OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Griffen listened to him sing and could help but stare at him. He was really good and looked like he was in the zone and like the rest of the world wasn't there. The only time she really felt like that was when she had music blasting in her ears like right now. It was a great feeling to have the world cancled out and nothing else to care about in the world.

Griffen didn't notice it but while he was singing her feet started to move and she stumbled into a whole and with a little scream felt herself tumble to the ground. She tried to prop herself up and get out of there before she embarassed herself any further. Sadly she was stuck. Great, that was probably one of the worst emotions that a person could feel, embarassment. She looked over at Jason hoping to herself that he hadn't seen her.
James had closed his eyes, he liked to feel alone when he sang, he smiled and kept singing. Devil stood up and growled and lowered his big bulky head, he sad seen something move and he bared his teeth.
Griffen heard a growl rumbled from Devil as she felt her face burn with red. Now she's done it. He would think that Griffen is some sort of a crazy stalker chick that's obsessed with him and he wouldn't want to be anything near her. Puffing a feew strands of her golden hair from her eyes, rolling her eyes slightly she couldn't help but scold herself on the inside. You just had to mess everything up again huh Griffen? You didn't learn from your parents? She let out a sigh waiting for the yelling and scream to start.
Natasha leaned against the wall, tears continuing to slide down her face. Bobo was still hugging her, trying desperately to comfort her, but nothing seemed to work. She took her hands away from her face and stared at the floor, her eyes clouded with a lost memory.

"I can hardly call you my daughter anymore.." She remembered her mother spitting straight to her face, slamming the door behind her. She was sitting in the corner, hugging her knees to her chest and crying loudly. That was after she was sent to this school.

Small, glittering tears dripped down her face and onto the floor, creating a small puddle. Bobo wiped a few of her tears away and than made a OhOH noise softly.
James opened his eyes and stopped singing, he stared at Griffen, "What are you doing?" he said over the Microphone. His looked at Devil and made and Chht noise so he calmed down.

Rex went next to Natasha and laid beside her and rest his big head on her legs and looked up at her with his big chocolate colored eyes and he whined
Griffen looked up a Jason with large eyes and then started to hoist herself up and get on solid ground. "Oh... I just saw you...saw that you grabbed your music stuff and" she stopped for a second as she started to walk a bit and began to trip over her own feet blushing madly. "I-I saw you get your stuff and followed you here to see what you were doing." she finally breathed out rubbing her hand behind her head. Keeping her gaze on the ground, Griffen only allowed herself a few glances at the cute boy. She shoved her hands in her pockets and started to say something quietly. "Your really good." she spoke offering a quick smile that vanished from her face soon after. What was going through his mind? Was he thinking that she was sort of freak that was better off in some do do bird house full of other loons?
Natasha suddenly got up, with Bobo running after her. She stormed out of the school with tears in her eyes, not caring who would try to stop her. Bobo latched onto her leg and screeched loudly, trying to get her to stop, but she didn't.

She ran across the street, not looking both ways, but it was practically already to late. She heard a blaring of a car horn, and a blinding light. That's when everything went black.

Bobo screeched, missing the car by an inch and not getting hit, but Natasha wasn't so lucky. She had smashed her head straight onto the hood, causing a huge dent and also her un-conciousness. Blood dripped out of her nose and ears, surrounding her with a giant pool of blood.

Bobo took her hand and squeezed it, a single tear crawling down his face.

"Oh no.. God, this can't be happening.." The man that hit her exclaimed. He quickly got out his phone and dialed in 911, where an ambulance and police cars soon arrived.

(Sorry for the random accident, but I really wanted some drama xD )
James heard the Horn and the crash, He Grabbed Devil "Thanks." he said then grabbed Griffin's hand tightly, he ran down the street pulling Devil and Griffin with him Then he saw the police lights and the Ambulance, He let got of them both, and stopped cold "Wha?" He ran through the ground of Police and Doctors "You cant-" a police man tried to stop him "Thats my best friend." he wailed and pushed him out of the way, He ran to Natasha's aid and stared at her body.
Bobo squeezed her bloody hand tighter and than looked up as soon as James came over. Tears were dripping slowly out of his eyes and he was sniffling a little. Natasha's eyes suddenly fluttered open, but she could hardly keep them open. She turned her head slowly towards James and reached for his hand.

"James.." She said in a whisper, but her eyes slammed shut and her hand collapsed, resting gently on top of James's.

"Sir.. We're gonna have to ask you to leave." A police-man said, walking up to him and pushing him away from Natasha slowly. Another police-man picked up Bobo and carried him off, but he flailed wildly and screeched, trying to get back to her.

She was loaded up into the ambulance and they quickly sent her to the hospital, the sirens blaring loudly.
Griffen ran along with James until the amulance lights and police lights came into view making her gasp. Oh no, that was the only thing that she could think of at the moment. Not Natasha she was a really nice girl too, even though Griffen hadn't gotten to know her too well, she still felt terribly bad for the girl. James fushed through the crowd of people but Griffen just stood there with her hands covering her mouth in a shocked expression, a small tear built up in her eyes. Griffen didn't let it fall because of how sensitive she was with her emotions.She let out a sniffle, Griffen hated to see any person in pain, especially a person as nice as Natasha. She didn't deserve this, not to be hit by a car.
James screamed and pushed the police away he pushed them all back and went to reach for the ambulance but was blocked by a cop, he rammed into the police man and the police man stumbled backwards, he screamed again as the Police man fought with him violently, every thing seamed like slow motion, Then a cop hit him in the back with his elbow and James fell to his knees, The police man pinned his arms behind his back and yelled "Calm down." James felt the tears roll down his cheeks and he watched the ambulance vanish from sight
Blurry voices flooded into her ears. She was confused, scared. She didn't know where she was, or what had happened.

"Where..Where am I?" She whispered, but instead, she was actually screaming it. The Paramedics held her down as she tried to get up. Her vision was dizzy, and every face in front of her was blurred.

"WHERE THE H*LL AM I?!" She screamed as loud as she could, continuing to flail wildly.

"Where am.. I.." She murmured, her voice falling into a whisper as a Paramedic shoved a needle into her arm that knocked her out.

"You can visit her at the hospital. Just not now." He said, trying to calm him down. But it probably wasn't going to work.

"She'll be alright. Her injuries weren't that severe."
James laid on the ground his face pressed to the sharp gravel cutting into his face, he didn't listen to the police his thoughts were to loud. Then a loud bellowing growl interrupted his mind he looked up and saw Devil, his teeth bared at the police and he growled and snarled, his pelt bristled and he barked, slobber dripping from his mouth, he bared his teeth again and lunged for the cop, then backed up his head low drool still dripping, and her bared his teeth again. his ears pinned back against his head and he growled and barked savagely. His teeth dripping drool.
Bobo stopped flailing and screaming, giving up. Small tears were still streaming out of his eyes and onto the concrete below.

Natasha woke up a few hours later, laying on a hospital bed in a room. She blinked a few times, not knowing if she was dead or alive. She touched her chest, and felt a strong heartbeat. She sighed in relief and rested her head against the pillow.

A nurse walked in and gave her a friendly smile.

"You took quite a hit there." She said, touching her forehead gently with a finger.

"Where.. Where's James?.. And Bobo?" Natasha asked weakly, looking around the room, but the nurse was the only one there.

"You haven't had any visitors yet." The nurse replied, looking at her chart to check.
James began to scream again as more police tried to catch Devil "No!!!" James screamed, then the cop on him pressed his face against the gravel more, The cops had long sticks with a hoop of string on the end,he screamed and Devil bared his teeth at the stick, they tried putting it on his neck, but Devil grabbed the stick part in his teeth and shook violently, then another cop came up behind him and wrapped it around Devil's throat and pulled it tight, Devil made savage noises and fought the stick, he snarled and growled, but the cop pinned him against the ground and he snarled and growled. "Stop it!!! Dont you hurt my dog you fu**ers!!" James screamed, blood dripping down his face. then he looked around a bit and saw Griffen just watching.
Natasha sighed, feeling her heart break slightly as the nurse walked out of the room, leaving her alone. She didn't wanna be here. She wanted to be back at the school, with Bobo, James, and everyone else.

"Why did this have to happen to me..?" She asked, a single tear sliding down her face and soaking into the sheets. She hoped James and Bobo didn't freak out badly. It would break her heart to see them all sad and everything over her.
James watched as they secured Devil and threw in in a kennel box, the cop on top of him got off, He pulled James up and stared him in the eye "Calm. Down" he said gently "She is fine!" he said and patted James on the back. James had anger but didn't want to be arrested. he grabbed Devil's Kennel box and pulled it inside the house, he slammed the door shut, and let Devil out, Devil ran out and put his paws on the window, he growled and barked as the police started to vanish.
Rosa awoke in a van surrounded by her singular duffle bag Ebony curled up on her other side and Dot in her chest. The driver was telling her something about this being an amazing opportunity but she couldn't understand any of it because she was drugged up. The medics had sedated her for the long car ride since it was such a confined space but the sedatives were beginning to wear off and along with that came up a new found fear. Her eyes darted about the dark space and she wanted nothing more than to scream out. However she was having trouble formulating thoughts. But now the van had stopped and she could hear sirens going off around her, Rosa tried to peek out the window but could not see anything.

The driver opened the door carelessly and upon hearing the dogs barking Ebony took off. By now Rosa was able to let out a wail of frustration signifying her worry. She did her best to get up but the Doctors had over done it when the sedated her. She was still significantly underweight and her gaunt body was having adverse reactions to the drugs. The driver ignored the dog which had run for the chaotic scene and picked her up carefully. Dot, her kitten, remained balanced on her chest while Rosa struggled to see her dog.

Dot: http://farm3.staticflickr.com/2189/2...fbcdfa83_z.jpg

Ebony ran for the sound of the dog barking and growling in distress. The young female ran to the snapping dogs side trying to protect and help him but police just pushed her away. The pitbull yelped and fell in a heap, when she finally stood she was lost in chaos and confused. She let out a whimper and did the only thing she knew to do follow the dog who had been carried away. She jogged over to the window where the dog was barking and rocked back on her haunches so that she also could be seen. She let out a sharp bark in hopes of getting some help.
Kara blushed furiously as Mason removed his white t-shirt. She hurried after him and the dog. As they reached the dock she stopped and sat on the front of the rough wooden craft. She dangled her legs down and let her feet sit in the cool crystal blue water. Kiara took the red frisbee from the dog's mouth. She smirked and threw it back out into the water. She chuckled as the dog swam towards the floating disc.
Devil saw Ebony and licked the window, James opend the door to see is her could get com peroxide for the cuts on his face and Devil bounded out the door and went to Ebony, he sat towering over her, he wagged his tail and lick her head.

Mason came up behind Kiara and picked her up, he twirled her around and smiled at her "Dont scream." he laughed "Rube might attack me." he chuckled
Andrew smiled as he and his daughter wallked out the front door, hand in hand. Alex was telling her father all about the princess story she had read. It was amazing how well Alex could read at such an early age, she probably got it from her mother. Andrew just nodded as his three year old babbled on until she saw the baby that lag in the grass with his mother. Andrew chuckled as her hands flew to the sides of her face and she gasped, "Daddy! Can I see the baby?" she asked. Andrew nodded and watched his daughter run forward, play jewelry jangling. He followed close beside and sat next to the baby's mum. He spoke as he sat "how old?"

Kiara was prone to screaming when she was surprised but as he said Rube might attack, she shut her mouth. She closed her eyes and giggled hanging on tight to his warm neck. Eventually he set her down on her feet. Her face was a bright red as she spoke "Well, that overall unexpected." She adjusted her bikini top and silently hoped that Mason wouldn't ask about her tattoo.
Mason held her hand as he tip toed into the water, Rube ran up to him and dropped the disk, This time he threw it far into the water, Rube stared at him for a minute as if saying 'i hate you' then he waddles off into the water and began to swim again.
Ebony nipped softly at the dog towering above her, she fit perfectly underneath his chin. She jingled her tags in hopes of getting the boys attention for she needed to locate and find her owner. Rosa must be somewhere in the building but discovering where would be difficult.

Rosa slowly started to come to and regain feeling in all of her limbs. She had already been visited by one of the superintendents who had told her of all the amazing opportunities the facility had to offer. HOwever seeing as she couldn't reply or ask questions she had not learned much from the experience. ALl the girl really knew was that she needed to find Ebony but her legs weren't really interested in cooperating. With a grunt she managed to push herself out of the bed. Her legs wobbled underneath her and Dot balanced herself precariously on her owner's shoulder.
(Hey I'm just gonna skip to when Natasha gets out of the hospital:P It's taking way to long lol)

Natasha walked out of the hospital, looking healthy again. Her broken ribs had healed pretty fast and her concussion had disappeared. Plus, she felt way better now that she was getting back to the school.

The Police-man drove her back, dropping her off in front of the school.

"Try not to get hurt anymore, alright?" He said, smiling in a friendly way. She giggled and tilted her head slightly.

"Alright. Thanks for the ride!" She called out, giving him a small wave before trotting back to the school.

She burst in, and of course, the first thing she saw was Bobo, running on all fours as fast as he could. She knelt down and spread her arms as he leaped and gave her the biggest hug a baby chimp could give.

"I missed you to, buddy.." She murmured, standing up and continuing to hold him close to her.

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