The horned lady started stretching her arms in front of her. "I donna care bout em hot sands. I can handle sweet summer heat like nutin." Moo walked over to the horse and stood by him. "I'll tag along dis fella, he seems likah good company. Now let's get it moving, k-mon!"
Seeing as pretty much everything was settled, Urgino instructed Titus to wait on the northern entrance of Certago. They'd get their provisions there. After fifteen or so minutes of wait, Urgino appeared. Giving them a barrel of water, a box with rations, a length of rope, and handed Kiyo a bowl with a red, thick soup and a piece of fresh bread. He saluted them as they made their way to the Durban dunes. Said place was a small desertic area that was between them and the actual village with the same name.
The ride would be pretty uneventful. Scorching sand beneath Moo's feet, hot winds circling the wagon occasionally, and the relentless sun shining above.
A few hours later
The group would smell Durban first and foremost. A terrible stench surrounded the village. "Oh yeah, it should be visible after this next dune" Titus looked like he was about to empty his stomach again, but managed to hold it in.
The quaint village's usual cozy atmosphere was nowhere to be seen. Aside from the awful stench, bloodstains, groans, and exhausted villagers sprawled on the ground or barely walking was what would strike one's attention at first. A young woman, who seemed to be waiting for something, sluggishly made her way to Titus and the group. Or at least she tried, but collapsed halfway to them "Erika!" the elder exclaimed, not having it in him to quickly rush to her. Still, he did his best to come down the wagon as quickly as he could. Which wasn't much.