they were doing at least something, by that horrible shriek—it showed that this thing did indeed feel pain. Aniel felt a little bad for it, but sympathy quickly faded for the sympathy of the many souls this thing must have ravaged. It was a monster, he had to get that past his thick skull. Just as foul a thing as a mass murderer or a ....... Aniel's eyes shifted to Davito and Raedolf, he smirked briefly watching as they seemed to limp out of the situation. He let a brief sigh escape his breath and then...

    Oh, it was listening! Hell yeah, this thing was listening to him!... He thought. Maybe they can get this thing on their side, figure out whats going on and maybe come to a mutual agreement and compro—wait what the heck is it doing with its eyes. "Oh my—" As the lasers threatened to turn Aniel into a spiedini, [A1] he's wings would suddenly flair, beating the air like a nervous heart in the face of one's crush, "AHHHH—" He screamed as he blitzed out of the air down to the ground, a few small feathers scattering behind him as he feet clattered to the floor and he turned to the other group. [A2] "It's 'bout time we RETREAT!!" Aniel shouted to the others who were still near to the creature, "Do somethin' to slow 'em down and mosey on without it! If it gives chase I'll do a thing or two about it!" He'd add, [A3] turning on his heel and beginning to run 30 feet away from the creature, turning toward it and then readying his bow.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​

The big globster didn't seems to pay much attention, but the close proximity allow her to see what might a potential weak points for the aggregate. Still, she might not be the best person to do it.

"The back of the thigh! Attack it!" Velvet yelled her finding as she raised her shield to block the incoming tail sweep. Taking the impact head on and hoping the shield would help. Regardless, now that the monster wasn't looking at her, Velvet took the opportunity to launch another attack, this time it wasn't another blind charge though. Rushing towards the monster, Velvet felts adrenaline rushing inside her blood as she exploited the slippery rain-soaked ground to slide herself right below the monster's torso, and then launched an uppercut right into its less armored parts.

"Death from Below!!"

1) Defend the tail sweep with the shield
2) Slides below the monster
3) Use Power Uppercut. Fighting Style (Natural Weapon) F, Knockback F, Athletic F - Launches an uppercut that knocks the target away - F rank - 0 cooldown
Connor Erland

Develius Develius

It was a bit of a gamble, but fortunately, it seems like fire did have some sort of effect on the monster, or at least could be better than just a physical strike. Though a lot of it was covered in armor, as long as he would be able to hit the more exposed, softer areas… This might not be as hopeless as it seems. Other attacks very quickly come down upon the monster in quick succession, and Connor was able to notice someone helping move the knight up and away. They only need to stall this thing for just a little bit more time.


The armored monster effortlessly threw Rios away like some doll, making its strength clear, though he felt as if Velvet had no intention of falling back just yet. Connor would just have to match her then. Aniel had a point, but he doesn’t feel like he could run safely just yet at this close distance, at least while the monster is very clearly now about to take care of him right after Rios. He spots its leg rapidly approaching him, and he promptly attempts to jump back and out of its way. Quantity over quality could be helpful here, as Connor would aim to once again attempt another attack with the torch he is holding as Velvet did her own thing, this time aiming for the black unarmored areas based on how the monster responded earlier.

  • Dodge Spinning Kick
  • Attack with torch
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

Rios felt the impact of his body hitting the glass of the shop window. Hitting the floor of the shops like a bag of bricks, Rios rolled a few times before hitting the counter. He felt terrible, his reflection in the larger shards of glass showed that he looked terrible too. His body was battered and his skin had a few cuts from getting thrown through glass. If he'd been just a little weaker, Rios would have lost consciousness at that moment. However the swordsman refused to let his vision dim even just a bit. First he began to wriggle his wrist to see if anything had broken. His fingers seemed to be okay too so even if it hurt, he could still hold his sword. Next were his legs, nothing was too hurt there. Pulling himself off the ground by using the counter to help prop himself up. Rios felt his head throb, the light in his vision dimming before intensifying. Gritting his teeth before turning his head to look at the carnage outside. He could still hear everyone fighting the blob creature. Bubbling inside of him was the blob goo that he took into his body.

"Not... today...." said Rios while reaching into his coat. A beautiful silver goblet was revealed, glowing with an ethereal light. Rios had absolutely no idea what this thing was or how it ended up in his coat. He DID know that whatever it was, it'd do SOMETHING to help him. His observations had led him to notice every adventure it would fill up with a mysterious liquid. Leaning against the counter with his inner goop likely protesting this kind of action. Rios proceeded to down the entire thing, gulping the random cup juice without a single thought. All that mattered to him was winning, winning and becoming strong enough where his fate was HIS alone to decide. "Goddess Delilah... if you really think highly of me.... let me buck against these odds" uttered the swordsman while feeling his body heat up.

.Drink Calamity Cup:
  • Chalice of Calamity (Reward for March Event 2024) : A goblet that fills with a potent elixir once per rp, which when consumed, restores magical energy. In energy mode, the drinker gains 7 energy immediately. In cooldown mode, the drinker's F - C grade abilities all come off cooldown.
Davito Aranda


Davito crouched down next to the injured knight. "Sir Knight, there is nothing that I am able to do for your wounds right now. I implore you to hold on until we defeat the vile being blocking our path. We are on our way to a gifted healer right now. There must be something that they can do for you." He pulled out the [Medicinal herbs F] that he found earlier and crushed them into a paste as he talked.

"However," Davito ripped a strip of fabric from the man's cloak and put the paste into it, wrapping it around the worst of the wounds. "I have been on a battlefield before. I know that not everyone makes it out alive. I swear that I will work to the best of my ability that your squire will make it out of this godforsaken place." Davito inclined his head as he made his promise. "If you last to the end of our fight, I will bring you with us. If not..." The knight paused. "I will do my best to protect the boy." He did whatever he could to cover up the knight's position using [Survival F], then left the building to return to the fight.

Bandages the knight's wounds
Hides the injured man
Returns outside to combat​



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Overarching: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Current: Get equipment from General Store.
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

The twin beams screamed towards Aniel, as their high pitched wails echoed across the boulevard. With just quick enough reflects, Aniel was able to get out of the way and land with merely inches to spare from being sliced in twain. The feathers left behind, on the other hand, were utterly incinerated. All three of the Aggregate's eyes glared towards the cupid with sinister intent, its grin widening to expose more of its terrible fangs. It couldn't help but seem to chuckle, its voice warbling and deeply distorted, while watching its prey flee down the slippery wet cobblestone road.

Aniel could run as fast and as far as he wanted... it merely prolonged the inevitable.

Its talons gripped the floor, hooking into the stone, as it bent its knees preparing to launch after the little birdie. It was going to devour that little birdie. Unfortunately, this would be interrupted by the sudden appearance of the ever persistent Velvet sliding under him and struck an uppercut in its crimson abdominal! It didn't see it coming. The vampire would feel and equally sturdy yet fleshier, jelly-like substance encompass her fist for a brief moment as the Aggregate stumbled back with a gurgled cry. It wasn't enough to affect him significantly but Velvet had certainly identified a notable weak point; one usually guarded by the hunched over upper torso of the beast.

At the same time, Connor once again took advantage of the situation and attempted to set the distracted Aggregate aflame once more. The torch flew towards its backside, as crimson flame licked at its ebony skin. Miraculously, it would strike true; quickly latching onto the Aggregate as the fire began spreading across its backside significantly. Even as the harsh weather attempted to drench it, it wouldn't be particularly easy given the flammability of its oily skin causing it to spread more quickly than anticipated. The lanky monster screamed in agony as it felt the intense burns rapture atop its back, almost sounding panicked like for a moment.

Even so, its monstrous resolve would not falter. Both Connor and Velvet would suddenly be met with two clawed hands wrapped around their necks, being lifted off the ground with practically little effort towards eye level. They'd both see its twin eyes stare at the rowdy menaces with pure hatred, even as the monster's backside continued scorching. Now risen above the horrible Aggregate, both could see the tar attempting to regenerate the damage that was being inflicting. Yet with the flames still melting into its skin, it wasn't an easy feat. But with the two misfits now in its grasp, it began to squeeze into their necks with considerable force - attempting to pop their heads like champagne corks. Its pincered tail writhed as it hovered over its head; claws opening and closing rapidly as it too wanted to give them a gory finish.

That's when the waggling tail suddenly straightened, going rigid before it launched towards something behind it. A pained grunt followed as the pincered tail reeled up Elliot by his left leg. The squire appeared to have tried sneaking up behind it with torch in hand, but wasn't stealthy enough to avoid getting sussed out. "Ack!" grunted Elliot, as he attempted to dislodge himself from its grip, unfortunately dropping his torch in the process. It was going to deal with him later...

With the three now in its grasp, the Aggregate was going to savor every last minute of their agony... their miserable lives seemingly about to come to a bloody end.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rios would not falter. Even after being thrusted into the storefront, the nephlim forced itself to keep fighting to his last dying breath. His urge to win was unquenchable. Indomitable. The voices echoing in his head taunted and jeered at him, forcing the swordsman to shrivel up and die and join the rest of his fallen brethren in the afterlife. But by drinking that special chalice he had been carrying upon him, he would grant himself new life. A second chance to prove himself worthy of his titles. As the magical essence coursed through its body, it would temporarily cease the advance of the Dread within him. He could hear the screeches of the damned echo briefly in a rising cacophony, before blocking them out completely. There was now peace of mind; the first time in a long while. And with it, a resurgence of flaming power.

Stepping out of the ruined storefront, he'd see that his companions were in danger. Three of which were on the cusp of being dealt fatal blows. Whether or not he truly wanted to save them, they were keeping the Aggregate's soul attention away from him for the moment. An opportunity has opened.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
| 1Lucker 1Lucker |

Sir Raedolf quietly listened to Davito's explanation, coughing up bits of black essence as he did. Despite his terrible condition, he still seemed to smile in the face of death; especially as he heard about a ray of potential hope on the horizon. Still. he seemed reluctant. "Perhaps..." he replied meekly, as the young knight would apply a medicinal bandage made up of the herbs he found earlier and a piece of the man's cloak onto an exposed wound. Obviously it wasn't much, but any amount of healing would help.

SIr Raedolf's discomforted expression turned into a warm smile as Davito vowed to protect Elliot. "T-Thank you..." thanked the knight with a nod of relieved gratitude, "It would mean... everything to me." Much more at peace, the veteran allowed Davito to hide his presence before the young knight began making his way to the door. "Before you go..." Sir Raedolf hailed, raising his hand, "May I ask... what thy name be, fellow knight?"

  1. Grapple Velvet.
  2. Grapple Connor.
  3. Grapple Elliot.

Velvet felt a mixture of joy and disgust as her attack actually sunk into the monster's flesh. Its like she just dug her hand into an open wound. Yet that feeling didn't last long as the monster grabbed her neck and lifted both her and Connor in front of its eyes, as if making sure they both know how much of a nuisance they had been. At first velvet tried to struggle out of its grasp, legs kicking and hands pulling, but when she realized the monster's grip was much stronger she stopped the attempt and realized something else.

"Y-yeah, I hate you too." She returned the aggregator's gaze with her own, each words were a struggle due to the grip on her neck. She hadn't give up yet though. With both of her free hands, Velvet lit her own torch ablaze. Then plunged the torch towards the monster's eye.


1) lit torch
2) Stab the eye with torch
Connor Erland

Develius Develius


Connor’s decision to maintain the constant pressure proved to be effective, as he manages to land a solid hit with the torch. Even better, this time the fire managed to be able to grow, as the monster let out a pained screech. As he watched the flames engulf the area that he had hit with his torch, he started to walk backwards, preparing for a retreat.

“Time to- kh!”

A brief movement within his field of vision would be all the warning he had before he was abruptly cut off by claws lifting him up by his neck. Connor smashed his torch over and over again in a panic, as he felt immense pressure trying to force his head and body away from each other.

Not even able to really scream out for help, he dropped the torch and struggled to grab a hold of his katana and violin as he was kept suspended in the air by the claws. Desperately, he focused on the power he can feel within him. The one that was given to him not too long ago.


With his head being locked in place, he had no choice but to guess and hope he can activate it properly as he faced the monster unblinking, frowning in pain.

  • Hit with torch
  • Divine Note [D]

Divine Note D: - [Magic D, Bane [Monster] E, Range F, Performance F, Targets F, Healing F, Religion F, Stun F, Skill Loan F] - (One-Time Use) - Caster casts a modified variant of [Sonic Strike] allowing them to strike at up to 5 corrupted entities for double damage from up to 30 feet. It slightly heals the caster. Any targets still alive are stunned for one posting round. Spell can no longer be used once activated.
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

The monstrous slime that coursed through his veins had been briefly silenced. Cries of anguish and hatred no longer filled the head of the nephilim swordsman. Rios took a deep breath and allowed the pouring rain to briefly down out all other sounds. He still had no idea where the random chalice in his coat had come from. Yet its effects could be felt in how his body was looking much better than before. Picking up his swords from the spots where they'd been thrown. Rios saw that despite their best efforts, three members of his group had been grabbed by the goop beast. If he wanted to make any sort of effort, Rios needed out of this wrecked shop. Stepping out into the rain once more. The glint of steel was slowly replaced by the sizzling of raindrops on burning metal. A crackle of lightning lit the wall behind Rios, revealing the shadow of menacing looking wings.

Rios held his swords in the shape of a cross before kicking off the ground. His aim was the arms that currently held his party aloft. Flickers of hissing steel swiped at the goop creatures arms with a steady hand and cold precision; as ironic as that seemed. The aura of darkness surrounding Rios also took the shape of formless dark smoke save for when it took the form of tendrils to assist its wielder in combating the goop. Rios's mind raced whilst slicing into the beast amidst the storm that fell upon this town. All that mattered to him was whether his sword would cut, nothing before or after that moment mattered.

.1 Leave Shop
.2 Fighting Style D (Katana) + Vorpal F + Blight F (Flame) + Area F (Darkness) + Fast E
Davito Aranda


Before he left the wounded knight behind, Davito looked back and told the man his name. He emerged out back to the street fight with the aggregate, only to see it, slightly on fire, choking out his teammates. "I was only gone for a minute. Goddamn." Davito drew his sword and rushed the beast. He watched Rios jump in, then followed up the other man's attack with Pierce to the back of the creature's damaged leg.

- Leaving building
- Charging the creature
- Using Pierce on the damaged leg

Pierce | Athletics F, Fighting Style D [Single blade], Penetrate F, Superstrength F | Grade D | 2 Post Cooldown
A powerful jab meant to pierce through an enemy's defenses.



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Overarching: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Current: Get equipment from General Store.
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

Velvet's torch jabbed forth towards the Aggregate's central eye, throwing out one last ditch effort to free both Connor and herself from the monster's death grip. It would see the ball of flame rapidly approach it, forcing its pupil to dilate to a mere tiny speck as the inferno engulfs its vision. Yet it's gaze remained stalwart. Just inches from its eye, the torch would cease its advance. For the vampire's reach wasn't quite long enough to make a fatal blow at the glowing orb which stalked them. The Aggregate's lanky arms were long enough to keep the two misfits out of reach, if only barely. It laughed at this attempt; a breathy wheeze mixed with the demonic chuckling of many different voices, mocking at her futile attempt. Elliot, meanwhile, attempted to squirm out of the monster's grip but would be totally helpless to do anything.

"DeAaAaAaAaAtHhHhHh..." the Aggregate rasped, its eye stared fearlessly into Velvet's.

The grip around Velvet's neck continued tightening... She - alongside Connor - would feel the air escaping her lungs and her throat tightening to its limit. The two eyes would once again begin glowing, slowly charging up yet another beam pair. A dreadful moment was upon her; as death seemed to be knocking on her doorstep. It felt like she had merely seconds to make her peace...

Then suddenly... a blinding flash of light engulfed the four, followed by a piercing scream of furious agony.

Unholy Screech

At their most dire moment, Connor had activated the [DIvine Note D] spell just in the nick of time! At point blank range, the Aggregate was completely taken by surprise, reeling back as it dropped both victims onto the ground to clutched its face. Elliot would find itself tossed to the side as the tail jerked around unnaturally, falling onto the cobblestone ground. Still aflame from their previous attack, the spell would rip into the devilish beast's body, searing off significant chunks of tar and goop from its lanky form. Unable to see and completely disoriented, it lashed around wildly with its long clawed arms but would hit nothing but rain drops plummeting towards the ground.

Behind it, Rios' bloodlust was in full swing, aiming to smite down the terrible Aggregate's arms. Stunned by the previous attack, the monster wouldn't see it coming. Nor would it have any time to react. Blades of vorpal flame slashed into the monster's back in ease, having been tenderized by the Divine Note's radiant damage and the flames which further tenderized its back. Already one of its arms was barely hanging on by literal threads of stringy goo, with the rest of its body being rattled by severe slashes. A rogue slash would even cut through one of its curled horns. At the same time, Davito would charge into the scene, piercing the creature straight in the injured leg to keep it from moving further.

Having gotten back to his feet, Elliot would go for one last strike; throwing his barely lit torch towards the monster's backside. "For my lord!" he cried out, as the torch struck the creature's shoulder. It wouldn't do too much, given it struck the armored spikes, but still a valiant effort of his own.

Regardless, the Aggregate was pinned down. Unable to flee and being assaulted by a fury of attacks hacking into its terrible body, the monster made one final roar into the stormy night. Though this one sounded much louder and reverberating than the last; a call that would've echoed for miles around town. After reaching its clawed hand towards the sky, it would finally collapse to the ground. Its gooey essence melted into the ground, leaving only mere husks of the bone-white keratin armor behind. The Aggregate looked to have been beaten.


The group finally had a chance to catch their breath. Thankfully, they managed to end the conflict quickly, though they were close to losing a few of their members. Elliot, sounding out of breath from the surging adrenaline, would raise his fist in triumph before wiping his brow. "T-That..." he wheezed, "That was awful... Please let it be the only one. I don't wanna go through all that again." He'd then come to Connor and Velvet's assistance, helping them get up to their feet. "You guys, ok?" he asked them, though it clearly was referring to everyone else as well. Rios would still be able to find relief from the Dread, at least for now. For he'd faintly hear the voices gradually attempting to crawl back into his psyche. The chalice would only temporarily nullify their effects, not downright quell them.

When they came over to the shop where Davito had hidden away Sir Raedolf, they would indeed find him lying just where he was. "Master!" Elliot called out as he came over to comfort him. The knight's head rose weekly, as his sunken eyes looked upon him with a weak yet prominent smile before embracing him. "Ahhh, Elliot... my boy..." he replied, feeling overjoyed to see his squire alive and well as he patted Elliot on the back, "Thank the gods you're OK." Even so, he still looked considerably weakened, before coughing into the floor; black ooze dripping from his mouth. "A-Are you ok?" the squire asked concerningly, as he stepped back a bit from him, "Y-You don't look too well. Did the monster-?"

the knight finished, raising a hand to stop him, "I'm afraid it... did. Got it earlier in our scuffle... I can feel it... getting to me."

Elliot's hear sank upon hearing the news. "Oh gods... H-Hang in there! We're on our way to get a cure." He tried attempting to pick him back on his shoulder. "Come with us, and we'll-"

"Nay, do not fret for me!" Sir Raedolf stated as he politely brushed his efforts to assist him aside, "Your friend, Davito, told me about it. I will simply slow you down... just leave me here. I'll... I'll see if I can catch up... once I... *cough* catch my breath. I'll get through this."

The squire didn't appear to share his master's confidence. "And if you don't?" he asked again, before trying to encourage him further, "Please, my lord! We're heading to the hospital. It's not that far away, we can-"

"That is an ORDER."
the knight stated firmly, though clearly as a means to help protect him. Elliot would cease his rambling as he looked into his eyes, understandingly. The knight's stern expression softened again as he weakly smiled. "Trust me... just do what needs to be done... for the sake of the many. I know you can. All of you."

Velvet once embraced death with open arms. Yet it didn't make her less terrified on what would come next if die again, here. Letting out a few rough coughing, she rubbed the very visible dent on her neck on where the monster choked her. It's gradually coming back to shape though so she should be fine [Regeneration F], probably one of her vampiric feature that she never knew before.

"I'm OK." She replied to Elliot and approached the older knight. The way he coughed those black slimes was a worrying sign and Elliot had all the reason to react he way he was. Still, Velvet couldn't deny that the knight was probably right. They barely can fight one of the aggregate. If the knight suddenly turned into one of them... Velvet nodded solemnly at the knight's order and put her hand on Elliot's shoulder.

"Let's respect his decision, Elliot. We can come back once we get the cure."
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae

A bright light engulfed the area as he finally let loose the power given to him by the priest. With the monster reeling back from the attack, the vice squeezing Connor by his throat finally loosened, suddenly dropping him down. The sounds of combat continued as Connor hacked and coughed, taking deep breaths on his knees as his vision slowly came back to him.

By the time he recovered enough to stand back up, the monster was already starting to melt, with no signs of it moving again, prompting a sigh of relief.

“I’m all good now, thanks.”

He waved Elliot off as the squire ran over to Sir Raedolf. The knight was in a very rough state, and the black ooze he was coughing out was an incredibly bad sign. Connor gasped.

“Velvet is right…! We might not have much more time left, we need the cure now.”

Curse that monster... They wouldn’t accomplish anything if they had another encounter like that. Might not even survive, going by the fact how they barely even managed to survive. Connor turned to the rest of the group as he prepared to start moving again.

“Aniel! How fast can you fly? At the very least, do you think you’d be able to scout the way to the hospital?”
  • As the battle came to an end, Aniel's small wings would close behind him in a clatter, as if in reaction to the heavy sigh which pulled Aniel to his knees. Oh how abhorrent that was, he'd think as he pulled himself up without forcing a smile to hide his exhaustion from the end of the fight. If they had to face another of those creatures, Aniel would flee—is what he told himself, yet in his heart of hearts, he would never be able to bring himself to leave anyone behind. Self-preservation is important but don't other people matter as well? On the other side of his head, he felt like walloping everyone on the back of their heads for being such stupid, stupid idiots. Was he speaking a different language or did the words run just not happen in their vocabulary? Who looks at such a vile creature and thinks: "CHARGE!!!" What mattered bravery in the face of...

    Well, it wasn't impossible, after all; they won! Hip-hip hooray. Is what Aniel would've have exclaimed if not the fact that they really didn't; Raedolf was harmed and seemed... inevitably tragic. He wondered how everyone else could seem so chipper—attempts to lighten the mood just seemed as though one was making levity of it. Of course, saying that outright would be cruel and truly rude, and one thing Aniel hated especially was rude people. Aniel could not find any words to say and just clenched the side of his arm beneath his crimson cloak.

    When Connor adressed Aniel, he'd lift his gaze to meet Connor's eyes. With a 'hmph' Aniel extended out his hand to flourish his cloak, "Five chilometri a hour~" He'd brag. That meant 3 miles per hour, he was still getting used to measurements. He'd spread his wings as though to boast their diminutive length, and turned away on his heel. If it was an excuse to remove himself from this utterly macabre situation, then he'd ungladly take it. "I'll see what I can see." He'd say almost in a hurry and lacking the sweetness that he'd usually smother his tone with. With a quick wave, Aniel left the building and began to beat the air, knees bending and with a jump he'd take off.

    Aniel's wings fluttered and flapped almost frantically, matching the rush Aniel believed he was in. Flying still felt a bit surreal to him, how could birds think of this as something ordinary? It must be like walking to them. Soaring up and up as high as he'd need before taking a gander of the surrounding area. Aniel made sure to remark any standout buildings, like a hospital; see if he could see anyone moving or one of those horrible creatures; he'd also look out for the paths that were clear of any of those monsters, alleyways and such.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​
Last edited:
Mentions: Develius Develius Renny Renny Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Although he had just been in the throes of merciless bloodlust. Rios felt at peace for the first time in a while. His theory was that it had something to do with the magic cup that had appeared in his belongings. Now he still had no idea where the magic cup had even come from. He could tell that it was potent enough to suppress the goop hivemind in his bloodstream, if only temporarily. Rios could still feel himself under the effects of the power dampening. However the endless chatter of the goop had fallen silent. If he could speak on the matter, he would have informed the party about it. Unfortunately that was also off the table given the restriction placed on his words. Massaging his throat for a few moments. Rios turned back to the party to see what they were doing post battle. Elliots mentor was dying, which seemed obvious given he was infected with goo in addition to the injuries he sustained at the hands of the goo giant. Velvet and Connor were panicking as usual. At least Aniel was out of their hair if only for a few moments.

"I'll act as vanguard" said the cyan haired swordsman, his hands already resting on the handles of his swords. He was neither a medic nor a healer. The only reason he wasn't in the same shape as Raedolf would be due to the magic cup. The rain continued to fall whilst Rios stood guard for the group. His attention was briefly taken by the bony armor bits left over by the goop giant. Rios had no idea what these were or how they could help him in the slightest. He DID understand that a resource was a resource. Taking care not to lose track of what was going on around him. Rios carefully tried to figure out how he would bring the bones with him.



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Current: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
Help Conjure Up a Cure
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

Judging by his pained expression, Elliot was still more than conflicted in leaving his injured mentor behind. But he had to believe in them. Both in his friends and his master. The young squire glanced over at Raedolf, wanting one final confirmation; one final chance to see if it was the right thing to do. The knight gave an assuring nod. With a sigh, Elliot would attempt to make peace with this decision as he saluting his mentor. "Hang in there, Master." he swore, before going along with his friends.

As they were discussing on their next course of action, Rios inspected the boney remains of the Aggregate which littered the ground. Most had vanished as the monster dissolved into the ground, but there were some bits still left behind, ranging from jagged spines to loose plates. They were virtually purged of any tar that would've stuck to them, revealing a consistency confirming to be that of exceptionally hardened bone. The swordsman would be able to pick up and carry a few smaller pieces with him*, as hefting anything bigger would prove currently problematic.

*Rios can pick up 3 small Aggregate Bones of his choice - composed of spikes and/or plates - as craftable material.

As Aniel took to the skies, it wouldn't take long for him to locate their destination. Thankfully, they were still heading in the right direction; as further up he'd find what was clearly labeled as a large hospital close to the outskirts of the city. It was a few miles out, but they'll be able to reach there in no time. That said, he'd also note the movement of surrounding globsters which seemed to be heading in the same general direction. They were moving in mass, raveling in medium to large sized groups with mindless purpose as their moans could faintly be heard across the city expanse. While thankfully they didn't seem to be heading towards the hospital itself, Aniel wouldn't quite be able to see where exactly they were heading to. Though they were clearly mobilizing for something major. Something big... and dreadful no doubt.

After relaying the info to the others, the group would quickly make their way towards the hospital; encountering fairly little resistance as Elliot lead the way. Upon reaching the perimeter, they'd once again notice a significant reduction in black tar covering their way; similar to what they've seen at the church. Though instead of a divine bubble, there were large vines and pockets of vegetation that were helping to cleanse the rot through more natural methods. Near the entrance, the group would find a selection of non-infected beast-kin guarding the hospital, alongside what look to be clerics running to and fro from the building.

The first to notice them were an armored centaur wielding a hatchet and shield and a bow-wielding tabaxi, who instinctually blocked the entrance as they raised their weapons. "Oi," the cat-eyed bowman stated, eying them closely, "Can't say I recognize the smell of any ya folk. State yer business."

Elliot was quick to address themselves. "H-Hey hey, we're all friends here!" he called out while trying to keep his cool, "We're here to see the Druid; um, Malen Segusa, if I recall. We're here to-"

The centaur would come marching up to him, looming over him in an elaborately crafted oriental armor and helmet. "Lady Malen's currently busy." the masked entity boomed grumpily, "Hands full. Wait here." Elliot looked up at him with a scowl. "What do you mean 'wait'?!" he replied annoyedly, his teeth gritting at his utter rudeness, "Do you know how long it took us to get here? What we've BEEN through?! We have folks in need of medical attention and not only that-"

"Yeah, and so do we."
the tabaxi sneered back, "Too many to go around and not enough hands. Sorry bud. You gotta wait until-"

Elliot bursted, practically fuming at the ears as he forced his voice through. The two seemed stunned for a moment, as several other bystanders stopped to watch what was going on. The tabaxi's xanthic eyes glared at the young squire before chuckling at him coldly. "A cure eh?" he replied mockingly as he pointed a clawed hand at his nose, "And how exactly am I supposed to believe that from someone like youz? If its to get yerselves cuttin the line, I'm afraid I can't let that slide. Doctor's orders, mind ya. Now yall betterz WAIT or I swear that I oughta-"

Just then, he'd be interrupted by another voice echoing behind him. "Now that's no way to greet our patients, Tobias!" called a feminine voice; sounding middle-aged with a raspy hiss mixed within. The tabaxi's expression froze as he stood to attention, as did the centaur, while the sound of rolling wooden wheels made their approached From the entrance, a cream-scaled dragonborn emerged to greet the group; rolling forth in a wooden wheelchair. Her golden eyes looked incredibly tired even through her spectacles, though her demeanor was calm and friendly. She smiled as she gently motioned them to come forth. "Please excuse their rudeness," the dragonborn politely apologized with an embarrassed look, "We've had some looters try and steal some of our supplies a few hours ago and it has put the guards at edge. Though, not to worry, I can clearly tell you aren't here for any ill-intent. I am who you claim to seek. Please, come in."

Ushering the group inside, they'd begin walking down the main hallway as they came across adjacent rooms filled with a good deal of patients of various races. Many were lying in beds at different stages of their infection, groan or vomiting black ichor from their orifices. Most were showing only mild symptoms, while others were clearly worse off. Various doctors and clerics were trying to attend to their needs as best as they could, with guards positioned nearby. It was indeed as chaotic as the tabaxi had mentioned. "The situation here has grown quite desperate I'm afraid," Malen stated worryingly as she rolled past the various wards and observing the infected, "We've been working around the clock to tend to the victims while we continue whipping up a cure. We're quite overcapacity; too many new patients, not enough doctors. Now, currently what we have merely delays the major side effects, keeping those at later stages of the infect from... well, turning-over as we say. However, we're getting close to formulating a proper antidote to out right eradicate it completely. We just need an additional boost that should, hopefully, complete the recipe."

Once they'd reach the end of the hall, were a big double wooden door stood stalwart with a placard stating "Research Ward" plated on the left side, the dragonborn looked at the group with a gleam of hope in her eye. "Now... you say you have acquired that very means to help complete the cure?" Malen asked hopefully as she lead them down the main hall, "Is this true?"

Velvet smiled as they finally reached the hospital, it was unexpectedly packed though. After seeing how empty the church was she thought the hospital would be more or less the same, but whatever the reason was she's just happy to see there's still people to save here. There's a bit of ruckus as Elliot tried to force their way directly to the druid and she wasn't surprised when it was met with resistance. She understood how Elliot feels though since they just left someone very important for him on the street.

All this set up felts like something out of a zombie movie, you know, the last fortress of humanity where people unite their power. Though in movie this kind of place would usually ends up overrun with the infected due to human conflict so the author can drive the message that even in zombie apocalypse, the true monster are the people all along... Velvet shuddered at her own thought. She shouldn't think such thing in this situation, or else she would jinx themselves.

Before she could pull Elliot and calm him down the situation was quickly de-escalated as the druid herself announced her presence. Velvet greeted her with a slight bow.

"We don't have the means to create the cure." She said apologetically. "But we're a group of adventurers sent here by Hondoshire to check the situation. The situation definitely far out of what we expected, but we're here to help you ma'am. We just defeated one of the big one so I think we have decent experience against those monsters, let us help you!"
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

They all moved towards the hospital as quickly as they can given the situation, with the armed guards seemed to have been doing a good enough work of keeping the building safe for survivors and those that needed help.

For a moment, it looked like things were heading in a direction that would end with them getting kicked out, but fortunately the druid that they were looking for, Malen, was around to help in getting the guards to back down. As Velvet said, they did not actually have any way they can make the cure for certain. Malen might actually be their last hope for preventing the worst outcome.

“We… We have enough of a reason to believe so… The results we were able to get were looking good.” he said.

“Magic we used were especially effective at killing the globsters... the black stuff? So if we combine that with some other methods…”

Connor wasn’t a doctor, far from it. Of course he wouldn’t have any real idea exactly what is happening here. What he can best do now would be to do his best to support, and leave it to who is more knowledgeable here.
Davito Aranda


Davito was relieved when they finally arrived at the hospital. He had been on edge avoiding globsters the whole way, and was glad to be in another immune zone. He liked the bustle of the hospital, as it was much more welcoming than the empty, dead city or the nearly empty church. The whole place seemed well defended, so much so that they couldn't even get past the front gate. Elliot was making quite a fuss, and the guards seemed ready to throw him to the globsters.

Moments before Davito stepped in to mediate their fight, the druid herself showed up, summoned by Elliot's mention of a cure, which Davito thought was more a ploy for them to meet her than an actual fact. Velvet voiced the subject before he could. He thought for a moment. He had an idea.

"As my companion has said, we've been sent by Hondoshire to assist in any way possible, and if that includes helping to find a cure, then that is something that we must do." Davito gave the druid a slight bow. "Sir Davito Aranda at your service." He straightened, and his voice turned serious again. "We were sent to your hospital by the priest in the city center. He gave us holy enhancements to use, and they seem to be highly effective against the infected creatures that we ended up fighting."

"I have a few things that could possibly help with your cure. I don't, however, think that it's going to be enough." Davito knew that his divine power might be effective, but it wouldn't go very far for the dozens of patients at the hospital. But still, it was a start.

  • Divine Gore D: - [Magic D, Bane [Monster] E, Fighting Style D [Single Blade], Athletics F, Penetrate F, Super-Strength F, Stun F, Healing F, Religion F, Skill Loan F] - (One-Time Use) - Caster casts a modified variant of [Pierce], allowing them to deal double damage against a single corrupted entity. It slightly heals the caster. if the target is still alive, it's stunned for one posting round. Spell can no longer be used once activated.
  • Survival F
Mentions: Develius Develius

Rios was just watching Elliot flail around, his emotions running high as a result of watching his mentor accept the cold release of death. Now it looked like the cat and horse guard duo were getting ready to throw them to the wolves since they were making it difficult for whoever was in that there medical tent to work. Now Rios was a warrior so he couldn't help with the intricacies of assisting with whatever cure Elliot pulled out of his ass. He couldn't even say much on the blob in his bloodstream that was oddly silent. Such a thing made him wonder if THAT would be some kind of way to assist the group. Rios was infected with blob and had somehow silenced the hivemind while still maintaining most of his symptoms. Perhaps this doctor would be able to utilize his blood to aid with a cure. Unfortunately there was still the matter of him not being able to SAY anything about what was going on in with him. Looking around for a beaker or empty glass tube. Rios would pick up a scalpel and make a very small incision in order to let his tainted blood flow into the vessel. The magic cup had worked wonders for his sanity so perhaps it could help the good doctor make some kind of cure as well. As for why he was so readily helping out rather than leaving them to their struggles. A certain alchemist girl came to mind, one who would have dropped a lot just to mix up a cure herself.

1: Look for Beaker
2: Cut flesh to extract blood
3: Think real hard



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Current: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Help Conjure Up a Cure

- Evacuate the Island.
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

As Velvet would first explain their situation, Malen sighed quietly as her expression seemed somewhat disappointed. Elliot was already feeling incredibly nervous, fearing his efforts in getting them in the door would be in vain despite seeing what they possesed. Yet the vampire would manage to bring the conversation home, telling her of their triumphs against the odds up to this point. "You five defeated one of 'them'? The tall-ones?" the dragonborn replied, clearly taken a back by what they managed to accomplish, "Why, if what you say is true, you're all very lucky to have survived in one piece! I've only heard reports of them from my scouts; claiming how only a single beast was able to wipe out entire squads of well-armed guardsmen. Come to think of it, I don't recall hearing anyone successfully take even one of them down..." She paused briefly as she contemplated the idea intently, before shaking off her concentration. "Well, however you were able to do it, I must commend your efforts. For a band of adventurers, you truly are a hardy bunch."

Malen then listened to Connor, who attempted to reaffirm their standing stating how they might be able to help through combining magic. "Indeed." she confirmed with a nod, "We've discovered that they are most affected by high heat, given the consistency of their bodies act akin to tar and oil. The globs actively avoid fire and setting them ablaze weakens them. That said, I've heard the tall ones are much more resilient to flame-damage then their weaker counter parts." The dragonborn issued a tired sigh, readjusting her glasses before leaning her head back on her chair. "The only other magic I believe should work on them are holy or light-based magic, given their monstrous forms. But unfortunately we lack the casters capable of producing them... and neither of the survivors happen to be talented mages either."

Yet her depressed aura wouldn't last long, as upon hearing Davito telling her about the priest, her entire mood seemed to shift. Her exhausted and defeated look seemed to blossom into a look of cautious but still optimistic hope. "W-Wait-" she stammered, straightening her posture as she rolled slightly closer towards the knight, "By a priest? In the heart of city center? Why I was told that place was absolutely smothered in tar! No one should've been alive given the..." She took another moment to process this information as Davito offered to lend some of his power to help with the cure. Giving a moment to glance at him, the dragonborn rose a clawed hand towards the knight, checking to see if he truly had what he claimed. She then moved her hand over the other party members, though she would only feel the same power emitting from Aya and only residual hints coming off Connor.

Once she finished examining them, Malen's expression became much more confident and excited with what she should. "Why... I think this should be able to work!" she exclaimed positively, as her fingers tapped happily on the book on her lap, "The red one's enchantment should also work too. Perhaps you might truly be the saviors of us all!". Elliot gave a sigh of relief upon hearing the good news, as he looked at everyone with a grin on his face. Looks like they might be actually able to help after all! Though as he looked around, he quickly realized that one person wasn't among them. "Hey, uh... where's Rios?" he asked as he glanced around them.

The only person Malen wasn't able to scan initially was Rios, who broke off from the main group to extract his infected blood into a bleaker he found on a nearby table. Elliot would be the first to notice the swordsman cutting himself to allow his afflicted blood to drip into it. Rios would see that his own blood was a deep dark-red, much darker than normal blood. "H-Hey hey!" Elliot yelled confusingly as he saw swordsman 'harm' himself, "What are you doing, man?! Don't go ahead just cutting yourself-!" Taking attention to the situation at hand, Malen would roll her chair closer to the nephilim with a concerned look. "Now now, please don't mess with the equipment." she called out to Rios with a calmness in her voice, as she raised her hand to scan him, "This will only take a-"

Immediately upon being scanned, Rios felt another ear-splitting scream of static rattle through his head, enough to cause him to stagger momentarily. Luckily, he would be able to keep ahold of the beaker in his hand. At the same time, Malen would only read for just a second before quickly retorting her hand back with a disturbed gasp. Quickly regaining her composure, the druid quickly realized what she had detected, with the discolored blood in the beaker would only confirm her suspicion. "Oh dear..." she breathed shakily, "You're infected." She looked towards the others with urgency in her eyes. "We don't have much time. Come now!"


With no time to waste, Malen shuffled the party into the lab, as she rolled quickly towards the back of the room. While still in somewhat rough condition, the room was much cleaner and more tided compared to the other medical bays. Plenty of filled flasks and beakers were bubbling with various liquids, while the shelves were packed with empty jars and books left behind by the original owners. The doctors and alchemists working within were briefly startled by Malen's appearance, sensing the urgency with the druid. "Everyone, make haste!" she ordered firmly to her staff, "We have a critical patient and a potential cure onboard! Get the vials!"

At the same time, Rios would find himself getting woosier by the minute; the echoing laughter haunting his mind now attempting to quicken the rate of infection. He would feel his breaths getting shorter and labored, finding it harder to breathe fluidly. He could feel as if something was coming... something big. Like a black mass of apocalyptic entropy that was to cover everything he knew; a terrible moment of dread which threatened to paralyze his whole body. It wanted Rios to give in, to end this miserable pain and anguish by accepting his fate.

"Have him sit." Malen firmly stated, while briefly running over her hand just above his face. "The infection is already spreading rapidly throughout his body," the druid continued regarding the swordsman's condition, "Frankly I've never seen such a strong concentrated case in any of my patients. He should've been long converted by now. By my estimates, we have mere minutes before it fully takes over his body!" Quickly she cleared a desk and ordered the other doctors to give her a myriad of supplies. Everyone was now locked in and working overtime. One came in with a rack of vials, glowing a bright blue as it was set down upon their desk.

As everything was getting set, the Druid turned to Davito. "Lend me your hand." she said, giving out a clawed hand for him to hold. She also motioned to Aya in case he wanted to tag in, "I'll need to extract the enchantment from your body. You may feel a bit woozy afterwards, but it'll wear off quickly."

  • Divine Gore D: - [Magic D, Bane [Monster] E, Fighting Style D [Single Blade], Athletics F, Penetrate F, Super-Strength F, Stun F, Healing F, Religion F, Skill Loan F] - (One-Time Use) - Caster casts a modified variant of [Pierce], allowing them to deal double damage against a single corrupted entity. It slightly heals the caster. if the target is still alive, it's stunned for one posting round. Spell can no longer be used once activated.

After the procedure concluded, and the table set, Malen's hand would glow bright with a faint yet potent shine. She approached the rack before raising her afflicted hand over them. The glowing magic began leaving her hand and proceeded to slowly assimilate with the liquid, swirling within as the color began to take a bluish-green hue. Malen was laser-focused to ensure the process went as smoothly as possible, with the rest of the tension inside already reaching its climax. After what would've felt like an agonizingly long minute, the process was complete. The druid carefully examined the glowing vial of the now greenish liquid, before giving to Rios. "Drink this." she ordered with holding her breath, "And pray to whoever you worship or believe that this works..."

Once the swordsman drank the antidote, he wouldn't feel much at first. Then, suddenly, a calamity of voices screamed in sheer agony as the potion made contact. The energy taken from him began to return, albeit it wasn't a terribly smooth transition. The acute infection was putting up one hell of a fight, still causing significant pain and discomfort into his body. His limbs shook violently, almost seizure-like, to the point where he'd feel his head almost like it was going to pop! Before everything just...


- Mark Of Dread E: After ingesting a piece of the black tar, Rios found himself harassed by ominous spastic visions of events relating to the consumed. You feel as if something had seen you, tainting you with an essence of unknown consistency. You're unable to adequately describe what you've seen to others, only how it made you feel.

Rios regains the following conditions:
+1 Strength Grade (C ---> B)
+1 Precision Grade (C ---> B)
+1 Lucky Grade (E ---> D)

It felt as if the voices imploded upon themselves, releasing their grip around his mind that would've been under massive amounts of pressure. His mind was at peace... as was his body, for the most part. There was still that a cloudy after effect that prevented him from specifying exactly what he'd seen in the visions... but should he want too he could now explain how it all felt. And while he might feel still grossed out, the worst had been avoided. Malen was already bracing for the worst, but upon seeing the calm reach Rios' body she allowed herself to calm slightly. Meanwhile Elliot had been nervously looking around the room, as if waiting for confirmation. "I... Is it over?" he asked meekly, not pressing into his belief just yet, "Is he cured?"

Malen slowly rose her hand to scan Rios, waving it too and fro in slow yet methodical motion. There was a star-wondered look plastered on her face. "I..." she stammered, "T-There's still a bit of the infection within him but... it's receding. At this rate, he should be completely purged before the hour, I'm sure." She looked back at the doctors within the room. "Ladies and gentlemen... we got a cure!"

The whole room erupted into an ecstatic cheer as the staff celebrated the news. Some even exited the room to tell the others. The darkness and despair which once plagued the hospital had now turning into a burning beacon of hope. Malen looked to be the most relieved out of everyone, as her arms crossed against her chest. "I can't possibly thank you enough adventurers," she said gratefully towards the party, "Once we're able to cure the others, we should be ready to evacuate the island post-haste. If you have a ship, we should be able to fit everyone onboard a large galleon. We'll start the preparations."

Elliot would come forth as he gained Malen's attention. "W-Wait Lady Malen?" he asked quietly to her. The Dragonborn turned to him with a sweet smile, listening to the young squire, "There's something I need to-"

But before he could say anything... something stirred:

An Unholy Groan

There was a moment of dreadful silence as everyone in the hospital froze. An ominous groan reverberated across the city, as if heralding the arriving of something truly massive. Mumbled whispers spread across the masses as others cautiously exited the building or ascended to the rooftop balcony to see what was going on outside. "W-W-What was that?" Elliot asked, unsure if he truly wanted to know. The druid remained silent, as her face dowered in confusion. "Nothing good I take it..." She then proceeded to join the others out on the ground floor.


What was happening outside was nothing short of a horrifying spectacle. Farther to the north, a gigantic blob of bones and void-black mass was forming upwards into the stormy sky. While hard to see against the pitch-black sky, sporadic lightning strikes would clearly reveal an entity forming out of the darkness. And it absolutely dwarfed the buildings which surrounded it, standing close to 50 meters in height. Jagged bone white spines sprouted everywhere, alongside what looked to be a multitude of limbs forming quickly in real time. Eyes sprouted on its body like warts, as their pupils wildly looked around their newfound surroundings. And a long whip like tail swayed slowly in the air, with spines running down it and ending in a collection of straight serrated blades.

Yet what was most curious of it all... was a giant sword lodged straight in its back, tangled in corrupting veins of globular tar and ichor... sporting a glowing all-seeing eye in the center of the spiked handle.

Rios would immediately recognize this thing; The towering beast that was foreshadowed in the visions. It was here, all in its unholy glory and even more terrifying to witness in person. He would even know its name... after all the Aggregate screeched it at him.

And as the head of this dark god-like entity finally molded into place - littered with many eyes, fanged teeth, and an asymmetrical pair of crescent horns - everyone now bore witness to something truly horrible. Near-incomprehensible. It was the rise...

Of the Agrigore.


Art By Develius
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