The horned lady started stretching her arms in front of her. "I donna care bout em hot sands. I can handle sweet summer heat like nutin." Moo walked over to the horse and stood by him. "I'll tag along dis fella, he seems likah good company. Now let's get it moving, k-mon!"
Seeing as pretty much everything was settled, Urgino instructed Titus to wait on the northern entrance of Certago. They'd get their provisions there. After fifteen or so minutes of wait, Urgino appeared. Giving them a barrel of water, a box with rations, a length of rope, and handed Kiyo a bowl with a red, thick soup and a piece of fresh bread. He saluted them as they made their way to the Durban dunes. Said place was a small desertic area that was between them and the actual village with the same name.
The ride would be pretty uneventful. Scorching sand beneath Moo's feet, hot winds circling the wagon occasionally, and the relentless sun shining above.
A few hours later
The group would smell Durban first and foremost. A terrible stench surrounded the village. "Oh yeah, it should be visible after this next dune" Titus looked like he was about to empty his stomach again, but managed to hold it in.
The quaint village's usual cozy atmosphere was nowhere to be seen. Aside from the awful stench, bloodstains, groans, and exhausted villagers sprawled on the ground or barely walking was what would strike one's attention at first. A young woman, who seemed to be waiting for something, sluggishly made her way to Titus and the group. Or at least she tried, but collapsed halfway to them "Erika!" the elder exclaimed, not having it in him to quickly rush to her. Still, he did his best to come down the wagon as quickly as he could. Which wasn't much.
"Wooo-weee!" Moo called out to nobody in perticuliar. "Sure's hot n sweaty round diz parts, huh, catboy?" She looked over at Kiyo and then towwards Alveria. "You got any of em magics to putta ice block round meh head? Ha!"
Moo had walked along the horse the entire way. Despite the heat and stinking sun, she had managed to keep her mood up. "Y'know what's a good remedy for da heat? Beer." She told the horse. "Don'cha worry mate, I'll get ya one cold one later today."
As they entered, in Moo's opinion, the sad looking village, they were greeted poorly, Moo's opinion again, by a fainting woman. Moo noticed how slow the man who requested their help was and simply jumped over to the lady's side. The beast woman simply picked her up and waited for the worried man to get to her. "I mean it, y'all need to eat mor greens."
Kiyo Thankfully took the soup before climbing onto the wagon. He then quickly consumed the soup and bread leaving nothing left. Afterwards, he sat back with his eyes closed and a satisfied look on his face as he purred softly. After a few hours had passed he decided to look at Alveira in curiosity. “Where are you from, Alveira” Kiyo asked with his head tilted slightly.
Kiyo laughed nervously as he scratched the back of his head. “Sorry, I’m not experienced in that type of magic” He said in response to Moo's questions. He let out a small sigh and rubbed his brow with his arm. “I’m not used to this heat, it feels like I’m being cooked”
Upon reaching the village Kiyo suddenly winced in pain. The green seed in his palm felt like it was reacting to something but what?. “This place is rotting, life is withering” the female voice inside Kiyo’s mind had returned, sounding disturbed. After regaining his posture he climbed out of the wagon and walked over to the woman to see what was wrong with her. “How can I help!?” Kiyo asked quickly as his medical instincts kicked in.
alveira looks down at the rope with a wide smile when being given it, thanking Urgino again.
as they leave alveira sees Moo walking beside ocasionaly walks beside her to talk but would soon go back inside retreating from the sun.
"im from the empire to the west but i dont hold much connection to the place, im just trying to set down roots now. so I can be from here instead" alveira responds to Kiyo's question.
"i also lack the magic to cool you down, Sorry" alveira makes a small shrug as she says this.
as they see the village, Alveira is forced to hold her nose from the stench she looks around at the state of the village be it the bloodstains or the total exhaustion from the villages, she says to herself "was all this really from just a rotten well."
she gets out the wagon and takes her hand off her nose not wanting to be disrespectful, and takes a further look around at the state of the village