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Finished [Glace Valley] To Study a Wraith

Daddy Dream

Creation becomes Destruction
Roleplay Availability
I am currently recruiting for a roleplay.
Roleplay Type(s)
  1. One on One
  2. Group
  3. Dice
  4. Quests
  5. Nation Building
My Interest Check

Monster Name: Frost Wraith
LOCATION: Glace Valley - Mouth of the Frost Dragon
TAGS: Voider Voider - Darin | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer - Gadg8eer | RavenSong - Joanne

The lands of Glace Valley are said to be the most brutal of the region, with winds often blasting down the side of the mountain cliffs at speed of 50 miles per hour. The air feels as though tiny slivers of glass are embedding themselves into any bare skin exposed and ones lungs can over find it difficult to take in this air. However, that is all just talk, as the lands up north are harsh, but bearable. There are villages that reside in these mountainous lands, small and spread wide but alive regardless. The caves hidden in these lands are also well known, often times being a massive wind tunnel of frigid air that is rushing down from the tops of mountains. Covered in think layers of ice and often times sprouting nodules of magical crystals, deep blue in color and humming with energy. It was in one such cave that the band of adventurers would find themselves at, the largest cave in the northern lands, the Mouth of the Frost Dragon.

It had taken several days to reach the meeting point listed on the advertisement, resulting in the few adventurers brave enough to end up with frosted red skin and a chill in their bones that would las a week. But before them was a site to behold to someone unfamiliar to the area, standing before a large, gaping hole into a mountain with ice thick on its walls and jagged pillars of ice at its entrance. Once inside, the temperature seemed to warm compared to outside, though still quite harsh on the skin. Traveling deeper, the party would find that a faint blue glow continued to emit from the walls of the cave, making it seem like day had followed them inside. Several hushed whispers and gusts of wind later and the party arrived at a crudely made wooden entry carved into the wall of the cave. A sign read 'Do Not Disturb' but before anyone could question it, the door swung open and a large burly man stepped out quite quickly.

"Ah! You've arrived! I was getting worried something might have happened."

The man laughed and stepped aside, ushering everyone into the surprisingly warm nook he had sealed off. It was quite a cozy area the man had set up, having furnished it with a few tables, some chairs, and several shelves filled with books and vials of all sorts of colors. The man shut the door behind the group and chuckled again, dusting off his forearms from the frost that quickly set on his arm hair.

"Come, sit anywhere there is a seat available. We have a lot to discuss before the season changes, because once it warms the beasts form will change."

The man sat down at one of the tables and smiled warmly at the party, waiting for them to find their way to their seats. He knew the group would have questions or even be thrown off with how fast he ushered them into his abode. So being patient while they found their bearings trumped his eagerness to get the job done.

Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi

Surprisingly, one of the adventurers seemed exceptionally unique. Only problem was, though no one else knew it, that he couldn't speak Terran. He couldn't read Terran either, but at least his goggles were able to translate Terran into Common, which more closely resembled English (though Common seemed peppered with calques and loan words that didn't fit into the world he knew). So far, everyone and everything he'd encountered after wandering into a village he'd seen while falling from the sky hadn't understood a word of what he said to them.

If what "[God]" said was true, and fiction wasn't just fake, he strongly suspected that his life before the previous day could have been some ironic punishment by a pair of siblings with a superiority complex who decided they didn't like reincarnation and that it was the turn of a self-proclaimed 'God of Play' to find out what that was like. Not that he actually believed in reincarnation or that somehow he was ever special enough to be a reincarnation of anyone remotely important. It was more of a sneaking suspicion than based on anything concrete, but he'd learned not to trust fear of the unknown.

He hoped the language barrier could be solved, or he'd followed the others out here for nothing. At least they caught on that he knew why they were out here and had him to carry some of their lighter gear for them. Unfortunately, they assumed he was mute, rather than deducing he didn't know how to speak any of this world's native tongues.
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Darin 256x256.png

Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]

Mentions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream , Gadg8eer Gadg8eer

"Common" "<Beastial>"

Darin clutched his coat tighter to himself, as another gust of freezing cold wind blew through the surrounding air. It was times like these that he resented the reptilian body he had in this life, with scales that absorbed the surrounding heat—or in this case, the lack of it. Stopping his trudge through the ice and snow for a moment, Darin spared a glance at how the others were faring. He'd given a professional greeting to each of them upon meeting, but through the days of the trip, he would have mostly kept just to needed communication unless someone else started conversation first. While Darin's gait had lost some energy throughout the journey, anyone who looked closely would see that his eyes never stopped observing the icy landscape around them.

With a sigh that produced a visible breath in the cold air, Darin habitually gripped the strap of the musket hanging on his shoulder, and continued onwards. He hoped their hirer had a good reason for the initial meeting to take place all the way out here.


Darin gazed up at the massive, icy cave that was carved straight into the mountain. While the trip did not have him in a good mood, he could not deny the awe inspiring sight. "Hmph, quite beautiful." He muttered aloud; his words were praising, although they conflicted with the flat tone of voice he used to say it. With increased caution, Darin joined the others in entering the cavern.


"Do Not Disturb"

Before Darin had a chance to fully process the sign's words and form a proper emotion in response, his eyes snapped towards the door as it opened, a large man welcoming them in. Glad for the chance at some kind of warmth, he waited for the others to file in, before quickly entering himself. Unslinging his musket, he held it in one hand as he sat down, it's muzzle pointed upwards and wooden stock resting on the floor.

"I presume you're Mr. Tomashi, yes? I am Darin, and it is a pleasure to finally meet you." Readjusting himself in the chair, his tail shifting to the side to be more comfortable, Darin waited for the rest of them to introduce themselves to the man as well. "Before we get to business matters, I cannot help but ask, Mr. Tomashi, as to why your location for meeting is here? I can think of a plausibility or two, but I would like to hear your own reasoning." Darin's tone was polite, and his general expression neutral, but a questioning stare made it clear he wanted an answer.

Monster Name: Frost Wraith
LOCATION: Glace Valley - Mouth of the Frost Dragon
TAGS: Voider Voider - Darin | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer - Gadg8eer

"Why, yes, I am Tomashi. And I have no problem addressing this question."

The man rose from his chair and walked over to a board situated behind a wooden table covered in papers and books. On the wall, he pointed to a crude drawing of a goblinoid being.

"I am tracking a skittish race of goblins called the Frost Children. Their last settlement that I was at led me in these lands and I am currently in the process of finding their next settlement. They are a mobile bunch of goblins, and difficult to approach, even though they know common. However, while I investigated their last settlement, I discovered a different beast I was highly interested in."

Tomashi then shuffled through the papers on the table and pulled out a small stack, bound together with a bit of thread, and brought it over for the two men to check.

"This is the beast I want you to check. It is a Frost Wraith, and from my limited knowledge that I discovered at the settlement, its very hostile and will freeze anything living. Now, I am not surprised that a wraith was around that area due to their being a prominent amount of death that these lands claim. However, this is a mutation, and a rare one at that, and I want it studied."

Tomashi returned to his seat and allowed them to look over the document. Most of it was blank, with areas reserved for a lot of specific information, but there were some few areas that Tomashi filled out himself; such as its name, elemental type being ice, the species type being an evolved Wraith, and a big warning saying its very hostile. The document was about six pages long of different questions and requirements for a proper detailing of any creature being observed. Tomashi had put together a beast of a documentation sheet and his proud expression told that he had spend many years on its contents.

Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

Gadg8eer didn't understand most of the words, but he accepted the papers and quickly went through the pages. According to the translation of the Terran text that his devices were providing, the man had made some extensive notes on a 'Wraith' of some sort. Unfortunately, Gadg8eer couldn't understand what to specifically do with them, so he handed them to Darin and tried to respond in plain English, hoping that the meaning would get through. The idea that this thing was out there and dangerous was terrifying, but Gadg8eer was no longer worried about his own death so much; The being which brought him to this world proved it. Death was too painful to doubt he would respawn like he did then. Instead he was more worried about the other two. He was dressed for spring/autumn and the temperature was already dropping to levels that made him uncomfortable even now. If the discomfort the boy inferred from Darin's speech was anything to go by, the reptile man (though Gadg8eer would never call him that, he wasn't going to discriminate against another sentient being for being of a species and he didn't want to give the impression that he was the kind of entitled arrogant jerk who gathered a harem while turning a feudal society into a democracy) did not look like he was meant to withstand the frigid weather.

"I can read anything you give me in any language, but I only know how to speak and understand English and the first town I came across didn't even speak it. That's why I have this weird accent and didn't say anything, and sometimes I hear words I've never heard before in what people say that are hard to understand." the boy tried to explain, then realized that was probably too wordy.

"What I mean is, when he says '<study>' this thing," the boy said, trying to pronounce an unfamiliar word the way Tomashi had, "does he mean from afar or by, um... dissecting it? I got the part about how Monster species chose to be evil whether or not they were born from Monsters, I just want to know because you call this thing a wraith so - unless I'm missing something - how do you dissect a ghost? Wait no, that's too complicated to get across easily too... I mean, you're obviously smart, I just hope I've said enough that nothing was lost in translation." he sighed, and then collected his thoughts.

"Do you want us to escort you, watch it for you, or kill it for you? And if it's the latter... Is killing a ghost even supposed to be possible, and are you sure it's evil?"
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Darin 256x256.png

Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]

Mentions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream , Gadg8eer Gadg8eer

"Common" "<Beastial>"

Darin sat back, listening to Tomashi. "'Frost Wraith', it certainly sounds like an imposing beast. How much damage did it do to this last settlement you mention?" With a thankful nod, he took the file as Gadg8eer handed it over. Darin's eyes skimmed over the document, staying silent as he read and the other adventurer among them spoke. Frost Wraith... ice... evolved... hostile... Though beyond that, it was blank; right, that was what they were probably here for, presumab—

Suddenly, as the words spoken by Gad8eer registered in his mind, Darin's gaze snapped to him, the file temporarily forgotten. "I'm sorry, did you say... 'English'?" After a couple of seconds, he lightly cleared his throat and restored his composure. It would do him no good to get ahead of himself, like the last time; perhaps just another very odd coincidence. Yes, better to assume that first. "Ahem, apologies for the interruption. Please, continue."

With nothing more to read other than empty categories, he handed the file back to Tomashi. With his attention returned to the matter at hand, Darin waited for Gad8eer to finish speaking; the human seemed talkative when he finally did speak, but the marksman remained patient, Darin using the moment to ready his own words. "I must agree with his questioning, Mr. Tomashi, as other than the general danger, your ad at the guild did not specify the nature of the job itself." He grumbled quietly and indirectly, though loud enough to hear. "Something I'd liked to have known before trudging through this wasteland of ice..." He slightly lifted the musket into the air to emphasize his next sentence. "...but if you need guarding, firepower, or watching eyes for this study, then that's what I can do."

Monster Name: Frost Wraith
LOCATION: Glace Valley - Mouth of the Frost Dragon
TAGS: Voider Voider - Darin | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer - Gadg8eer

Tomashi sat patiently, listening to the boy with a warm gaze and a soft smile. His concerns and questions were understandable, and having the boy explain his situation brought upon a gentle chuckle. His grey eyes then turned to Darin, the lizard man, and as he listened a thought came to his mind. The man was dressed far too lightly for his race being in such a cold climate, and Darin made the point even more clear when he mentioned how his add was not clear enough. Tomashi nodded, finally speaking up and addressing the situation and questions.

"First, while I am not fluent in the English language, I have learned enough to be able to understand and somewhat communicate. Do not fret about anything and speak freely, if I do not understand I will ask." He smiled and took the file back, setting it on the edge of the table. "Secondly, the nature of the job is quite vast and the generalized skills I required for a person was listed on the ad. I did not miss any detail in that part. You will report to me and I will give you assignments to complete for payment." Tomashi's hand tapped on the file as he moved on to the next topic. It was like his answers were bouncing all over, with no consistency at all. "This creature is to be watched, but if your safety becomes an issue where you cannot retreat, then you may fight to kill. If it still has the same characteristics as a basic wraith, retreating wont be difficult if you if you can run and evade outside its bound location."

Tomashi shuffles through his papers once more and pulls out a worn out map, wrinkled and torn in places to show its age. He tapped on an area where a village was marked and looked at Darin.

"To answer your question. The wraith completely destroyed this small village, encasing chunks of it in ice. Your task will be to travel out to this village and investigate the scene and observe the wraith in its habitat to fill out the form I have given you. Proper observation can take quite a while, I have spent years on a single target, but I tend to get engrossed in my work. I expect you to take no less than a couple of weeks to fill out this form with minimal information, but the more detailed you make it the larger your reward will be."

The old man chuckled with a wide toothed grin as he waved the paper around. He was planning on paying in coin, but also had other rewards stashed away from travels long run by him that he could give to the adventurers. He was well prepared to make sure their efforts were rewarded.

Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

"Oh, okay. That makes sense." Gadg8eer responded, glad he'd finally found himself in good company.

As Tomashi unfurled the map, Gadg8eer quickly took a photograph of it with his goggles in the highest available resolution, hoping to keep some useful information. He also clipped the last 30 seconds, feeding the text on the papers into his records.

Finally, he looked at the original ad posted, producing a visible interface that displayed a holographic replica of the ad, the tavern job board, and a section of the wall it had been attached to.

The Story So Far - Item: "SpyWear" F
If Gadg8eer forgets anything, he can use his goggles outside of combat to look at the actual posts of the RP. This cannot be used to break the fourth wall, however, as the XR PAN aggregates the information into a personal html-like archive that is indistinguishable from a series of forum posts by IH natives roleplaying as Isekai. It also does not contain information that Gadg8eer could not otherwise know (marked by a strikethrough if included in a quote).

Tomashi is a long lived, wondering nomad who has one goal in mind, to research and study monsters and creatures.

Lately, he has been preoccupied with tracking down an elusive creature. So much so that it's taken several months to gather one page of information. He has decided to ask for help from fellow adventurers fill his book with needed knowledge.

His ad that is posted in a local tavern or adventuring guild reads:

Looking for 3-4 bodies to embark on a long standing journey. Must be willing to endure harsh environments, dangerous situations, and have the ability to think critically in life threatening encounters. Knowledge about creatures and monsters a plus, but not required. If interested, locate me in the depths of an ice cave on the north side of the continent.

"Three to four people? Are we understaffed?" Gadg8eer pointed out. "Um... worst case scenario, don't worry about me. I never grew up, technically I can't claim the kind of young innocence people should protect."
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Darin 256x256.png

Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]

Mentions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream , Gadg8eer Gadg8eer

"Common" "<Beastial>"

"Ah," Darin leaned back in the chair, giving a slow nod of his head in an understanding manner, as Tomashi explained how they would be tasked with assignments. "...this is a long-term job." He stated matter-of-factly, before silently listening to the objective and details of the mission presented to them. As Tomashi brought out a map, Darin leaned in to intently scan his eyes over it; understanding the local terrain was always useful, and in this case, paramount. "Understood; is this all that we should be aware of?"

He then turned his focus over to Gadg8eer, whom made a good point. Yet, the next words would cause the lizardman to raise a scaled eyebrow. "I may not know who you are, or how old you may actually be, but I'm not going to leave behind anyone I work with just because of immediate danger. Watch my back, and I'll watch yours." With that said, Darin was too late to stop a sigh from escaping as he faced back to Tomashi. "I don't like being sent on a job that should potentially have more personnel. Regardless, as long as the payment reflects that, I'll do it."
Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

Gadg8eer gave a sharp nod in acknowledgement. "I'll try my best." he told the other adventurer.

He then looked to Tomashi for a bit. "If this thing attacked a village, it's definitely the bad guy. I just want to know one thing. Were any lives lost, and who? Because if that thing killed anyone, especially actual kids... I'll study it and then destroy it myself using what I learn. I didn't turn away from my old life and not look back to let that kind of cruelty go unpunished." he stated, coldly serious. Somewhere inside him, his empathy burned too hot to be contained by anything but that ironclad gaze. Vengeance would be a hard habit to kick for someone who had never actually gotten a chance to attain even revenge towards those he himself was wronged by.

Gadg8eer then sighed, trying to relax. "Oh, um... Sorry, I don't even know your names and I'm already falling apart. You can call me Gadg-eight-eer. Weird name, I know, I only used it back home when I was in the AugReal- uh... visiting the closest Fae realm. We called it the Fediverse, but explaining its origin would take all day." he tried to summarize. "As for the nickname, the only society I've ever heard of that didn't use weird nicknames was mid-20th Century America. My old society, the Global West that evolved from 20th-Century America, just happened to be the only one where people choose their nickname themselves, starting with trucker handles through usernames and gamertags to... well, ending with... cryptocredentials. That's why my name is what it is, I like it and it makes sense for my interests, even if it means some people don't like my tastes."

He looked around for a bit but then shook his head, thinking better of it. "If you're wondering what it means, well... I've got a few ideas on how showing you might work better than telling you, but I don't want to go tearing your place apart to build a gadget out of things that aren't mine. A gadgeteer is someone who uses gadgets, although I don't know if 'gadget' is in your vocabularies since - as far as I've seen - this world doesn't even have running water. WAIT."

He reached into one of his pockets, taking out a single sharp stick he'd picked up on the trip there. He quickly etched a crude image into the ice, apologizing when he realized he'd technically damaged the wall. When he was done, an image of a sloped bridge reaching from a mountain to a second mountain and then down to a town remained. "This is called an aqueduct, although with my crappy luck you've probably heard of something like it already. If they don't have them here, they should, they're about as simple as fresh water supply gets. Water flows downhill, even when the slope is so subtle you can't see it, so this gets water from a big mountain over a smaller mountain down to anywhere you want to put a city. They definitely didn't have any good sources of fresh water in the places we came from to the west of here, I still can't get the taste of fermented rice out of my mouth after staying at that Inn... I never even drank alcohol because it tastes so gross to me. he said, making a face as he tried to ignore the awful flavor he'd had on his tongue for some time.

"Anyway, yeah. This is more of a megaproject than a gadget, but imagine an aqueduct-level invention. World-changing. Except it also fits in a backpack or pocket. That's basically what a gadget is, and I specialized myself in knowing how to make the most use out of whatever tools I have. I'm working on trying to make some myself, since I left everything where I came from and I can't just order what I want and put it in a PickParter campaign to find other people who want the same customized thing." he tried his best to explain.

"Also, thanks for listening. I haven't spoken properly to anyone since I got here, it just... feels good to talk for a bit." he shyly admitted.
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Monster Name: Frost Wraith
LOCATION: Glace Valley - Mouth of the Frost Dragon
TAGS: Voider Voider - Darin | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer - Gadg8eer

The man watched the boy ramble on for a bit, not interrupting or commenting. He knew how hard it was to conversate with another when you are isolated so far out. There was a time when the moment he saw a living being he would want to talk it head off. Such fond memories brough a chuckle out of Tomashi when the boy finished talking. First, he turned his attention to Darin, since his concerns were a bit smaller to manage.

"While my flyer did ask for a much larger group, it is entirely up to you two on if you decide you are understaffed. As you can see, I study these beasts and creatures with no one but myself and come out mostly fine. Sometimes, a smaller group is ideal when studying for a long time. As for if this is all you needed to know, then yes, it is all here." He then turned his attention to the other young boy and nodded at his introduction. "While I do not know what all you were talking about, I am very well aware of the need to talk and be listened to. I was able to catch that your name was Gadge? Or was it Gage? I am sorry for not remembering, it was a very unique name. Either way, your concern about the death toll is valid. The village was completely wiped out and loss was high when I discovered it. Most of the villagers received a proper burial according to their beliefs. And while it is highly upsetting to hear this, I am not sending you out to enact a grand scheme of revenge and glory. This is a research project in short, and the information you gather will help others avoid the same fate."

As Tomashi spoke the final few sentences, his expression became serious and firm. He does not like seeing the death of any creatures and monsters that does not have a legitimate reason to parish. The frost wraith is one example, it was following its instinct and while tragic, it can be properly avoided and prepped against with further knowledge. Tomashi stands by this philosophy, as it has shown major results in helping villages and towns survive all over the place. Then, suddenly, his expression changes into one of enlightenment as he remembered something else.

"Oh, and as thanks for accepting this quest, I also prepared some warming clothes and a few tools for you to take." Tomashi stood and walked over to a cubby behind a hanging pelt. He pulled out two thick fur coats and a pack of items, bringing them over to the two.

Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

"I'll wait to get the info first but I can't make any promises after that, especially if it tries to kill anyone else. Or succeeds." he said to Tomashi, accepting the winter coat that was fortunately in his size. "As for the drawing... It's a way to get water from these mountains to the lands to the west of here. I know it sounds crazy, but... imagine having a pipe in here that you could twist a knob a bit at any time to get clean spring water right in your own kitchen. That could happen if you built a huge bridge that has a shallow slope to it for the water to run downhill."

He put on the coat, sensing it was time to actually get stuff done. The toolkit was easily opened and the components distributed among Gadg8eer's two belt pouches, two pockets, two zip pockets and four backpack compartments with plenty of room to spare, though he took time to note what they actually were and how well he recalled the ways they should be used.


Darin 256x256.png

Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]

Mentions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream , Gadg8eer Gadg8eer

"Common" "<Beastial>"

Darin gave a deep nod of his head at the answer to his concerns. "Fair enough, Mr. Tomashi, you make an excellent point." If this man had been studying monsters like this by his lonesome, then Darin couldn't argue with that. Although, Tomashi did have experience on his side...

Darin's thoughts were momentarily broken, as there was a brief tension between Gad8eer and Tomashi over the Wraith's life. His eyes narrowed as he looked between them; it was clear that both held their convictions, and that neither would be happy if things didn't go well. Darin felt the need to mention his own position on the matter, speaking in a neutral tone. "I'll only shoot to kill if necessary for our survival, or anyone else present, as per the job details."

At sight of the fur coats that were brought out, Darin visibly relaxed with relief. "Thank you for providing these; the coat is especially appreciated." Standing up, he gently took the coat and wore it on top of his smaller, personal one; as for the other items, he opened his rucksack and did his best to fit them into the empty space. The additional weight of it all uncomfortably dampened his agility, but the protection from the cold was well worth it. Picking up his musket, he routinely looked over the firearm, ensuring it was in pristine condition. Feeling that everything was ready on his end, Darin turned back to Tomashi. "Are we to bring the map you showed us, or a copy if you have one?"
Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

The Story So Far - Item: "SpyWear" F
If Gadg8eer forgets anything, he can use his goggles outside of combat to look at the actual posts of the RP. This cannot be used to break the fourth wall, however, as the XR PAN aggregates the information into a personal html-like archive that is indistinguishable from a series of forum posts by IH natives roleplaying as Isekai. It also does not contain information that Gadg8eer could not otherwise know (marked by a strikethrough if included in a quote).

At that moment, Gadg8eer seemed distracted by something. Suddenly, he jabbed at the air, and a large, strange-looking entity appeared, resembling a flat slate but much thinner. It looked vaguely like stained glass, but it's nature was clear. A strange ghostly replica of Tomashi's map, potentially unlike anything Darin nor Tomashi had ever seen. "If we were supposed to bring it, we should, just in case. This should be an easier Plan A than paper, but even back home we kept paper backups of everything important. I don't want to see anyone freeze to death because we didn't have a Plan B. Not even the Frost Wraith, especially if I'm judging it wrong, that's why I'm willing to watch first. Mother grizzlies don't kill people for no reason, even if a crocodile never cries real tears."

(( Note: I'm going with the assumption that neither Darin nor Tomashi have seen anything like this or this or this. ))
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Monster Name: Frost Wraith
LOCATION: Glace Valley - Mouth of the Frost Dragon
TAGS: Voider Voider - Darin | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer - Gadg8eer

While his face was stern, he nodded solemnly, understanding where the two came from. Tomashi was not going to force the matter further, the two needed to head out and make their way to the village. He grabbed the map and began rolling it up when Darin asked if it was alright to take it with them, offering it to Darin.

"Though it is my only map, and hand drawn by myself, you will probably need it more than me." Tomashi had traveled over the lands long enough to be able to go without a map in this area. He only held onto this map in case he had found anything new, but so far he was well acquainted with the topography of the northern lands. "Don't lose or destroy it, the map is the only one of its kind."

After that, Tomashi escorted them back out of the den and into the biting cold of the cave. He made sure the two had the proper paperwork to record the Wraith and bit them farewell before shutting the door. Whatever questions the two adventurers had, their source of answers was not cut off. Outside the den, the biting chill was now dampened upon their bodies with the accompany of the warm fur coat. Though other exposed skin was still vulnerable, it was not nearly as intense. Upon reaching the cave entrance, the glare of the sun upon the snow was intense and the once howling wind had died down greatly.

The travel to the village was long and drawn out, causing the two individuals to traverse through many obstacles before they finally arrived at the place of interest. The village was torn to bits, frozen in time, and completely empty. From the distance the two were at, they had a general idea of what had happened. The once lively tents were torn and battered, with the occasional large pillars of ice jutting through them. Most of the area had a light dusting of snow upon it, and the winds that were coming in threatened to bury the rest of the town if left too long.

Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

On the way to the village, Gadg8eer had realized he was fortunate to have kept his head cool. "Hey, um... Darin, right? I've been here for, like, less than 48 hours. I just remembered something about these kind of- well, about this whole world. Is it possible to resurrect people? Or do they just come back as mindless zombies every time? Because if there's some sort of resurrection spell or phoenix down..." he started to say as they reached the site of the village.

He didn't have time to get an answer, though. The weather was not looking kind. Instead he ran over to the nearest remains of a tent and started gathering up debris from the broken village, his only hope of preserving what was here resting on what he could build. He used the tools he had to pry things apart and to fasten them together.
Action [1]: Used Ability [Imaginateer - Artisan Tinkerer F]

F Grade Cooldown: 0/0

(If cooldowns are taking place)

Imaginateer F - Artisan Tinkerer F - Can build items no larger than a refrigerator (respective to Gadg8eer's size when used), without onlookers being able to determine what is being built through supernatural abilities, however any onlooker can attempt to guess or deduce what is being made using mundane skills like knowledge and intuition. Requires harvested minerals and ores, though a portable toolkit may be used as a substitute for a full workshop. - 0 Post Cooldown

The result, made from a broken paper umbrella and a cracked storage crate, along with a few bits and sticks that made it look like a poorly-conceived mockup of a Victrola gramophone. He then shoved a rusty handcrank into the side and began turning it. As he did, the upturned umbrella "satellite dish" projected a holographic dome over the whole village above their heads. It quickly became apparent that as long as the crank was being turned, the dome would shelter the area by causing snow to melt on contact and the water to pour off to the sides. The meltwater quickly began to turn to ice again once it reached the base of the dome.

(( I hope this is okay? ))
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Darin 256x256.png

Equipped Titles: [Beast], [Adept Marksman], [Sentry], [Ryken Adventurer F], [Marsh Marching]

Mentions: Daddy Dream Daddy Dream , Gadg8eer Gadg8eer

"Common" "<Beastial>"

Darin took the hand drawn map, grasping it firmly as he stored it inside the coats on his body. "I will do my utmost to preserve it, Mr. Tomashi." With little more to say, he gave a final nod of acknowledgement as Tomashi guided the two of them outside. Though the cold still held a bite, Darin stood with a more solid posture than their initial travel here, the fur coat providing much needed insulation.


Darin had been silently observing their surroundings throughout the journey there, but his gaze turned to Gad8eer as the human asked an intriguing question. "Yes, it's Darin. I am not knowledgeable in such... magical fields, but from my time in the Adventurer's Guild..." However, as his companion ran ahead, Darin trailed off and muttered unintelligibly. "Hmph"

Now seeing the abandoned village some distance in front, Darin's features tensed in preparation as he instinctively lowered his stance, searching for any nearby outcropping, rock, or other object to take cover behind that would still provide a good view of the area. If the wraith was here, he wasn't going to let himself be noticed easily; thus, his eyes widened as he watched Gad8eer move in, doing... something. Too far to communicate without shouting, and not wishing to draw attention via sound or move from cover just yet, Darin could only scan the area with his vision and provide warning if necessary. [1]

Action [1]: Used Ability [On Watch E]

E Grade Cooldown: 0/0

(If cooldowns are taking place)

On Watch E - Perception E, Insight E, Energized E - Darin takes the time to keep aware of his surroundings, sensing for any abnormalities or specifics within in his vicinity, as well as studying the speech and actions of those around him. - 0 Post Cooldown
Spoken Languages: "Common"
Literate Languages: Common

Construct Languages (SpyWear* F): <speak(analog.lang)=no>
Translated Languages (The Story So Far): <Terran>

*Construct Language Packs and cool AugReal HUD features not included. Requires 1 double-eye soul battery. Rated e10+.

Also starring...
Daddy Dream as Tomashi
Voider as Darin

After a few minutes, the winds died down and the snow had finished falling. As the sun returned to the sky overhead, Gadg8eer knew there was nothing that could immediately be done about the graves and potential ressurections, but that he'd at least obtained some helpful new tools for whatever lied ahead.

Unfortunately, once the weather was clearly shifting to the milder side, something else became clear. The Wraith was nowhere to be found, nor was there any sense of which direction it was headed. After taking a look at the map, they realized that the area was not very well explored and the map was inaccurate within the deepest parts of the Paizu Mountains range. With no other options, the two adventurers decided to head back to Yale Village, where they had found the job offer, and split ways. Not being paid in advance, Gadg8eer looked through the rest of the map in the hopes of finding somewhere nearby that might offer more fruitful work.

Fortunately it hadn't been a complete loss. Gadg8eer had made his first invention, which seemed to function on it's own but was too large to lug all the way back to Yale, and he now had a set of tools for the time being. He would have returned them, but upon returning to the ice cave Tomashi had been staying in, they found that an avalanche had completely covered the area beneath several feet of snow, making returning the tools impossible if not irrelevant. And of course, he had a map that had aided in enhancing his knowledge of the area.

Darin hadn't slouched either, for his part, also obtaining a set of tools and the paper copy of the map. He also retained any ammunition or other combat equipment he may have purchased in preparation for the job, as Tomashi apparently paid the keeper of the inn in Yale in advance for organizing the adventuring party and would have covered the equipment in turn.

Ignore this, unless you agree Dream's ending is kind of unfavorable.
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Thank you!

Narrators Involved (List the narrators who participated in the roleplay.)
- Daddy Dream Daddy Dream

Narrator Standing (Provide the standing of each narrator involved, including links to their standing sheets for reference.)
- Daddy Dream Daddy Dream - F

Summary of the Roleplay (Briefly summarize the events and main storyline of the roleplay.)
A man named Tomashi hired for 3-4 people to study a "Frost Wraith", however only two arrived. After providing a map to each adventurer (Gadg8eer took a 3D scan of the physical paper map before handing it to Darin. Darin took the physical paper map, and is the current owner of the most detailed paper map of the Paizu Mountains. Tomashi then said to go to the nomadic encampment the Wraith was last seen at.

Goal Achievement (Indicate whether the goal of the roleplay was accomplished. Note that this affects grading, as failed roleplays typically receive lesser rewards.)
After protecting the graves of the dead from an unexpected snowstorm, they could find no trace of where the "Frost Wraith" went and were forced to abandon the mission. Tomashi seems to have disappeared, seemingly a victim of an avalanche that buried the place the adventurers met him.

Criminal Acts Perpetrated (List any criminal acts committed during the roleplay, with links to the specific posts where they occurred.)

Lore to Establish (Detail any new lore you'd like to introduce, including brief descriptions for lore moderators, links to the posts where the lore was established, nation of origin associated with the lore.)
Tomashi Cavern: An ice cave named in memory of the scientist who made his home and tomb there. (If Tomashi remains alive, he can potentially use it as a cover to obtain a new identity, but that's not my RP to run.)

Partial Participants (Provide a list of partial participants, including their character names and roleplayer (RPer) names.)

Partial Participant Invaders (Note if any partial participants were invaders. Specify whether world rules or player versus player (PvP) mechanics were utilized.)

Full-Time Participants (List all full-time participants.)
  • Character name: Gadg8eer
  • RPer name: Gadg8eer Gadg8eer
  • Link to character sheet: Sheet

  • Character name: Darin
  • RPer name: Voider Voider
  • Link to character sheet: Sheet

Characters with Point Boosters (Identify any characters who used point boosters, including links to the posts where the boosters were used to gain points (for narrative boosters, the first post in the scene is sufficient)).

Recommended Titles (Suggest titles for characters based on their actions or outcomes within the roleplay.)

Assets/Titles Roleplayed For (List any assets or titles that were roleplayed for, along with justifications for each.)
  • Gadg8eer
    • Fae
      • Spirit is everything and everything is spirit. The elders left their physical bodies some time ago in order to linger and better oversee the world's affairs. Magic is the medium through which the world will be righted.
    • InKid
      • InKids are defined by two contrasts; their defiance, and their obedience. Those who are young at heart know the balance in being in their position, of a second chance at childhood; the strong rule the weak, but the trick is recognizing only the authority of protectors among the strong, and to subvert the power of the cruel, the selfish, and the spiteful. Submit to the right kind of strength, and tyranny becomes a weakness.
  • Darin
    • [Beast]
      • Though Darin may not particularly appreciate a title named "Beast", it is an undeniable fact.
        • The cold temperature affected his exothermic biology.
    • [Adept Marksman]
      • After months adventuring through the Protectorate of Ryke, and facing multiple fights throughout that time, Darin has learned the practicalities of being both a marksman & a combatant. Armed with such knowledge, Darin now seeks to improve his methods of fighting.
        • He clearly knew that rushing into a potential combat zone was probably a bad idea, (while Gadg8eer did not)...
    • [Sentry]
      • Darin excels at guard duty and is likely to be tasked with it a lot. Darin inspires a sense of safety and rest-assuredness.
        • He kept Gadg8eer calm and was on the ball to try and protect his co-worker when he ran out into the middle of a
          (potentially active) warzone.
    • [Ryken Adventurer F]
      • Darin is an adventurer of the Ryken adventurer guild. Known for being proficient in a number of terrains including water, Ryken adventurers tend to be diverse and capable. Darin is still learning the basics. He may not be fully equipped or able to handle many quests by himself.
        • The cold temperature affected his exothermic biology, but not enough to hamper him as long as he kept moving.
    • [Marsh Marching]
      • Darin has experience fighting in swamp environments, making it easier to maintain balance on unsteady terrain.
        • The cold temperature affected his exothermic biology, but not enough to hinder movement in spite of the difficult weather and climate.
Characters with [Wanted] or Criminal Titles (Provide a list of characters who already possess the [Wanted] title or any criminal titles.).

Hunters' Involvement (Indicate whether any characters with the [Wanted] title had their hunters appear or play a part in the roleplay.).

Special Skills or Assets (List characters possessing Buddy skills, Masterwork skills, Complex Assets.)
(list skills here. List skill name, grade, and defining numbers associated with skill like distance for skills like Range. Skill List is further down on page. Purchase and Upgrade them as you see fit with points you have.)
  • Artisan Tinkerer F
  • Item F
    • "NeoGear" Retractable MagWheel Skleats F
      • Light Armor F
      • Fast F
      • Special Movement: Speedboost F
      • Special Movement: Balance F
      • Jumping F
  • Item F
    • SpyWear F
      • Light Armor F
      • Arcana F
      • Eidetic Memory F
      • Mind Shield F
      • Navigation F
      • Perception F
  • Masterwork
    • Harverster Minerals and Ores F

Movement Skills:
  • Fast E
Martial Skills:
  • [Specialized] Fighting Style: Constant Positioning [Gun] D
Attempting to always keep an optimal range to the target, Darin utilizes any advantageous or preferable terrain, firing when opportunity arises, and darting to new positions as needed.

Aimed Shot - Range D: A simple concept; standing, kneeling, or laying prone, aiming the gun towards your target, pulling the trigger, & then conducting the process of reloading.​

Focused Shot - Accurate D: Taking the time to stay still, hold breath, account for distance as well as target movement, & aligning the gun appropriately to fire accurately.​
  • Fighting Style: Melee [Spear] D
When engaging in close-quarters combat is inevitable, Darin utilizes his bayonet and firearm to stab, hit, block, and apply other such actions resembling the usage of a spear.

Guard - Deflect D: The usage of correct angling and pressure with one's firearm to prevent an opponent's hit from connecting or reaching it's full impact.​
  • Steady Hands D
Magic Skills:
  • N/A
Sense Skills:
  • Appraisal D
Miscellaneous Skills:
  • Energized E
  • Language [Common, Beastial]
Secondary Skills:
  • Controlled Breathing E
  • Insight E
  • Perception E
  • Stealth E
  • Warfare F

Transactions Performed (Note any transactions that occurred during the roleplay, such as, weapon exchanges, asset transfers.)

Rules Utilized (Specify the level of rules used in the roleplay.)
No rules. | Some rules | Advanced in-house (IH) rules

Character Sheet Oddities (Mention any noticeable oddities or inconsistencies in character sheets related to their purchases. Note: There's no need for a full evaluation; simply highlight any unusual findings during your review.)

Aftermath and Potential Lore Updates (Describe any potential aftermath or consequences based on the events of the roleplay. Suggest any updates that might be needed for the lore.)
Having not found or studied the Frost Wraith, the creature will remain a mystery for the forseeable future.

The remains of the fallen Frost Children goblins remain visible and protected, providing a potential for magical resurrection should someone else come across the area protected by the dome shield of Gadg8eer's invention.

Tomashi's home has disappeared beneath a layer of avalanche'd snow, making it impossible for Darin or Gadg8eer to report their mission failure to him.

Narrator Bonuses (Recommend any bonuses you'd like to award to narrators based on their performance.)
Just give us each a fair share based on experience gained, we all did our best.

Additional Notes (Include any other observations or points you'd like feedback on or that require further commentary.)
If Darin sells his map to a Cartographer to make copies, he'd probably get a good price in a world with no GPS and where even maps and compasses are rare. Fill in some (not all) of the explored map with the area explored within the Paizu Mountains, to match the existence of records now being distributed, if he sells or trades the map.

Monster Name: Frost Wraith
LOCATION: Outside of Glace Valley
TAGS: Voider Voider - Darin | Gadg8eer Gadg8eer - Gadg8eer

A strange sensation washed over the two travelers as they stayed in the village. They first felt a strange chilly tingle creep upon their skin, despite their warm attire. The feeling seeped deep into their bones, causing a sluggish feeling in their bodies and an ache in their bones. As the feeling crept higher on their bodies, the two began to hear a haunting moan approaching them. A frost wraith appeared before the two in a flurry of snow before it released an frightening moan of rage. It lunged forward, its clawed hand poised to attack, and when it was mere inches from their bodies a massive gust of snow filled wind blinded them.

The feeling of lightheadedness overcame them in their blind state, and when vision was restored, they were teleported out from the frosty lands. The gear they were given by Tomashi was no longer present, and the evidence of their mission was nothing but a memory. A melodic voice had entered their minds, informing the two that they were not ready for the mission ahead and soon the opportunity will be presented to them once more. With that, the quest to study a Frost Wraith has come to an abrupt end by an unknown force.


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