Chaos Incarnate
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This RP is closed, taking place in the northern side of the West Empire. Saoirse has been invited by the Formatta Taurus family alongside Lei receiving a same invitation, although hers much more demandingly, inviting the minotaur for an unexpected reunion along with her previous owner. Posting rounds will hopefully be 3-4 days, though might be less or more depending on circumstances.
Saoirse can be assumed to have been warned about the cold temperature beforehand, and given the chance to prepare for the situation for her and Teti.
Cast and Goals
Saoirse Desrosiers
- Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. Get [Well-fare] asset for Complex Asset.
Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus
- Visit the Formatta Taurus family as per invitation. (Hopefully) rid of [Vandal] title, upgrade [Champion of Chaos] title grade. Open the Chaos box.
- Assist Saoirse, be a good maid.


Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet
It was midday in the West Empire when Saoirse, Teti and Lei would have begun their trip to the invitation's destination. A rather remote and isolated location nestled within a mountainous region to the north, nearer to the border of the Kingdom. With everything Lei had been stuck through, the absolute last thing she could ever possibly want to do is have to go home to her family, there was nothing for her up there where they resided. Yet, the minotaur held a foreboding sense of darkness if she were to even begin consider ignoring the invitation, grumbling and grovelling to herself why she even would. At least for the mere kindness, her invitation actually provided funding in order to help pay for her transportation likely so she doesn't give up or die along the way. Unfortunately, due to the very limited amount of transportation that would take them there, it meant she was stuck in a carriage ride with the Rabbit and the Cat.
Either way, she did her best to try to ignore and not have to speak or listen to a word to the two. She didn't even know why the cat thing had come along, or why Saoirse had chosen him to be the only slave she had brought. Couldn't be nice enough to bring Jethro or Ryuuji it appeared, she only hoped she wouldn't have to spend much time with them.
As for their trip, it wouldn't be a short one, lasting some hours and pushing from mid-day closer to the evening. That being said, during the carriage ride, Lei couldn't help things felt a whole lot colder on the way up. She was glad that she hadn't ran into any trouble due to her rather incriminating titles (that she possibly has), but the cold was starting to bother her. Having glanced out the window, she could see the snow and freezing mountains that their carriage had climbed up, she'd knew her home of Frosheim was freezing, but this felt ridiculous.
"What's up with the air up here, feels like they made it worse on purpose... " the minotaur grumbled to themselves. Obviously, Saoirse and Teti likely may not have this issue, for the letter sent to Saoirse would have conveniently warned her about the cold atmosphere and recommended that she come prepared along with whatever slaves she brought along.
The road would get a little rocky as the temperature dropped, an evident view of what looked like an entire city of stone and grey as they had approached, after a while arriving through the front gates after a lengthy check and inspection. They'd arrive, the place looked cold and drab with the colors, yet it was still quite bustling of people.

Mostly of larger, stronger, or generally mountainous dwelling races, the population was quite diverse despite being a heavily beast region near the border of a human-supremacist region. Dwarves, some giants or ogres, even elemental beings of ice or air, or just about a lot of stronger-looking people found themselves around along with the occasional merchants and traders. Lei was not interested in spending any time, but she knew that she'd just get into more annoying trouble if Saoirse or Teti caused problems.
"Don't go getting nosy around Froschala-On-High. The likes of you two don't belong here... " Lei would comment in an annoyed tone, Saoirse would recognise it as the actual city's name, as well as Teti if he was informed on the matter. Lei knew exactly where she'd find her family, although wasn't very happy about it. Though before she'd have to decide how much she cared to help, someone had already noticed their arrival and had been waiting for them.

A rather elegant woman in a thick-looking dress that appeared frozen over and covered in ice, moved over to them in an almost questionably unsettling way. It didn't look like there were legs visibly stepping, almost like the dress slithered along the floor in a sense. Ice shifted and covered her whole body, as a tall ice elemental accompanied her. The lady didn't reach Lei's height, but the elemental stood over her, a good rough 11' give-or-take.
"Ah, so it is the prophecised champion's return. And you've brought some lesser companions, I had heard that she was sending out letters to find you, but I thought the idea laughable that it couldn't possibly be true. But I suppose that's a bet I have lost, and I had come here so anticipated to not find a single inkling of you. At least, I determined your arrival a while ago" the lady spoke, of which Lei rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah yeah, the Ice Whisperer, you can't help but leave people alone. Dumb rabbit, dumb rat, this is the Ice Whisperer, or 'Pahi Taestrix' if her ego lets you call her anything else. She's a high-ranking noble and mage here, and serves the most annoying purpose on the city's security division. Detecting everything via controlling ice in a way-too-big radius in and around the city along with her followers... and I see you have another new pet, " Lei muttered in scoff, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. She really didn't want to be here, and now she was gonna have to be stuck making reunion with all the more people she didn't like.
The Ice Whisperer, or Pahi, laughed at Lei's response, not taking the cow seriously in the slightest.
"And I see you've grown, in all the wrong places. I'm sure your mother and father would be very disappointed to see that the Dark Daughter has become... what is it? From the looks of it, a nay-do-well, and a wild cow? Unfortunate. And the seventh prophet believed you had so much promise, it still tickles me to think that the one prophet who almost got fired was because of you" Pahi laughed to herself over the minotaur. She looked to her guardian of ice for a moment.
"Disciple Leela, you can cool yourself. Make nice to these new guests, even if they'd look like the big ring would tear them apart in an instant" Pahi answered to her guardian, the guardian nodding as a frosty mist thawed off their body as the armour of ice down to a fairy lady, with a similar blue-ish skin composition and magically-infused appearance as did Pahi.

"But yes, as degrading as becoming a tour guide to two smaller and vulnerable individuals such as yourself... as to this, domestic farm animal here, too, what brings you coming up this far in the cold? I'm aware you have received an invitation, but it completely baffles me for what reason you'd come somewhere like here, and for an animal like that. I sure hope all the hot air below hasn't gotten to you all, but I'd best recommend you keep from poking around as a stranger. The locals are friendly, but not so much to unproven folks like you, unless you were a regular here for business reasons. The fact that the Formatta Taurus family of all people is offering to see you is a surprising accomplishment. They usually don't care for naught, unless they wish to fight you, or publically denounce you. Outside of a few exceptions, they're likely the most richest and powerful in this city. It's a shame their daughter belongs in a ranch. I'm partially jealous that Warrior-Queen Taurus is making time for you, you must be some special deal alright..." Pahi introduced, continuing to add onto the demeanment of Lei as she was right there, stuck shivering in the cold as she just wanted to hurry up and growled under her breath.
As for Leela who stayed close, she'd notice Teti, finding him a rather odd-looking follower... and for someone small and weak like Saoirse. Amidst the talking, Leela would quietly and with a timid voice, introduce herself to Teti.
"U-uhm, hi there. I'm Leela, I... wanted to ask, a-are you a follower or disciple of... Miss DesRosier there? You don't look very strong, d-do you have magic too, or are in training? I... don't often get to talk to others much, outside of the Ice Whisperer's other disciples, but... they're, not really my type of person to talk to. A lot of people in this city are... a bit too rough and boisterous... " Leela would introduce to him, not wanting to interrupt any other discussion going on, but Pahi didn't seem to take care or stop the once-an-ice-guardian woman from trying to make friends.
Saoirse can be assumed to have been warned about the cold temperature beforehand, and given the chance to prepare for the situation for her and Teti.
Cast and Goals
Saoirse Desrosiers

Lei-Cao Cattlemaricanica Sedimentarius Formatta Taurus



Equipped Titles: Beast, Minotaur, (Former?) Property of Saoirse Desrosier, Cow, Lazy Dairy, Mouthy, (Vandal?)
Point Booster: Attentive Student (C)
Character Sheet
It was midday in the West Empire when Saoirse, Teti and Lei would have begun their trip to the invitation's destination. A rather remote and isolated location nestled within a mountainous region to the north, nearer to the border of the Kingdom. With everything Lei had been stuck through, the absolute last thing she could ever possibly want to do is have to go home to her family, there was nothing for her up there where they resided. Yet, the minotaur held a foreboding sense of darkness if she were to even begin consider ignoring the invitation, grumbling and grovelling to herself why she even would. At least for the mere kindness, her invitation actually provided funding in order to help pay for her transportation likely so she doesn't give up or die along the way. Unfortunately, due to the very limited amount of transportation that would take them there, it meant she was stuck in a carriage ride with the Rabbit and the Cat.
Either way, she did her best to try to ignore and not have to speak or listen to a word to the two. She didn't even know why the cat thing had come along, or why Saoirse had chosen him to be the only slave she had brought. Couldn't be nice enough to bring Jethro or Ryuuji it appeared, she only hoped she wouldn't have to spend much time with them.
As for their trip, it wouldn't be a short one, lasting some hours and pushing from mid-day closer to the evening. That being said, during the carriage ride, Lei couldn't help things felt a whole lot colder on the way up. She was glad that she hadn't ran into any trouble due to her rather incriminating titles (that she possibly has), but the cold was starting to bother her. Having glanced out the window, she could see the snow and freezing mountains that their carriage had climbed up, she'd knew her home of Frosheim was freezing, but this felt ridiculous.
"What's up with the air up here, feels like they made it worse on purpose... " the minotaur grumbled to themselves. Obviously, Saoirse and Teti likely may not have this issue, for the letter sent to Saoirse would have conveniently warned her about the cold atmosphere and recommended that she come prepared along with whatever slaves she brought along.
The road would get a little rocky as the temperature dropped, an evident view of what looked like an entire city of stone and grey as they had approached, after a while arriving through the front gates after a lengthy check and inspection. They'd arrive, the place looked cold and drab with the colors, yet it was still quite bustling of people.

Mostly of larger, stronger, or generally mountainous dwelling races, the population was quite diverse despite being a heavily beast region near the border of a human-supremacist region. Dwarves, some giants or ogres, even elemental beings of ice or air, or just about a lot of stronger-looking people found themselves around along with the occasional merchants and traders. Lei was not interested in spending any time, but she knew that she'd just get into more annoying trouble if Saoirse or Teti caused problems.
"Don't go getting nosy around Froschala-On-High. The likes of you two don't belong here... " Lei would comment in an annoyed tone, Saoirse would recognise it as the actual city's name, as well as Teti if he was informed on the matter. Lei knew exactly where she'd find her family, although wasn't very happy about it. Though before she'd have to decide how much she cared to help, someone had already noticed their arrival and had been waiting for them.

A rather elegant woman in a thick-looking dress that appeared frozen over and covered in ice, moved over to them in an almost questionably unsettling way. It didn't look like there were legs visibly stepping, almost like the dress slithered along the floor in a sense. Ice shifted and covered her whole body, as a tall ice elemental accompanied her. The lady didn't reach Lei's height, but the elemental stood over her, a good rough 11' give-or-take.
"Ah, so it is the prophecised champion's return. And you've brought some lesser companions, I had heard that she was sending out letters to find you, but I thought the idea laughable that it couldn't possibly be true. But I suppose that's a bet I have lost, and I had come here so anticipated to not find a single inkling of you. At least, I determined your arrival a while ago" the lady spoke, of which Lei rolled her eyes.
"Yeah yeah yeah, the Ice Whisperer, you can't help but leave people alone. Dumb rabbit, dumb rat, this is the Ice Whisperer, or 'Pahi Taestrix' if her ego lets you call her anything else. She's a high-ranking noble and mage here, and serves the most annoying purpose on the city's security division. Detecting everything via controlling ice in a way-too-big radius in and around the city along with her followers... and I see you have another new pet, " Lei muttered in scoff, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms. She really didn't want to be here, and now she was gonna have to be stuck making reunion with all the more people she didn't like.
The Ice Whisperer, or Pahi, laughed at Lei's response, not taking the cow seriously in the slightest.
"And I see you've grown, in all the wrong places. I'm sure your mother and father would be very disappointed to see that the Dark Daughter has become... what is it? From the looks of it, a nay-do-well, and a wild cow? Unfortunate. And the seventh prophet believed you had so much promise, it still tickles me to think that the one prophet who almost got fired was because of you" Pahi laughed to herself over the minotaur. She looked to her guardian of ice for a moment.
"Disciple Leela, you can cool yourself. Make nice to these new guests, even if they'd look like the big ring would tear them apart in an instant" Pahi answered to her guardian, the guardian nodding as a frosty mist thawed off their body as the armour of ice down to a fairy lady, with a similar blue-ish skin composition and magically-infused appearance as did Pahi.

"But yes, as degrading as becoming a tour guide to two smaller and vulnerable individuals such as yourself... as to this, domestic farm animal here, too, what brings you coming up this far in the cold? I'm aware you have received an invitation, but it completely baffles me for what reason you'd come somewhere like here, and for an animal like that. I sure hope all the hot air below hasn't gotten to you all, but I'd best recommend you keep from poking around as a stranger. The locals are friendly, but not so much to unproven folks like you, unless you were a regular here for business reasons. The fact that the Formatta Taurus family of all people is offering to see you is a surprising accomplishment. They usually don't care for naught, unless they wish to fight you, or publically denounce you. Outside of a few exceptions, they're likely the most richest and powerful in this city. It's a shame their daughter belongs in a ranch. I'm partially jealous that Warrior-Queen Taurus is making time for you, you must be some special deal alright..." Pahi introduced, continuing to add onto the demeanment of Lei as she was right there, stuck shivering in the cold as she just wanted to hurry up and growled under her breath.
As for Leela who stayed close, she'd notice Teti, finding him a rather odd-looking follower... and for someone small and weak like Saoirse. Amidst the talking, Leela would quietly and with a timid voice, introduce herself to Teti.
"U-uhm, hi there. I'm Leela, I... wanted to ask, a-are you a follower or disciple of... Miss DesRosier there? You don't look very strong, d-do you have magic too, or are in training? I... don't often get to talk to others much, outside of the Ice Whisperer's other disciples, but... they're, not really my type of person to talk to. A lot of people in this city are... a bit too rough and boisterous... " Leela would introduce to him, not wanting to interrupt any other discussion going on, but Pahi didn't seem to take care or stop the once-an-ice-guardian woman from trying to make friends.
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