Daddy Dream
Creation becomes Destruction
- One on One
- Group
- Dice
- Quests
- Nation Building
The lands of Glace Valley are said to be the most brutal of the region, with winds often blasting down the side of the mountain cliffs at speed of 50 miles per hour. The air feels as though tiny slivers of glass are embedding themselves into any bare skin exposed and ones lungs can over find it difficult to take in this air. However, that is all just talk, as the lands up north are harsh, but bearable. There are villages that reside in these mountainous lands, small and spread wide but alive regardless. The caves hidden in these lands are also well known, often times being a massive wind tunnel of frigid air that is rushing down from the tops of mountains. Covered in think layers of ice and often times sprouting nodules of magical crystals, deep blue in color and humming with energy. It was in one such cave that the band of adventurers would find themselves at, the largest cave in the northern lands, the Mouth of the Frost Dragon.
It had taken several days to reach the meeting point listed on the advertisement, resulting in the few adventurers brave enough to end up with frosted red skin and a chill in their bones that would las a week. But before them was a site to behold to someone unfamiliar to the area, standing before a large, gaping hole into a mountain with ice thick on its walls and jagged pillars of ice at its entrance. Once inside, the temperature seemed to warm compared to outside, though still quite harsh on the skin. Traveling deeper, the party would find that a faint blue glow continued to emit from the walls of the cave, making it seem like day had followed them inside. Several hushed whispers and gusts of wind later and the party arrived at a crudely made wooden entry carved into the wall of the cave. A sign read 'Do Not Disturb' but before anyone could question it, the door swung open and a large burly man stepped out quite quickly.
"Ah! You've arrived! I was getting worried something might have happened."
The man laughed and stepped aside, ushering everyone into the surprisingly warm nook he had sealed off. It was quite a cozy area the man had set up, having furnished it with a few tables, some chairs, and several shelves filled with books and vials of all sorts of colors. The man shut the door behind the group and chuckled again, dusting off his forearms from the frost that quickly set on his arm hair.
"Come, sit anywhere there is a seat available. We have a lot to discuss before the season changes, because once it warms the beasts form will change."
The man sat down at one of the tables and smiled warmly at the party, waiting for them to find their way to their seats. He knew the group would have questions or even be thrown off with how fast he ushered them into his abode. So being patient while they found their bearings trumped his eagerness to get the job done.
It had taken several days to reach the meeting point listed on the advertisement, resulting in the few adventurers brave enough to end up with frosted red skin and a chill in their bones that would las a week. But before them was a site to behold to someone unfamiliar to the area, standing before a large, gaping hole into a mountain with ice thick on its walls and jagged pillars of ice at its entrance. Once inside, the temperature seemed to warm compared to outside, though still quite harsh on the skin. Traveling deeper, the party would find that a faint blue glow continued to emit from the walls of the cave, making it seem like day had followed them inside. Several hushed whispers and gusts of wind later and the party arrived at a crudely made wooden entry carved into the wall of the cave. A sign read 'Do Not Disturb' but before anyone could question it, the door swung open and a large burly man stepped out quite quickly.
"Ah! You've arrived! I was getting worried something might have happened."
The man laughed and stepped aside, ushering everyone into the surprisingly warm nook he had sealed off. It was quite a cozy area the man had set up, having furnished it with a few tables, some chairs, and several shelves filled with books and vials of all sorts of colors. The man shut the door behind the group and chuckled again, dusting off his forearms from the frost that quickly set on his arm hair.
"Come, sit anywhere there is a seat available. We have a lot to discuss before the season changes, because once it warms the beasts form will change."
The man sat down at one of the tables and smiled warmly at the party, waiting for them to find their way to their seats. He knew the group would have questions or even be thrown off with how fast he ushered them into his abode. So being patient while they found their bearings trumped his eagerness to get the job done.