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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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(Ezika, she's just not online right now)

Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

"Hold up, you miserable welps! The fighting goes OUTSIDE of my classroom! I don't need any more broken shit in here!"
She yelled to the students, shoving some of them towards the doors.
Emily Rose

I looked at Yukari and growled in annoyance. "Well what you going to do!" I starred at him in anger but remain calm well tried to it lease. Feeling rage come up me.
Yukari reached out for Emily's neck but Agito slapped her hand away and smiled. "Sorry Emi but I'd rather you two wait for the teachers okay and sorry for staring beauty is a thing to behold." Yukari looked at Agito and then Emily she knew what it meant for Agito to give her a nickname he didn't like this girl which meant he was as excited to see her power just as much as her. Yukari titled her head to the side and just looked into Emily's eyes she shook her head. "Please don't disappoint me your eyes tell me you have had a taste for blood so ihope you'll be some fun to fight." @Moonpaw
I looked at her and said, "Really? You're going to let him answer for you? Why don't you be a big girl and fight, and show you're not afraid ." I leapt at her and swiped my claws towards his face, hoping she wouldn't dodge it but actually fight back.

@Nenma Takashi
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(FYI Yukari is a girl) Yukari's reflexes kicked in and she ducked under the slash and grabbed Emily by her shirt. "Please wait before we fight I am not yet prepared." She let go of her and held her hand up. "Teacher may Me and Emily go first?" She asked.
I looked at Yukari but respected her choice, and stopped fighting for a moment. Looking over at the teacher waiting for her response to see if we can go first. " well can we" I glance at the the teacher, but then back at Yukari.

@Nenma Takashi
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Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

Ekaterina glared at the two students who hadn't listened to her earlier command. "I said before and I'll repeat myself. GET OUT. GO TO THE COURTYARD. I suppose you can go first." She said, continuing to stare the students down.
I nodded at the teacher and headed to the courtyard. " You ready, to fight?" I asked Yukari. Looking at her I smiled a little. I have no idea why I'm happy hmm must be just actually doing something fun?
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Adam finally finishes writing down in his journa. He puts his cat on his head which she replys with a yawn, and overhears the commotion behind him and had been watching the whole thing. He decided to head outside and practice before he Had to face the teacher like the two students, and for his opponent. "Hmmmm... I guess I'll just head out. Maybe I'll be able to grab an organ or something from these fights." He leaves the room and takes out a cig and lights it. Taking a deep drag and enjoying the walk. As he made it outside he placed several large rocks that he found lying around and placed them on tall structures that he could reach and backed up 100 feet.
Yukari picked up Agito and ran outside to the courtyard with him then sat him down and held out her hands. "Yeah yeah I know here." He handed her some claw gauntlets and a pair of metal teeth she put the teeth in her mouth then put on the gauntlets. She turned to face Emily and got down on all fours like a dog she even seemed to be quietly growling at her. Agito stepped back. "Play nice you two."

I smirked and got on all fours as well feeling the ground beneath me. I smiled and ran at her, leaping on top of her, I tackled her to the ground, and I slashed at her face with my claws. Snarling in anger I wondered what her next move was going to be.

@Nenma Takashi
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(I know Yukari's a tough gal but come on she has feelings to she's a girl) Yukari bowed her head to dodge the slashes then kicked Emily off her getting ready to attack but looked back at Agito who was just eating candy he waved to her. This meant she was allowed to fight her way a small smile could be seen on her face as she dashed at Emily slashing at her neck.

Blake put his bag down and started walking out to the courtyard after he heard Ms. Ekaterinas' statement. Blake turned his head around to look at Mika as he walked.. "C'mon. It would be better to fight outside anyways. I don't want to end up breaking anything and the teach getting pissed off." He stated in his currently hoarse, monotone voice. Blake had been getting good at this talking to people thing. Or at least he was improving.

He was glad that they would be fighting outside. He could easily take shadow form and fight easier, with less light being in the courtyard. Plus he had eaten well earlier, and his energy was back up.​

Blake waited for Mika outside. He didn't know how this guy would fight him, but Blake was pumped up.

He sighed. Why were they being expected to fight this early? Couldn't they let the students sleep first? Oh well, it wasn't his decision to make.​

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( im confuse wear I mess up I said she? in my recent post?) I fell hard on the ground with an big oof!, But quickly rolled on my back and Kicked her with both of my bottom feet. I charged at her slamming her into the ground and started biting her arm..

@Nenma Takashi
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(I changed them to 'she' for you, I'm able to do that)

(And you're supposed to predict outcomes in fights, not say all of this happened. Just say you charged at her and tried biting her arm)
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Yukari stuck her claw blades in Emily's mouth to block the bite then picked her up and threw her but wasn't done she dashed after her ready to slice down at her when she landed. Agito sat quietly eating candy he made sure to watch Emily's movements. 'It seems she fights like any other werewolf meaning this fight will drag out after I finish my bag I'll help Yukari out.'

(You can't help her or you'll be disqualified. Don't forget both of you need to get hurt eventually, you aren't invincible)
I fell with a thud but quickly darted at her knocking her down. I picked her up and threw her at Agito. They both fell over, I growled at her and stared. I had blood dripping down my face from her attack but I stood up with a ferocious look on my face.

@Nenma Takashi
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"Tch..Okay, wait up," he growled. Relaxing from his stance, he shadowed behind Blake. Outside was cooler than the classroom. The air felt nice against his skin. Considering what Blake had said, he began to wonder how intense of a fight this kid was expecting. He took a deep breath and assessed their new surroundings. The courtyard was much roomier than a stuffy room. Mika raised his arms over his head in a stretch, his mind filled with anticipation. His eyes grew dim as he began to change shape. The tall, lanky boy was replaced with a large hairy beast standing on all fours. His body quivered from the change. He appeared weary just from the transformation. The skull opened its jaws and hacked a good amount of blood. Staggering, he readjusted himself to look presentable. A strange unattached voice seemed to echo, "Alright, Hoodie, lets do this." His red slits focused in on the student, studying his movements.

(Does it count as long as he doesn’t help her fight he just tells her stuff cause they are kinda one person the body and the mind) Yukari got to her feet and took a deep breath the fall knocked the wind out of her Agito was fine thanks to Yukari twisting out of the way so she didn't land on him. She cracked her neck her back hurt now after the throw but she looked at her gauntlets one of them had some blood on it. She gave her gauntlet a flick sending the blood to the ground. Then got on all four again.
I looked at her, seeing the breath get knocked out of her I smirked. I watched as she got up and went on all fours. I did the same and charged at her, leaping towards her once more and baring my teeth, aiming to bite her in the neck.

@Nenma Takashi
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[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi](Does it count as long as he doesn’t help her fight he just tells her stuff cause they are kinda one person the body and the mind) Yukari got to her feet and took a deep breath the fall knocked the wind out of her Agito was fine thanks to Yukari twisting out of the way so she didn't land on him. She cracked her neck her back hurt now after the throw but she looked at her gauntlets one of them had some blood on it. She gave her gauntlet a flick sending the blood to the ground. Then got on all four again.

(Well I separated you two for a reason ;) to challenge you. Can you not survive mah challenge? :P )

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