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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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Blake watched as Mika transformed. He had to admit that the form he was currently in was pretty awesome. Though, he didn't look alright. Blake smirked. He was unsure about how this fight would turn out, though the darkness was on his side. Blake had decided to wait until later to fight in his nightmare form, when he was the most powerful. He didn't want his nightmare form to be injured early on, it would only put more strain on his human body. He held out both hands and summoned his daggers, and took a fighting stance. "Come at me whenever you're ready." Blake said. He liked it better when he wasn't the one to have the first move. It meant he could study his opponents first, then attack. Since there wasn't much light, Blake decided he could take his hood off, so he did. His long, hair black was in a messy bun to keep it out of his face, and his bangs covered one of his eyes. His gray eyes shimmered, and the moonlight made his skin look pale. He watched Mika, waiting for him to strike.

Yukari got an idea and moved her head so Emily's and her's smashed into each other Yukari shook her head and looked at her going for a roundhouse to her side. "Master always says I'm hard headed." Agito chuckled stepping back he nodded he figured he'd let Yukari fight this one alone if he saved her everytime then she'd never improve.

@Moonpaw @Anaxileah (I will handle your challenge!)
I fell with a thud l feeling the pain rush in my head moaned. " dammit" I got up but then fell, I started getting really dizzy but I wasn't the person that gives up easily . I pulled my self up in pain and tried charging at her again, but aimed at her lower body this time.

@Nenma Takashi
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The thick black fur along his neck bristled and a monstrous snarl emitted from deep within him. Luckily he felt enough energy to move around. He was worried that his beastly form might be too weak to fight. His eyes glanced from Blake's to his newly drawn blades. His boney claws scratched at the ground as he began to weave left and right, making his way towards his opponent. Charging at full speed he tried to knock the student down by aiming for his legs. His heart was beating faster than ever as he closed the gap between them.

Yukari lost her breath again but Emily had shown weakness by being dizzy and wolves always attack at the first sign of weakness. So Yukari grabbed hold of Emily and tried head butting her repeatedly.

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Blake was caught by surprise at Mikas' speed, but he managed to just dodge his first attack and stumbed, but managed to regain his balance after a second. He hadn't taken his eyes off of his opponent, and kept his daggers held out in front of him. Blake circled Mika and quickly charged at his side. He held his daggers in a way that Mika wouldn't get too hurt if he got caught by a dagger. Blake took long breaths. He hadn't fought in a while, and wasn't terribly used to fighting anyways, so he always seemed unsure or hesitant.

Mika crashed down hard, missing Blake. His legs shook as he forced himself back into a fighting stance. He coughed, trying to regain his senses. Instinctively hearing the sound of Blake's breathing, he tumbled out of the way. However, his shoulder was grazed by a blade. A glistening line of blood trickled down his arm. His head twisted towards his attacker, baring his fangs. The hound gave his pelt a good shake down before running again, this time at a slower pace. He could feel a burning sensation in his throat, and he realized might be overworking this form. Mika attempted to swipe the boy's ankles with his long, sharp claws. His breaths drew in and out shakily as he struggled to stay in his nightmare form.


(I'm going to sleep now! I'll post some more tomorrow! :D )
Umbra observed his fellow classmates in their fights, he looked around for the person he was meant to fight. He looked at the small human. A pity, he thought. The teacher wants to see my fighting style so she puts me up against a weak human who probably cannot even see me. He bellowed at his opponent. Kane! Prepare yourself! For Umbra has marked you as his quarry! With that Umbra took to the sky and began silently hovering, watching to see what Kane would try. @Aqua (Don't worry, I'm in a similar boat.)
Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

"Hey! Enough!"
Ekaterina rushed into the courtyard, rushing to get in between the two werewolves. One of them was now unconscious, and the other looked ready to attack her again. Ekaterina used her blood control to lift both of the girls and bring them away. "Yukari, go calm down. You won, the fight is over. I will bring Emily to the nurse's office. The fights may continue." Ekaterina brought Emily to her and carried her away, leaving the other students to continue.

Surfruaa just sorta waited for her opponent to respond, humming and tapping her feet impatiently. "C'mooooon..." She hissed, bouncing the tip of her bat against the floor and scuffing her boots idly."Just lemme get it over with."

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Zero raised her hand with about as much enthusiasm as a bowl of stale fruit, and said, "I am Zero." She wouldn't be surprised yet if the girl still couldn't find her. Nobody tended to notice her any other times. Not really caring either way, she focused her gaze downward and didn't move hardly any after that. If someone didn't see her breathing, they might have thought her a wax scultpure. To be frank, Zero had not been paying attention prior.

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deadpool42 said:
Latinus observed the various goings-ons. It appeared as though one of the girls was of extraordinarily low intelligence, behaving in such an utterly flippant manner to a person who could, quite clearly, grind her from existence without breaking a sweat. Although, the Ur-daemon also had some opinions on that particular person as well; the teacher's wielding a scythe had already made it clear she didn't know the first thing about actual melee combat, however now it was clear she was relying quite heavily upon some form of sanguimancy to discipline her students- despite vehemently dissuading anyone else from using magic of their own. Hypocrites were an interesting type of people.
Latinus quickly realized that they'd been paired up against that other idiot who was carrying around a scythe. Well, this was going to be spectacularly easy, in that case. They briefly moved towards the weapon's rack, selecting only a saber and a buckler shield, the former of which they equipped to their left hand and the latter they fastened to their right forearm, before moving back towards Zen, striking a relatively simple swordsman's pose in which they bounced lightly on the balls of their feet, so that when the moment came to dodge they wouldn't have to waste a precious split second overcoming their body's resting inertia.

"You may begin when ready."

zen nodded reaching out his hand the black aura that surrounded him converging in his hand and forming his scythe. he held it with one hand and swing it over his shoulder as he studied his opponent, he could already tell that they were agile as they were only wielding a sword and shield. he decided to test them first. zen took a single step forward and swung his scythe from the left
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Latinus had been curious as to how this individual had been intending to wield this farmer's tool. Apparently, Zen thought of it as a warhammer or battleax, as opposed to a spear, which, given the shape of the blade, did make some sense. He wouldn't accomplish anything with a forward thrust, as only the inner edge of a scythehead was sharpened. Unfortunately, the crescent-shaped head still wasn't very effective, even when swung.

As Latinus was wielding their saber with their left hand, and that was the direction Zen had chosen to attack from, the Ur-daemon simply made use of a fencing parry 5, catching the scythe on its snath midway up the edge of their saber in order to halt the weapon, and then sliding their blade forwards by extending their arm and pushing forwards with their back foot, so that it rode along the scythe's shaft, continuing to hold it in a position where it could not budge any further towards Latinus, while delivering the tip of their own sword into Zen's face.

It was all a smooth maneuver, a textbook parry-reposte combo that any amateur fencer could preform with only a minor amount of practice. Latinus stopped the saber's point just as it slotted into place in the eyehole of Zen's helmet, scarcely a centimeter away from perforating his cornea and blinding him.

"Check, and mate," Latinus commented, reeling his body back into its original position with the anchor of his rear foot, which had not wavered from its original location, "care for another bout?"

zen simply sighed as he stared down the blade of the sword " seems my test was a failure..." he dropped the scythe as it hit the floor it dissipated into a black fog which slowly made its way and joined the rest of it floating around zen " i'll go for another round..." zen this time held out both hands his guns manifesting this time"but you can make the first move " zen took a step back to his original position the aura around him expanding slightly

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Blake had been occupied with Emily being taken to the nurses' office, and was caught off guard by Mikas' attack. He fell on his back as he felt claws slash his ankles, and felt a sharp pain spread throughout his left leg. He looked to his feet as he saw a large gash on his ankle. Blake managed to get back up and get in fighting position, though he leaned mostly on his right side and walked with a limp. Blake studied Mika closely before attacking again.

'His nightmare form doesn't seem to be doing well.. It would be more fair if I stayed in human form.' Blake thought to himself. He didn't want to hurt his opponent more than he already was. Blake came towards Mika slowly at first, then ran as fast as he could, ignoring the pain in his leg, and aimed for one of Mikas' joints with the butt of his dagger, hoping to dislodge something or immobilize him for a minute.

Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

"You are injured and need proper medical care."
Ekaterina stated as she marched across the nurse's office and grabbed bandages and gauze. "The nurse is not present today, so I am temporarily taking over. Show me your wounds." Ekaterina demanded, holding out a hand towards Emily, who was seated on the bed in the nurse's room.



Surfruaa said:
@Ezika You alive? >.> )
(You're not tagging her..that's her character's name...)
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Anaxileah said:
Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood
"You are injured and need proper medical care."
Ekaterina stated as she marched across the nurse's office and grabbed bandages and gauze. "The nurse is not present today, so I am temporarily taking over. Show me your wounds." Ekaterina demanded, holding out a hand towards Emily, who was seated on the bed in the nurse's room.



(You're not tagging her..that's her character's name...)
Oh bugger me, my bad,)
I looked up at the teacher and pointed to the big gash in my head. " its here", I said in a low tone. * I felt my head pounding and squinted in pain. waiting for the teacher to bandage me up I stayed still.


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