OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Lily smiled as Xavier curled up on her chest and fell asleep, she asked Alex if she wanted to hold him and passed Xavier to her, he cuddled into her and she smiled and then looked at Andrew "Mind if I get a photo?" she asked pointing to the kids
Mason sighed. "Oh." and he frowned, "Well, just get some sleep Baby." He said and smiled, he kissed her forehead and stood up. He then began to walk out of the room.

Angel smiled "Like i said." she said stubbornly "So many girls have that. I wanted something different." she said looking away "Something to show that i dont give a shi*t what other people say, because I'm me, and if they cant handle the truth, The its not my problem.
Andrew shrugged "No problem." He watched as Alex kissed the little boy's forehead. He chuckled and hummed 'I Write Sins Not Tradgedies' by Panic! At The Disco.

Kiara sighed as he turned "Wait, don't leave me..." she said quietly. Her dark eyes were a bit hazy but she knew that she wanted him to stay with her.
Lily recognised the song and thought the lyrics in her head, she took out her camera and took some photo's of them and asked Andrew "Do you want any?"
Andrew shook his head, "Nah. I have a ton of her...Maybe another time?" he smiled a bt wider and gestured for Alex to come. "She has to get to dance."
Lily smiled and nodded "Sure I'll see you around" she asked gathering up all her stuff before carefully taking a sleeping Xavier from Alex

Lily smiled and nodded "Sure I'll see you around" she asked gathering up all her stuff before carefully taking a sleeping Xavier from Alex
Andrew bit his lip and pondered what he should say and then it all blurted out. "Hey, do you wanna go to her dance class with me?" He laughed at himself and picked up Alex, who spoke next. "Please? Daddy really likes you." Andrew's eyes widened and he felt his cheeks get warm as he whispered "Alex!" He shook his head with a chuckle.
Lily was surprised she was invited and she was about to say yes when Alex spoke, the words his little girl had used made them both blush "Sure why not" she chuckled "I just need to get a carrier for Xavier" she said standing up, blushing and smiling
Andrew nodded "She has to get dressed and I have to try and do her hair." He took Alex inside and brought her up to his room where he dressed her in her ballet outfit. He smiled at her and then grabbed a brush, comb, and some hair ties. He took her downstairs and sat her on the couch. He then began trying to put her hair up in a ballet bun.
Lily brought Xavier upstairs and put him in his carrier, covered in a blanket. Lily then walked to the living room and saw Andrew and Alex. she made her way over to see Andrew attempting to so Alex's hair in a bun and asked "Need any help?" she was laughing slightly
Andrew nodded "Pretty please?" he asked, holding the brush and comb out to her. He scooted over and sighed, "I never was good at this stuff. Angie was the one who could have done all this." His face saddened a bit and he glanced at the sleeping Xavier.
Lily giggled to herself at his expression and said "Of course, don't be upset though, it's somthing you can't do." she said, sitting behing Ales and placing each lock in place, then pinning it there, forming a balerina bun 'Done" she said looked or anything to fix up
Andrew thanked her and grabbed Alex's bag from by the couch. He smirked at his daughter "Your turn." He handed her the sparkly purple bag with her name in silver cursive on the side. He ushered her out the door and to his beat up old lue Mustang. He opened the door to let Alex crawl up and then took Xavier's carrier to hook it in place in the back.
Lily laughed and followed him to the car "No problem" she said and watched the two kids i the back, when Alex fixed up Xavier banket "Where does she dance?" Lily asked him, getting in the front seat
"Machielok School of Dance." Andrew said as he pulled out of the back seat, hitting his head on the door frame as he did so. "Ouch." He climbed in the driver's seat and turned the keys. He waited for Lily to get in before taking off.
Lily laughed again when he hit his head on the door and said "I used to dance there, but my mum took me out." she said, putting her seabelt on and humming to herself.
Andrew nodded and turned up the radio, it was playing 'We Are Young' by FUN. (XP) He drove towards the studio and hummed along to the song.
Andre finally made it to the dance hall and led Alex inside. She ran into her classroom and Andrew sat in a chair by a window where he could watch. He smiled as she began warming up with the class.
Lily followed them into the dance school, looking around amazed at how much it had changed over the years. She say by andrew and placed, Xavier next to her and watched Alex.
Time Skippeh!

Alex skipped out of class and Andrew hugged her. He gave her a bit of praise as they walked out to the car. Alex asked Lily what she thought.
Lily smiled and said "Wow, I'll have to come to a performance" she smiled and Xavier started to wake up, so she picked him up.
Hey uhm, i hope you guys know, the living room in destroyed, the couched only has on cushion, and there are holes in the walls, were the puppy ate though, and the stair case its eaten ate as well....

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