OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Kiara chuckled "Light appetite?" she asked as she adjusted her tank top straps. She was starving even after two big bowls of Fruit Loops.
Marcus let Babe off leash, the dog quickly scampered across the yard than darted back to him in search of attention. Smiling the boy pulled out a tennis ball and tossed it across the yard. He had noticed that a lot of the girls around the school did not seem to really respect themselves, he was no by means a prude but a girl who’s butt was hanging out of her shorts just wasn’t hot to him. It took all of the fun out of flirting because there was no surprise especially if he had already seen it. The boy also wasn’t a big fan of the bright hair, he liked his girl’s natural and sweet and he knew his mama would have a heart attack if she saw him anywhere near some of the girl’s around this place. He was here to clean up and to be smart not to mess up and be stupid.

Rosa struggled with the worksheets and heat flooded her cheeks. She felt so stupid trying to comprehend stuff that most third graders already knew. When she had first entered the government system they had tested her and they had marked her as on level with the average third grader. It was mortifying.
Kiara smiled and nodded as she felt that urge for a smoke again. She hit her lip, her pearly teeth showing. She wished their food would hurry. She twirled her dark hair around her finger as she felt beads of sweat begin to materialize on her forehead. She wiped it away with her hand and felt her stomach lurch as the food came out. She thanked the waiter and began eating.
Angel sighed, she didn't like being alone here. she saw all the couples and frowned, a lot of people found girls or guys they like, she thought Marcus was cute, but he clearly showed no interest in her.
Rosa struggled with the worksheets and heat flooded her cheeks. She felt so stupid trying to comprehend stuff that most third graders already knew. When she had first entered the government system they had tested her and they had marked her as on level with the average third grader. It was mortifying. Ebony nosed her owner softly in hopes of comforting her before laying down at her feet.

Marcus decided he might as well talk to some of the people while he was here. He made his way over to girl whose hair was a vibrant shade of blue. "So I'm Marcus," he said extending his hand to her. Her hair was not unpleasant just odd he was not quite used to it but at the same time he was not repulsed.

Angel smiled and put her hand in his, guessing it was a hand shake, "Angel."

Mason began to eat, his appetite had become less frequent and he ate slowly.
Kiara felt her stomach lurch again and stood up, practically running to the bathroom. She pushed the door and grimaced at the slam of it. She rushed to a stall and vomited practically everything she had eaten leaving her feeling empty.
Mason just watched and her then felt bad "Well." he said "Time to go home." he said and stood up he wrote a check then pushed the door to the bathroom open "Baby.?" he said and peeked inside.
Mason sighed and scooped her up in his arms, he picked her up off her feet and carried her like a mad does his wife, he kicked open the door and walked out, he walked out of ihop and carried her all the way home
Rosa struggled with the worksheets and heat flooded her cheeks. She felt so stupid trying to comprehend stuff that most third graders already knew. When she had first entered the government system they had tested her and they had marked her as on level with the average third grader. It was mortifying. Ebony nosed her owner softly in hopes of comforting her before laying down at her feet. Rosa tossed the book aside feeling tears of frustration coming to her eyes, she tried to pushing them away but one or two boiled over.

Marcus sat down beside the girl who went by the name Angel. "So why blue? Why not a smoky black or a warm brown?" he asked genuinely curious. He had never understand the fad or style but he was open to finding out why.
Angel smiled "Because, those are normal colored, the reason me and Cait dye out hair is because, we like the feeling of being out there, and not like all the people in the world." she smiled and petted Rex you laid beside her eying Marcus slightly

Mason walked around Marcus and Angel and opened the door "What the Hell?" he exclaimed and let out a grunt of frustration and anger. He looked at Bella who was laying on top of Rube, Both Were asleep. He grunted and sighed loudly "Great. Now who is buying us a new couch?.... And Rug!!!!" he said then grunted again "And wall!! DON'T FORGET THE DAMN STAIR CASE."he yelled slightly and began to walk up the stares Kiara still in his arms.
Mason, walked into Kiara's Room and set her on the bed, he went into the bath room and wet a rag, he rang the freezing water out, and went back into Kiara's room, he placed the rag on her forehead. then sat next to her, "Im almost positive, you have a bad fever." he said quietly and looked at her.
Kiara just nodded and shivered as he placed the rag on her forehead. She swallowed and then spoke, weakly "It's the damn withdraws." Her eyes fluttered a bit and and she moaned. Her dark hair lay splayed against the dark blue pillow. The rag was cool against her head and she shivered a bit again/
Rosa struggled with the worksheets and heat flooded her cheeks. She felt so stupid trying to comprehend stuff that most third graders already knew. When she had first entered the government system they had tested her and they had marked her as on level with the average third grader. It was mortifying. Ebony nosed her owner softly in hopes of comforting her before laying down at her feet. Rosa tossed the book aside feeling tears of frustration coming to her eyes, she tried to pushing them away but one or two boiled over. She looked up making sure no one had seen her, thankfully the courtyard was empty of people but that also meant it was empty of help.

Marcus smiled, "What's so normal about a striking blonde whose hair sparkles in the light or rich warm brunette whose hair is the color of a perfect bar of milk chocolate?" he asked. The boy was not trying to challenge her he was just trying to make friendly conversation.

Name: Rain "Rainbow" Jones

Age: (13-19) 17

Gender: Female




Bio/Reason of Attending: She has bipolar, and constantly lashes out over little things.


: A female teacup pomeranian named Paris




: No

Gf/Bf: No


: No

Other: Nope :3


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