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Active [West Empire - Cipactli Forest] Property for my Property - Part 3: Having a Wonderful Monstrous Time


Kagemalum silently suffered from the pain of the volley of strikes that rained on him. While he managed to deflect a fraction of them, it was far from enough. His cloak was ripped to shreds. and the protective pads he called armor were rendered useless. He cursed all of them in his mind in a plethora of ways, but he had no time to waste.

He wanted to at least take a souvenir if he lived. For the Queen.

The Queen's Hidden Blade managed to focus further, masking his visibility and audibility, and dive away from the next volley of strikes. Should he be successful, he would run parallel to the woman carrying his prey. Who knew? This might actually turn out good. For him.

1 - Use Blindspot Evasion (+Hive Elite Boon) - Undetected [Sight, Hearing] E, Fast F, Sixth Sense [Danger Sense] F - Dodging an attack(s) guided by instinct, while reducing one's presence to increase the success odds - E grade - 1 post cooldown
2 - Use Fast F to catch up and run parallel to Teti and Saoirse
3 - Continue the chase

C - 2/3 x
D - 0/2 x
E - 1/1 x
F - 0/0 x

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