OC's Scool For The Troubled & Unwanted

Angel opened her eyes, sweat dripped down her face and she sat up, and got out of besy, she wore a white t shirt and tight pink botty shorts, She opened the door and let Rex off of her Patio, he whined then she opened the door and walked down stairs, Rex plowed down the stairs and ran around the down stairs, his paws thudding hard on the hard wood, his nails clicking on the wood like horse hooves.
Xavier sat on the grass, and said "Ma!" and held his hands up. She grinned and picked him up kissing his forehead and twirling around. they both laughed and she took out a breakfast bar and munched on it while feeding Xavier some baby food. She laughed when he got it everywhere and cleaned him up, taking of his bib, changing him out of his pajama's and wiped his face.

"Now cutie, what shall we do today?" she asked her baby boy, in a normal voice, she hated baby voices, they were stupid.
Angel opened the door and Let Rex Out, Rex ran outside, Angel knew he knew how to come back she always let him out, he never starts trouble. he trotted around in the grass then he saw Lily and a small baby. And he started to trot over, looked as freidnly s possible, but her baby was tiny, and he was Biig dog
Lily saw the big dog came over, and was very cautious, her baby boy just sat there and looked up at him with a look of terror, which made her laugh "It's OK, he's just big" she said holding her hand out, just in case, better her get hurt that her baby. Xavier watched her hand and then the dog, then her hand again.
Rex wagged his tail and sniffed her hand the lowered his head and lifted it under her hand so her hand was on his large head, He wagged his tail and panted then her looked at Lily and wagged his tail.

Big Black ran over and stood under his father. He went over to Xavier and sniffed him slightly then wagged his baby tail and yipped

View attachment 6053 this is Big Black(:
Xavier eyes the puppy wearily and then stuck his hand out, like his mum did. Lily grinned and scratched the top of Rex's head, watching Xavier and the puppy. she smiled when he stuck out his had, and he looked up at her and she nodded "Good boy, be careful though." she said, still scratching Rex's ear. Xavier looked back at the puppy and giggled
Natasha sighed slowly, walking out and sitting down on the stairs. Her baby Chimpanzee, Bobo had his arms tightly wrapped around her neck as he sat on her shoulder. He made a hooting noise and than poked her in the cheek. She laughed and pretended she was trying to catch him as he smiled and sat behind her, trying to hide.

"Oh my.. I wonder where Bobo could have gone.." She said, grinning slightly to herself as she pretended not to know where he was. She suddenly whipped around and exclaimed "BOO." and the baby Chimp jumped up and down, making a "OhOhAhAh" sound.

She laughed again and let the baby Chimp climb back onto her shoulder, where he stuck out his tongue at anybody nearby
Big Black

licked the baby's fingers and wagged his tail and put his bum in the air and his paws against the ground, he yipped again jumped and put his bum in the air again and yipped


trotted away from Lily and went and brought back a small tree branch and wagged his tail, then dropped it at her feet, his slobber covering the branch


yanked Devil away from Rube and he grabbed his choker chain, he looked over saw Natasha on the stairs and tightened his grip on Devil, he kept lunging for Rube, making savage noises and baring his teeth.
Xavier giggled and patted him, a little roughly on the top of the head.

Lily smiled and then picked up the stick, with only two fingers and threw it a fair distance away and waited for him to get the stick.

Xavier watched his mum throw the stick and patted Big Black.
Natasha looked up when she heard dogs barking and growling at each other. She saw James staring at her and she looked away quickly.

Bobo screeched and shook his head at the two dogs in a mocking gesture. She smiled at the Chimp, who continued to shake his head and stick out his tongue at the dogs.

"Bobo. No more." She said, watching as he listened obediently and began playing with her fingers.

Bobo was usually the only thing in the world that made her happy, since her parents practically hated her anyways. She didn't really have anyone to turn to except the Chimp. Which sounds silly because he's just an animal. But there a lot closer than you would think.

made to over to the stick fast, his long black body making a few strides before he got to the stick, he picked it up and ran back to Lily, he held it out for his his teeth dug into the stick and he shook his head when she tried to grab it, and he pulled it from his grasp trotted away then trotted back and held it out again.

Big Black

He put his nose against Xavier and sniffed him, he licked his cheek and kept sniffing, his whiskers tickling the baby slightly.
Xavier burst into a fit of giggles, smiling and moving that side of his face his face away when he licked him "Ma! Ma!" he giggled and lily laughed and said "Xavier, Xavier!" Xavier grinned and kept petting the puppy

Lily laughed at Rex and tried to grab the stick again, this time succeeding and throwing it again, this time further.

He snarled and stopped Lunging, he bared his teeth and looked at James, James yanked him back, and pulled him away more, he kept glancing back at Natasha then back at Devil.


he twisted and turned his teeth still bared and he growled loudly then get down on all four paws again, his pelt bristling and his teeth bared.

Natasha stood up, preparing to walk off, but she immediately stopped running when Bobo leaped down and ran towards James and the two dogs on all fours. Her eyes widened in alarm and she took off after him quickly.

"Bobo! Stop!" She exclaimed, watching as the young chimp got closer and closer to the dangerous looking dogs. He stopped and screeched and ran back towards her, hiding behind her legs and sticking his lips out at the dogs mockingly.

He ran to the stick picked it up and ran back, this time he laid down at Lily's feet and he sniffed the baby's face then he licked his forehead.

Big Black

He growled at his head and bit onto his ear and tugged on it


pushed his pup away with his head and swatted at him with his gigantic paws

Big Black

growled a puppy growl and bit onto his fathers lip


shook him off and pinned him down with one paw

Xavier let out a cry and lily pulled him to her and he stopped watching the dogs curiously. Lily picked up the stick and gave it to Xavier who threw it, only a short distance away and she clapped. "Play nice you two." she said to the dogs, but didn't separate them in any way
Lucas stood behind the chimp his Wolf looking body staring down at him from behind, his two different colored eyes

Devil stared at Natasha and then Looked around her and Saw Lucas and wagged his tail, he looked at the chimp and sniffed loudly

James stared slightly at Natasha then said "You have a little... something behind you." he side pointing at Lucas.

Lucas sniffed the Chimp and backed away slightly and snorted

Rex licked his pups belly and face with his enormous pink tongue.

Big Black yipped and sat up and licked his fathers large nose, looking tiny next to him
Lily laughed at the two dogs and Xavier got of her lap and crawled to them, she watched him carefully. He patted Rex and then Big Black, sitting on the ground, near them his legs parted and hands outstretched
Natasha looked confused at first, thinking he was talking about Bobo, but when she saw it was a dog, she knew what he was talking about. Bobo poked Lucas in the nose slightly, than hooted and climbed all the way up onto Natasha's shoulders. He stuck his tongue out at Lucas and than turned towards James with a grin on his face.

"Sorry about Bobo.. He's kinda rude sometimes." She said, smirking as she looked back over to James.
James smiled patted Devil "Devil doesn't always act like that, he is really gentle, there is one puppy in this house, that will bug every one and every dog to insanity, but Devil hasn't lost it yet" he smile and pointed over to where Rex and Big Black where. "Looks like he is playing with his pup... and a woman.... and a Baby?" he said looking at Natasha.

Rex looked at Xavier and stood up, he bent down and pressed his head against the baby and let him hug his head thinking that was what he wanted.

Big Black went around to the behind of Lily and bit onto her shirt. He pulled on her shirt and growled and shook his head as if he were playing Tug-A-War
Lily laughed and turned around picking the puppy up and , unlatching him from her shirt. she scratched him behind the ear and put him down.

Xavier was shocked and then hugged him back for a minute before letting go and crawling back to Lily. "Ma!" he said smiling and giggling and she picked him up and thew him in the air and caught him again. They were oblivious to any watching eyes
Big Black

wagged his tail and laid down in the soft grass, his head on his paws.


he saw Big Black falling asleep and he picked the puppy up by his scruff he trotted down the field past Natasha and James he set Big Black down looked at James put him mouth on the door nob and twisted it, He picked Big Black up again and pushed the door open, he trotted inside and set the pup on the couch.

Natasha followed his gaze towards the baby, a woman, and the other massive dog. Bobo itched his head slightly and than stuck out his lips again. Natasha giggled and turned back towards James with her caramel eyes glittering softly.

"Well, I should probably get going." She murmured, taking a step. But the didn't see the dog leash out in front of her and she tripped, pushing James to the ground with her. She groaned in pain and lifting her head, her eyes widening as she realized how close her face was to James's. She blushed slightly, apologizing in a whisper. But Bobo was full of mischief and slammed Natasha's head down closer to James, making her kiss him softly. She blushed and immexiately pulled her head away, standing up and helping James to his feet.

"Sorry.. I had no idea that was gonna happen.." She murmured with an embarrassed tone. Bobo hooted with laughter and clapped his hands quickly.
James smiled and kissed her gently "don't be sorry." he blushed slightly. Devil sniffed the chimp and snorted, he sneezed on the chimp and trotted back ward his tail wagging, he waited for the chimp to chase him or try to play.
Xavier giggled and waved goodbye to the dogs and climbed on lily's chest trying to get to her neck

Lily laughed and said to her baby "wanna go for a walk?" when Xavier nodded she picked him up and walked down the path slowly, as Xavier crawled next to her, she let him go a little ahead

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