OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Mason smiled "didnt seem like he had to much to say." he said and held her hand as he walked down the street. "no one, not even some crazy drug dealer can talk to some one i love like that." he smiled at Kiara and kissed her gently
Kiara kissed him back softly, pulling away soon. She stopped and sat on a bench, letting go of his hand for a second. She smiled and leaned back on the wooden bench.
Kiara chuckled and nodded "Yeah." She pulled her shirt out of her back pocket and pulled it over her head. Her long hair was stuck inside the black tank and pulled her hair out of her shirt. She crossed her legs and scratched Rube behind the ears.
Bella was laying beside the sleeping Devil, Devil Raised his head, he was not chained up, he growled and picked Bella up by her scruff, he didn't feel like fighting, he wanted to keep Bella safe, he bared her teeth when Rube got to close to her, Then he went inside and jumped onto james bed with bell still in his mouth
Lily smiled "and Xavier is mine" she watched as Xavier played with the bracelet "really? aw we'll have to meet up with them again" she smiled at her baby boy who was showing her the oversized bracelet on his arm.
Andrew nodded. He was a quiet young man, not much of a speaker. His daughter was the exact opposite of himself. She liked to shout and talk all the time. At the moment she was telling Lily all about her birthday that had happened just a few days ago. She had one hand on her hip the other up by her head her palm flat. She wore a pink and purple tulle skirt and a pink blouse. Andrew had done her hair, and to be frank, it was a mess. He had been trying out a new curling iron and her hair was flipped in and out in all sorts of places.

Kiara chuckled at Devil's reaction "Where should we leave Rube?" she asked as they walked up the paved walkway. She smiled at the two children and their parents that sat in the grass nearby. She waved her free hand and continued with Mason up to the house. She opened the door since Mason's hands were full with Rube and herself. They entered the living room through the front door.
Mason sighed "just leave him here, can cause to much trouble can he?" he asked and un-clipped his leash, Rube wagged his tail then jumped onto the couch to take a nap. Mason smiled "alright. lets go.' he said and began to walk out the door.

Bella on the other hand had a different idea, When Devil was asleep he jumped off the bed, he wagged her tail and went out of the room, he ran down the stairs and saw the couch What? what is that?! She wondered as she approached the couch its not tougher then me! She growled then bit onto the back of the couch, she began to tear into the couch, fabric flying every where. Couch fuzz began to pile on the floor, She ran around and leaped onto the couch she crawled all over Rube, He let her surprisingly, She attacked the couch cushion ripping into it fast he began to have fun, she liked watching the fuzz go into the air and and fall to the ground. she attacked the couch until there was nothing really left to attack by the cushion rube was sleeping on, she left him be then went to attack the rug, she ripped it up fast, then she gnawed her aching teeth on the corner of the wall, she ate the wall a good sized hole and and went up stairs to destroy Natasha's room.
Lily smiled and asked all the right questions and ohh'd and continued talking to the little girl she was usually labled as quiet but around kids she could talk and talk as long as they did. Lily laughed as Xavier tugged on her shirt and picked himvup and layed down backwards resting a giggling baby boy on her chest, her hair sprawled all around her
Kiara nodded and smiled. The walk to the iHop wasn't very far and within minutes they arrived. They were seated immeadiately and hand menus. Kiara ordered a Dr. Pepper to drink and waited for Mason to order his own drink.
Mason ordered water and smiled at Kiara once the waiter left, Mason looked at Kiara and smiled "what are we going to do when we get home?" he asked with a devilish smile

Bella ran up the stares and pushed into Natasha's room, She was out with James, some where, and they took Bobo with them, She bite onto her pink comforter and pulled it off, she shredded into the blanket and played around in the fuzz she spread it all over the room, She jumped onto her bed and grabbed her pillow in her jaws she shook the pillow tearing large holes in it, the feathers flew every where and the flew around in the wind from the fan, she wagged her tail and watched the feathers move all around, she tore up a small knitted green blanket, then went and ate a posted of Kelly Clarkson (I couldn't think of anything xD ) She tore it up fast then she went to her dresser, She wagged her tail and pulled all the dresser drawers out and tore up a pare of pants, a sweater, and a crop tee she then she laid in the middle of the floor it was comfortable, her torn up blankets and the blanket fuzz with her cloths, it was comfortable he laid on her back and fell asleep in Natasha's destroyed room(:

Bell quickly woke up, her mouth throbbed with pain, she ran down the call and started to gnaw on the wooden stares she ate at the stared quickly, she then ran down the stared and ran outside and saw Lily Xavier Alex, and Andrew. She ran over excited and bit onto Andrew's pant leg and pulled on it she thrashed her head back and forth fast and threaten to rip his jeans

([MENTION=2482]Lily[/MENTION] come backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk))
Kiara blushed and pulled back, giggling. "That sounds fun," she whispered back. The waiter came back and gave them their drinks as he asked if they were ready to order their food. Kiara smiled "I'll have the viva la French toast combo with sausage and over easy eggs, please."
Bella gave up and ran back inside, Devil was walking down the stares when he saw her, she froze and Devil looked all over the room, he growled at what Bella had done, He ran at her and picked her up by her scruff, he needed to find Natasha, to take the pip and scold her, Devil couldnt do it.

Mason Ordered easy sunny side up eggs, with bacon and a pancake
Natasha sighed irritably, trying to get Bobo to come with them an James. But he wouldn't budge. For some reason, he didn't really like James at that much, ever since that night.

"Bobo.. Come on!" She exclaimed, trying to pick him up. But he would howl and run away from her a little bit. She glanced at James, giving him a look that said, "What's wrong with him?"

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