Rev IX
Skull Man from the Shimazu Clan

The woman turned to face the late reinforcements, mostly the white haired woman, clearly more irritated. "You deaf or something? We heard something. We did not see it." the beastkin lashed out. "Easy Vaneri, it's not their fault the others struggled to find help..." Vaneri clicked her tongue loudly "Whatever". She went back to assist Perry with whatever he was doing.
"Good. I'll entrust my- our backs to you." Perry affirmed to Moo. "Something light weighted, had something metallic on it, either on their body or as a weapon, able to traverse water." he added before going back to what he was doing
Moo would be able to hear the sound of the flowing water masking other, fainter sounds. And the smell of the putrid growth overpowered any other smells. Luckily, it all seemed to be calm.
For now.