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Active [Odai Island-West Empire] A Monstrous Task


Throughout the priest's explanation Velvet couldn't help but glances at Rios. Black blood and slurry words? Check. Though she wasn't sure about the other symptoms, maybe she would check on him later. Continuing the explanation, the priest was unfortunately unable to escape them due to his duty.

"I... understand." Velvet nodded solemnly at the priest's resolve. Back in her old life, she always admire the characters that willing to give their life for a cause, but now with said person standing in front of her... She did admires him, but its rather uncomfortable knowing what would likely happen to him next.

"Ah... one more, sir priest. It looks like you can hold those monsters from entering the church. So can you do something like, purify them?"
"Stonzo" means "Piece of Shit" and is used as "Asshole" in Italian.
  • Well ain't that just great? Aniel was a bit too distracted by the pain in his arm to really have retorted against the idea of visiting the church. He had audibly gagged, but masked it as a result of the pain he felt and not because he beared an utterly tremendous abhorrence toward anything and all things even slightly catholic. He hated churches and he hated the sound of organs even more. Despite that, he smiled. He smiled as best as he could.

    Aniel did not sit, he stood with arms crossed beneath his cloak and silently tapped his foot. Despite the excessively sweet smile, his eyes showed a scowl and his brows were slightly furrowed. Standing in a church, with those awful stained glass windows, an organ playing and wearing an outfit typical of a boy in choir—yes, this was all too utterly awful, in the bad bad BAD way.

    The priest was also your typical priest, an ugly old man with blue eyes. Ugly was a mean word, Aniel did not think anyone ugly; he just didn't like the fact that man was a priest. What he hated more was how he'd seemingly lost his faith or something? That didn't concern Aniel much, what concerned him more was the ridiculous things he was speaking all of a sudden that he could not help but believe as fact.

    Connor had healed Aniel's wound prior to them coming here, after the globsters they fought were dealt with. Aniel pulled out his right arm, and inspected where the wound was, he did make sure to clean it, right? There was some of that ooze on it, but he had not yet felt any of the symptoms yet... He sighed, he felt as though the priest was going into unescessary detail.

    When there sudden lightning strike as the priest said the word dread, Aniel's wings would open in a blur, puffing up as he'd curse: "Porca puttana!" Feeling himself flinch quite dramatically... With wry laughter, he fell into a stiff posture, his wings fluttering closed as he cleared his throat. "Why must you pause so dramatically just as the lightning strikes? Stonzo, please I beg do not do such utterly awful and horrid things again!" Aniel chided with an explicit scowling in accompany with his tone.

    "On the other hand, more especially, my arm;" He pulled out his right arm, "It was wounded by one of those... uh, things..." Aniel's words were interrupted by nervous laughter here and there, "B- but, I've not yet felt myself afflicted by any of the aforementioned symptoms... Well, not yet at least." Said Aniel.

    To say that Aniel was discouraged, was more than an understatement. He was often quick to flee and quick to let go of his hopeless pursuits, afterall, it was wrong to pursue what did not belong to you in the first place; but the lives of others were far above his selfish romances. It was wrong to forsake those in need of aide. Abandoning people was like abandoning love, for people created love and thus, it was the will of her ladyship.

    "I admit to my selfishness in that I feel myself afraid, unwilling to step beyond the bounds of safety; simply to find myself unharmed," He put his hand over his heart, "But I have already been wounded and that means I, with the help of my dear retinue, must put an end to this mayhem." Aniel said, smiling;

    "Yes, for the gods hadn't forsaken this place, for I am here!" Aniel raised his hand, delicately lowering it as he bowed theatrically, "As a trumpeteer of her bittersweetness' will, I am a testament to how fate has yet his eye aturn, for what above all else is more worthy of awe than that which penetrates through time and space; conquers all wars and makes nothing of the greatest lengths and most tremendous tribulations!" He exclaimed, extending his hand out toward the priest in a grand gesture,

    "Say not such cruel things, believe in love, my saccharine stonzo! You are not destined to meet with death here, you do not deserve such a pitiable end;" He gestured to everyone else, "that is to say, we will surely make all this unlovely nonsense cease! Afterall, why should good people die like this?! Let us end all these needless sacrifices and bring back that lovely blue sky which we are so accustomed to!" said Aniel, the hopeless romantic and most idealistic idealist to ever bear ideals. "In precis, I refuse to allow you to sacrifice yourself so," He turned to everyone else with a clap of his hands, "We best find a solution to this infestation with celerity." Aniel said with a determined smile stretched on his face.

    Velvet's question sparked an idea in Aniel's mind, "What a lovely idea, ama! If these creatures came to be as a result of some infection, then is it not some sort of disease? If stonzo and I combine our [Magic] and [Religion] to create a divine spell—" Aniel gestured to Connor excitedly, "and Coni 'ere channels and imbues his [Healing] into our spell and we use it on those black blobs... Will it not purify and cure them in some way? Or is that awfully ridiculous." Proposed the swainling.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​
Davito Aranda


Davito listened to the priest talk about his duty to defend what was left, and quietly agreed. Duty and honor came before even one's own safety. Listening further to the description of the globsters and what they did, Davito noticed a discreet glance from Velvet to Rios. Davito knew that he would have to be prepared if the worst came to the worst. Momentarily tuning out the priest's words, Davito looked out the open doorway next to him.

Breaking glass and clashing metal? Is there a battle going on out there? As he looked into the storm beyond the barrier, he could've sworn that he saw a few shadowy figures, but when he looked again, they were gone. The globsters stood a little bit taller, as if something had given them the confidence to keep going. Just as he was going to relate the news to the others, a flash of lighting illuminated a figure on a far off rooftop. Davito couldn't quite tell what it was, but it looked unnaturally shaped. It acted as if it was looking for something... or someone. There was a menace in the way it posed. There was another, clearly dangerous creature out there, other than just the globsters. Another lightning flash, and the creature was gone.

Davito turned to everyone else just in time to catch the end of Aniel's Idea. "I'm sure that that plan would work against the globsters, but we might have bigger things to worry about. There's something else out there." He relates everything he saw to the rest of the group. "Any ideas on what that thing is? Or how to fight it?" He looked out towards the water. "And should someone tell the Captain about what's going on?"
Connor Erland

Develius Develius

Unfortunately, the priest was not able to properly give an answer as to what exactly the monsters were, but at least gave them an idea of how they came to be and behaved. Disturbingly though, these monsters were supposed to have once been people, infected by the “tar”? It makes Connor wonder if that meant what they have been fighting earlier were originally citizens of this devastated city…

The flash of lightning and thunder makes Connor jump, though he stays put seeing the priest continue, as if it was all part of his speech.

“Well, I still think the rest of us agrees that we should stay here to figure things out, right? But, thanks for your concern.”

Connor nodded at the priest, and listened as Velvet proposed an idea with how to deal with the globsters, prompting Aniel to bring up a suggestion to combine a few of their capabilities to attempt at “purifying” some of these monsters. Plus, they already have some to test on nearby…

“That could be worth a shot, you don’t mind right?” he said, hoping for cooperation from the priest.

Davito’s news of something else being with them was concerning. “Let’s hope the protection here should keep us safe enough for now… As for the captain, I don’t know…” Connor held up the pendant he was wearing, given to them by the jolly orc, “Kinda feels bad using them as a lifeline.” After a moment of looking at the pendant, he shrugs. “I say let’s give this purification idea we have a shot first, then think of the next step from there.”
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Faynorae Faynorae Renny Renny 1Lucker 1Lucker

The entire time the group was discussing things with the Priest. Rios was certain the man of cloth was aware of his condition. Likely he was but moments away from revealing that Rios willingly ingested the goop in hopes of acquiring its powers for his own purposes. Unfortunately all he had gotten so far was a headache and the inability to tell everyone about how the thing was part of a collective that planned on spreading like wildfire. Hanging back so everyone could try to get something out of the priest. Rios clutched his chest and attempted to speak to the slime hive mind with his own mind. Now one might wonder just how he thought accomplish such a thing. Rios wasn't the kind to simply cower in fear of such creatures.

I know you can hear me, gelatinous devils. Mark these words... your species exists solely to facilitate my growth... You are the food here...

Velvets idea of purification made Rios a bit wary. The pros and cons of such an act weighed heavily on his mind. There was a possibility that purifying the goo he had willingly taken into himself may allow it to assimilate with his body. Alternatively it could just purge it from his system, which he wasn't the biggest fan of. Aniel was already annoying enough with his mutterings about love and beauty. Rios had assumed those who served the gods would be far more quiet and less ostentatious. It was then when Davito seemed to pick up on a threat outside. Something like this was far more to the liking of Rios, who was in the mood to take in more goo. Plus if the others could come up with a cure for the goo, that would prevent its spread past this island. Walking over to Davito, Rios pat him on the back.

"You and I will get their attention. The casters in the group can work on a long term cure for the corruptive slime. Although I highly doubt the REEEE REEE REEEEEEE- Oh right, that. Anyway lets go"

Aniel's startled expression lain flat upon the priest's unintended dramatics. However, he couldn't easily ignore what was brought to his attention. He stared at Aniel with a mildly disturbed look, startled by the revelation upon seeing his wound and what he had described. However, before he could attempt to ask him to show it, he would be temporary halted by the show and theatre Aniel projected; lamenting over their situation yet not willing to give up. He quietly listened to the dramatics with an entertained, if not somewhat hopeful, smile. Still, that last statement regarding their antithesis to having him sacrifice himself here had him chuckle for a bit before reverted back to a frown; something mournful yet content. "We shall see," the priest responded, his retort open-ended but nonetheless content regarding whatever outcome, "Though there are others here much more needing of salvation. Focus on them first."

The priest then looked back at Aniel's wound and approached him. "Let me take a look." the priest asked cautiously, as he gingerly took Aniel's right arm in his smooth, yet mildly-cold, hands. He began looking at it intently, inspecting the healed wound and the bits of black ooze still sticking to it. Raising one of his hands, he proceeds to hover it over the wound as a faint yellow light is casted upon it. Aniel would feel a warm sensation wash over them like a warm summer breeze, as his mind goes mildly blank at the sudden warmth. However, this was all they felt as the priest casted back his arm. "Hmm," he pondered curiously, "No sign of infection yet... It is possible you were lucky to have gotten away with a clean cut, with the residue being from it splattered on your skin but not the wound itself. Though perhaps... your [Religion] might've delayed the potential consequences. It could be merely dormant. Keep an eye on your condition. The moment you encounter any of the side effects, alert the others by any means necessary."

As he finished, the priest turned to Velvet asking if he could purify the globsters. This was followed by Aniel concocting a plan for both he, Connor and the priest to potentially develop a divine spell in order to potentially purify the globsters in some way. The priest took a moment to think it over, rubbing his chin. But that was when Davito alerted to the party of the entity he saw outside.

For Rios, his mental remark caused the gargling of monstrous voices to snarl and wail at him. The headaches pulsated violently as loathsome screeches and bellows could be heard in the background, as if attempting to subjugate him into submission. There was another series of visages that flashed in his mind, mostly a repeat of the same he'd seen the first time he ingested them. However, there was emphasis on the part where the minor globsters began evolving... and he would see a very similar silhouette reminiscent of the creature Davito had seen. Lanky and tall... and very spiky, particularly at the shoulders. In fact, the environment seemed nearly identical to Davito's perspective. But before he could get a better glance at the details, the creature's head cocked directly towards him.

And a large glowing yellow eye opened to greet him; before launching straight at him with a terrifying unholy screech!

Then it ends.

"As I've said..." the priest stated grimly towards the two, "There are greater horrors lurking deeper into the city. Creatures far more treacherous compared to those you've encountered thus far. Should you see them; stay out of sight. Should they see you... run. Defend yourself only as a last resort, when you are truly cornered, and pray that the gods bless you to live to see the end."

Elliot, who was mostly silent throughout this, couldn't help but shudder at the thought. "Oh..." he chattered nervously, "G-Great."

The priest returned to their previous discussion. "I'm afraid I cannot help in curing the infected," the priest replied shaking his head. He referred to the globsters, "The pestilence cannot be easily purified through traditional purification methods alone. Once victims turn into these "globsters" as you refer them, they are beyond saving. Even the early-stage individuals are unaffected by these rituals. I assure you... I have tried." He paused for a moment before his eyes focused intently.

"...But perhaps there's another way."

He turns to the rest of the party, "There is a druid I want you to find. Malen Segusa. A Dragonborn. She is a friend of mine and much better versed with the ancient magics. Last we've spoke, she was attempting to conjure a cure that could help mitigate if not eradicate the infection in early-stage individuals. She should at the hospital further up the road attending to the injured. If she's still there, you may have a chance to create some sort of purification process."

That's when Elliot got up with an eager strive in his step. "Ooh! Ooh! I know where it is-" he said excitedly, feeling the gravity of the situation fall upon him, "Granted, I've only seen it PRIOR to this mess, but I know generally where it is. I'll lead you to it!"

Sensing the looming disappointment, the priest's hand would begin to glow with the same yellow energy that shown on Aniel earlier. "But whilst I may not be capable of helping with this cure, perhaps there's something else I could provide instead." he stated towards Aniel, his glance also incorporating Connor's as he reached his hand towards them, "Put both of your hands atop mine."
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Touchn't me unless your name is Misha Collins.
  • Oi what's with the lukewarm response you pothead?! were the words that Aniel thought behind his mask of a friendly smile. Of course, the priest did actually have a pot for a head; although might think such with his cast-iron cold hands. Aniel flinched, and while the arm that the Priest held became as stiff as a metal stick; the rest of Aniel body became more comparable to jello. Aniel hated direct skin to skin contact, because to him, his body was sacrosanct to anyone but his mother and the person whom shared his red thread.

    Of course, he couldn't refute against being touched by any other person when necessary; in this case he couldn't decide whether or not this was absolutely necessary or not—

    Well, these thoughts would mute for a moment, as a pleasant warmth would relax Aniel's apprehension. His expression was as blank as his thoughts; which would come back to him as the priest began to speak. "Oh," Aniel squeaked, "Well, thank thee oh lady of love high up ah-bove~" He'd praise a nonentity, subtly patting the priest on the shoulder in a manner that felt more like being shoved.

    Aniel shrugged, lifting his hands and smiling smugly; "Who knew being prostrate to the gods had its advantages~" Aniel clapped, his expression stiffing into a blank; "In spite of this epiphany I do not feel less afraid." He'd murmur softly as his eyes fell to the ground.

    Aniel clutched his bag, which held his bow folded inside. With his beloved dark-eyed knight alerting them of the outside situation and that stonzo priest's awful and blunt choice of words and expression. "Adversary upon adversary; we cannot falter in the face of a foe and we surely shall not fall if we fight it all together," Said he, calmly as he could, "yet we'll heed your warnings, that is to say;" He eyed Davito and Rios, "It would be best if we do not split off to recklessly face off with an unknown fiend—" he clapped, "We stay safe together and face danger together! Ain't that best?" Aniel would say. Despite not wanting to show it, the truth was that he just didn't feel safe in a smaller group.

    Aniel stared at the priest with a smile, although he was glad that there was at least someone who may help regarding a cure; What now? Why must our hands graze? Again? Why—? Breaking past his reluctance, Aniel sighed and fought the urge to roll his eyes. He approached the priest, placing his hand atop his.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​
Connor Erland

Develius Develius

Connor shrugged as the priest shot down their suggestion. Though it might have been obvious that he has already tried to do some purification of his own beforehand.

“Alright, we’ll try to be careful.”

That said, being told to fight only as an absolute last resort was ominous. Elliot beside them certainly wasn’t a fan of it, judging from his shaky comments. Not having to fight the monsters might help to save more however, assuming they could find a way to truly cure those that have already turned. Fortunately, the priest continues addressing this very fact. They would probably still have to discuss the plan with the druid that the priest has mentioned, but its a solid lead.

At his prompting, Connor placed his hand atop the priest’s. He had a few ideas where this might be going, but the priest did not elaborate any further. Raising his eyebrows, Connor briefly looked over at Aniel, a bit unsure, nodding as he saw Aniel do the same.

“What’s this for?”

Druid, huh...

The way the priest saying it seemed the druid only probably know of a method to purify it. Yet those small probability was better than their other option: walking aimlessly among the globsters. The existence of the druid at least gave them a destination worth visiting. Elliot also seemed quite eager to guide them there so its all set for them.

"Let's go to the hospital then. Elliot, please lead the way." Velvet nodded at the squire, though she's also worried about the figures that Davito spotted. Maybe it would if they have something else to defend themselves.

"Is there any lamp store nearby, Elliot? If there's any maybe we can stock up some torches." Velvet's mind remember their little encounter at the park and the burning globster that fight Davito. Fire might not instantly kill them but if it would make them hesitate to attack then it should help.
Davito Aranda


Davito agreed with Rios in the sense that the two of them weren't much use for any long term cure or solution. The priest almost entirely shot down Rios' idea of combat by saying that there was no way that they could fight the real monsters of the island. The man wasn't able to help them, but he referred them towards an old friend of his, telling them that she would at least be able to slow the infections. After telling them where to go, Davito was getting set up to leave.

Seeing the others place their hands on top of the priests', Davito did the same, figuring that it couldn't hurt. He nodded for Rios to join them, then turned towards the others. "We should probably move out soon. The globsters seemed to be gaining confidence. It'll be best to be at the hospital before they make any moves." Davito thought about Velvet's idea and, as soon as the priest finished whatever he was doing, he searched the area with [Appraisal E] inside of the barrier for any supplies to make torches.​
Mentions: Develius Develius 1Lucker 1Lucker Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny Faynorae Faynorae

Rios's mind was once again filled with visions of goop and chaos, causing him no end of headaches. The visions themselves were the same yet a singular goop figure was given more emphasis along with the goops ability to evolve itself. If only Rios were able to communicate with the others. Unfortunately the creatures seemed to have made sure their information network was ironclad with no leaks. Although they were a feral hivemind acting like a virus, they weren't stupid. "REEE REEE REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE -sure lets go with your plan, Elliot" said the cyan haired swordsman, attempting to swear at the blobs before giving up and deciding on taking point so that the group would have a decent vanguard. The dragonborn they would seek out may have ideas on how to deal with the slime scourge.

The others seemed to desire to search the protected area for supplies they could use against the slime creatures. Rios seemed just fine with his swords alone. However he wasn't the kind of person to miss the opportunity for good loot. Although he was in a dark place, he was still an adventurer. Walking around the area where the priest was playing his little piano. Rios hoped his own connection to the divine would assist him in finding something decent. A god of light would be of use here, maybe a god of flame at the least. Unfortunately Rios was a favored person of a luck goddess, the most fickle kind of goddess. No matter how hard he tried to carve out his own destiny, the dice would always have a hand in his fate.

.Swear at blob
.Search around area = Lucky D + Appraisal C

Elliot saluted exaggeratively as Velvet asked for him to lead the way. "Aye aye!" he cried with a smirk on his face, "You can count on me!". It seemed this newfound form of courage was bolstered by the chance to do something good. When Velvet asked if there was a lamp store nearby to get some torches, the squire paused to think. "A lamp store..." he mumbled, scratching his head while struggling desperately to recall anything of note, "I'm... not sure? I'd imagine there's gotta be one somewhere in town. If there isn't one on our way to the hospital, surely some sorta general store should have at least a few in stock."

Meanwhile, Connor and Aniel placed their hands atop the priest's, the warm light yellow mist proceeded to circle around them. Then they'd feel a swell of pure energy channeling through their veins, as if being reinvigorated by an unseen force. For a moment they'd feel as if they were ascending to the highest mountain peak, clean and pure, before slowly subsiding. Both Aniel and Connor feel a newfound sense of power pulsating with them; ready to burst upon command.

Divine Note D: - [Magic D, Bane [Monster] E, Range F, Performance F, Targets F, Healing F, Religion F, Stun F, Skill Loan F] - (One-Time Use) - Caster casts a modified variant of [Sonic Strike] allowing them to strike at up to 5 corrupted entities for double damage from up to 30 feet. It slightly heals the caster. Any targets still alive are stunned for one posting round. Spell can no longer be used once activated.
Divine Barrier E - [Magic E, Barrier E, Stun F, AOE F, Healing F, Religion F, Skill Loan F] - (One-Time Use) - Caster emits a repulsive barrier of light capable of pushing back and stunning corrupted entities within a 15 foot radius for one posting round. It slightly heals the caster. Spell can no longer be used once activated.

Despite the spell seeming to focus on enhancing the skills of Connor and Aniel respectively, Davito would also plant his hand atop theirs. The priest didn't seem to mind, albeit wasn't truly expecting it. He too would feel the same effects as the other two party members.

Divine Gore D: - [Magic D, Bane [Monster] E, Fighting Style D [Single Blade], Athletics F, Penetrate F, Super-Strength F, Stun F, Healing F, Religion F, Skill Loan F] - (One-Time Use) - Caster casts a modified variant of [Pierce], allowing them to deal double damage against a single corrupted entity. It slightly heals the caster. if the target is still alive, it's stunned for one posting round. Spell can no longer be used once activated.

"There..." the priest said, lowering his hands. For a moment he felt a bit light headed, pinching his forehead as to distract himself from the headache he looked to be suffering from. "A bit of my own magic to compliment yours. They should help you both in a pinch... but only once. Use them wisely." He looked at the others with a tired glance. "Anything else you wish to discuss before continuing forth?"

That's when Elliot came forth. "Y-Yes actually..." the squire commented as he approached hesitantly, "By any chance... have you seen a knight going by the name Sir Argent Raedolf?" He almost seemed reluctant to ask that question, as if both hoping and fearing for what might've happened to him.

The priest attended to the young man. "I've seen many knights..." he stated bluntly, "Though only a handful since the attack. Can you give a description?"

Elliot had begun growing more nervous. "Uh... Middle aged man? Black hair... big ole' scar across his face? On his right side? Wears silver armor with two spiked pauldrons? Oh, and uh, wields a spear and shield."

The older gentleman took a moment to think, giving a few long seconds of rapid anticipation. "Can't say I have." the priest answered, shaking his head, "My apologizes."

Elliot whimpered, as he gave a disappointed look towards the ground, "I-I see. Thanks anyways though."

While the rest were distracted, Rios would search the back of the church where the organ was, looking for anything of use. Looking over at the organ, the mousekin was still playing it albeit at a slower rate. It was diligent in its efforts, keeping to its master's wishes as if their lives depended on it. Well, that was pretty accurate in a sense. The swordsman would now be between the organ and a wooden podium, where the cleric or pope would speak to their blessed audience. If he were to investigate it, he would find spread out atop an open book of prayers. It had no abnormal properties, no doubt being used as a general tomb to be read.

However... Rios would notice that there was a small cubby underneath the table surface. He could see that tucked within, was what initially looked to be another book coupled with a few gold coins. The book was colored pure matte-black with a golden trim, but had no title. There was a name inscribed at the very bottom... belonging to one "Raymond Garibaldi". Should Rios attempt to open it, he'd find that there was a magical seal placed upon it. Whomever sealed it didn't want anyone to access whatever information it bore. It would need to be opened by the caster, or broken by somebody adapt at seal-breaking magic...

That's when the priest would turn to see Rios rummaging around, as his stare turned cold. "Do you mind not rummaging through other's belongings?" he asked in a more authoritative manner, eyes piercing straight into his, "Besides... You're distracting my assistant."



| [Moving on since players are waiting for the next scene change. We are/will be changing to a biweeky - two times a week - posting schedule.] |
| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Overarching: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Current: Get torches from General Store.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

Having gained information and their blessings from the priest, the party would leave the safety of the church and head back onto the bleak desolate streets. The storm was getting worse, as the wind roared, trees swayed, and the rain pelted on the ground like bullets. Even with their "anti-storm" magic preventing them from getting soaked, the wind and force was still enough to be felt throughout. The globsters still situated at the end of the barrier to the left of them were beginning to gradually disperse, sulking back into the depths of the ruins. Some remained steadfast in their attempt to get past the barrier but to no avail. There was however an alternative path hugging the opposite side of the church, still blessed in the holy light above. The party would go through there and towards the back of the church, where to their relief would find no globsters present.

But they'd all feel like they were being watched by something... something even more vile... lurking just out of sight. But they knew not where or how close, or even if they were simply paranoid. For Rios, this effect was magnified significantly; feeling the singular eye staring down from the plane he had yet to see. Utter dread was upon him. Everyone will have to be on high alert and on guard to ensure they make it through alive.

"Let's try to hug the side streets and alleys off the main road for a bit." Elliot suggested as he pointed to an alley system just across the horizontal arterial road, parallel to the vertical main street, "There's a shopping district a few blocks down; couple of walk-in shops and stuff. That's where we should be able to find some torches."

The squire moves forth, beckoning the rest to come. They weaved through the gloomy empty backstreets, with the lantern lights dim and the cobblestone below them rugged and torn. There were times where they came across certain sections where tar plastered the walls, or an occasional dead body slumped on the ground.

Though there was one body in particular that was grotesquely mutilated. So much in fact one couldn't possibly identify what race gender it was aside from its humanoid like shape. Half of its face chomped off... with puncture wounds of what looked to be large teeth. Its entire left arm was missing, as if something ripped it right off it. And its abdominal region was sliced open... revealing a pool of disemboweled guts piling on its lap. At least what remained anyways. Most of its vitals and intestines were gone or ripped to ribbons.

Elliot gagged as he covered his mouth, "Eh-hugh," the squeamish squire gagged, as he struggled to stomach just looking at it, "God I... I hope Sir Raedolf is alright. I-I don't think its him but... ohhhh gods what a terrible way to go." He swiftly turned away and continued leading the way.

The distant sounds of moaning and groaning globsters were faint against the heavy storm, but they would be audible just enough to clue the party on their rough whereabouts.

But every now and again, they'd hear an ominous call echoing in the distance...

Bump In the Night

It was different compared to the low-pitched gurgles of the globsters; being only described as a metallic shriek, mixed with a high-pitched distorted whine. One could barely hear it amiss the thundering storm, though it sounded fairly far away. Though it was impossible to note JUST how close or far it truly was. For now though, they had to keep moving.

They'd walk a couple blocks further before there was a hint of recognition coming from the young lad. "Ah.. I think we're close..." Elliot proceeded to peak out from the alley way to check their location. "Yeaaah, this should be where it starts. I see a few hanging signs. Definitely the types wanting to sell ya something. Though I don't see any of those globsters on the main street either." Any who'd peer out with him would confirm his observations. They looked to be stores alright. Some were selling groceries, others sold furniture. There what looked to be a fashion store a bit further up the store too. One couldn't see a general store from where they stood, but if they could go out onto the road they should likely be able to see one somewhere.

Elliot planted his hands upon his hips as he turned to the party, "I think it's safe to go out there? At least for now... So long as we stick to the walls and not like, stand right in the middle of the road. O-Or, maybe, we can find a back entrance we could enter from?"
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Connor Erland

Develius Develius

As the priest lowered his hands, Connor took a moment to feel out a new kind of power that he was able to tell was now with him. “Only once, even still… I can feel that this is something very valuable, thank you.”

The priest unfortunately was just as in the dark as them with regards to the whereabouts of Sir Raedolf that they were looking for, but they still have no choice but to trust that he would have been able to survive as of yet. Everything was eerily quiet as they cut through all of the sidestreets, keeping Connor alert and on edge.

They came upon a mutilated body, and a brief glimpse was all it took for Connor to avert his gaze. It really hammered home that they were truly in dangerous territory now. He slapped Elliot’s back as the squire started gagging at the sight. “We’ll find him, don’t worry.” he said, equally wanting to reassure Elliot and wanting to keep moving and spend as little time having the gruesome sight before him.

The group were briefly stopped as Elliot confirmed that they were at the place they were looking for. Connor nodded towards the street. “Seems like the coast is clear? I think it should be safe to just go in, but just make sure to not let our guards down.”

That being said, he still looked over towards the rest of the group, hoping for signs of agreement. All Connor wanted right now was to keep moving, all the noises that they kept regularly hearing in the surroundings were starting to get to him a little.

Velvet followed Elliot's lead as the party traveled through the the ruined town. She tried to avert her gaze whenever they passed a dead body, she might be a blood-drinking vampire now but her mind was pretty much still that of someone from a much less dangerous world, she's still not comfortable looking at corpses just laying around.

"I'm sure Sir Raedolf is a tough man, we will reunite with him one way or another!" She tried to cheer up Elliot. The squire had been mentioning the knight several times now so she was curious what kind of person this Sir Raedolf would be. Hopefully they really meet him later.

As the group reached the shopping district, she would also peered into the street and nodded at the fat that there's no globster in sight. Without hesitation, Velvet stepped into the shopping district. There's no time to look for back entrance, they should grab some supplies quickly and then continue towards the hospital.

"I'm going first."
She said to the others as she ventures deeper into the area. Other than torches and fuel, she also wanted to look for something that she can use as shield, maybe armor or at least some thicker clothes to protect from the globster direct contact. As the priest stated, they seemed to be spreading some sort of diseases so she wanted to at least prevent another of the group to be infected.
Davito Aranda


Davito stretched, feeling the power that the priest had imbued him with. Thanking the man, he followed the group outside and along the side of the church. He shuddered as a chill went down his spine, sensing something that just seemed wrong. Following the young squire through the gloomy, battle-scarred streets, they passed an especially mangled body that made most of the party sick. Having seen much worse in his time fighting back the monster waves, Davito just skimmed over the sight like it wasn't anything special.

The group approached a square that seemed to be the main merchant's area, evidenced by the hanging signs and banners. "I agree that we should keep our guards up," Davito said, and he drew his sword. "Let me go first. I have more armor and experience, and I can tank a surprise attack." Pushing ahead into the square, Davito made sure to keep himself between the party and anything that might approach from further ahead.​
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Mentions: Develius Develius Renny Renny Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread 1Lucker 1Lucker

Rios followed behind the group in the event they were ambushed by the blob monsters. He detested the name of GLOBSTERS that Elliot had given them. Likely an attempt by the man to downplay their terror by giving them a cute nickname. As he could feel their evil coursing through his veins. Rios recalled the explanation given by the good father about how one eventually turns into one of THEM. He refused to allow such weak and pessimistic thoughts to cloud his judgement. A priest in an empty church with naught but a rodent for company had far too much bias to allow him to see the potential for power. The anti-storm magic with them was a good example, it could be used for any number of nefarious purposes in the right hands yet it had been applied here. Looking on as Elliot did his best not to retch at the sight of a cadaver that had been torn apart. Rios wondered just when such things stopped bothering him.

Once they reached their location. Rios watched as Velvet and Davito both volunteered to go first. He would have also put his name forward but stopped when he realized letting this pair get themselves attacked first would be far more advantageous. Cold as it may be, it would also allow Rios a greater chance at victory in addition to mastering the goop inside of him. Hence he decided to get a good lay of the land around them to make sure that he had full knowledge of what he could use should the goop demons try to attack them.

.Lucky D + Appraisal C on area



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Overarching: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Current: Get equipment from General Store.
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]

Elliot felt more at ease with Velvet's assurance, a light smile brushing across his cheeks even if for a moment. "I... I sure hope so." Admittedly he seemed hesitant at their chances of actually finding him, but enough confidence was sprung to keep his hopes up. After all, surely his master must be looking for him too, right?

Taking the lead, both Velvet and Davito would lead the group out from the shadows and onto the main street. The vampire's keen senses, combined with the knight's stalwart defenses, quietly and cautiously guided the group through the weathered ruins. They made sure to keep to the sides of the wall, ensuring they kept a much more low profile. Meanwhile, Elliot would keep tabs on where they were, reading the signs plastered in front of them. There was a grocery... A bakery.... A clock store... A clothes store...

"Ah!" chimed Elliot as he pointed towards the window, "Here's one." The group would stop to inspect the store in question, peering hazily into the dark storefront before them. A hanging sign above the doorway read "Ohayo's Adventuring Store". Despite being somewhat roughed up, with some thrown over shelves and supplies littering the interior floor, it was more or less in tact. More importantly, it still had items inside that could be looted. And with the main entrance being already broken down, with the door broken on the ground, they were able to get in without so much as breaking a sweat.

They all entered inside, either looking for items or keeping guard. Velvet lead the search and after some rummaging around, would find a couple of useful items. She'd first find three unlit torches lain about on the floor, having fallen from a rack attached to the wall. A bit more searching later, she'd uncover a battered matchbox peaking out of some rubble. It was half-empty, but contained a good number of matches exceeding the amount needed to light the torches.

While there were no signs of any usable metal suits of armor - with a heavily damaged chest-piece lying near the corner of the room next a destroyed armor stand - Velvet would uncover a somewhat battered and dirty yet, perfectly usable, white quilted cloth tunic. It was thick and padded, with long sleeves helping to prevent direct contact with the tar or other foreign substances. It would be on the bigger side for Velvet to wear, should she choose to wear it, but it wouldn't be to any sort of major disadvantage. No weapons could be found, but there was a small round metal shield laying about, albeit being slightly bent around the edges.

Overall, it was a decent haul. It was one that Velvet could solely keep to herself or share amongst the group however she saw fit.

3x Torches
6x Matchsticks
1x Mildly-Worn Quilted Cloth Tunic
1x Round Metal Shield

For Rios, the open street which laid before them provided very little cover should they be attacked by any surprise globster ambush. Debris casted around them could potentially be made into a makeshift barrier to take cover behind, from the loose bits of cobbled road, brick, and wood spread across; but it required time and preparation. Then again, open road could also allow better maneuverability against large swarms of them. Neither of which they had much of given how quickly and suddenly the globsters could appear. Even so, the tar present on certain walls seemed dormant, not having any signs of activity or high risk of sprouting any foes towards them.

It was eerily quiet. Perhaps a bit too quiet. And the entity within was also... quiet.

Then, suddenly, one of the wailing screeches pierced the air around them, this one sounding exceptionally close. It sounded just around the corner from the next block. Yet there was another voice that could be heard as well... the grunts and yells of what sounded like an older gentleman fighting for his life. Elliot's ears picked up immediately, his look now mixed with stunned dread. "Oh no... that sounds like... My lord!" The squire rushed out of the store in a frantic hurry, passing Rios as he dashed towards the source. The blue-haired swordsman would feel the pull of the tar within him, as if beckoning him towards the same direction where the noise came from.

Almost as if it dared it to come hither...

Should he or anyone follow Elliot, or attempt to stop him, they'd see him peer around the corner before becoming frozen in fear. His eyes were wide and agape, as he watched a fight between two figures. One was a figure in armor, an older scarred man wielding a long golden lance and a metallic heat shield baring an insignia of a house. It seemed to match Elliot's description of his master; that of a knight. While normally such a figure would be considered a beacon of hope in these dire times, he was struggling heavily against a tall, lanky and nightmarishly demonic entity.

The very same monster Davito had caught a glimpse of on the rooftops back at the church - as was what Rios had seen in a previous visage jumping at him.


Art By Develius Develius

A Doomed Encounter

Looming over the knight well above seven feet tall, this hunched-over horned nightmare was more than a step up from the globsters the party had encountered thus far. Its gangly body was scarily quick and agile as it hit the knight with an assortment of overwhelming acrobatic slashes and kicks from its exaggeratedly long spiked limbs. The knight was barely keeping up... and he was being worn down fast. While they were too busy to initially notice the party's arrival, the squire prematurely would make sure his master knew he was here. "MASTER RAEDOLF!" the squire cried out shakily as he drew his sword in preparation for battle.

The knight heard his reply as he blocked a claw strike, his eyes nearly bloodshot and weary from battle as he quickly glanced at him. "Elliot?!" he exclaimed, both in relief yet with terrified implications "Elliot run! Save your- AGH!" The moment he lost concentration, the monster's long trident-like tail quickly stabbed and grabbed ahold of the poor knight. He was lifted into the air, shouting in agony before being flung against the wall. His armor clattered upon impact, as he fell to the ground with a whimper, his helmet rolling to the side. The monster began to descend upon the fallen knight, with his fanged teeth bared and arms outstretched, before slamming against him with its foot; its wicked claws piercing into its armor. The man roared in sheering pain as he tried fruitlessly to remove it.

"NO!" Elliot screamed helplessly. That's when the monster's head cocked to stare devilishly at the despairing squire. Though it wasn't looking with one singular eye. Two smaller ones would open above it at the base of its gnarled crimson horns. It looked to be smiling with a toothy grin, adorned with rows of protruding fangs of varying lengths and lethalities, similar to that of an oni's. Its long ears twitched incentively as it proceeded to turn fully towards the group, studying his newfound predicament with an unfeeling and unconcerned stature. Rios could tell immediately that this was no mere mindless predator... it was a calculating and sadistic killer.

The two smaller eyes would shift their gaze to the rest of the party as they approached, before seeming to focusing on Rios. Suddenly he would feel another sharp pain rattle through his system, feeling the growing blight within him flare up within him from just being gazed upon*. Whether triggered willingly by the monster or as a mere side effect of the quickly advancing curse, he could feel certain parts of his system grow weaker. As grew his sense of every mounting dread. Did he still dare to attempt in challenging it head on at this rate?

- Mark Of Dread F ---> E: After ingesting a piece of the black tar, Rios found himself harassed by ominous spastic visions of events relating to the consumed. You feel as if something had seen you, tainting you with an essence of unknown consistency. You're unable to adequately describe what you've seen to others, only how it made you feel. No other adverse affects can be determined at this time...

The visions began heralding the arrival of the entity seen before you. Yet even its gaze seemed capable of triggering the advance of the Mark swelling within you. Black veins become more prominent and you begin to feel getting weaker and more disturbed. Gains the following [Weakening] conditions:
-1 Strength Grade (B ---> C)
-1 Precision Grade (B ---> C)
-1 Lucky Grade (D ---> E)

Then the creature wretched a terrible noise.

Unholy Screech

With the warning from the priest now having shown itself devilish appearance, now was a chance to flee if they so wished. But with Sir Raedolf at its mercy, perhaps they might be able to save Elliot's master from succumbing to a terrible fate...

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Sir Davito so braveeee!!!!

Velvet squealed silently as she let Davito walked on the front. Gallant, chivalrous, selfless and brave. This was why she loves knights. Please protect us, Sir Davito!!

Velvet's fantasy was only stopped once they reached a shop that piqued her interest. An adventurer shop. Velvet told the other that she would check the shop for a moment before she entered it. Thankfully it hadn't been completely looted so after some searching she managed to find some useful items.

3 torches, 6 matches, a tunic and a shield. Velvet neatly sorted the items she found on the floor as she was thinking what she should do with it. She should probably share the torches and matches, one torch and two matches for both Davito and Connor, Aniel would need both of his hands to wield his bow and as for Rios... she wonders if the fire would also scare him, considering his condition. The tunic was a nice find, but instead of wearing it like normal the vampire ripped the clothes apart, creating a makeshift mask that cover the bottom half of her face and wrapped some of the garment on her right fist, turning it into some sort of boxing glove. If there's any clothes left she would make a few other face mask for the others.

Her brief crafting session was unfortunately interrupted when she heard a scream somewhere nearby. Velvet hastily wrapped her finding and rejoined the others as they approached the source of the screaming.

"That's Sir Raedolf?! We must save him then!" Moving without thinking, Velvet raised the shield in front of her and charged forwards while letting out a battlecry. She didn't have any plan or trick, she hadn't even registered properly the fact that what they're fighting wasn't a regular globster, she just wants to save the knight as fast fast possible.

1) Charge forward with raised shield
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Connor jumped as they heard the monstrous screech, and the sounds of combat from nearby. There’s somebody else alive! Was that good? That meant there were survivors, but they are going to need to get in there quick to make sure they don’t lose whoever it is. Though, Elliot’s exclamation also confirmed that they had just found the knight that they were looking for. “Hey, wait up!”

Following the squire towards the fighting, Connor readied his own weapons. What he wasn’t ready for was the monstrosity that was currently in the process of overpowering Raedolf the knight. This wasn’t at all like any of the globsters that they had been fighting so far. It’s size and form was concerning; this one was certain to put up an actual fight.

“We need to get to Raedolf. Be careful…”

Connor said, voice trailing off as he kept his guard up. The way that the monster did not immediately attack was unnerving him. He was assessing what their choices were, though he just was not sure of what this one was capable of.


Seeing Velvet immediately charge forwards forced Connor to spring into action. Brandishing his katana in front of him, he sprinted forwards and tried to stick close right behind Velvet.
Mentions: Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Renny Renny

The sight of the massive goop creature caused the goop inside of Rios to stir with malicious intent. He could feel the corruptive substance attempting to wear away at him in order to transform him into yet another of the mindless goop monsters. Nearly falling to one knee and clutching at his chest. Rios felt as if the goop had formed into a set of slimy manacles that were tightening around his body. Looking on as Velvet recklessly rushed in to save the elder knight who was Elliots mentor. An angered Rios pounded at his leg in frustration at his inability to spring into action. He hated this feeling more than anything else, the feeling of powerlessness.

After watching Connor also rush to protect Velvet. Rios remembered his attempt to stand up to the Bug Queen. Aedrianna was wetting herself and Shotgun Blowjob had proven ineffective in stopping the horde. Yet again with the bear on his previous adventure. Rios felt as if he was doomed to fail at accomplishing or even beginning anything on his own. Gritting his teeth, Rios pounded on his leg again before spitting out some goop.

His body was heavy, he could feel Goddess Delilah easing her gaze away from him as well. Grasping the handles of both katana strapped to his belt. Rios drew his swords and kicked off the ground. Orange flames danced along the edge of his blades as his body seemed to drink in the very shadows themselves. At times, it could be observed his dark aura would occasionally flicker in the shape of black wings. A dance of blade amidst the rain. Rios made sure that each of his attacks was as relentless as the last.

Blade Dance Amidst Rainfall = Fast E + Fighting Style (Katana) D + Lucky E + Vorpal E + Blight F (Flame) + Area F (Shadow)
I want to cry.
  • This was awful, all so awful in the most negative way. Aniel had only known cruelty from how love evaded him and from the brief moments he remembered leading to his death. In this place, here, it seemed to be on full display without any fancy drapes to make it seem more glamorous and less... grotesque. That was the word, it was all so awfully grotesque and cruel—grody. That body was simply the raindrop splitting the boulder. His throat felt sour from then on, and now, it was hoarse.

    From the sound of metal and flesh being punctured, the clattering of armor, the man's whimper as he met the floor and then his pained yell. Aniel stopped and all his senses could focus on was the position of that thing and the sound of his own heart pounding against his chest like a wronged prisoner begging to be let of his cell of stone and metal. Then it was the... Shriek. Scream? A wretched terrible noise that could not be named with one word. His ears rang and he couldn't even tremble. Why did everything feel so loud and terrifying all of a sudden? How could everyone else be so fearless as to raise their weapons? Why would you rush toward that thing? Aniel stepped back, he held a hand over one ear and his other reached into his bag, clutching his [Catalyst]—he didn't want to fight, he loathed sweating; feeling pain; and he especially hated this entire situation. He wanted to cry, and indeed his eyes did sting as though holding back tears,

    But men did not cry and men especially do not run from a fight. A man has to be strong to protect the people he loves—but what mattered love in a life devoid of it? Oh, but what did anything matter?! Not so a while ago he had been murdered! Then birthed anew in a world not unlike the ones he found himself so fond of in the books he'd immerse himself in. Yet, nowhere in those books were there things such as THIS! He heaved a breath and pulled out his catalyst, "BECAREFUL you dandies!" As though plucking the strings of a harp, Aniel drew an arrow of coalesced mana which pulled an unseen string, "Get Raerae outta there and lets MOSEY OUT IN FRETTA!!" Aniel yelled as loudly as he could. The priest said to flee, so it was best if they didn't stick around long.

    [A1] – [The Trembling Throbs of First Love] "O immortal one, more crimson than blood and more pure than freshly fallen snow, heed me now, if ever before! Blessed diva, please oh PLEASE, I beg of you—please bequeath to me what shall obliterate this adversary to your domain..." Aniel chanted quickly as he'd let go of the arrow and like before, a sigil burst into bloom before Aniel's [Catalyst] like a million petal rose as he aimed for the thing's middle most eye on its forehead, the biggest one he could see. Sparkling petals which dispersed into glittering light trailed the arrow which flew at the monster. He had a backup plan in case he missed, or if the arrow did not much—yet he hated the idea of executing it. He put all his hope and faith into this arrow, because he really, really, REALLY, did not want to be here.

Interactions – (I'm too lazy to mention everyone, sorrry~~)​



| [Imagine a more Mediterranean Setting.] |

Current Goal(s):
- Overarching: Reach the Hospital and find the druid.
- Current: Get equipment from General Store.
- Don't Die.

[ Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread | Faynorae Faynorae | Renny Renny | Gaius Danius Griinia Gaius Danius Griinia | 1Lucker 1Lucker ]


PREPARE FOR BATTLE! Combat Rules are now in effect.

Velvet let out a roaring battle cry, being the first to charge headfirst into the Aggregate with her humble shield. She seemed confident and ready enough to clash against the vile creature before her. Such bravado, such pure-hearted pride. And soon enough, she'd feel the shield hit something... followed by the realization she could move no further. For the creature's outstretched leg kicked towards the shield with great speed, its clawed foot practically gripping against the shield's circular perimeter. However, with the vampire's impressive strength for her side, she would be able to stand her ground, albeit for a moment.

With Connor following close behind, the Aggregate's eyes soon focused upon him. It thrusted his occupied foot forth, releasing its quarry by tossing Velvet straight into him with a cackling cough. It brandished its jagged fangs at the two, before its upper eyes began locking onto the ever approaching Rios. With his blade brandished, despite the beast's attempt to dissuade his approach, he attempted to swipe his blade at the vile cyclops with a fury of bright fiery flames and deep abyssal shadows. The first few strikes would miss, as the lanky beast was incredibly quick on its feet. Its body creaking, seemingly stretching out in such an unnaturally acrobatic manner, while dodging the shadow flame swipes. Though one would get close to meeting the creature's left arm, almost striking true within a short few inches-

But in a flash the cyclops' right hand lashed out to grab onto the blade itself, stopping it from getting closer Though as black ooze began leaking from its affected hand, as well as flames catching onto its oily skin, it seemed hardly phased by its own action. If any pain swelled within him, nothing would hint at it. All three eyes now locked upon the Nephelim's, staring him down with hungry eyes and protruding its dreadful aura upon him. Still gripping the blade, it began moving it out to the side, before its left hand reached out to grab Rios' torso. Its horrid mouth opened in order to begin encapsulating his head, while the voices once again clamored within the swordsman. Starting out as a mixture of jargon and noise, a myriad of many echoing voices began chanting:


It was about here where Aniel had just readied his magical arrow, engulfed with the ingredients of love and empathy incarnate. It desired and craved for a bullseye, straight into that fiend's center ocular orb staring down at Rios. While the shadows encapsulating the two by Rios' attacks seemed to initially blend the two figures into the murky darkness, the Aggregate's eyes gleamed bright against the dark backdrop. The target was within his sights. With grace and elegant form, the arrow fired; as cherry blossom petals trailed right behind it as it streaked through the air.

Though while Aniel may have not seen in that split second, the twin eyes suddenly locked onto the arrow's position right at the very nanosecond it left its mother bow. The head lowered as a result, the arrow just missing its head as it streaked between its gnarled horns and down the dark street.

Meanwhile, in the midst of the sudden action, Elliot would soon snap out of his stupor; his eyes focusing straight to Sir Raedolf lying against the wall. He wasn't in great shape, coughing as he tried struggling to his feet in vain. Seeing the monster currently occupied, Elliot took the opportunity to get to him while the monster was occupied. Leaving right about the time the arrow was shot, he scrambled towards him as fast and as quietly as he could. Yet as he did, he saw the long segmented tail swiping towards him, just barely able to avoid getting hit as he forcibly ducked to the floor. He wasn't sure if it saw him, but seeing the arrow streaking off into the knight; he assumed it was a reaction to it.

Yet he would make it to Sir Raedolf, as he leaned to him in a panicked whisper. "Come on, Master!" he said between his teeth as he tried to pull him up, "I'm not going to leave you here to die! You're going to be OK!" The knight groaned as Elliot struggled to try and get him up, but with how heavy and clunky his armor was it was proving difficult at the least. An extra hand would help get him up faster, provided someone was able to assist...

Then again, was it wise to try within the midst of a stone-cold killer?

Velvet squealed as the creature throw her and the shield towards Connor. She could feel some of her blood automatically harden on impact but hopefully she didn't hurt Connor with that.

"Y-you okay?" She checked on Connor, at least he's not dead. She also remembered about the stuffs she's carrying and handed him one torch and two matches.

"We can try using these on it." She said as she glanced at the surrounding. She could see Elliot struggling to get the fallen knight away. Normally she would quickly try to help, but after she saw the creature's speed she realized that their best chace at saving the knight was to actually remove the monster. Otherwise they would be easily chased around with the knight's current condition.

Raising her shield once again, Velvet charged straight towards the creature. Would she be stupid to try the exact same thing even after knowing it would fail? Probably. But after seeing the creature's ability one or two plans started to form inside her head, this time she would just let the shield go if it got grabbed again. Besides, she's not alone here, she would believe at the power of friendship and trusted her allies to cover her back and do what she can't do.

"OVER HERE!!!" She yelled as she launched her gloved fist towards the creature through the side of her shield.

1) Handed some items to Connor
2) Charge forward with shield raised
3) Power Punch - Fighting Style (Natural Weapon) F, Knockback F, Athletic F - Launches a punch that knocks the target away - F rank - 0 cooldown
Connor Erland

Develius Develius Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread

Adrenaline pumping through him, Connor kept his eyes locked onto the new monster that they were facing. He did not expect how quick it would be compared to the globsters from before. Although Velvet’s shield would be able to absorb its strike, it would soon prove its strength, as the vampire was quickly thrown back straight towards him. Connor tried turning his body away, though given their distance from each other, Velvet still had a solid hit on him, sending him tumbling into the ground.

“Gah! I’m fine!”

He tried his best to get back on his feet as quickly as possible on the wet cobblestone, groaning in pain. There wasn't any time to waste in this situation. Taking the few items that Velvet handed to him, he watched her immediately go back into the fight as he frantically used the match to get the torch burning, hunched over as he tried to shield the matches from the wind and rain. All the while seeing the squire they were accompanying rush to his masters aid.

“Someone help Elliot!”

As soon as he saw a glimpse of flames starting to catch onto the end of the torch, he ran forward once again towards Velvet. This time, he instead used the torch in place of his katana, using it to strike at the monster, placing himself at the opposite side of Velvets own attack.

  • Light torch using matches
  • Move towards Velvet
  • Attack with torch

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