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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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Headmistress Nocturne Khokhan

(time skip so that I have accepted any late students)

After writing down the schedule for the students (see Overview Tab), Nocturne folded it up and shoved it in between the waistline of her skirt and her blouse. The other teachers began to file out of their rooms, some yawning, others stretching, and altogether grumbling. Their pace was quick, however, so they reached the dining hall in no time. Since the room was already quite silent, there was no need for the teachers to hush the students as they approached the front of the dining hall where six chairs were located. Each teacher had a chair, including the Headmistress, none of them bigger than the other. I like to think of us all as equals. Nocturne thought to herself as she sat in one of the center chairs. Each student looked up at them, watching as the teachers took their seats to greet the students. Once each teacher sat down, Nocturne rose and walked up to a podium.

"Greetings, students of Nightmare Academy! I welcome you to your new home, a castle of which I own. You may call it Castle Nox. I stand here before you to introduce myself as your headmistress and as one of the teachers of the school, as well as introduce the rest of the teachers here. I am Ms. Nocturne Khokhan, and I will be teaching Cooperation Skills." Nocturne explained with a grand smile on her face. She felt grateful that these students were here, and that they were willing to learn and better themselves. Nocturne continued, "I will introduce each teacher to you, of whom you will all refer to by their first name with Mr. or Ms. in front of it. Be polite! Even if they aren't polite towards you." Nocturne said as she raised an eyebrow at the students, then backed away from the podium. The other teachers rose and approached the podium, standing in a line. The first teacher to arrive at the podium was an intimidating woman, clad in red armor that was partially revealing. She had her double-ended scythe across her back and rested a hand on her hip, glaring at the students.

"Everyone, this is Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood! She will be your Combat Class teacher. Anything to say, Rina?" Nocturne asked before getting a stern 'No.' in response. After Ekaterina left the podium, a man wearing a gas mask (different than you would think) approached it, raising an eyebrow at the students and winking at a couple of girls. "Students, this is Mr. Ysgrath, and he will be teaching you about Toxins, Hallucinations, and Potions!" Mr. Ysgrath waved at a few girls before flouncing away from the podium. After Ysgrath departed, a short blonde woman with a pointed hat bounced over to the podium with a smile. "Hi! I'm Ms. Dinah Lonesth!" She giggled before leaving the podium, causing Nocturne to shake her head and roll her eyes. "Dinah is your Sorcery teacher, and next up is Mr. Karthios, your Nightmare-walking teacher." Karthios approached the podium, his cloak swirling behind him. He kept a hand on the hilt of his blade, glaring at the students. He walked away from the podium with his angry expression, and returned to his seat, just like the others had done.

"Last but most certainly not least, your Psychology teacher, Mr. Krulenai Crozniek!" Krulenai approached the podium, flinching every once in a while. It looked like some sort of spasm, but he had a wild grin on his face. He proceeded to stare at the students, determined to make them feel uncomfortable. After he returned to his seat, Nocturne approached the podium once more.

"Students, that is the end of our introductions. Now you will receive a schedule in front of each of you, and it will be the same for everyone." She gestured to Dinah, who waved her wand and caused slips of paper to appear in front of the students. "It's currently 9:30 p.m., so you have thirty minutes to unpack and prepare for your first class. Good luck!" Nocturne smiled at the class before returning to her seat. The teachers began eating as the students finished.


(I'm not even done ;-; I still have my student person *cries*)
(Hey hey I was working on it xD )

Blake was lucky enough to arrive back into the dining hall right before the teachers had came in. The teachers all seemed quite interesting as well. He studied each teacher as they were introduced. He wanted to get to the dorms and at least put his bag full of books away. He didn't want to carry a ton of them constantly. Blake quietly got up out of his seat with his 2 bags, and looked back at the teachers and students before walking out of the dining hall. The dorms weren't terribly far, but Blake took his time, studying the architecture of the castle as he went, as well as memorizing the halls.

Blake sighed as he got to the dorms and flopped down onto his bed, throwing his two bags on the floor. Sleep would have to wait until the classes were finished...

He got an empty messenger bag out of one of his other bags and packed a large notebook as well as a couple smaller ones, as well as pens and pencils. Usual things he would need to take notes with. He also had a notebook which was to be used for sketches and things, as well as a book to read. He never left anywhere without a book.
(Because I am lazy, and because this is a freaking castle, y'all will have your own rooms. And SLOW xD HURRY IT UP ANYWAY)
Umbra finished drinking his blood, and had scarfed most of his peaches. He stood up and left the hall, following the path to his dormitory. He didn't have much in the way of clothing so it didn't take long to unpack. His first class was Combat, so he headed down to Ms. Ekaterina's class.

(Hey, I have a class at 8:00 in the morning, so I'll probably be turning in soon.)
Latinus Saligia sat among the relatively small cadre of students within the castle's enormous great hall, paying attention to the introductions of each of the teachers. They didn't seem like anything worth worrying, none of them were exceptionally out of the ordinary; there was the Surly Amazon, the Gasmask'd Alchemist, the Ditzy Jailbait, the Brooding Wizard, the Kookie Psychiatrist. They all fit into their roles, their stereotypes, nice and neatly, like cards slipped into a deck. No curveballs, no extenuating factors. Just typical and predictable. That was the way the Ur-Daemon liked it.

And then the assembly was over, and they were dismissed. A brief glance at their schedule told Latinus they had precisely half of an hour before they had to be anywhere, although the place that they had to be at was not one they knew the location of very well. Twenty five minutes, then. For unpacking and, apparently, breakfast. They supposed it was not surprise that this Academy ran with a nocturnal clock, although that didn't mean it wasn't going to take several days for them to get used to it.

Nonetheless, Latinus resolved to worry about that later. For the time being, they focused on navigating through the castle to the dormitory, locating the room to which they were assigned, and beginning the preliminary steps of settling in. They deemed that they didn't have quite enough time to get their clothing situated into the dresser that was provided, so they settled on dropping off their luggage and setting out their toiletries, which they briefly made use of before setting out again, inbound for Ms. Ekaterina's class with ten minutes to spare.

Blake grabbed his bag, and since he had combat class with Ms. Ekaterina, he summoned his two daggers. He assumed he would have to use them in combat class.. Blake read a book as he walked through the halls and arrived at his first class on time. He hated being late for things, even if it was only by a minute. He wasn't a very patient person, and was almost always in a hurry to get some place is he had plans.

He was looking forward to all his classes. Every single creature here looked so interesting. He couldn't wait to study them.

Some of the teachers looked quite intimidating, like you wouldn't want to ever make them mad unless you wish to be killed.

zen watched studying all of the teachers Mr. Krulenai Crozniek piqued his intrest the most as he seemed to be slightly disturbed the other teachers did not worry zen for he already had experience with most things except for toxins.

(im in like 4 other rps right now sry)
zens first class was in fact combat class. he was not worried even though the teacher seemed stern he knew that he could rely on his past experiences for he had fought plenty of bloody battles and came out on top in every one " here we go...i guess" zen was not particularly excited as he normally was before a battle because he knew that it was a class. there would be no blood shed or severed heads or the celebratory collecting of heads he normally did
as zen walked through the hallway to get to class the black aura around him grew thicker until it surrounded him , it then hardened and became his armor. he would summon his weapons when he was instructed to he began deciding which weapon he would use to day considering there would be no real killing he decided to use his scythe but to gauge his strength he would put a limiter on the amount of power he could use
As the teachers introduced themselves, Mika laid his head on the table in front of him and watched through narrowed slits. He grumbled at the thought of interacting with these intimidating figures. Once the group of them had finished he reeled back in relief, stretching and yawning. His eyes averted to the first kid out the door. Although he had just arrived it seemed that education never sleeps. His face twisted into a scowl, and he mumbled sourly to himself. He was awfully tired from his journey and simply wanted a chance to snooze before diving into troublesome social interactions. The boy dreaded the possibility of having to work with others. Clearing his head, he turned his attention to the schedule that had appeared. Combat class. He was familiar with hunting, so he assumed the two may contain similar skills. Pulling himself from his slump, he groggily trudged through the large doors of the hall and went searching for the dorms. The search, luckily, turned out to be fairly easy as he was casually following a student who seemed to know where they were going. Mika never had a real room before, so he plopped down on the floor and sprawled out. It was a very nice change of pace. Unfortunately, he had to wrap up his nap time to hurry along to his first class. He hopped to his feet and slammed the door behind him before scurrying to catch up and follow behind his fellow students.

Blake looked behind him at the boy who rushed to catch up with the scattered group of students heading towards their first class, and then turned his attention back to his book and continued reading. He had noticed his hood on his jacket was still on, though he didn't exactly want to take it off.

His hair was probably a mess under his hood, since he had it on since a few days ago. He rarely took his hood off when there was light around.

His hair would probably be worse than he expected it. He had been growing his hair out. Currently, it was a bit below his shoulders and starting to get a bit wavy.

Blake stopped thinking about his hair and arrived at his combat class.

as he arrived at combat class zen stood in the back of the class room, surveying those who entered to see if he could spot any strong matches but there were none that interested him to much. zen decided this time he would try to make a few of these so called "Friends" but all of the students he approached immediately handed him their wallets and fled out of the class room "money is of no use to me but....gain is gain i guess"
Agito had Yukari carry him to combat class of course he had no intent on fighting anyone he knew how badly he'd lose hell some of them might kill him no will kill him in a fight. He pet Yukari's head. "Get pumped get pumped I hope your ready this is where you'll find a rival!" Yukari looked around at the students and nodded she began to fist pump a blank look still on her face whil Agito cheered. "Yeah yeah yeah!" They looked like the biggest idiots in the world.
zen, with his arms full of wallets and wearing his shadowy armor, noticed agito and yukari and decided to greet them. he walked over, carrying about 500$ worth of wallets in his arms shrouded in a cloud of shadows, and tilted his head at their odd behavior "what...are you doing?" he asked confused
Latinus, too, arrived to the Combat Class, no less than three minutes early to boot. If they could do nothing, they could plan things out. After arriving, however, the Ur-Daemon noticed a person clad in a large suit of black armor carrying a scythe. They reflective that Zen most certainly needed to take this class, if he was a large enough novice to think that a farming tool was a actually an effective weapon. Latinus then realized that the teacher was also using a scythe. It wasn't a good sign that the person who was supposed to be teaching them about combat obviously didn't have the first clue about actual combat.
Yukari turned around and looked at Zen still fist pumping. "Getting pumped." She said blandly. Agito stopped cheering to explain. "It's a trick my sister taught me it's called the how to get pumped cheer. Me and Yukari do this before she has to do any work right Yukari!" She nodded and pointed at Zen. "You to."Agito laughed. "Yeah Zen get pumped!"
zen stared at them blankly raising one arm and pumping it in the air copying them, as he did he dropped half of the wallets he was carrying"like this?"
Yukari nodded. "Master seems to think this is fun." Agito chuckled. "Yeah that's perfect Zen your a natural at getting pumped." Yukari flashed her teeth trying to smile. "I think it's fun to." She added.
Surfruaa squinted a as she eyed the teachers up, arching a brow. They all seemed so...well, strange. She let out another yawn before standing up when they had finished introducing themselves, trudging out of the dining hall and looking for her dorm.

Once she found her new room Surfruaa dumped her backpack on the bed and emptied it out. Some ragged tops, torn jeans and half-a-dozen packs of cigarettes now spread across her bed, along with the baseball bat and backpack that she had tossed onto the pillow. Surfruaa sighed and rubbed the sleep from her eyes before sorting everything out, finding a nice little hiding spot for her I'm uncultured.
Emily Rose

I looked up at all the teacher but rolled my eyes. I sighed and shifted in the back so no one could see me, As I got up I slowly walked to the combat class's well another long day yay! Not. I arrived at the class seeing Blake and the others I didn't say anything


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Maya kept eating her plate of assorted vegetables and fruits while the teachers introduced themselves, She didn't pay attention too much to how they acted since she didn't really care about their personalities. She wasn't planning on getting too close to them and as long as they didn't piss her off, she'll be polite and obedient. Although, there was one thing she did during the introductions and that was memorize each of the teacher's faces and names If she was going to be polite, for now, she at least has to know her teacher's name. Despite knowing their names and faces, Maya didn't really pay attention to who taught what and what classes there's going to be. Maya yawned as the teacher introductions were finished and stretched her arms above her head. As the students were released to do whatever they wanted, Maya took one last bite of her food and dashed off to the dorms so she could put away her stuff.

Reaching her room, Maya dropped all of her duffel bags into the corner. Sitting on the bed, she looked at the schedule to see what kind of classes there are. Maya gasped looking at the first class. Oh no, there's a combat class. I'm so dead meat. she thought and sighed. Maya was fine with the other classes but she was not looking forward to the first class. Even though she was dreading to go to her fist class, there was no way she was going to be late to class on the first day. Maya quickly grabbed a small backpack out of one of her duffel bags and packed it with notebooks, one for each class, mechanical pencils, erasers, and extra lead for the mechanical pencils. Taking out her bow from another duffel bag, Maya transformed it into a bracelet so she could carry it around throughout the day in case she needs it. Since she can summon arrows at will, there was no need for Maya to physically carry around arrows.

Ready to leave, Maya walked out of her room with her backpack and quickly dashed to her first class. Making to her class in time, she sighed once again and mentally prayed that there wouldn't be any fighting like the name of the class suggests. Although Maya is self-confident and prideful, she is also realistic and knows how physically weak she is. She knows if she has to fight without her powers or her bow and arrows, she's just going to end up humiliated and everyone was going to look down on her. That's just how her kind is; they have amazing illusion powers but no physical strength to defend themselves. Maya did not want to go through that kind of humiliating situation.

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Umbra stood shrouded in the shadows, so far non of his classmates had noticed him, which suited him just fine he looked around at the various students, several of which had arrived armed to the teeth. Ordinarily a god call. He thought. But in this instance we have no clue what will be demanded of us. Umbra reflected back on his first lessons on how to use the power inherent in the Hunter/Warriors of his species. He was so confident in his abilities as he had never been defeated before, and did not seem to have the limits present in his compatriots. But Master-Hunter Rohaxthial had made sure to put him in his place. He was soundly beaten and spent days recuperating before he was able to return. He later found out that Master Rohaxthial had been so harsh on him for several reasons. First because Rohaxthial was his Scholar-Mother's Provider-Brother's husband, second because Rohaxthial's Nurture-Sister was Umbra's mother, third because Umbra's Hunter-father had been a great friend to Rohaxthial, and lastly because Umbra's Hunter-father was the brood brother of Rohaxthial's Scholar-wife.

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