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Active [West Empire - Frosheim] The Big Mountain Fight Club


Chaos Incarnate
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. Group
  2. Nation Building
  3. Off-site
This RP is closed, taking place in the northern side of the West Empire. Saoirse has been invited by the Formatta Taurus family alongside Lei receiving a same invitation, although hers much more demandingly, inviting the minotaur for an unexpected reunion along with her previous owner. Posting rounds will hopefully be 3-4 days, though might be less or more depending on circumstances.
Saoirse can be assumed to have been warned about the cold temperature beforehand, and given the chance to prepare for the situation for her and Teti.

Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.
Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet
It was midday in the West Empire when Saoirse, Teti and Lei would have begun their trip to the invitation's destination. A rather remote and isolated location nestled within a mountainous region to the north, nearer to the border of the Kingdom. With everything Lei had been stuck through, the absolute last thing she could ever possibly want to do is have to go home to her family, there was nothing for her up there where they resided. Yet, the minotaur held a foreboding sense of darkness if she were to even begin consider ignoring the invitation, grumbling and grovelling to herself why she even would. At least for the mere kindness, her invitation actually provided funding in order to help pay for her transportation likely so she doesn't give up or die along the way. Unfortunately, due to the very limited amount of transportation that would take them there, it meant she was stuck in a carriage ride with the Rabbit and the Cat.

Either way, she did her best to try to ignore and not have to speak or listen to a word to the two. She didn't even know why the cat thing had come along, or why Saoirse had chosen him to be the only slave she had brought. Couldn't be nice enough to bring Jethro or Ryuuji it appeared, she only hoped she wouldn't have to spend much time with them.

As for their trip, it wouldn't be a short one, lasting some hours and pushing from mid-day closer to the evening. That being said, during the carriage ride, Lei couldn't help things felt a whole lot colder on the way up. She was glad that she hadn't ran into any trouble due to her rather incriminating titles (that she possibly has), but the cold was starting to bother her. Having glanced out the window, she could see the snow and freezing mountains that their carriage had climbed up, she'd knew her home of Frosheim was freezing, but this felt ridiculous.

"What's up with the air up here, feels like they made it worse on purpose... " the minotaur grumbled to themselves. Obviously, Saoirse and Teti likely may not have this issue, for the letter sent to Saoirse would have conveniently warned her about the cold atmosphere and recommended that she come prepared along with whatever slaves she brought along.

The road would get a little rocky as the temperature dropped, an evident view of what looked like an entire city of stone and grey as they had approached, after a while arriving through the front gates after a lengthy check and inspection. They'd arrive, the place looked cold and drab with the colors, yet it was still quite bustling of people.
Mostly of larger, stronger, or generally mountainous dwelling races, the population was quite diverse despite being a heavily beast region near the border of a human-supremacist region. Dwarves, some giants or ogres, even elemental beings of ice or air, or just about a lot of stronger-looking people found themselves around along with the occasional merchants and traders. Lei was not interested in spending any time, but she knew that she'd just get into more annoying trouble if Saoirse or Teti caused problems.
"Don't go getting nosy around Froschala-On-High. The likes of you two don't belong here... " Lei would comment in an annoyed tone, Saoirse would recognise it as the actual city's name, as well as Teti if he was informed on the matter. Lei knew exactly where she'd find her family, although wasn't very happy about it. Though before she'd have to decide how much she cared to help, someone had already noticed their arrival and had been waiting for them.

A rather elegant woman in a thick-looking dress that appeared frozen over and covered in ice, moved over to them in an almost questionably unsettling way. It didn't look like there were legs visibly stepping, almost like the dress slithered along the floor in a sense. Ice shifted and covered her whole body, as a tall ice elemental accompanied her. The lady didn't reach Lei's height, but the elemental stood over her, a good rough 11' give-or-take.

"Ah, so it is the prophecised champion's return. And you've brought some lesser companions, I had heard that she was sending out letters to find you, but I thought the idea laughable that it couldn't possibly be true. But I suppose that's a bet I have lost, and I had come here so anticipated to not find a single inkling of you. At least, I determined your arrival a while ago" the lady spoke, of which Lei rolled her eyes.

"Yeah yeah yeah, the Ice Whisperer, you can't help but leave people alone. Dumb rabbit, dumb rat, this is the Ice Whisperer, or 'Pahi Taestrix' if her ego lets you call her anything else. She's a high-ranking noble and mage here, and serves the most annoying purpose on the city's security division. Detecting everything via controlling ice in a way-too-big radius in and around the city along with her followers... and I see you have another new pet, " Lei muttered in scoff, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. She really didn't want to be here, and now she was gonna have to be stuck making reunion with all the more people she didn't like.

The Ice Whisperer, or Pahi, laughed at Lei's response, not taking the cow seriously in the slightest.
"And I see you've grown, in all the wrong places. I'm sure your mother and father would be very disappointed to see that the Dark Daughter has become... what is it? From the looks of it, a nay-do-well, and a wild cow? Unfortunate. And the seventh prophet believed you had so much promise, it still tickles me to think that the one prophet who almost got fired was because of you" Pahi laughed to herself over the minotaur. She looked to her guardian of ice for a moment.

"Disciple Leela, you can cool yourself. Make nice to these new guests, even if they'd look like the big ring would tear them apart in an instant" Pahi answered to her guardian, the guardian nodding as a frosty mist thawed off their body as the armour of ice down to a fairy lady, with a similar blue-ish skin composition and magically-infused appearance as did Pahi.

"But yes, as degrading as becoming a tour guide to two smaller and vulnerable individuals such as yourself... as to this, domestic farm animal here, too, what brings you coming up this far in the cold? I'm aware you have received an invitation, but it completely baffles me for what reason you'd come somewhere like here, and for an animal like that. I sure hope all the hot air below hasn't gotten to you all, but I'd best recommend you keep from poking around as a stranger. The locals are friendly, but not so much to unproven folks like you, unless you were a regular here for business reasons. The fact that the Formatta Taurus family of all people is offering to see you is a surprising accomplishment. They usually don't care for naught, unless they wish to fight you, or publically denounce you. Outside of a few exceptions, they're likely the most richest and powerful in this city. It's a shame their daughter belongs in a ranch. I'm partially jealous that Warrior-Queen Taurus is making time for you, you must be some special deal alright..." Pahi introduced, continuing to add onto the demeanment of Lei as she was right there, stuck shivering in the cold as she just wanted to hurry up and growled under her breath.

As for Leela who stayed close, she'd notice Teti, finding him a rather odd-looking follower... and for someone small and weak like Saoirse. Amidst the talking, Leela would quietly and with a timid voice, introduce herself to Teti.
"U-uhm, hi there. I'm Leela, I... wanted to ask, a-are you a follower or disciple of... Miss DesRosier there? You don't look very strong, d-do you have magic too, or are in training? I... don't often get to talk to others much, outside of the Ice Whisperer's other disciples, but... they're, not really my type of person to talk to. A lot of people in this city are... a bit too rough and boisterous... " Leela would introduce to him, not wanting to interrupt any other discussion going on, but Pahi didn't seem to take care or stop the once-an-ice-guardian woman from trying to make friends.​
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Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

Saoirse had not expected the invitation she'd gotten. Thankfully, due to the invitation, she had expected the cold and was dressed up in a warm coat. Still didn't mean she liked it.

Travelling with just Teti and Lei-Cao was weird as it got. Mostly as the Cow wasn't even her slave at the moment, but a liability. Still, the invitation from Cow's family was too tempting to ignore. There was something to gain from this, perhaps more than just the Cow.

She also didn't like being put in debt by the Cow in front of her. That definitely added to her desire to go see this family and see what options there were to fix this injustice. The Cow wasn't talkative. That was good. Saoirse wasn't either. She'd just use Teti as a pillow and catch some shut-eye for most of the trip.

“I've got a scarf left.” She'd offer to the Cow. Why? She knew the Cow would get stuck in her head about whether or not to accept it and assume all sorts of mind-games at play. That was the only real reason for it. Should the Cow take it, good. Should she refuse it, also good. She'd have forced her to decide and overthink either way.

“I'm gentry in this nation. There's few places I don't belong.” She'd reply to the Cow, not eager to be spoken too like that. “Although you don't have to worry on my part. I'm not interested in more than the basics for which I was invited.” She'd confirm at least that much.

It was a bit sad that she'd sent out the others to help the Slaver's guild with a property question, whilst Melia and Jastira were checking up on the estate. It meant she had nobody to teach this woman a lesson for the 'lesser companions' remark. Not yet, at least. She'd figure out how to melt her into a puddle later.

The long introduction, a combination of insults, compliments, threats and promises, made her sigh. “I'll consider myself honoured, lady Taestrix.” She'd reply Not saying why. Not adding further context. She had no motivation to 'make nice' with this noblewoman more than this, a very basic reply. Whilst she'd not want to make enemies out of her either, her patience was already running low. “Now, if you would please excuse us. If we're not welcome here, as you say, it's best we won't linger and hurry on to meet our gracious hosts, no?”

Teti slightly regretted being the one to got with Saoirse to the cow's homeland as it was cold and he was a desert cat not a snow cat. even in the winterized maid outfit, which was okay at keeping him warm, he was cold and wondered why anyone would live in a place like this. The cow had been well herself the whole way here and Teti just never understood her, all she seemed to do was moan and groan and look down on everyone. She was only in this situation because she had no ability to think beyond a few seconds into the future it seemed. She would do so much better if she could just put on a smile and be a bit more friendly, heck just not spewing insults at literally everyone the second you saw them would likely improve her life so very much. Still she had so much pride that he doubted she ever could stop thinking anyone gave a shit about what she had to say or thought if she could.

" I don't plan on wandering a frosty waste i'll take my sun baked waste " Teti replied not planning to offer Lei anything to help her warm up, her suffering from her own pride was a fitting punishment to him. he also didn't want to stay anywhere that had somehow created Lei the culture would have to be insane and the peopel only alive because this place wasn't worth anyone taking.

Teti had by now formed the idea of Lei and her people living in a culture that was might makes right, which to him never lasted long. If the strongest lead by virtue of being strong then those who wanted to rule would always find sneaky ways to become the strongest. It was something that should collapse in a few generations when instead of might backstabbing made right. Though perhaps if they were like lei then the people were to blinded by their own egos to think of that. The people that stopped them fit the area ice, ice, and more ice really you didn't have sand people guarding stuff in the desert, well not normally.

Teti listened mostly ignoring Lei and finding, fuck they all were the funking same. Great a whole place filled with lei's they should just build a wall around this place it might even bring about world peace or something. That or direct those damned bugs up here to place no one would miss. Now it was making sense why Lei was the way she was, though not why she was to dumb to realize that no one but those from here acted this way. it was all making way to much sense, which meant the cow's parents would be just as bad if not worse than their daughter. Teti had really followed his mistress into hell. Still Teti would try to get a few points back with the lead ice lady well not her but use her to perhaps get the cow to see things.

" You would be surprised what Lei is worth doing to keep around, even if she swats away every last hand held out to her " Teti said not really expecting to do much or for Lei to get what he was saying.

The other snow person then came to him to talk and it seemed that she had never seen a maid before. " I am a maid my dear my talents lie in the domestic and the pleasurable " Teti said with [cat's meow]. " Though i am also her slave i belong to her " he then moved into to whisper " As did lei twice she even once seemingly came to blows with my lady over it and was not the winner " made sure to keep his tones hushed as he didn't want the cow to over hear, but he also wanted to spread a little chaos of his own. Lei always went on and on about chaos but was about as chaotic as a clock.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Lei glared at the rabbit's offer of a leftover scarf. Why was the rodent offering her a scarf? Was the rabbit insulting her that she couldn't handle the cold, perhaps trying to pamper the minotaur to make her become a slave once more? A disgusting proposition, a terrible waste of time that provided zero results and had her stuck with a bunch of idiots. Either way, she huffed and turned down the offer. She wasn't going to play pet-cow to some stupid rabbit any more, no matter how cold the environment was.

"You think I need or want some tiny scarf from you? I'm not that cold, and it's not like it's gonna do anything for me anyway. Honestly, your offers are just as terrible and uneffective as all of your training practices. I honestly feel sorry that Ryuuji and Jethro are gonna be so limited and useless in your possession, stuck with the likes of... this thing" the minotaur uttered, gesturing to Teti as the example of 'that' thing as she rolled her eyes and turned her gaze elsewhere. She wasn't going to accept little pity tokens from the rodent, she was way better than needing such things. Plus, the scarf didn't go well with her armour, so no thanks. Did Saoirse think she was born yesterday? You're not gonna instill fear in your opponents wearing some dainty little scarf.

"Your 'gentry' means little to these people, not unless your name was better respected here. No local business, no local meaning, nobody will care" Lei responded on the matter, she was gonna do her best to keep the rabbit in a low place. Or at least, by wanting her to feel disrespected. It made herself feel mildly better.

Teti's mention of trying to better Lei's name... obviously had very little effect on Lei's positive reception to him, even as he had literately just mentioned about her refusal for help or just about any sort of cooperation in her life.
"I don't need filthy animals like you 'holding my hand'. I'm a warrior, one none of you will ever understand, you don't understand what a real warrior is. Your pitiful example is that dainty pink princess, what's her name, Moronia? The only thing I remember was giving her arm a good pull" Lei answered back in defense, even though she had been defended by someone who had zero reason to, and just putting up her metaphorical walls anyway. She was too stubborn to change her world-view, rather focusing on insulting and butting heads with Saoirse and Teti rather than... literately anything else more helpful or productive.

Leela would've had a blush on her face for Teti to see after his rather attention-grabbing purr of a greeting, though the rather ice-cold blue of her face made it... rather unapparent to see any sort of thing. That, and her face didn't appear to change much expression-wise.
"A maid? For... Miss Desrosier here, and you've come to a place like this? I don't understand... maids usually stay in their master's home doing chores and work. And, you do... the pleasurable? Does your master, o-or maybe the other slaves you are with, they appreciate your company that much?" Leela asked softly to Teti, her eyes widening just the teensy slightest bit in what must've been some sort of surprise to the mention of it.
"That's so cool, I wish I could be like that. Y-your master and friends appreciating you, and being able to spend time with them all despite... the whole, slave thing, you must be really good at what you do... " she murmured a little, a bit taken aback that a mere maid could be on such good terms with their owner of all people. Must've been a really good maid, especially one whose willing to come out to a frozen hell-hole, of which she mentioned.
"You must also be... very willing and strong, to come out somewhere like this. I wish i was a little more like you, " Leela softly commented, though she'd soon enough mutter a quiet giggle at Teti's mention of Saoirse having bested Lei in combat.
"I wonder if it was real, or she let her guard down because Miss Desrosier is... well, a small and cute fluffy beastkin" Leela whispered softly, not wanting to get on bad terms with the visiting Slave-Owner or anything and just trying to keep it between the two of them.

Pahi Taestrix was having a bit too much enjoyment with using up the newcomers' time, often there was nothing of interest in the slightest to observe in the local area when it was all usually the same people or people that weren't intriguing at all. Nobody really ever came up to this place.
"Ah yes, pardon for distracting your time, I'm sure you likely have important things to discuss... of which, I'm assuming it involves this lost farm animal primarily, for I'd be unsure why else they were invited" Lady Taestrix commented as she side-eyed the cow, who snuffed back at her.
"I'm not a farm animal, " she'd briefly mention, though the Ice Witch just scoffed and turned her attention back.

"Very well, traversing the whole city to get there would take tremendously long, I've arrived to help accelerate that process. Here, please step through this portal, and you'll be right where you need to be... " Lady Taestrix answered, although it felt like she was stifling a bit of a laugh and smirk as she did. Flexing her hands, particles and flakes of ice and snow appeared to emanate and circle around the area as they formed to a large circular shape, creating a portal amidst the spinning circle of hail. The destination would be clearly visible, the portal was tall enough for the likes of Lei to walk through just fine after all. Even taller in fact.
Though rather than some shabby shack, or cow-barn, or such, Saoirse and Teti would be greeted with the sight of a rather beautiful snow-adorned mansion with glistening gold lights illuminating the windows, and what oddly felt like a difference in environment from the city below. It was in fact among that which sat at the highest point in the city. The air felt quite pleasantly warmer despite the still snowing air, and the sky was visibly way less cloudly and gloomy. It honestly seemed a bit like they portalled somewhere else entirely from where they showed up, but it was indeed the same city.
"Here you are, proceed right ahead. Do remember that you are a nobody as a recommendation, primarily because people knowing about getting special invitation from the Formatta Taurus family might bring you quite a lot of annoyance. And as head of security, even more annoyance for me. So don't" Taestrix answered, a flat-fallen expression on her face when she seriously insisted that trouble not be caused. Though likely as they were seeing the destination through the large portal, or travelling through it, a clearly noticeable large and thick runed collar would be evidently tossed out from what felt like blatantly nowhere. It'd pretty easily hit Lei-Cao directly on the neck, and immediately attach itself with no problem.

"What is this- " the minotaur would immediately question as she'd reach to pull at the neck restraint only for its' dark-purplish runes to make a sudden pulse, and dark-purple restraints born of magic would immediately materialise and tighten around the minotaur. Around her legs and ankles, tying her legs tucked in to her body, her wrists together and arms to her back, pretty cleanly all around her, all the way up to a magic-made gag in her mouth. Before she could even react in the slightest, she was tied up like a caught wild animal, growling and squirming to struggle as her suffering clearly wasn't over. A vibrant pulse flowed through the restraints, and all armour and her weapons on her person appeared to fade into a translucent purple state as they simply phased through her and fell onto the floor with a loud clank, leaving her reduced to her under-rags and cloth in the freezing cold, all quaintly tied up like a nice christmas present too. The minotaur struggled with complete frustration, rendered to a completely vulnerable and harmless shivering beast in a mere instance. Clearly, their guard and reaction was terrible, that and their criminal status (of likely earned [Vandal]) would make their place rather easy to be targetted by such.

Then, the culprit of such an act would make their appearance known, having somehow hid their stature as they became present in the portal-way and walked through, slightly towards the minotaur, as they eyed Saoirse and Teti. Lei was big, but this lady was a lot bigger.
"So, this little cow finally returns back home. Could've wrote, but you were always a bit daft. You two, Lady Saoirse Desrosier and company I'd assume, I believe are here to see me. Come, it's likely freezing for you both out here. It's a lot warmer inside, and I've organised any food, supplies or amenities you might need after your trip here. We have some things to discuss, and because I wish to rid myself of some annoyances... thank you for your spare time, Ice Whisperer. I really wanted to see how that Catching Collar from the Artificer eggheads in R&D. Apparently it works on dairy cows, although they're a bit stupid to miss, so it don't mean much. Got bored of waiting, so was gonna meet you half-way... " the larger minotaur had spoken in a rather low, rumbling yet quite soft-spoken voice to Taestrix. Otherwise, she looked to Saoirse and Teti.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

As expected, the Cow overthought it and then turned it as a reason to start insulting her. “As you wish.” She'd state. That was it. She figured not giving the cow further acknowledgment in her mooing was the best option for now.

The bit about respect was annoying. “Good to know.” She'd apparently have to earn her stripes all over again. Well, assuming they were slightly more sensible than the Cow, it would work. Hopefully.

Only the bit about Melia got to her. “She tried saving you, you know.” That was all she wanted to remind the Cow off. Should Saoirse get the Cow back, she might allow Melia to figure out how she'd want the Cow to make up for it. That'd be a thought for later, however, as she had other business to take care off.

Suppressing a desire to groan and sigh at the ice lady, Taestricx, Saoirse instead just nodded. “I do, yes.” Glad the 'important business' would give her a reason not to have to listen to this frozen-up flagpole much longer.

Only a little hesitant, she'd soon pass through the portal. It was highly surprising. It looked way, way nicer than Saoirse expected. Honestly, some of the things the ice lady had been saying were already odd, but she'd mostly written them off. Now it seemed like things were falling in place. The Cow really was, undeniable so, from a rich and influential family? “How odd...” She muttered.

“I'll ensure I won't be a nobody for long.” She'd reply, which seemed the easiest way to politely tell the guard to 'thank you for the warning now fuck off' and all that.

The next part, however, was rather impressive. “Oh my~” Saoirse added. Looking highly pleased by the show. “We should get ourselves some of these as well.” She'd point out to Teti.

Walking around the Cow, she could see how great of a job had been done. “Right, come to think of it, we should take that, in case we won't get her back.” She'd point out the armour and clothing the Minotaur had dropped. Some of them had become hers when the Cow as enslaved, some of it she bought. All of it was technically not even Lei-Cao's.

That said, the one who'd tossed it in was surely someone to look up too. Literally. Bloody hell, just how big did you want to be? Saoirse thought it was a tad overkill at this rate. Even so, figuring she was meeting a local noble, or at least some rich and influential, she'd be on her best behaviour.

The fact that said lady spoke with far, FAR, more sense than Lei-Cao made it a whole lot easier as well. “You are correct. Lady Formatta Taurus, I presume? Thank you for your offer of hospitality. I'd gladly accept.” She'd ask, then give a bit of a bow. It didn't hurt to double-check and to be polite. “The Catching Collar is a most brilliant innovation. I'm glad to have seen it in action.”

" Everyone but two love me, though only the mistress gets night services. " teti purred with a smirk this ice woman was much easier to deal with than the cow or the other which saosrie was being rather curt with. " As for strong, hmm no not really I was a dancer before I became a maid. I am however loyal and loyalty nor built on fear let's even the weak go into danger with ease " also they didn't expect any issues this should be in and out no issues no danger. " Also don't judge strength and skill by looks, a smile is as dangerous a weapon as a sharpened blade " that was a bit of advice he lived by if you smiled no one knew what ypu were thinking, they over and under estimated you.

Traveling through the portal what greater them was a rather large mannor,for someone born from wealth Lei really acted worse than the poorest thug. Still it was at least somewhat expected. Why Lei would leave this place was,well not a mystery he would leave if his family treated the same way as it seemed everyone here treated others.

They had barely stepped through the portal when something attached itself to Lei. It was a collar that not only bound itself to her neck but bound her limbs and also took off anything that wasn't the rags below her armor. That was one hell of a safety device. The one that used the color on Lei was none other than the cow's mom. Yep teti was seeing why the cow turned out the way she did.

Teti could just stay quiet but well family treating each other this way bugged him. Yeah his family had sold him to someone he wouldn't like, but that was for a greater good. They were a community and every family worked for the greater whole, even who did what was decided by that. Still family treated each other better than this. The insults were deserved the strip show not so much.

Teti bowed as his mistress did andhe waiteda moment " If I might be so bold " teti gestured to the bound Lei " She might have acquired a less than ideal title, but perhaps the collar is a bit much. Problem child she might be, but she is still family. So the wayward daughter has returned,perhaps she at least deserves to remained clothed in more than rags " Tetu spoke adding [Persuasion F] to his words while keeping his smile up.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.

Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Yes. Of course. Become lost with all sense in the world. Get reinvited back to your home where nobody likes you. Get tied up like a wild animal with not a single layer in the freezing cold. That's of course how Lei's life was going right now, it surely couldn't have gone any other way. Growling softly, she didn't care for 'whether Melia was trying to save her' or what, Lei did what she did because the stupid knight deserved it. She didn't want- no, she didn't need saving from some annoying, useless failure-of-a-knight princess that'd never be anything of a real warrior. Trying to use her strength to move, apparently the magical restraints proved way too strong to contest.

Upon said objects dropping, Saoirse and Teti would both likely notice a rather conspicuous dark box among the items that had clearly never been given to her by Saoirse, nor had been seen or talked about during her time as a slave, whether she had hid it the whole time or recently come into claim of it. An evident, faint aura of dark magics clearly twisted around the edges and rims of it, closed by what appeared an easy and insecure bronzed latch.

With the possessions of Lei dropping off her, the minotaur in gold waved her hand in dismissal at the fallen objects.
"Nobody allowed on this land'll care much, don't want this one wearing none of that ridiculous 'evil chaosy' nonsense when it's only gonna land them in more trouble that'll become either mine or someone else's problem. You can grab it when you're done, or I'll come getta servant or two to go pick it up for you" the minotaur answered, her ear twitching at the ask of her name.

"The one and only," she'd briefly add.

It was a little clear that Lady Taestrix was ready to take her silent leave now that she'd done the simple task of teleporting them to the top of Froschala-On-High, gesturing a hand to her follower as she was still speaking with Teti.
"Everyone but two? T-that still seems like a lot, I'm sure things feel a lot easier and comfortable for you if people like and trust being around you. T-though I'm not really sure about 'night services', you must probably mean a lot to Miss Desrosier if she'd allow your company in the late evenings over others" she mentioned, fidgeting a little with her hands. Though she hesitated when Teti mentioned about not judging strength, nodding profusely.
"Y-yes, I understand, I just- w-wasn't what I meant by that, s-sorry, I was thinking if someone attacked- i-if you'd be safe enough, but I understand... " Leela mumbled softly, though she'd soon enough hear the tapping of Lady Taestrix's... foot? It wasn't really noticeable, but she was clearly trying to get Leela's attention.

"O-oh, right, sorry!" Leela would quickly stammer, turning her attention back to Teti for a moment.
"It's um, been nice meeting you, even briefly, I don't get to meet people a lot. Um, have fun, maybe I'll see you? I d-don't know, it was nice!" Leela would nervously mumble out, eventually giving a small wave to the maid and scooting away in order to catch up to Lady Taestrix, who was ready to close the portal and leave to her own business.

Meanwhile, Lei was entirely annoyed by any word Saoirse or Teti said, fed up this was the kind of thing she was stuck dealing with, she didn't care for Teti's words. Such fake niceties weren't going to get anywhere with her by this point.

Lady Taurus nodded at the mention of the collar by the rabbit.
"Ah yes, but a shame. If they work this well, those eggheads'll never wanna share, anyone'd leap at the chance to abuse something as useful like that in the colosseum. At least my presence can convince them to hand over some to test out, although using it on this one isn't much benefit to tell me how good they are outside of cattle... " the large woman uttered, though her attention was diverted by the mention of Teti suggesting that she ease up on Lei, which made her rather calm expression steel up a little at the sound of such. Huffing through her nose as she looked down at the cat-maid, she took a step closer to Lei during so.

"You're very lucky that you're a guest. I do not take kind to being told what to do, especially from those like you. You are invited into my home, you do not question how I live, and how I do things. Depending on whether you find it lucky or not, your master's word is the only thing keeping me from doing the same to you. Such are the reasons I demanded more than one, don't tempt me little kitty~" Lady Taurus firmly stated, her comment born of a mild annoyance drifted her gaze to Saoirse for a moment, as if to silently question if she really let her slaves go around doing such on the regular. Though at the end of her statement, it sounded like she wouldn't have minded punishing one of Saoirse's naughty slaves, clearly doing such to Lei brought her a rather smug enjoyment after all, the maid was just setting himself up to catch her attention by having the gall to speak back to her. Walking over to Lei however, she'd ignore any of the things on the floor as she rather nonchalantly gripped onto the bound cow with one hand, and hoisted her up to carry her bundled victory under her arm. Then, she'd lean down and offer a hand (or rather, arm) to Saoirse and Teti if they were interested.

"I don't want this to be any longer than it has to be, so lets get inside to discuss details. I will spare you the aching legs. Every stair and piece of furniture isn't exactly sized for you both, and having to walk slower just for those smaller than me is such an annoyance" Taurus would mention. Despite her position of nobility, it seemed clear she was capably willing to give the rabbit and the cat an all-expenses-paid ride within the strength of her muscular arm to personally escort them inside. Though her also choosing to have Teti with her did propose a question into her mind.

"That being said, I do have to ask. Why did you find yourself coming into possession of my daughter? And truly, how young must you be? I do not mean to offend by stature or such, but I question if you've still got some to learn about being in charge from how I see it. Not sure how the Desrosier family does things, but I'd suppose your lineage is missing a few... key things, to make sure that you get all the obedience and benefit out of your... what would you prefer calling these? Slaves? Pets? Toys? Your employees? Guess what you call them mostly depends on what use you find out of them" she'd ask,​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

“Hmmm... I don't recall giving her that.” Saoirse would state, as she'd pick up the dark box to see if she could open it and check what was even in it.

As for what their host said, she would nod. “Having a servant come and get it would be much appreciated.”

Hearing the collars weren't going to be for sale anytime soon was a bit saddening. “That is a shame. I'd have definitely considered purchasing multiple of them, were it possible.”

She grimaced a bit at Teti being a bit too forwards towards their host. As expected, the Minotaur didn't take too well to it. “Please, forgive my maid.” She'd apologise on his behalf. “Although I believe the concern was mostly due to the fact that, should Lei-Cao somehow end up being my property again, she'd be much more useful without frostbite damage.” She'd try justify things.

The next proposal took her off guard. A lot. Yet she was too [Prideful] to accept such an offer. Not if it wasn't a slave she'd commanded. “As interesting as that proposal might be, I can get around on my own.” Being able to Jump (F) should help out.

Ooohhhh boy. To explain a noblewoman why you'd enslaved her daughter. That was the part Saoirse was definitely NOT looking forwards to. “We met her during a mission the See. She mad a fool of herself. We found her nearly starving along the road a while after. Then another of my properties managed to beat her in a duel and I had her sign a contract.” That about summed it up. Sort-off.

The next question was a bit personal. “I'm closing up to thirty, if you must know.” She'd scoff a bit at the next suggestion. “Members of my family each have their own methods. I have mine, they have theirs.”

Her tone got a tad sharper. “If it depends on what I want out of them, then you should call them my projects. I wish to develop them and make them flourish.” She'd state. “Which is also why my methods differ so much. Obedience is nice and useful, but many of the more crude methods to obtain it break their ability to flourish.”

It was funny that Leela didn't quite get what teti meant by night time services. Still given what this place was like he was not surprised such things were far from their minds. Might makes right and education was likely frowned on, the strong just made the smart work on anything more complex than boiling water likely. The more this place was explained the more he understood just why Lei acted the way she did. If only the old cow could have just said what she wanted and let them leave, but nope she had something to say despite not wanting to talk. Teti would nod his head to Leela as she left likely the only normal person here, it was sad she was stuck here isn't of literally anywhere else.

The old cow responded and Teti didn't drop his smile, honestly he didn't expect her to actually listen and well he had tried. Still if anything it might have shown Lei that someone was still trying to help her even when her family was being her family. Teti didn't expect her to say thank you or change, her family showed how she had been trained to act. As the old cow picked up lei she offered to carry them, and yeah he wasn't going to ride with her, he might not have any speed enhancements, but even if he didn't he might not just to annoy her. Still he didn't quiet want to to push her to far by pointing out she could save oh so much time if she just said what she wanted to now and let them leave.

" i would but i would hate to weigh you down and my mistress is already walking " Teti said his smile never fading not showing any of his true feelings.

Saoirse spoke of how she had gotten Lei to sign the contract the first time, and he was not surprised she was 0 and 2 to the lady and her slaves but still acted like she was the strongest. Which made Teti wonder how the fuck this place worked if the product of it was Lei and if might made right and her might was lacking she still didn't fall in line. This place seemed to be run on might is might but fuck everyone that isn't you you are the strongest so don't obey anyone. If Lei could speak he was sure she would be moaning and groaning about her strength and how her mom had to cheat. The old cow's views on slaves and how to make them obey was likely as generic as her all consuming pride and value on strength. she also apparently didn't know the difference between a suggestion and talking back, she must be lovely to work with if she would go after anyone that even asked questions. her could see it now, her making some stupid mistake that would get everyone killed, then someone pointing it out only for her to kill them, then getting mad as to why no one told her the plan was bad. For now Teti remained quiet for now with how the old cow acted everyone but her existed to be seen and not heard, also to die long before she ever took to the field as he suspected despite her bravado she was not the kind to mindlessly charge, but wait and let everyone but her die first then retreat and blame everyone else. Like mother like daughter after all.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Lei was... hm, just checking in, yep, still wrapped up like an early christmas present. Or late, depending on if you're a half-full or half-empty kinda person. Still making grumbly noises of frustration, she wouldn't have been able to witness Saoirse pick up the dark box from where she was faced. It was a little warm to the touch, though fine, as she'd find the latch completely easy to open. This was the moment Lei would hear the box open, a soft squeak to its' metal hinges that made her ears twitch and try to look if the box really opened, frustrated that yet another would have managed before her.

As for its' contents, she'd see a whole strange lot of what appeared to be concoction ingredients. Powders, mineral samples, strange liquids, even chalks and brushes and a handful of written notes in some strange, fiery ink that looked more like an engraved magical rune, the text flowing with a crimson look that visibly appeared like streams of lava. If she tried to reach inside to inspect any of them, Saoirse would begin to feel a considerable, dangerous-feeling heat resonating from the direct inside that felt like it'd only become worse if she tried to truly put her hand in. The contents didn't appear to move much at all, like they had all been stuck in place by physical or magical means, remaining to a standstill even if the box was tipped upside-down. Unless she had better analysis of such potential things, there was one clear thing; The notes that rested visible, and their text, was evidently written in some weird... somewhat shifting text that couldn't be read. Maybe they'd need to translate it, or figure out who could read it, or such. Though with continued staring, some things would look like visible words albeit obscured. Ocassional appearances of things like 'forge', 'chaos', 'wield' and... it was probably a questionable moment for how long it lasted, but Saoirse would likely be unsure if one of the words that the shifting text stated was actually 'milk', but with the constant moving, it was too hard to tell what any of it was or if it was a trick on the eyes. All the words that were readable for brief moments appeared on the same note, it was a complete gibberish mystery what any of the others said.

Lady Taurus nodded at Saoirse's request to have it gathered.
"It shall be done, " she answered, moving on to the matter of the collar.
"Quality doesn't come around often, but I've got things to discuss. Entertain my asks and maybe you won't be so empty-handed with them, I'm sure getting this one around's enough of a hassle anyway. You and slavemasters, I'm sure with unruly ones like Lei here, you wouldn't mind saving costs or troubles by shipping them as an item rather than a pet or person. Seems very cost efficient, if a little taxing on the allowed weight load... considering this one's apparently put on more than a few in cholesterol. Yet, still no fur, smooth as a baby's bottom, and this tiny muzzle? You'd think she was an overgrown human" Lady Taurus commented on Lei, having given her a look over. Clearly leaving Frosheim to go do her own thing wasn't that successful or productive, living in the lands below the mountains really turned her into a disappointing cow rather than the minotaur champion she could've been. Of which, she'd further address when Saoirse covered for Teti.

"She could do with the frostbite, it'd force her fur to grow in. Whatever she's been doing out there has stunted her growth more than anything, I'd say I know quite much about what to do. It's all that softness down below the mountains, she's obviously doing nothing and not being challenged by anything, that she's got no thick skin. Metaphorically, and literately. If all that fat isn't keeping her warm, what's she been training or doing on her own? If she listened to me just once, she might be on her way to becoming something. I've already got the success to prove it, what does this one have?" Lady Taurus would add on to mention, not seeing a thing wrong with what she said or mentioned.

The matter that both of them turned it down, she rolled her eyes a little.
"Alright, be my guest" she'd answer quietly, carrying Lei with her like a package as she chose to let the two manage to make their own way. Though to Teti, she'd shake her head.
"I can carry this, and still have strength for ten more easily. You are nothing to me, little cat" she'd answer, considering she could carry Lei just fine, it wasn't like the matter of weight would've been an issue. That being said, she supposed she'd just let them endure it themselves. Starting to walk towards the front doors of the mansion, she wouldn't exactly opt to slow down much as she took her normal steps... which was bigger strides than what Saoirse and Teti would likely normally walk. Any steps along the way were very tall in comparison, Teti likely having to find himself taking a real big step up or climbing onto it, while to Saoirse said obstacle proved to be... perhaps a bit taller than them.

"Sounds about right, but signing a contract? Having her do something, what, as a lost bet or something? That'd never happen" Lady Taurus lightly shook her head, not believing in the reasoning of Saoirse as some part of it sounded a bit too silly. Lei was stupid, but stupid enough to willingly sign up as a slave? That felt unrealistic.

"Thirty? Well it is hard to tell for a beastkin like you, could've sworn you'd be a lot younger but I guess you have that blessing of eternal youth... " she'd answer softly under her breath.

That being said, travelling up to the front doors, she'd place both her hands firmly against it. A clear visible magical effect against her hands, accompanied by the sounds of a brief wom before she shoved the door open, a slow open as she glanced back.
"Please, don't tread frost on the floor or carpets. The servants here do enough work keeping everything clean" she'd utter.
From the looks of it, Lady Taurus' extravagant armour should've been a clue on what to expect. A lot of shiny, bright colour. Vibrant golds and eye-catching appearance everywhere. Compared to the icy exterior outside, this felt like a home for royalty nestled somewhere in paradise - minus the watermark - but the watermark isn't canon to the scene so it's ok. Most notably, despite the large scale of everything, there were a couple of servants and such moving about, giving their brief respect and bowing to Lady Taurus when her presence was made. Though the most notable part, was that none of them really seemed to be giant, or minotaurs, or others on her scale. Oh, and of course, it was very warm and toasty inside. No more frostbite.
"This is my place, leave any clothes or stuff you don't want to carry... anywhere, it doesn't matter, someone'll get it for you and there's no dirt or nuthin'" she'd ever so elegantly put as her tour introduction, rather briefly just stopping there after gesturing her hand to the interior.

"I have a room picked out upstairs for this meeting. While we're going, what do you both expect to even attain out of this, or potentially in general? Surely you do not come without some motivation in mind. Plus, I've got a surplus for more than I could ask for, as you could see, can't think a day where someone hasn't aspired for something I have" Lady Taurus asked of both Saoirse and Teti, still carrying Lei as she pointed to two servants.

"You two. Go get the stuff outside, keep it aside for our guests" Lady Taurus ordered rather simply, the two of them nodding as they began walking for the door to head outside. The minotaur hadn't the desire to take time explaining things for what it appeared.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

Saoirse was surprised upon opening the chest. “<What even is this. Some sort of face-painting set? Painting supplies? Beginner's alchemy kit?>” She asked aloud, upon checking the odd contents of this box. The weird heat resonating from it definitely made them intriguing. “<Oh...>” She'd utter. “<Magic... Something to inscribe runes with, perhaps...>” She'd guess. “<Forge... chaos... wield.... what... milk?>” She'd mumble, as she tried reading the bits of texts. “<How odd.>” She'd have to ask the cow where she got it, at some point, whenever the Cow wasn't gagged. Although she'd probably just be met with a whole lot of cursing instead.

As for the collars, she'd nod. A chance to obtain them was valuable indeed. “<That sounds like a worthwhile exchange.>” Answering a few questions in exchange for such a good magical item? The steal of the century. “<I've come to learn shipping them as pets might be more feasible. I once saw the competition have them shipped as items and they ended up cut off from oxygen for too long. The costs of resurrecting them and the near impossibility to motivate them again wasn't worth the savings.>” She had to disagree on that point.

“<Perhaps.>” She'd reply with regards to Lei-Cao's looks. “<Although I do see potential.>” She'd counter. “<Beneath all that does lie the build of an actual minotaur, so long as she trains out of being the cow she is right now.>” In the end, Saoirse did have faith in the theoretical possibility. Whether it'd ever be obtained in practice was another question. One that she couldn't answer all that easily.

The next bit, Saoirse could answer in part. “<She's been underfed. Her eating habits were horrible, eating what little she could get her hands on and probably poisoning herself by eating random plants and berries more than once. You should've seen her before I took her in and fed her well. She was even scrawnier and smaller.>” That said... “<Sadly enough, you're right. A lot of that food also went to fat, rather than muscle. I've been insufficient in getting her to stick to a tighter training routine.>” She'd grit her teeth. That was Saoirse's own shortcoming.

Oddly enough, Saoirse could instantly relate with the struggle of raising a Cow unwilling to listen. “<We have that in common. If she'd have listened to my attempts to train her, she'd have been a far more worthy minotaur already. Yet the moment I look away, she slacks off. Any victory made against her, she denies. It's such a waste, as the rare times she did take advice to heart, you could see a near instant improvement.>”

She'd jump and hop along with the minotaur as they aided for the house. With her Jumping (F), she could keep up with the minotaur easily enough. Perks of being a rabbit.

“<She did sign the contract.>” Saoirse would repeat. “<We found her along the road after the events in the See. She ranted a lot about chaos, about being a mighty warrior, then tried insulting me, but ended up crying in the end.>” She sighed. That'd been embarrassing. “<She duelled with one of my properties, Melia. The latter broke her mace in a duel, after which she gave in. I offered to train her into a warrior if she'd sign herself away to me. That's when she signed on. I had to deal with a butcher that she'd belonged too and another merchant, a certain miss Kahatrina TuZaica, in order to settle some of the debts and trouble she'd gotten into as well.>” Saoirse sighed. “<Sadly enough, since then, she's been a real struggle to train. So much difficult to access potential.>” Perhaps that'd explain enough context to make it believable.

As for the age, she'd chuckle. “<Close to thirty.>” She'd correct. “We've got good genes in the family. Perhaps a result of my father tampering with some magic to stay young and spreading some of that in the family tree.>” Upon the question to keep the frost out, she'd hold up her feet so that Teti could clean off the snow from them before entering. Should the maid not pay attention to his duties, she would remind him with a “<Teti.>” To get his attention. Although she hoped such a thing wouldn't be needed. It was always better to abstain from angering your hosts, after all, just as much as it was better for a maid to see to their mistress' needs before needing to be called out for it.

“<You've got a pleasantly regal taste, madam.>” Saoirse would state, looking around. This was the type of fancy place she'd want to herself as well. Or perhaps a few of these, starting with the Sienna Estate. As instructed, she'd put some weapons (Whip, Bow) and her extra layers of clothing (Armour, Winter Coat) down near the entrance. I'd be rude to go around another's house fully armed and it was warm enough here. She'd keep her dagger on her though, as that one was a lot less visible.

“<Well, as it happened, Lei-Cao has ended up being freed from the contract due to... circumstances. Yet apparently she's somehow managed to keep buying things and footing me the bill, causing a fair bit of debt that will need to be resolved. Somehow. To add injury to insult, she also damaged Melia, making her a fair bit of a [Vandal]. I'd like to get these matters sorted.>” Those were two main reasons. “<Although I haven't fully given up on attempting to train her. Being able to make something out of her would surely convince everyone of my methods.>” That was another reason. An important one at that.

Finally. “<Although, in general, I should assure some more luxury for my current properties. Our last outing has been rather unpleasant. I believe a little more relaxation or enjoyment for the Sienna Estate would go a long way in keeping the motivating in the long run. If you'd have any tips or resources to share in that regard, I'd be more than willing to discuss them.>”

Teti would stick close to Saosire if only because mama cow was likely colder than the ice people, though not by much. This whole place sucked and he had no clue how such a community lasted or came together without just killing each other. Whatever they should be done soon enough. he was not exactly super interred in the box the cow had carried, who knew what it might contain and whatever it might be he was pretty sure it was nothing important to him. he heard his lady talking about what it could all be and he cared even less, the cow could never do anything that required more than 2 brain cells, and was to proud to ever think she could improve her looks. though judging or guessing by her mother Lei would have to glue a carpet on to be considered good looking here. Teti of course would have quite a few snarky remarks in his head to what ever saosire had to say about Lei namely about training out of being a cow, yeah first thing she needed to train was her damned personality, then her body. her of course would not say anything as he was still somewhat trying to get past Lei's guard. if she could get it through her head that if she wasn't so annoying she would actually get the respect she so desperately craved. in truth it felt like everyone here craved validation of their strength talking down to others and about your strength was a very insecure.

When they got to the manor Teti didn't need the prompting as he did watch Saosire and when she expected him to he move din and crushed the snow off her feet. It was just like dusting the sand off someone's feet back home. Sand though wasn't cold and didn't melt when touched for a few moments. he would also get the snow off his own shoes as well despite in truth washing to anger mama cow, though he needed to not be direct.

inside it seemed that mam cow thought they both wanted things, how funny to think a servant would only follow someone to this place because they thought they would get something out of this. Teti if anything only wanted to boost his standing, he had quite a way to go before he could perhaps knock Ryuji off the first place spot. Still it would be rather crass to say i want brownie points so he would have to think of something. He would need to use this chance to annoy mam cow while still being honest in his answer. He did get an idea one that fit just right. " What i seek here is something that can't be demanded, bought, or requested only freely given, if i were to name it then i could not receive it " Teti said with his smile as mam cow had asked for something form both of them. He wanted something that mama cow could never give, no strength of arms, nor ocean of gold could get it. There was only one in this room that could freely give it and she was tightly bound and to wrapped up in her own desire for it to ever give it to another.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Ah yes, being toted around like luggage, such was the life of poor minotaur Lei who was forced to be in the presence of three people she very much hated. Growling under her breath and occasionally trying to jerk and shake herself out of her restraints, if at least out of Lady Taurus' hold, it wouldn't prove any success at all except causing the one carrying her some mild annoyance.
Lady Taurus had noticed Saoirse's shift to beastial, not thinking much but raising an eyebrow at the choice for a moment. Needless to say, she held no care or reason to 'adjust', deciding she'd rather make a point out of it by sticking to the same Common she'd been using the whole time.
"I'd stay there's still technically a minotaur under there, but I doubt if she even cares in doing her lives' sake any justice at this point. It's not that hard to put in a little effort, but she truly avoids any chance she gets. As for training or regiment, perhaps you'd best try be a bit more forceful on that. Though perhaps we best discuss things once I've managed to put this one down somewhere" she answered, gesturing to the Lei under her arm, as she started heading towards the stairway. That being said, her ear would twitch at the sound of a mentioned name, thinking on it rather than the rest of the story.
"Now you're sounding about right, although as much as I disagree with her capability, I'd have imagined she were still good enough to contend or best an average warrior in an equal duel. She's got my heritage after all, I'd have imagined it would've been a walk in the park if she were to take something seriously for once. Maybe you'll just hafta find something she'll fight for that isn't her own ego... though I'm sure trying to train her in an environment she doesn't like is gonna do the opposite, what with being a mood and all" she'd still mention and answer anyway about it.

"Hm, TuZaica, stand-out name, feel like I've heard it recently but I can't entirely place where. Ah, this is all getting enough for me, I've been listening to politics and business and trade deals for a week-long without break, can't seem to put a face on a name when put to it... " Lady Taurus grumbled, holding her face in her hand as she grovelled and fell a little frustrated over the thoughts in her mind. Huffing a soft yet exhausted sigh, waiting for a moment on the stairs as Saoirse and Teti had cleared snow and frost off their feet as to please their host.
"Hope those genes stay with you then, make enjoyment out of the gifts you're given, and be proud of the ones you've earned" she answered softly over Saoirse's natural looks, though after the telling of how Lei became a [Vandal], Taurus kept her hand to her head.

On the appreciation of the decoration, Lady Taurus just kind of shrugged.
"It just came that way albeit for a few preferred color and preferencial details, it was pretty for the first three days. Then you just kind of ignore it. Unless you're showing off for guests, don't live in glamour, it just ruins it for you when it starts becoming normal. Regulate the bar so it's noticeable when it's surpassed... " Lady Taurus commented softly, not thinking much of the overeccentric richness of her own home having been residing in it for long enough.

"Sorry, I've been getting'a whole lotta headache from how much I've been listening to over the past however-much. Business deals with other nobles who can't help but desperately try to brownose you for your appreciation, and monster-shrieks directly in the earhole adds up. What I'd need is a break, but with the lot else goin' on and how boring it is to sit around in luxury doin' not a thing, I can't stand it. I have some... eh, medicinal remedy, lying around, pretty sure I left some for myself in the room I set out. Lets get there fast so I ain't having to drag this one around, and I can get my mind on straight" Lady Taurus grumbled, heading up the stairs as she listened to the suggested interests of them both. Saoirse's was a lot more straight-forward and obvious, Teti's being a lot more strangely cryptic. At least, it would be, if not for the fact Lady Taurus had possessed enough servants to at least have a few possess the 'same desires' of wanted respect.

"Yeah, I know exactly what you mean, as likely happy as it'll make you, it's a disappointingly shallow goal. Even if you reach it, you'll find nothing has changed. If you're gonna have a dream, have something near-impossible. Yah don't want to be ridiculous to know something you'll never do in a thousand lifetimes, but something so high that you're willing to follow it without giving up. Most of the time, chasing your dream is the good part of it, once you get there, you'll find yourself lost at what you're supposed to do after. That and, considering your circumstances, unless your goal has a wider-spread objective than just what I'm imagining, you'd have your work cut out for you. But, if you want what I believe you want, you're gonna have to go through the difficulty of the latter. That's my recommendation, but run your own risks if you don't believe me" Lady Taurus answered to Teti, allowing him to keep his secrecy if he wished, but she'd been in proximity with enough of her own servants to see exactly what he was referring to from miles away. She was at the top of the food chain in Frosheim anyway, anyone would be flocking around for her attention and respect.

As for Saoirse, Lady Taurus quietly scoffed.
"That's the easy part. If we get this over with just fine, hopefully I'll be sending you off on your way with a packaged cow for you, and a refurbishment and-or renovation crew for whatever you might be needin', that being said, come up" Lady Taurus would ask, gesturing to the two as she waited for them upstairs. Not that far down the hall, she'd open a pair of doors to reveal a rather golden-dimmed room with the light shining through the windows.
"There's a bedroom in that door there," Taurus would briefly state, pointing to another pair of double doors in the eccentric room they'd just entered.
"There's a lot of rooms in this house that just never get used anyway. Figured that considering you came all the way up here, might as well provide a place to stay the night as to not trouble you. Could've sworn I'd organised some things, maybe they'd got the wrong room or are waiting on my word... " she'd speak, gesturing them to come in and take a seat. Teti and Saoirse would likely notice all the furniture was much bigger than designed for them. Made it inconvenient to get on, but there was a lot of space. There was also clearly a large curtain on one wall drawn to obstruct whatever was behind it, none of the other windows had their curtains closed.

"Decided we might as well do it here. Can I get either of you anything? It's no difficulty, I've got enough people at my whim standin' around that I can tell to do what I want... " she'd offer, moving to a rather luxurious armchair with a slight minty green colouration and golden accents. Then, she'd notice a jar of something on the floor next to it.

"Ah, that's what I've been looking for, at least I got that here" she'd hum softly, picking it up. On inspection, it looked like a jar of vibrantly green round-headed lollipops, although there were faint white specks adorned upon and within them if one looked close. They were sized appropriately for minotaurs however, rather than normal-sized lollipops you'd find in a candy shop. Lady Taurus would open the jar, pulling one and putting it in her mouth as she placed down Lei, still left as a tied up package.

"Dash behtur... mhm, now then... " she'd grumble, taking another and grabbing at the magical restraints that gagged Lei.

"I'VE BEEN SILENCED FOR LIKE AN HOUR, DO YOU HAVE ANY RIGHT F-" Lei immediately yelled out of frustration, though Lady Taurus had quickly winced at the loud yelling hitting her ear and shoved one of the lollipops in her mouth and holding the girl's chin clamped shut so she couldn't open her mouth.

"Shh, take your medicine" Lady Taurus grumbled with a slight annoyance, finding that despite Lei's twist of her heads and angered noises of frustration, the bound minotaur would seem to slowly calm herself down as her head lowered, the angered expression on her face mellowing as she muttered a quiet yet soft grumble.

"Good, now then" Lady Taurus smiled softly, giving a light headpat on the bound and silenced Lei, who wasn't making an outburst to say anything despite her mouth had been long-let go of and was no longer muted, silenced by simply the gifted blessing of a green lollipop.

"Really helps the mind, now then, I'm sure there's a lot but lets start with basics; anything I can get you? Food, drink? Better change of clothes? And the other first thing, repaying off the [Vandal] damages of this one. I can assume with your interests, there's an easy way to do that, and I've got more wealth than ever from this city. You would not believe the profit revenue from the underground division of this place- then again I'd wager a good 95% of Frosheim lives down there. But anyway, what'd you have in mind for luxuries to give to your little friends, unless you were leaving that for me? And second, how much am I payin' you solely to take this trouble off my hands?" she'd ask as she gestured to Lei.​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

Teti being a good maid and wiping her feet was an extra plus. He didn't just enter hell with her, he even kept doing his duties there. Good kitty. His reason for being here was a bit odd. Clearly 'being a good slave' was all the reason, no? Being cryptic didn't suit the situation, but she decided to ignore it.

Her attempt to switch to a more appropriate language didn't seem to be appreciated. Guess it was back to common. She should stop using it by default, but having had non-beastial speaking slaves she'd gotten too much in the habit of it.

“Even more force? It'd be a challenge, but I can try.” She could come up with some things. Or some people to ask for advice.

“Something she cares for that's not her own ego..? I only know her to care about her ego and this sense of Chaos or something.” She'd click her tongue, thinking. “She doesn't even have pride. Melia did beat her fair and square, yet she fails to recognise it. Even I managed to beat her... though I'll admit that was a closer call.” She didn't think the cow mom would believe it, but it was true and she would sound (Persuasion C) rather convincing.

“I haven't met TuZaica since, so I can't say much more on her.” She'd admit.

She'd chuckle on regards to the genes. “I will.” With the fountain of youth being in question... “... do both of those things.” She'd add. Stopping herself from ageing would be vital for her goals. Enjoy the genes, earn something even better.

The Big Cow's ideals on lifestyle were best ignored.

“Medical remedy..?” The Cow Mom, Big Cow... Yeah, it was starting to become more and more difficult not to think of her as that. She was no Lei, but bloody hell did she have a lot of odd things about her. Either way, the Big Cow was throwing Saoirse off. If that was the goal, it was well succeeded.

Then the Big Cow suddenly spoke words of wisdom. “Well said.” She'd admit, a tad surprised. The achievement of one's goals. High enough to be difficult. Low enough to be possible. “Not a bad mind-set. Although pushing your goals further each time you achieve them can also work.”

Hopping up the stairs was admittedly annoying. Yet she got there. Talk about getting a work-out though. Being invited into the big Cow's bedroom was... odd. Definitely odd.

On the topic of getting anything. “Tea might be nice.” She'd ask. She was still a bit cold from how freezing it'd been outside. Tea should warm her up more.

Upon seeing the effect of the cow, the smaller one, being fed a lollipop, it was pretty clear what they were taking. Drugs. Cows on drugs. Great. That said, it seemed to calm Lei-Cao down. A lot.

That also solved another issue. The furniture here was annoyingly large. Lei-Cao was also large, but less annoyingly so. That and she'd already made for a great couch prior. So Saoirse knew she'd do so again. She also doubted the Big Cow would mind it. As such, Saoirse would hop atop Lei-Cao to take a seat.

“Just the tea.” She'd repeat her earlier request. “Paying for the bills she's somehow wrecked up in my name, despite not being in my ownership at the time, would be a great start. The [Vandal] part she can work off herself if she'd back in my employ. The only thing I'd want is stuff like that collar and whatever is in that 'medicine' of yours. As well as some knowledge on her. Things I could use to have a better shot at actually training her. As for the gifts to my projects, I would be somewhat interested in seeing what you'd come up with. So long as it'd allow me to reward them for their good work recently, it should work out well enough.”

Mama cow had seemingly understood his words, but not his goal. To be respected was not his goal or at least it was not a goal that could be gotten here. there was only a little respect from one person that could be gained and that was his goal. It was shallow because it was no dream, just a desire to make his life easier by getting Lei to calm the fuck down about everything. that was the respect he wanted the respect that Lei knew she could let her guard down, to know that she was strong, but that she didn't need to whine and moan and groan about literally everything at every moment.

" You asked what i expected to get out of this, you have my answer i was not speaking of a dream , but merely something that is coinvent " Teti replied keeping his smile up and his tone polite. If anything he did want to prove in a way he was not that easy to read he had only answered what he wanted in the short term in the long term that was still a question to all. Teti was wanting to keep such things close to his chest no need to say to much when there was nothing to say and nothing the person before them could give him that would help. " Though i can't say i truly expect to get that here after it seems even you have not gotten it " He teased if respect from Lei was his goal here then not even her mother had attend that goal.

The drugging of her daughter only made Teti dislike mam cow more, he did not exactly like the culture of this family and that the mother found drugs to be the way to control her daughter explained quite a bit. Teti did wonder if Lei would open up a bit knowing they knew about her life now, well given how she acted no she was almost incapable of change. She couldn't respect anyone but someone bigger then her, no she couldn't even do that, all likely out of a need to prove herself. She would forever have walls up and never prove anything to anyone given no one liked someone that acted like the people here outside of this place. Who the heck even traded with this place? why did this place even trade? They seemed like the kind that would just go raiding to get riches.

Mama cow really did like to drag things out for someone that claimed to want things done fast, she would take them deeper and deeper showing more and more. Was she trying to impress them? it would make sense that she was trying to boast with her things given that was about how this place seemed to operate. You had to boast and puff your chest out constantly for fake respect. Respect was a mix of fear and love and these people could not likely love one another without it being deemed weak.

Teti did wonder if his mistress was paying attention to things, when she asked for the collar and drugs to help train Lei. They hadn't worked and Lei did not like her mother she would not like that Saoirse was using things from someone she hated. You could lead a horse to water but you couldn't make it drink. Teti was pretty sure that if his mistress tried these things Lei would just put up more walls. Though Lei pout up walls no matter what, really if they got rid of her tongue then most of the issues would be solved no whining if you couldn't talk. Still couldn't exactly tell his mistress that he thought she was barking up the wrong tree with using the same tactics that mam cow would use. Really Teti did wonder if it was better to just let lei go there didn't seem to be a way to get to her. Sympathy was weakness, kindness weakness, and she could not admit anything was stronger than her even though a bunny had beat her. Having to bind and drug her was not a solution, but what was? Lei couldn't seem to understand she was the cause of all her problems in the end, she could blame the world, but in the the world only was reacting to her. there was no helping the cow till she finally realized she needed help. They would likely be stuck with the complaining cow until Saoirse gave up on her, Teti did wonder what Lei would really feel knowing everyone had simply given up on her that she wasn't worth trying to help much like her mother had. Teti would stand near his mistress not taking anything mostly thinking what could be done.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.



Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Despite Lei's calmed composure, she still wasn't happy about the position she found herself in or having to be present. Feeling the small and light weight of the rabbit take unpermitted seating on her, she'd be unable to compete against her confines but quietly grumble anout it, her tail flicking towards the rabbit beastkin, as the small restrained shifts of her arms likely gave clue that she wasn't happy about it.

Lady Taurus pondered for a brief moment, not exactly seeing the cohesiveness in Saoirse's words. Tapping her hoof in thought, the error at question came to her as she raised an eyebrow.
"Now, I've long given up in trying to help Lei since she sure won't listen to me, and while I think she's a lowest lows in utilising her capabilities, I fail to see what you mean by having no pride. To me, it sounds like you're confusing pride with subservience... " Lady Taurus answered softly, humming for a moment as she glanced between the rabbit and cat, pressing the tips of her fingers together as she proposed a continuation.

"Personally, and I don't like encouraging that her unproductive way of life is how she should be living, if she didn't hold pride in that moment, I wouldn't have imagined she would've agreed to be a slave, it feels like to me she would've just ran off or such. Besides, you and others consider that she just continually fails and is useless, but I haven't ever seen anyone else who has failed so much and still possesses the pride and confidence to get up and keep moving. To me, I don't think it's all about getting it right, or winning the fight. It's about whether or not you lose, and if you do lose, it's about if you're strong enough to pick yourself up. You've not truly lost until you've given up, I would know, K remember the hours this little cattle would spend trying to fight me out of anger. She couldn't ever land a hit that I didn't intentionally let her, nor could she counter any time I pushed her away or over, but that girl never did learn how to quit when she was determined" she'd answer with a small hum, a laugh muttered under her breath as she considered such past memories. Oh, Lei was such a spunky and energetic calf, compared to her calm and collected sister.

That being said, she nodded at TuZaica's name
"Ah, I remember now. She was in town a while ago, she too showed interest in our kept-on-a-low grand Colosseum plans, of which is something I also want to discuss" she briefly mentioned, moving on for the moment.

On the mention of goals, she had turned her attention to Teti, his cockiness was starting to push the boundary of what she'd find acceptable as her smile faltered into a mild glare.
"If it's a goal, then it's a dream. You intend to try accomplish it because you want it, you don't need to try make that fancy sounding" Lady Taurus muttered in response, though it was the mention of her not having something that really pushed her disapproval into annoyance at Teti's speaking.
"I have everything I could want and need, if I don't have it then I didn't need it or want it, you best not tell me what I possess, you vile pet, before the next thing I possess be your carved skins or taxidermied existence, as a reminder and threat to those who push the line" she'd answer, huffing through her nose as her hands clasped together, a light crack of knuckles as she didn't take kindly to Teti's words.

"Keep your pet silent with its' idiocy, or I'll silence it myself. I do not understand why you'd allow such a poor excuse of a court jester to speak and act freely, unless it is simply poor control over your property" Lady Taurus uttered to Saoirse, she didn't even invite Teti as a guest to begin with, so she considered his very life on thin ice. It was also pushing a bad example for Saoirse, to have been unable to work with Lei and the next example of a slave was a Teti speaking out of line, she was beginning to doubt the credibility of the Desrosier name.

Though despite her frustration, she sighed and held her hand to her face.
"Apologies, but such acts sicken me, you do not understand how many I listen to each day who believe they can talk back to me just because I'm some public figure who has to present some perfect image. But do keep quiet about such uninformed comments, I'm only 119, I'm barely over a fourth of my lifespan and I've done everything I want to. Even built an entire society from scratch, success is a curse in itself. I couldn't ever do so, not now, but what I would give as a younger minotaur to be owned on the chain of someone that appreciated my gtowing talents rather than... " Lady Taurus hesitated for a moment, before shrugging her shoulders.

"Well, a rich woman with the power to kill dragons, mighty beasts and creations with naught but my bare hands, sitting on the throne of my own personal empire. It sounds like a dream, but when you have nothing left to do, it's a nightmare. Now I'm orchestrating the building of a new colosseum and resort out of boredom. " The big minotaur answered as she clicked her fingers twice, a loud snapping sound from her large fingers as shortly after, a male human butler pushing an eccentrically ornate and golden accented trolley arrived with tea.

"See what I mean? People just waiting to serve me or have my attention. I didn't even know that'd happen, I just snapped my fingers for no reason" Lady Taurus pointed out about the arrived butler, who was already pouring fresh, hot tea for the rabbit beastkin.

"For you, dear guest Miss Desrosier" he had spoken in a soft tone, gently offering a teacup and saucer hot with the contents of what smelled like some unique regional brew. Something floral-scented, with the slightest spice that tickled the nose, a dark black in colour with the odd hint of a blue-ish hue. The same butler looked to Teti and poured another, offering to him if he wished to take it.
"Would you want one too, dear plus-one of Miss Desrosier?".

Lady Taurus heard about the repayment, signing Lei in Saoirse's employ, all obvious without much to say on.
"Repayment is simple, I'll send that to your home of stay along with renovations, we can handle the signing right now today to get it out of the way. As for the rest, I can imagine some ideas on what to install, bathhouses, tranquillity chambers, saunas, private gym, gamerooms, maybe even garden-space or animal-space, I'm sure there's something nice. Outside of, well if you weren't planning to, getting your little slaves their own rooms or living spaces. I'm sure they'd simply enjoy having their own free space or privacy for what they want, that and I'd guess giving them more free will in a living space while you're not using them will help them bond and self-improve, what with them being able to get along in a casual setting rather than under constant 24/7 presence of a master that their lives revolve around" she said, moving on.

"I could possibly part with such things although... " she'd hesitate for a moment at the medicinal content.
"I'm not exactly sure if I should be giving this to you. It's not exactly... safe, in the slightest, for anyone below a minotaur, it's like giving horse tranquiliser to a mouse. And continued use will build an immunity to it. I  could, but I'd hate for word of such dealings to be spread around" Lady Taurus answered, looking to them in hopes they understood it clearly, otherwise she wouldn't be very happy about it.

"That being said, about training Lei. I'd first wager she probably doesn't like anyone around her, so trying to force her to be friends with others isn't helping. That, and I'd assume your favouritism towards your other slaves, and any shared harshness against her, is just giving a full reason for her to not get along. I'd also wager she doesn't wish to accept her losses because she hasn't gotten one of her own yet. If you can't hold a discussion with her to begin with, then I don't expect you're gonna get anywhere. Maybe you're just not understanding your timing, or you're missing out on something obvious. Are you convinced there truly isn't someone she doesn't hate, at least mildly? That's a possible good starting point. Or having a personal one-on-one to talk it over like adults whilst all your other property and her competition are out of the way... I'm also not sure how you're contracting your slaves but... well, I hate to suggest it, but if she won't quiet about it, you could attempt to form a contract via dark forces of Chaos themselves rather than by yourself or blessing of another God. I really don't condone such conjuring of corrupt ancient evils, but the works of chaos may be an answer to working with... well, chaos. With chaos in herself, I'd also imagine the binding of chaos may possess some  other benefits that other contracts might not normally allow".​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

The Big Cow's reply made Saoirse ponder. She had a very Aristotelian idea of pride. Yet Aristotle wasn't even known in this world. Their definition of it was probably a lot different. “Pride, to me, is a virtue that makes one capable of developing one's other virtues and of achieving greatness. The fact that she's too easily content and doesn't seem to learn from her mistakes shows me she had no pride in that regard.”

She sighed upon the Big Cow's further explanation. “To me, it sounds like you're mistaking pride for stubbornness. She's stubborn enough to continue, sure, but if she just repeats the same mistakes, there's no pride in it. I'll have to figure out how to learn from them.”

“A Colosseum?” That certainly brought back memories of a past life. “I've got some mixed feelings on it, assuming it's similar to what I'm familiar with.”

Saoirse had no clue why Teti was trying to push the Big Cow's buttons, but whatever results he wanted from it seemed out of reach when the Big Cow snapped at him. “You're heard our gracious host.” She'd warn Teti. The most annoying part was that she'd have to justify herself as well now. Saying he was 'in training' wouldn't do. “It seems he was trying to allude to some grander philosophical goals, where none such talk might have been suitable.” That was hopefully the best in-between explanation she could grant the situation.

The next bits stated were... very... very particular. If that's what Teti managed to draw out, he'd actually succeeded more than expected. “So, you're lacking challenge, then?” How odd. “Having obtained all that, you still haven't found a way to flourish...” She'd ask, pondering for a moment. “Perhaps a situation that can be remedied, but it'd need some careful planning... Your colosseum would allow you to try find or even train worthy enough opponents to challenge yourself as a warrior. Was that the intention?” She'd ask.

As for the Old Cow's age, it didn't surprise her too much. Some odd genes or magical tempering could easily pull off stunts like that. There was, however, a daring idea that came to mind. “Whilst I cannot aid you in becoming a younger minotaur owned on someone's chain, I could at least help you gain an impression of what it'd be like.” She'd offer. Even if it'd be play-pretend, the opportunity to train such a more willing minotaur of such a scale and to forge some favourable terms through it wasn't one to be easily discarded.

She'd sip some tea, curious about the odd scents and colours. Meanwhile, she'd listen more to the Big Cow. She'd nod to most suggestions, as they seemed good enough ideas. As for the medicine, she'd clarify. “There's a particular slave of mine that I think would enjoy them, who'd be resistant enough to it.” She was, as she'd thought about Diego the moment she'd saw those drugs. “I'd not consider its usage on non-property, for the mentioned safety-concern.” She'd hope to ease some worry with that.

She'd listen on the suggestions about training Lei. Hopefully she could learn from where the Big Cow had failed. Learning from another's mistakes to avoid repeating them... That was the hope, at least. Most of what Cow Mom said made it pretty clear why she'd failed. Saoirse had tried a fair few of those things and kept most of them in mind. They all seemed like they'd just be pandering to bad behaviour. Only the Chaos talk stood out. “The fact you mentioned it, despite not condoning it, leads me to believe that you do believe the result might be worthwhile enough to make an exception... which in turn has me rather curious.” She pondered some more. “Legally speaking, I do abide by the law. Yet seeing how we're dealing with a [Vandal] against my properties, using such a non-standard way of forming a contract wouldn't exactly be illegal... Needlessly to say, I'd do my best to develop her and make her flourish in turn.” Saoirse had been successfully intrigued by the idea of using 'Chaos' contracts.

Teti kept his smile up through mana cows threats, he won. He had shown she didn't know what he was talking about and that she couldn't even think of what it might be. Her threats and insults were her lashing out in embarrassment and pride. All she seemed to have was pride, anger, and strength it seemed. Like mother like daughter it seemed. That saosire had to apologize was a bit annoying all because mama cow couldn't tell what respect he wanted. That it wasn't something she had. That she couldn't get it seemed to anger her.

Teti took the tea never losing his smile despite slowly getting bored of this. If this cow was more than talk there was still plenty left to do. She had a village,not a kingdom, not an empire, not God hood, in that way she lacked ambition. She had set her sights and could not go further. Not long ago the war would have been a true test of strength yet she had been here. Teti sipped his tea just hoping that the two would get the paperwork done.
Cast and Goals

Saoirse Desrosiers Elvario Elvario - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus Femboy Femboy - Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
Teti Karcen Karcen - Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet

Lei was still quite forced to complacently sit bound and listen to the entire conversation, growing quite annoyed by the sound that she wasn't being treated anything more than trade product and a bargaining chip. Grumbling quietly, she rocked herself abruptly. Not enough to throw off the small rabbit beastkin, but enough to make them notice that their chosen [Furniture] wasn't exactly the most stablest when it came to balance. Or more rather, the most obedient piece of [Furniture] in the room. Huffing quietly, it felt pretty apparent Lei was entirely sick of her restraints once more, and wanted freeing. This room was filled with idiots, none of them ever did or will respect her as an equal person anyway. There was no reason she should be forced to be here.

Lady Taurus waved off the butler, letting him take his leave after he had done his work. Nodding at Saoirse's view though finding disagreement at a point.
"Having the pride to keep getting up and going is indeed pride, but I never considered that it isn't stupid. Every time she finally did wear down and it'd be another 24 hours before she tried again, that's where I'd have imagined she thought it over. Then it was the exact same thing again. There is pride in there, there's just an awful lot of stupid too. If she wasn't entirely content in her position, I wouldn't have imagined she considered there any benefit signing to be your slave to begin with" Lady Taurus answered, leaving it shortly at that as she moved on to the matter of a colosseum.

She didn't bring much attention to Teti or Saoirse's chiding, especially since the feline maid appeared to remain silent after such. Even if he held a smile that read smug, it didn't exactly give any sort of proud aura.
"It's not that good of a look to have your slaves step out of line, then feel cocky and confident about hiding behind you as an escape measure. I do see your capability, but the company I've seen so far isn't making it easy. Next time, you should probably bring one of your better slaves, or to any meetings for that matter. A recommendation from me: Serving followers can easily set a bigger impression than their actual master. Considering who you actually bring along to such things should be a priority concern" Lady Taurus mentioned, as had been her gathered opinion on the catmaid that Saoirse kept in her possession. If the likes of Lei was among those slaves too, then she didn't have very high hopes for the kinds of beings Saoirse was trying to flourish as her gilded property.

Though, she snuffed and raised an eyebrow at the mention of something specific.
"I haven't flourished? I think you're misunderstanding. I've earned and trained to where I am. Though, I've gotten so high upon my throne, it is others that need to flourish in order to compare to me. The rest, I suppose you're quite right. It'd be interesting to see how much attention of the world's more impressive talents I can attract to one place. Maybe people'll learn some new tricks they couldn't find anywhere else. And, I'll get the chance to face a worthy opponent. If it wasn't obvious, there's no places for fighting or anything of the sort in Froschala-On-High. So, somewhere more public and show-off will do a whole lot better" Lady Taurus stood up as she walked over to the large closed curtains. Swinging them open, Saoirse and Teti would have a clear view of the colosseum in construction that laid lower in elevation to the mansion.


Otherwise, she stepped back to sit in her seat, but not before noticing Lei's mouth had looked suspiciously empty, the sound of her spitting it out.
"Gross, don't do that on my carpet. Should've remembered to get the real tranquil dosage..." Lady Taurus huffed, restraining the urge to slap the cattle atop her head, Lei huffing back in retort.
"Oh who cares, now let me leave. I don't want to be here, and I have no interest in any of you. Froschala-on-High is the worst part of the city anyway, you don't need more stupid excuses to try and convince people to come up here" Lei answered in retort, Lady Taurus just shaking her head and sitting back down.

"You, shush. It's the likes of attitudes like yours why you're banished outside of Froschala. On-High is the lowest you're gonna go if you think you have right to step around here acting like that" Lady Taurus answered in response, having shook her head at Saoirse's offer.
"Unless you could impress me with your 'taste of an experience', consider me uninterested. I doubt that there's something you could offer that could get me feeling adrenaline and life, that the thrill of dueling combat I could find myself would likely easily surpass. But then again, if you'd really want to prove it, I will give you the opportunity to test me. I would like to be surprised if you could, but others have tried to do the same to no avail" Lady Taurus asked, with a slight temptatious grin. She didn't expect that Saoirse was able to back up her words what with the evidence she'd seen so far, but maybe it could prove otherwise.

As for the matter of contracting with chaos, Lei shook her head.
"No contracts, I'm not being your pawn. Let me go, I have no interest in being here" Lei uttered, though Lady Taurus ignored it.
"I don't encourage it, but if you're really looking to make it work. Besides, if you can make it work, or you've got other interesting slaves that you might want to prove aren't some harmless pets, I've got an interesting offer" Lady Taurus hummed, with a small smirk.

"When the construction's done, and the first big tournament is hosted, I duly invite you to throw Lei and any other worthy participants of yours into the tournament. I or others wouldn't be able to deny your talent if you publicly showcased it so well? I'm sure that since it's also a resort, you can find work or business to show off the talents of your others too. Besides, it'll prove a chance to make some friends from out of country. For an owner of slaves, there truly must be some borders that aren't very nice to your ways. Making a public name might attract you some special candidates with a desire to flourish from across the continent~. Then, it won't cost you a single coin, you'll have your free range of exotic choices, outside of those present at the colosseum that'll be witness to your proven capabilities. I'll sign a contract to repay issues by handing over Lei, paying for work on your estate, and I'll throw in a gift basket of course containing a few things that have caught your interest. And, I'd ask that you agree to this one-time opportunity~, what've you got to lose?" Lady Taurus hummed in offer, leaning forward in her seat. Though, she looked over to Lei for a moment, pondering for a moment.

"So, how done-in are you from your treatment?" she'd ask, moving to lean in and prod Lei's cheek to see how much she'd actually taken of the medicinal candy.
"S-shut up... " she grumbled quietly. A small, childish pout on her face as her tail lightly swayed, though she turned her head away.
"Well, she's not mouthing off, that's a good sign, though maybe with a little work, you'll be more tolerant to listening and answering after you take your meds".​
Saoirse Desrosiers

Mentions: Femboy Femboy | Teti Karcen Karcen

Saoirse's seating was a bit wobbly, but for now, she didn't let it discourage her. She felt confident enough to get off of it quickly if needed.

The topic of pride was brought up again soon enough. Yet it seemed they still weren't entirely on the same page about what 'pride' meant, so she just left it be. Teti had already challenged and angered their host enough.

On the topic of that, being called out for her slave's behaviour was definitely not fun. “I enjoy the process of making my property flourish enough to take on even cases like Lei, but I can assure you that I have multiple of them that are already competent, willing and capable. Most of them are currently on a mission for the guild, the remaining ones are taking care of business in my estate. As for Teti, I agree that there are certain things my maid has yet to learn, but others that are already most satisfactory.” She'd leave it at that.

She shook her head. “You haven't flourished, not as I understand it. You've achieved much, but it seems like none of it is what you were made to excel in. Either you're made for even bigger, grander goals, or you became great at things that don't align with your nature well enough.” That was what Saoirse firmly believed. “I respect your achievements, but you yourself mentioned how you find this situation lacking. It means there must be more for you to train, obtain... or otherwise achieve.”

Looking out the window, she'd acknowledge the coliseum being build. “Seems promising.”

As for the lady's challenge, she chuckled. “I'd love to take you up on that, but I must indeed admit I'd need some preparation. I'd hate to disappointed. There were already a fair few plans going through her head. Yet they'd need some time and preparation to be well-executed.

She could, however, give a little bit a preview. Hopping off of Lei, she'd instead (Jump F) parkour her way up onto the Lady's shoulder. On there, she'd place both hands onto her cheek as she would whisper. “I would love to see how much of a good girl such a big and lovely lady could be for me. I'd hate for someone so lovely to never have such an experience.” (Persuasion C).

Having said her say, she'd make her way back down again.

Onto more serious business, she'd nod. “So long as they'd come out without unfixable damage, it sounds like a great opportunity.” It was probably to good to be true, but so long as nothing got signed, she'd be able to figure out what and how to deal with it. “We'd need to iron out some details later, but I'm most definetly interested.”

Saoirse would also look at Lei. “For someone that kept going on and on about Chaos, I'm surprised you're not interested in a Chaos Contract. Wouldn't this be ideal for you?” Saoirse sighed. “Now how do we make you strong enough to eventually beat everyone in that coliseum. We've both got something to prove there, you know. Besides, if it's a contract vouched for by Chaos, wouldn't it be all the more beneficial for you?” Saoirse had no idea how that worked exactly, but she trusted her capabilities well enough to ensure it wasn't. Not that the Cow needed to know that.

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