OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Natasha blushed again and than glanced back up at his gaze. She grinned a little and than sighed, scratching the back of her head.

"Um.. Well.. Sorry that happened. I'll make I'll watch where i'm going next time." She said, than gave him a smirk.

"By the way, my names Natasha." She said, beginning to smile now. Bobo winked at James and than made a kissing noise before hooting again.
Rex leaped over Devil and ran through the field, he sat in the field and waited for the nice smelling female and her tiny pup.

James smiled and looked into her eyes "Im james." he smiled and swallowed hard
Xavier heard a noise and went to investigate, like any child does, lily followed him and he sped up reaching Natasha and James. Lily jogged to reach Xavier and as Xavier tugged in James's pant leg she reached them "Sorry! she said, she knew she interupted something and felt guilty "Xavier crawled off!" she said picking him up and poking his nose.
James looked at Xavier and he lit up, he smiled and said "hes very cute. How old is he?" he smiled aagain

Rex, saw the female and whined from the field he barked a loud bellowing bark, but remained sitting
Natasha was about to open her mouth to say something, when suddenly, the baby that was with the woman and the other dog crawled over and tugged on Jame's pants. She giggled slightly at the cute baby and than flicked her gaze back to James. She saw the woman from earlier come over and apologize.

"Oh no, its okay." Natasha said, tilting her head adorably and than smiling. She watched the baby crawl back to the woman and she smirked.

"Your baby is very cute. What's his name?" She asked, watching as her chimp climbed down and poked the baby's stomach lightly.
Lily heard the bark at turned a little "Wait a minute!" she called. "Xavier, here is 11 months he's birthday is in a couple of weeks" she said looking at Xavier and smiling

Xavier giggled and poked his mum's nose
Natasha smiled slightly and than picked up Bobo, putting him back on her shoulder.

"Well, he's a very, very cute baby." She said, forcing a smile as if something was bothering her. She turned back to James, giving him a sad look before saying,

"I guess I'll talk to you later, James.." And than brushing past him and walking off with Bobo giving them all a small wave.

(Alrighty bye bye:)
Comotion made Griffen snap out from her thoughts when she noticed a large black puppy running up. Everything went by so fast so by the next thing she knew Natasha and James seemed to be talking. She didn't know why a pang of jealousy erupted in her heart half making her want to scream. She didn't of course but instead just brushed it off and ignored the two not realizing that she was biting her lip slightly. She noticed a little baby crawling around with one of the other teens and Griffen couldn't help but feel a bit bad for the mother. Griffen loved kids, she really did, especially little ones, but being a teen mother? That was probably one thing that she couldn't handle. Her eyes flickered back over to James and then to all the pets that were scattered around. It made her feel like the odd one out.
Kiara laughed a little at Rube. She knelt down and stroked his high fur trying to calm him. The grass was damp beneath her bare knees and as Rube slowly began to get calmer she stood. The air was the regular temperature for a California morning and a few neighborhood kids were out playing. The children had no idea that the School was ​a school. They thought that adults had adopted them all.
Natasha didn't look back as she walked up the stairs and vanished from sight. She had obviously brought up something from her past that made her upset. Bobo, sensing she was upset, grabbed her hand with his tiny fingers and squeezed it tightly. She smiled at him, but it was a sad smile, one that almost made her burst into tears. But she held the tears back.

She stopped walking and suddenly leaned against the wall, covering her face with her hand as tears slid down her face. She sobbed slightly, trying to wipe away the tears, but she couldn't stop crying. Bobo hooted softly and hugged her neck, petting her head slightly, but that only made her cry harder.
Big Black

saw Griffen then felt that she was uncomfortable, then felt a rise of tension hit him, and he saw Natasha crying, he whined and ran over to her, his large puppy body making large strides and he was beside her, he bit ont her shirt and tugged gently whining slightly.


He smiled and yanked Rube backward, he said "Rube, Heal." and Rube looked up at him and wagged his tail he turned around and began to trot towards the beach, "He doesn't always act like that." Mason exclaimed scolding Rube slightly.

Lily smiled at Xavier and he said "Ma! Ma!" and pointed to the ground, Lily was hesitant, as he had interupted somthing last time, but decided that it could be no harm Xavier just sat on the ground clutching the bottom of her pants and lookin around. She smiled at Xavier and said "See anything?" Xavier shook his tiny head and continiued looking
Kiara chuckled "He's a nice dog. I like him." She began walking along side Mason and Rube. "I had a dog at home. She was a boxer, we called her Milky Way." She chuckled at the silly name. When she was seven it seemed like it was the perfect name for a dog but now it just seemed like a silly thing.
We are all in one house, so we have like dorm rooms(:

Mason and Rube came to the small rock ledge that dropped down into the sand, there were girls tanning, guys playing Frisbee or volley ball, then Mason spotted a couple, the guy was carrying the girl and was spinning her around, the water was up to his knees and the waves pushed against his legs, he watched for a few moments then snapped back to reality, he grabbed Rube's Frisbee and threw it, it was in mid air, when He UN-latched the leash from Rube's choker, Rube leaped off the ledge and he bounded after the Frisbee. Mason jumped off the ledge and held out his hands for Kiara.

i really don't want to presser you guys, but can we maybe make more guys for all the girls? there are only like 2 or 3 guys here. i hope this doesn't offended you people, please can we? Thank you for your Flexibility

black_pup_black_collar_combo_5b.jpg (JPEG Image, 480 × 600 pixels) - Scaled (72%)

^^^^^Big black(:
Kiara took his hands and was flying down off the the ledge. The two landed hard on their bums in the sand. Kiara chuckled and rushed stray hair out of her face and grabbed the bottom of her tank, pulling it over head head to reveal her bikini top. She smiled and stood up careful not to slip in the warm sand.
Mason smiled and removed his shirt, exposing his muscular body. He smiled stood up, he grabbed Kiara's hand and smiled ad Rube ran up and dropped the wet Frisbee. Mason let go of Kiara and ran to the dock, "You red Rube?" he said and held it above his head, Rube barked and Mason threw the Frisbee it soared in the air and landed in the water, Rube ran down the dock and leaped off her landed in the water, and began swam over to the Frisbee.
Andrew Samuel Rollins



View attachment 6069

Andrew was a good kid, a soccer player. His girlfriend was a cheerleader and when they began having sex he never thought of condoms. The third time Angie got pregnant and Andrew stuck with her through it. His mother had no idea it was him who had gotten her pregnant though. When she had the baby girl she died and Andrew was left to care for his daughter, dubbed Angelina. When his mother found out it was his child she sent him here to teach him a lesson.




Alexandria (Alex), Age 3



Thank You ツ╮╰ ╮╰╮╰╮╰



James stood up he was finally done with it, he smiled grabbed Devil and he walked down the street, he came to a place where his voice would echo loud, he smiled and tied Devil to the stage, he ran back home and grabbed his guitar and amps, he ran back and threw them on the stage, he ran back again to get the mic, when he got back, he plugged the amp up and smiled, his Mic was attached to the Amp as well as the guitar, he stumbled the guitar and it was loud, he loved it, Devil sat and watched James his gaze watching for danger.
Griffen couldn't help but stare at James as he ran back to get his music stuff. Since she didn't have the chance to ask him what he was doing, she followed him quietly trying not to let Devil know of her presence. The young blond girl followed James and saw him with his guitar and amp, the smile on the face made him look even more handsome. Sadly she knew she could never have a chance with a guy like him. As Griffen waited in hiding she spoted Davil looking out for danger and hoped dearly that he wouldn't see her spying on them.
James tuned the guitar and let out a shallow breath, he closed his eyes then opened them, he smiled it and began to sing, he looked down at Devil as her sang and he smiled, he sang louder and strummed the guitar loudly but not louder then his voice.

That how he sang(: don't have it up to loud or it may scare you. but its all that loud.

Devil looked around fast and sniffed the air, he watched James his tail wagging and James smiled at him

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