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Finished [Durban - Otenzian Empire] Crisis by the Oasis

Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


The woman turned to face the late reinforcements, mostly the white haired woman, clearly more irritated. "You deaf or something? We heard something. We did not see it." the beastkin lashed out. "Easy Vaneri, it's not their fault the others struggled to find help..." Vaneri clicked her tongue loudly "Whatever". She went back to assist Perry with whatever he was doing.

"Good. I'll entrust my- our backs to you." Perry affirmed to Moo. "Something light weighted, had something metallic on it, either on their body or as a weapon, able to traverse water." he added before going back to what he was doing

Moo would be able to hear the sound of the flowing water masking other, fainter sounds. And the smell of the putrid growth overpowered any other smells. Luckily, it all seemed to be calm.

For now.


"Well wharever it-ah-iz, I gots it." Moo assured the group. "Ain't no animal I cannot tussle with." She walked ahead a bit, trying to listen to the sounds beyond the cave, but the sound of the water moving along caught her attention mostly. "Any clues how water constantly moving got dirtied up like it did? If it ain't no natural cause, somedang cause ing'it."

Moo crossed her arms over her chest, looking around the cave with a suspicious expression plastered on her face. "If sumtin in da watah, could'b an angered water beast or sumdin deadly dat took over this area. Seen any signs of sumtin feeding round diz parts?" She turned around to look at Perry. "Leftover bones er skins er blood stains?"

Leo decided to follow behind Moo as he could see the people within the cave seemed relatively peaceful, though he kept his wits about him. He examined the cave around them as they walked through it while his ears twitched in different directions, reacting to the many noises echoing around. He had been in many caves back home, but none had a smell this bad. He hoped nothing would attack because he wasn’t very good at fighting. However, he was confident that Moo could stop anything in its tracks. He wasn’t sure about Alveira’s abilities. “Alveira, do you use magic?” He asked with his head tilted in curiosity.
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Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


Perry paused again when Moo asked something yet again. "You're looking at it. This purple blob is an egg sac. Filled with nutrients for the eggs, and poison for us." The scout placed a gloved hand on the mass. "Should we rid of this, and scare off their mom, we should be good to go."

Vaneri picked up on Moo's follow-up question "Some kids that were missing. Nothing but singed bones left." It would seem her mood had calmed down, even if she still sounded irritated. "Not with fire though. Some form of acid." Perry concluded.

The scouts went quiet, with only their preparations for ridding of the massive egg sac faintly clicking and squelching in the dim light.

In the meantime, the silence gave way to something else. Something was moving through the water. Slowly growing closer, but the darkness hid all other signs of a presence coming their way.
Kiyo approached the egg and examined it closely. He wondered what was inside it and what laid it while trying to remember if he had ever encountered something like this in the studies. “How do you plan on moving the egg?” Kiyo asked, turning his attention to Perry.
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"thank you for explaining the situation to us, i apreciate it" alveira thanks the scouts.
"yeah i can use some, i still have to rely on my sword though" alveira responds to Leo's question, still paying atention to the surroundings like told to.
as she says this she moves her hand to her sword hilt in case of danger suddenly apearing.
"how about you, is magic a speciality of yours?" alveira is quite curious herself but didnt want to ask out the blue, in fear of overstepping.


Moo looked at the sack and stuck her tongue out in disgust. "Yuck. Seen'lotta thangs in mah forest, nature sure's ah beauty. But'is? Disgusting." She looked away from the object and decided to just follow along with the group, keeping a bit of a distance from the awful smelling eggs.

The antler woman looked at Alveria's sword. "That weapung supposed to protect ya, Alteria? If this thing is anything like that puny man said, it has sumtin metallic. Could'a be one of em with thousands of legs and have a hard shell." Moo looked at her own fists. "Won't stop me from picking it up and throwing it, I tellyawut."

Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


The reveal of the nature of the sickly growth sparked interest on the reinforcements, causing Vaneri to voice her exasperation with a loud groan. She was about to lash at them again, but Perry's words came first. "We are not. We're destroying it. Along with that.", he calmly stated. Even when the creature moving under water sounded closer and closer to the group.

"Follow us, this way." Perry urged the group "The bait and the incinerator dust trap is ready"

Given the trio followed the instructions, The two scouts would usher them into a small rock chamber nearby. Where they would be hidden. Vaneri swiftly extinguished both torches and signal them to not make a single noise.

Soon enough, the sound of something large emerged from the water. Metallic clicks and a faint trace of something slithering. It started approaching the rushing water, likely to go check on its eggs. And after a few moments of goo being poked by something, a bright light, accompanied by a loud sizzle spread far into the cave. "Make yourselves useful and go finish it off if needed!" Vaneri barked.

"Sorry, we're too worn out to fight. Please lend us a hand with that." Perry stated as he slowly slid down a wall to sit.

With the egg sac brightly burning, and the scorched creature twisting in pain, made for an ideal lighting for attacking.

"actu.." as Alveira is about to comment on her inability to chuck monsters, she is cut off, and quickly follows orders without a sound.
as the blast happens Alveira immediatly clenches her fist that has her catalyst on it, this creates a small blast of elctricy on her hand and she moves the electrity from her hand to wrap herself in an aura of electricity, sparks of electricity riding across her body.
  • 1 handed magic catalyst F
    Hand Armor Finger Claws Goth Halloween Gift Claw Rings kali, Dark Nail Dark  Jewelry, Vampire Jewelry, Halloween Ring, Halloween Costume - Etsy
  • Motor Drive - Magic E, Aura [electric aura] F, Spell Duration F - by using the electricty from her aura Alveira magnetises pulls and pushes her body enhancing her physical abillities - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
with Alveiras magneticly pushing her body she is able to quickly move towards the creature she interposes herself imbetween the monster and the water to block its escape.
"actualy it will be easier to just show you"
Alveira then moves the sparks of electrity from her body to her sword for a moment to do a horrizontal slash at the creatures long throat with her sabre
  • 1 handed sabre E
    Napoleonic AN XI Light Cavalry Sabre | Buy Military Swords from our UK  Store | The HEMA Shop
  • Flash Thrust(flux) - Fighting style F, Blight Lightning F, Flexible F, Energized F - Alveira wreathes her blade in storm and as she thrusts forward to the enemey, the Flexible lighting magneticly pushes the blade out their hands. - Grade F - Multiple use per post Post Cooldown
Kiyo frowned slightly at Perry’s response. “Ther-” he was cut off before finishing his sentence. He then followed everyone into the rock room, feeling slightly uncomfortable about this situation. The eggs and their mother did not deserve to be destroyed as they weren’t poisoning the water intentionally; they were trying to survive.

The sudden brightness of the fire caused Kiyo to cover his eyes. After his eyes adjusted, he saw the creature responsible for laying the eggs. His eyes were filled with curiosity and disgust. He had seen many creatures in his home forest, but the creature in front of them was clearly unnatural.

“ destroy that vile abomination” The female voice commanded. Kiyo winced in reaction to it due to the feeling of rage inside his mind that was not his. His eyes widened in awe as he watched Alveira attack the creature. “Woah…”
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Moo shook her head as the explosion was a bit too loud for her ears. But she kept her eyes on the new target. That creature was vile and definetely out of place. While Moo wasn't one to just attack random fellow animals, she also understood that if that creature set nest in this place, it would destroy a whole village. Maybe, they could beat some sense into it. Also, Moo was curious to see how strong this monster really was. "Catboy! Ready your healing magic!"

Moo watched with a proud smile as Alveira springed into action. "Impressive." She said as she stepped out of the shelter to face the monster. "Naw hope ya know this ain't personal! You stepped out of your habitat, I gets it. So go on n git! The faster ya leave, the faster we settle this situation!" Moo knew talking wouldn't do much. Insect like creatures never really understood her, but it gave her time to walk towards the creature and preapre herself. "Maybe after we nack sum sense intaya, you'll git otta here." Moo's smiled remained on her face as her muscles got tense and a big bigger.

Moo rushed forward with her head down, aiming her long antlers at the monster. "Keep't otta water Barberia! I'll tussle with this fella see we can scare it otta here!"

Activate Skill Brawler Fighting Style E
Tech Core Knockback

Brawler Fighting Style E
Fight Art GIF by Mochimons

Tech Core Knocback
Fight Fighting GIF by Pokémon

E 0/0

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Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


The purple cave salamander finally managed to put out the fire that engulfed it. Though it took it enough for the group to land a hit or two. Alveira covered herself in sparkling electricity. But not doing much with it. Instead, she moved around the creature and made a single thrusting strike. While from the other side, Moo charged at it, antlers first.

The angered beast groaned, infuriated. And it quickly responded with offense of its own.

First, it replied to Moo and Alveira's strike from opposite fronts by planting its frontal legs on the rock floor. Using it as a hinge to make a wide sweep with its tail. Deflecting both, and knocking Alveira back two meters, close to making her go for a swim. While Moo's own effort made her simply take a step back. Then the salamander spat a burst of thick purple goo Kiyo's way. Certainly beyond unpleasant, should it hit.


1 - Recover from being on fire
2 - Use [Tail Whip] on Alveira and Moo
3 - Use [Poison Spit] on Kiyo


D - 0/1 x
E - 0/0

> Tail Whip - Fighting Style D, Deflect D, Area E, Energized D - Creature uses its long tail to make a large sweeping motion - Grade D - 1 Post Cooldown
> Poison Spit - Magic E, Componentless E, Poison Affinity F, Continuing F, Magic Range F, Energized D - Creature launches a blast of poisoned saliva at a single target - Grade E - 0 Post Cooldown
Alveira being just edges away from the water quickly rushes back to the beast to put it in range of her aura as well as to make sure she dosnt go in if knocked back again.
Alveira wreathes her balde in lightning again to slash at the beasts leg hoping to impair its movements (using the versatile feature).
Alveira then decides to move into a defensive stance bracing for the next attack


1 - moves forward
2 - attacks using (flash thrust)
3 - defends


E - 1/1
f - 0/N.a

>Flash Thrust(flux) - Fighting style F, Blight Lightning F, Flexible F, Energized F - Alveira wreathes her blade in storm and as she thrusts forward to the enemey, the Flexible lighting magneticly pushes the blade out their hands. - Grade F - Multiple use per post Post Cooldown
>Motor Drive - Magic E, Aura [electric aura] F, Spell Duration F - by using the electricty from her aura Alveira magnetises pulls and pushes her body enhancing her physical abillities - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Kiyo instinctively dashed out of the way of the incomings spit, causing it to land on the walls and floor of the cave. This wasn’t the first time he had to dodge incoming projectiles from a wild animal, nor would it be the last. He quickly looked at Moo and Alveira to ensure they were not hurt. From what he could see, they were both doing fine. He channelled magic into the green seed embedded in his hand so that he could apply healing without a delay when needed. A battle medic always had to prepare for the worst or end up risking someone’s life. His magic was powerful but could not bring back someone from the dead.

Moo held her arms to protect herself from the giant bug's tail whipping attack. It did sting, but fighting bears in the woods braced her for such impacts. White haired lady seemed to know what she was doing as she went in to attack the monster's legs, smart. There were usually two vunerable parts in monsters like this, the belly or the head. Of course, Moo wasn't about to ask it to turn over and show its belly to her. If it did then Moo couldn't kill because it would be cute and docile.

The moose woman sprang into action, going after the only part of the beast that was available for some good damage. The head. "Ya gou low I gou high!" She called out to Alveria as she took a running start and then leaped into the air. Hoping the big insect was distracted enough, Moo dove down directly to it, aiming to headbutt it directly on its head.

-Use ability Moo Smash E

-Moo Smash E 0/1

Ability used:
  • Moo Smash - Super Strength F, Martial Art E - Headbutts a single target really hard - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
  • disney pixar GIF by The Good Dinosaur

Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


As a response to Moo and Alveira's combined attack, the creature began to thrash around. Slamming its head against Moo's, while thrusting one of its metal-reinforced limbs at Alveira. The combined effort resulted in Moo smashing the metalic scales off the monstruous salamander's head, while she would feel a vague sense of her head losing balance, as a few pieces of her antlers had broken and fallen off. Meanwhile, Alveira managed to whittle down the metalic plate of the leg she struck to the point of shattering it, though not without feeling a heavy blow landing on her sword.

Seeing as Alveira played passive and gave it room to breathe, the salamander whipped its hammer-like tail at Moo and lunged its head at Alveira, looking to sink its fangs on her. It ignored the pain these two had caused it, killing them came first.

The creature felt too busy with the two combatants to bother with the passive one, which managed to dodge the poisionous mass coming his way by a very slim margin. The mucous substance splattered onto the nearby stone floor, causing the foul odor to hit Kiyo at full force once again.


1 - Use [Thrash] on Moo and Alveira
2 - Use [Tail Whip (F)] on Moo
3 - Use [Bite] on Alveira


D - 0/1
E - 0/0

> Thrash - ??? - Creature throws its weight around wildly, looking to wound anything near it - Grade E - ???
> Bite - ??? - Creature seeks to bite and tear the target's flesh - Grade F - ???

Moo saw the pieces of horn she left behind on the ground. She stepped on them and crushed them, a little tradition she had for herself whenever pieces fell off. The fight didn't end there though, before she knew it the monster had whipped around. Moo held up her arms to defend from the impact. The hit stung on her forearms as she was pushed back a meter or two. The problem now, the creature had targeted the puny white haired lady.

"Keep er distracted!" Moo called out as she jumped over the monster's tail and rushed towards Alveira. "One gud hit on that head izz all I need!"

-Move towards target

-Moo Smash E 1/1

Ability used:


Alveira defense is knocked away from the powerful forelimb that came before and now the beasts massive head comes bearing down at her, she instictevly putes her free hand in front of her fragile head. but there is a now a hole in its scales. Alveira extends her sword into a thrust aimed at the hole in its armour Moo had made as the beast draws its head closer it'll have to go through her sword to get her. this should hopefully at least slow it down.


1 - defends her head
2 - attacks using (flash thrust)


E - 0/1
f - 0/N.a

>Flash Thrust(flux) - Fighting style F, Blight Lightning F, Flexible F, Energized F - Alveira wreathes her blade in storm and as she thrusts forward to the enemey, the Flexible lighting magneticly pushes the blade out their hands. - Grade F - Multiple use per post Post Cooldown
>Motor Drive - Magic E, Aura [electric aura] F, Spell Duration F - by using the electricty from her aura Alveira magnetises pulls and pushes her body enhancing her physical abillities - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


Moo would feel quite a bit of pain, as the tail whipped her body enough to rattle her offensive capabilities. At the very least, she remained unnoticed. While Moo tried to take advantage of the salamander's intentions, Alveira tried to defend herself. With the monster clamping on her shoulder, shredding her armor to pieces, she was left wide open for the monster to aggressively toss her to the cold and dark water reserve. Three meters in. And yet, her swing did manage to slice off one of the beast's eyes.

The monster began to thrash around once again, while loudly shrieking in pain. Its blood dripping on the cavern floor. Kiyo remained unnoticed, as he did nothing to further aggravate the beast. The situation had taken a dire turn for both sides.

>Alveira's Light Armor F has been destroyed
>Moo's Natural Weapons D are in critical condition. They won't resist more damage.


1 - Toss Alveira into the water
2 - Use [Thrash] on Moo
Kiyo watched the battle unfold from a distance, wincing whenever the creature hit the two. He then gasped loudly as he watched Alveira get thrown into the water. Without a moment's notice, he ran to where she had landed while keeping his distance from the creature. After quickly wading through the water, he grabbed Alveira and put her upright to prevent her from drowning before looking over her body to check for injuries.
Alveira is bitten into and thrown into the deep water her consciouness sinking almost as quick as her body in the water only to be pulled out by Kiyo.
as she is pulled out her expression still shocked from the injury gives an aprecative nod to kiyo for helping her but she turns back to the beast gripping the hilt of her sword tightly and starts wading herself back to the land to continue fighting as while she is in the water Moo would be alone. once she has clambered herself back to land she sees the rampaging beast and decides to move to its the side that is missing an eye in a hope that it wouldnt see her. she opted for a defensive stance with her sword while she waits for an opening from in the monsters flailing.


1 - moves to land
2 - moves away into blindside
3 - guards


E - 0/1
f - N.a

>Motor Drive - Magic E, Aura [electric aura] F, Spell Duration F - by using the electricty from her aura Alveira magnetises pulls and pushes her body enhancing her physical abillities - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown

"Catboy! We could'ah use some of ya healing magic!" Moo called out as she tried to guard from the trashing monster once more, but she knew trying to brace the impact again could end up in parts of her broken, which would leave her useless to the fight. As soon as the monster connected with her, she allowed herself to be sent flying. She was going to wake up with a lot of bruises but better than haven her limbs shattered.

Moo hit the ground rolling until some boulder stopped her. The pain rushed through her back and down to her finger tips. That pissed her off. She had promised she would help resolve the water issue and she was going to do it! Time to leave it all behind, she got up and ran towards the toxic beast. She jumped into the air and prepared her head for another headbutt. She had to aim for the unprotected head of the monster, otherwise, she would be hornless for a while.

-Moo Smash

-Moo Smash 0/1

Ability used:
    • Moo Smash - Super Strength F, Martial Art E - Headbutts a single target really hard - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown
    • Fight Fighting GIF by Pokémon

Kiyo nodded and gave Alveira a small smile in return. He followed her onto dry land to see Moo get flung through the air like a ragdoll. “I need you to stay still!” He shouted at Moo, not wanting to get close to the creature, or he would end up getting in the way of the two fighting it. “Alveira, are you hurt?” He asked with concern “That was quite a hit!”He added.
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Fantasy-Cat Fantasy-Cat | Kiyo
Blendeddinosaurs Blendeddinosaurs | Alveira Esne
Hecotoro Hecotoro | Moo


While Alveira took time to approach the monster once again, its sharp senses allowed for the cave dweller to notice her without much issue. The salamander's lower half, once again, whipped around in a circular motion twice. While the second hit wasn't as powerful as the first, it still contributed to its survival efforts.

Moo's head clashed with the tail hammer. Causing it to crack and lose some pieces of its metallic carapace, while Moo could feel something cracking more severely herself. Alveira's sword met with the tail, too. The blade couldn't handle the strain it had been put under and broke into three bits.

Both fighters were now disarmed, but so was the creature. Would they be able to stand tall?

>Alveira's sword has been destroyed
>Moo's natural weapons have been destroyed

"...unch of useless idiots!" a voice growled intensely.

A bright spear skewered the beast on the neck. It had no time to retaliate, as Vaneri jumped at it, and with an athletic twist of her crystalline spear, the head of the beast was lobbed off.

While Vaneri began to examine the head she cut off, Perry left his hiding spot. "Is everyone alright?" the scout asked as he made a quick scan of the area. "Glad you managed to handle it" Vaneri stood up at breakneck speed, spitting blood to her side and wiping the threads of the life liquid that formed around her snout "Handle it!? Bullshit! We would've been better off if I broke another rib or two killing it by myself!" Perry sighed. "They gave you enough time to gather strength to finish it off, didn't they?" With an angry growl, Vaneri picked up the head of the salamander and headed for the exit without another word.

"Apologies for that. We've had a streak of stressful days." Perry said calmly, as he inspected the remainders of the beast and the charred remains of the egg sac. "I need to burn this, too. After that, We'll go back to Durban and report our findings. What will you three do?" the scout asked as he started to sprinkle the corpse with a liquid and then a powder.

Moo knelt down with a loud sigh as the beast lost their head. She was impressed by the actions from the warrior, despite the fact that she was a complete dick about it. Moo only cared about her power and boy o boy was it awesome. "Hope we can spar one day!" She called out as she stood up and watched Vaneri walk away. "She's ah cran-key one huh?"

Moo began to walk back towards Kiyo, rubbing her head with one hand and checking how much of her antlers was left. She smirked as she reached the cat boy. "Scarred huh? I gettit. But da monstah iz dead, mind using ya healing magic on meh?" Moo sat down on the spot, crossing her arms in a butterfly position. "Hey-um, wachu name? Terry? Think dis about solve it? Figure the missing people gat eaten, huh? Hate putting such a be-youtiful beast down, but she was out of her habitat. Any clues why she might've moved dis way?"


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