OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Natasha's eyes opened slowly and she sat up just a little, yawning and stretching. When she saw James laying next to her, she grinned and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"Time to wake up.." She whispered in his ear and than pulled away just a little. She relaxed and laid her head down on the pillow, staring up at the ceiling.
James opened his eyes and smiled at Natasha "i hope i didnt hurt you." he laughed then stood up and started to put his cloths back on. "oll make you breakfast."
Natasha laughed and watched him leave. She got out from under the covers and slid on all her clothes before walking up behind him and hugging him from behind.

"You didn't hurt me at all." She murmured into his ear, kissing his cheek again before walking towards the door and opening it. Bobo came running in, latching onto her leg immediately and making a monkey howling noise. She giggled slightly at him, and watched the Chimp suddenly grow very suspicious. He was sensing something had gone on in here, and he didn't like it. He made a loud angry noise and than ran over and bit James on the leg.

Natasha's eyes widened and she quickly snatched the irritated chimp away from James.

"Oh my gosh.. I'm so sorry. He doesn't usually act like that." She exclaimed in surprise. Bobo had bitten James badly, causing a lot of blood to flow out of the nasty bite mark.

"Oh crap.. Do you have a First Aid kit or something? I can put something on that. It looks pretty nasty.." She said, panicking just a little as she scrambled to find the medicine cabinet.
Devil was standing at the bottom of the stares and saw the incident, He growled and ran up the stares and ran for Bobo. "Stop Devil!" James yelled, "Stop." Devil kept running then lunged for Bobo
It all sort of happened in slow-mo. As soon as Devil lunged for Bobo, the baby chimp froze, not knowing where or what to do. He just sat still, watching as the huge dog leaped for him, about to tear him to shreds any minute. Baby chimp's are fragile, so if the dog grabbed him and shook him a few times, his tiny neck would surely break.

Her light caramel eyes widened and she gasped, shoving the dog quickly out of the way and hard into the chair. She covered her mouth, realizing that wasn't the right thing to do. She glanced up at James with an innocent shimmer in her eyes. She knew that Devil would strike at her, since she threatened him with the push. But all she wanted was for Bobo to be safe.
Devil laid on his side next to the chair, he whined and squirmed, he lifted his head and stood up, he bared his teeth, he hid the pain in his body, he was built for death, for murder, he stared at the chimp then at Natasha, Devil didn't care if he was hurt or who hurt him, all he cared for, and all he had left, was James.

James watched in terror, "Devil." he said sadly. "Come." Devil limped over to him, a drop of blood dripped from his nose, James stood up and scrambled into his room, he opened cabinets and then looked under his bed, he found what he was looking for, he pulled out the first aid a,d lifted up his Pajama pants leg and pressed the gauze against his deep bite marks, he took out the alcohol and poured it onto the wound, he groaned in pain, then grassed the Gauze back on the bite marks and used a bit of sticky tape to keep it in place, then he picked up Devil and placed him on the top bunk and petted him gently "Sleep." he said then kissed Devil's nose. Devil whined, then James walked out of the room and shut the door. he looked at Natasha then at Bobo. then walked down stairs.

Angel quickly opened her door, she saw the little Chimp in front of her Door, Natasha next to him, the broken chair, and she looked out "What happened?" Cait stood behind her and she stared at Natasha (they are room mates.)
Natasha didn't say a word when James walked back downstairs. She bit her nails, and had the guiltiest expression on her face. She quickly glanced at his face, than looked away as if he was going to yell at her or something. Bobo hugged her arm and made soft hooting noises again, trying to reassure her.

"I.. Didn't mean to.. Do that." She whispered, stumbling over her words as she tried to apologize to him.

Natasha sighed and sat up a little straighter, flicking her gaze back to Angel and Cait.

"Devil was trying to attack Bobo, so I pushed him out of the way and he hit that chair over there," She muttered, pointing to the broken chair with shame. She looked down at her shoes and than at Bobo, who was staring curiously at the two girls.

"I didn't mean to hurt him.. It was an accident.." She said quietly, still having a guilty expression on her face.
James looked at her "it was an accident." he said quietly and kissed her head "its alright." James kissed her forehead and looked at her 'I have to do something alright? i will be back in a little bit." he smiled then went into his room, a few minutes later he came out, he had on jeans and a black shirt, it said something in Italian, with a black cross that dripped blood. he wore his chain on his thigh, he smiled then walked down the stairs, showing no sigh on pain in his leg, he walk outside and shut the door behind him. he walked down the street, then a car pulled up next to him And he got inside, the windows on the car were tinted fully black, and the car itself was black, he shut the car door with a slam, and the car drove off quickly.

Cait gasped "oh, no." he said quietly, then Angel smiled "its alright, I'm positive he will be fine, he is a big, dog, and he is very strong, but he loves James to much to leave him so soon, he will be fine."
Natasha nodded slowly, and grinned a little bit.

"Okay.." She murmured back to James, than watched him leave with her eyes shimmering a little bit. She turned back to Angel and Cait and smirked just a little bit.

"Yeah. I juxt feel bad that I did that.." She muttered, rubbing her arms with embarrassment.

Something caught her attention though. She saw the car James got into, and it looked kind of suspicious.

"Not to be nosy," She began, than turned fully to Cait and Angel and motioned towards the all black car.

"But do you guy's know where he's going?" She asked, tilting her head in a suspicious way.
Her phone suddenly beeped, and she snatched it up immediately as soon as she saw it was James texting her. A smile grew on her face as she looked at the picture of the puppies he had sent her. She quickly replied eagerly.

D'awww:) There so cute! I'm probably gonna have to go with the all white one with the brown spot in the second pic you sent me:) It's so adorable!

She grinned to herself and leaned against the counter with Bobo on her shoulder. She showed him the picture of the all white and brown puppy and he howled, jumping up and down excitedly.

James came home an hour later he was holding the puppy, it was a she, and he pain 1500$ on her, just because she was a pure bred, bred from the finest pit bulls. She wore a diamond studded collar. He carried her up stares and opened Natasha's door. "Here She is." he said and set her on Natasha's bed.

James smiled "she... She came with a name, but we can always change it, it was Moca."
As soon as Natasha saw the puppy, her mouth opened in agape from how cute she was.

"Holy crap, James! She's adorable!" Natasha exclaimed, immediately picking up the puppy and cuddling it gently. The puppy licked her face and she giggled happily. Natasha turned towards James and gave him the biggest hug ever.

"Thank you so much! I love her!" She screeched excitedly, kissing him on the lips and hugging him again. She pulled away just a little, but she was still pretty close.

"How much did she cost?" She asked curiously, probably guessing it was really expensive.
Natasha's eyes widened slightly as she looked down at the puppy and scratched her head.

"D*mn.. That's a lot of money." She said, looking back at James and kissing his cheek. She pulled away and nudged him teasingly before kissing the puppy on the top of the head and smiling.

Bobo hooted and climbed up on top of Natasha's shoulder, studying the puppy slowly. He made a soft cooing noise before petting the puppies back slowly and gently.
"Hmm.. I think the name Bella is cute." Natasha murmured, rubbing the puppy's belly and glancing up at James. Bobo sneezed, and than made a OhOh sound again, lightly poking Bella in the nose.

Hey I'm gonna get off:( I'm SUPER tired and I have to get up early tomorrow:( Goodnight, TTYL:P
Rosa awoke early with Ebony curled at her feet and Dot resting on her chest, thankful that the sedative had worn leaving her mind clear and her stomach nauseous. With a grunt she pushed herself out of bed and glanced ruefully in the mirror. All of therapists had told her that looking in the mirror and accepting herself and believing in her own beauty was important to her recovery but she never did.The girl slid into the bathroom shedding her baggy t-shirt and boy cut shorts and slipping into the shower. While she bathed Rosa's fingers lingered on the self inflicted scars that marred her body. Each line was pale against her mocha skin, it was as if they were threads stitching her skin to the bony frame that her therapists called beautiful. Her hand paused and a memory revealed itself making her shudder and quickly finish up. She dawned a robe and padded into her bedroom where Dot and Ebony where nosing around their food dishes. Rosa quickly fed them then glanced around her sparsely decorated room, it was filled with warmth and pastels and very open so as not to awaken her claustrophobia.On her bedside table lay a small pile of books, notebooks and worksheets with assignments. Considering Rosa's age she was far behind in her education and this were the first steps in catching up. The girl dressed in a loose white v-neck and boyfriend denim shorts that were loose on her tiny frame. She stuffed her books into a canvas bag and grasped the patent leather red leash, Ebony darted forward allowing her owner to clip on the leash and Dot scuttled forward so she catch a ride. Rosa giggled and picked up and water bottle carrier that clipped to her jean and rested on her hip. It was a perfect size for the kitten and once everyone was situated they all walked into the courtyard

(Sorry I'm on my phone)
Andrew nodded "And Alex is mine." He paused as he watched his daughter hand over one of her plastic blue bracelets to Xavier. He was shocked, Alex never gave her jewelry to anyone. Not even her best friends. He chuckled a bit "Well, it seems Alex really likes Xavier. She never, ever gives her jewelry to anyone. Ever."

Kiara frowned, Mason had never acted like this before. She leaned forward and whispered quietly "Mason, let's just go." She was starting to freak out and was getting a little dizzy. She knew she needed a smoke but her box of cigarettes, joints, and other things had been confiscated.
Mason looked at Kiara and grabbed Rube's choker, choking him only slightly. Then he walked around the guy and turned his back on the guy, as he walked for the road again.
Kiara followed and bit her pale pink lip "What happened back there, Mason?" She ran a hand through her dark hair. Kiara was confused and little hurt.
Mason smiled "you tell me. who was that guy anyway? some pervert?" he said as he attached Rube's leached, rube whined and put a paw on Mason's foot, and held out is slobbery doggy disk.
Kiara shook her head "I'm not sure but I think that he might have been a drug dealer from my street." She paused thinking over when she became a druggie. That was it. "I remember now. He was my first dealer." She shook her head as she remembered the horrid things he had done to her. Kiara took Mason's free hand and squeezed it "It'll be alright."

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