OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Kiara followed behind Mason and smiled as she picked up a shell frpm the wet sand. If was a tiny blue thing but was beautiful in her eyes. She handed it to Mason and kissed his cheek, her lips barely brushing his cheek. She smiled as she pulled back and squeezed his hand carefully.
(Hey I'm just gonna skip to when Natasha gets out of the hospital:P It's taking way to long lol)

Natasha walked out of the hospital, looking healthy again. Her broken ribs had healed pretty fast and her concussion had disappeared. Plus, she felt way better now that she was getting back to the school.

The Police-man drove her back, dropping her off in front of the school.

"Try not to get hurt anymore, alright?" He said, smiling in a friendly way. She giggled and tilted her head slightly.

"Alright. Thanks for the ride!" She called out, giving him a small wave before trotting back to the school.

She burst in, and of course, the first thing she saw was Bobo, running on all fours as fast as he could. She knelt down and spread her arms as he leaped and gave her the biggest hug a baby chimp could give.

"I missed you to, buddy.." She murmured, standing up and continuing to hold him close to her.
Devil touched his nose to Ebony's nose and lick her nose, he sniffed her, she was small, and he was big, she was only a pup, Devil picked her up by her scruff and went on the look for her owner.
Kiara giggled again and rested her head n his bare shoulder. She glanced up as she heard some guy yell about what perverts her and Mason. Her eyes widened and she felt anger ripple through her body. She wanted tp punch that guy in the mouth and do some serious damage to him.
James ran down the stares the cuts on his cheeks now light scars he went over and held his arms open for a hug "Do i get a hug?"

Mason turned around and yelled "What?" in a threatening manner and he flexed slightly feeling a bit on anger and he swished his hair out of his eyes and began to walk out of the water towards the person.
Natasha looked up from hugging Bobo and than smiled. She set Bobo down and walked towards James slowly.

"Of course.." She murmured, wrapping her arms around him and pulling him tightly against her. She truly did miss him, and Bobo too. But something in her changed after that accident, like her heart had a hole in it.

She rested the side of her head against his and closed her eyes.

"Sorry I scared you guys like that.." She whispered in his ear, tempted to kiss him, but she doubted he would let her.
Ebony consented to being picked up even though she was getting a bit old. Most dogs considered her pup but it was just because of her appearance, she was already a year old but most dogs thought her a lot younger. She had a puppish face and her size was deceiving for her breed, she had been a runt. Her ears perked as heard her owner calling for her and than she saw Rosa. The girl was still stick than and the clothing hung unnaturally off of her but Ebony could care less that was her girl.

Marcus made his way out of his dorm room, Babe by his side. His mother had sent him here as punishment and for his own protection and he was thankful for that but still he worried for her. She was in a rough neighborhood on her own and she had made a bold decision removing him from the world of crime. By blood he was a member of his brother's gang even though it had never become official.
Lily smiled and the boy and his daughter. she was adorable and then she answerd his question "11 months, his name is Xavier." she said "And your little princess?" she asked
Andrew smiled and nodded as she spoke "Alex just turned three." He chuckled as he watched the two children play together. The little boy was a sweet little thing. He turned back to the girl "I'm Andrew," he said smiling. "And you are....?"

Kiara furrowed her eyebrows, worried. The man was twice the size of Mason and continued to insult the two of them. At his next remark Kiara was startled and hurt. "How about you and your little slut get off the beach?" the man said. Kiara clenched her jaw and felt tears sting her dark eyes.
Cait And Angel walked into the school, they both bore booty shorts with a shirt since they had just came from the beach, Rex And Lucas ran inside only to be greeted nose to nose with a black pit bull, except for Rex it was more like knee to nose xD , Cait and Angel looked up from their laughing and saw Marcus, Cait smiled at him Angel blushed slightly since she was self conscious, she smiled and they both walked past him and started to walk up the stares slowly, towards their room

Mason was getting mad "why don't you get your fat a*s off the beach. and take your ugly bi*ch with you," Mason said pointing at the woman standing beside the man he stood in front of Kiara and he stared at the other Man.
Lily smiled and said "Nice to meet you Andrew, I'm Lily." she introduced herself relaxing as Xavier giggled and laughed along with Alex. "She's adorable." she said to him, looking at Alex.
Kiara's eyes widened, she had never heard Mason use such language before. She touched his shoulder gently, trying to get him to back off some. She brushed her bangs away from her eyes as she waited for the man to do something. The waves began tp pick up a bit as if they could feel the tension and she watched as Rube bounded up beside Mason.

Andrew npdded "Nice to meet you Miss Lily." He chuckled at her compliment to his daughter, "She's a real diva. It's hard being a single dad," he said. "Trust me, going into Walmart and buying a bunch of girl's stuff you get some crazy looks." He shook his head lightly his shaggy hair brushing his forehead.
Rosa smiled in relief as soon as she saw Ebony, she reached out an unsteady hand to the male pitbull who had brought her dog back to her whispering, "Thanks." Dot clung to her shoulder as her owner moved about before finally climbing down her owners sweatshirt and into her pocket across the stomach. The kitten poked its head eyeing the large beast that was at least twenty times her size but she did not back down or swipe at him. Shakily Rosa straightened and began to walk towards the door leading out side. She was terribly self conscious of her emaciated looks but the doctor had told her that she needed to get some sun.

Marcus clucked his tongue for Babe, his brindle pitbull, but she ignored him. She was too busy playing with the other dogs to notice him which was fine. He pulled on his baseball glove and began to toss the ball straight into the air and catch it repeatedly. One of the psychiatrists had prescribed daily exercise so that his energy was focused positively.
Rube snarled and bared his teeth at the mans dog that was with him, Mason stared at the man then looked at Kiara. "You want us off the beach?" he spat at the man "Come kick us off you piece of insecure sh*t!" Mason spat again, the words sounded and tasted foul, Rube jumped slightly, he never got mad so easily , Rube stared for a second then bared his teeth again.
Natasha hugged him a little more, than just grinned slightly. She let go of him a little but she was still close to him. A mischievous glint showed in her caramel eyes as she grabbed James's chin and pulled him closer to her until her lips were softly against his. She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling his body against hers tightly.
Angel came back down stares still in booty shorts and a black tank top that had a rain bow on it, She sat on the steps and listened to music while she wrote in her note book she gave Mason a few glances then kept writing.

mes kissed her, he liked her, and he missed her, he picked her up and kept pressing her lips against hers passionately
Lily smiled and laughed "I can picture that, I got weird looks too." she said looking at Xavier "But he is my world" she said
Natasha continued to kiss him back, wrapping her legs around him. After a few moments, she stopped kissing him, breathing heavily for air. She flicked her hair back and than smiled at him, blushing only a little.

"You didn't expect that did you?" She asked with a sexy look, leaning near the side of his head and kissing his neck.
Natasha grinned, noticing that he was taking her to his dorm room. She kissed up and down his neck, her eyes glittering sexily. She slid down off of him and slowly un-zipped her jacket while kissing him.

Bobo, confused and trying to stumble after them, was alone. He made a hooting noise and than ran back to Natasha's room, slamming the door behind him.
James began to undress himself and Natasha, he smiled at her and laid her down (we can use a lot of detail so we hAVE to say Fades to black or we get suspend,... or me at least...)
(Yeah lol I'll probably get suspended too xD )

Natasha laughed slightly as he laid her down. She smirked and than kissed him passionately. She pulled him closer against her and than gasped a little. She kissed the other side of his neck, and than suddenly everything faded to black..

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