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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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I walked towards the west wing wear the dorms were, and wonder what my schedule was going to be like. I saw a bunch of other people but didn't really say anything because I was to shy any ways to talk to new people. Quickly walking I accidently bump into Blake. I looked annoyed but didn't say anything.
(I'm borrowing Hogwarts' Great Hall xD JUST SAYIN xD exclude the four house gem things)

Umbra stepped through the new portal into the courtyard, he walked through the courtyard, briefly admiring the myriad of flora contained within. He smiled as he walked through the doors into the dining hall. He walked over towards the food, he grabbed a large chalice, and filled it with blood. He walked all up and down the tables, but found nothing that piqued his interest, until he saw the fruits. Umbra walked over to a table and sat down, the chalice in one hand, and as many peaches as he could physically carry in the other, and balanced in the crooks of both arms.
After pinching and biting herself multiple times, Surfruaa finally perked up and accepted that this was real. She grinned brightly before shuffling up over to a table that had several cooked meats laid across it, some rare, some near-burnt to a crisp. Surfruaa reached out and got herself a medium-rare steak, some roast potatoes and a glass of blood, taking a seat far away from everyone else.

Gulping softly, she dug into the steak, growling hungrily as she took a large bite out of it and chewed noisily, shuddering in relief.

Blake ignored Emily as she bumped into him, making his way into the great hall. He saw Umbra carrying tons of peaches, and snickered quietly. He wasn't sure if he would like his classmates as time went on, but they sure were interesting.

Blake sat down at a table, away from the other students. His plate was filled with good food, and he ate all of it as quickly as possible. He had last eaten a day ago, so he was eager to have such good food being given to him every day while he was attending this academy. He'd only ever eaten things stolen from convenience stores. Blake pulled out a book from his bag when he was close to finishing his food, and read while he finished his food.

He had soon got so caught up in his book that he had forgotten all about his surroundings and didn't hear or notice anything else going on.​
Emily Rose

I looked at Blake and sighed. I went in line and got some peaches, as I walked to the back of the table I sat down alone. well this will be interesting. I heard everyone talking to each other and having a good old time I mumbled, " what so interesting to talk about" I said coldly. I wanted to know my schedule but then I didn't.

@Oliverfan and @Anaxileah
(DONE! Check the Overview for the class schedule! :D NOW YOU MUST WAIT FURTHER....since I don't have teachers for half of the classes xD )
(Sorry thought we were already at the school just pretend instead of the school they showed up to the station like that @Anaxileah)

Agito hummed as Yukari and him sat down. Agito kept mental notes of the other students then whispered in Yukari's ear. "You may get a good fightin this place." Yukari didn’t show any emotion but Agito knew she was excited hearing that. He also made note of the Headmaster he whispered to Yukari again. "And maybe one day you'll fight that Headmaster woman." Yukari flashed her teeth like a dog eyeing food it was the closest thing to a smile she show'd in public. She began to devore the pile of steak and other meats in front of her as Agito just ate from his bag of candy.
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Lilith sighed. How she envied others. Not only was she robbed of her voice, but also her taste buds. The small girl has never been able to taste let alone eat a single thing. She quietly sat alone at the end of a table. She sat there and watched the other students as they ate and interacted with each other.

After devouring the steak, Surfruaa wiped the blood from her lips and reached out for her drink, taking a long, near-heroic swig. She let out a heavy shudder and even twitched a little as the thick, crimson liquid trickled over her tongue and down her throat, her diluted pupils slowly swelling to a normal-looking size. "Ohhh shit..." She hissed to herself, closing her eyes and smiling brightly as she set the now-empty glass down.
zen poked at the foods uninterested,although he had not eaten in a while he knew that eating held no real value to his kind. he sighed picking up a single piece of meat and biting it immediately wishing he had not done so. having not eaten for so long his taste buds had gone numb, he tasted no flavor, only a bland base and a horrid texture. zen reluctantly swallowed and scowled deeply sighing as he did.
A large beast stood at the far end of a dirt path. Mika let his shoulders drop as he turned to face the dirty creature. He sighed, "I'm sorry about not telling you, Sis. I knew you'd be angry. I'm going away for awhile, but I am going to train to get stronger for the both of us!" His eyes drooped and his breath shook, defeated. His sister had been following him for a while now. She began to edge closer, her boney toes scraping the ground. Just then, she lurched forward in a full attack mode, bearing her fangs. Mika stood still, allowing her to take a bite of his left arm. "There, there... Let me go, okay? I promise I will return for you. Stay strong, Sis," he soothed. After she calmed herself down, the hell hound released her brothers arm and watched him disappear down the dusty path.

After stumbling around in the nightmare realm for a while, Mika found the train station mentioned in the Headmistresses' letter. Entering the place, he pulled his sleeves down over his arms to cover the wound. He figured it would heal in a day or two and the pain wasn't that horrible. His eyes darted around the new space, empty. He hadn't thought to check the time, but it appeared that he was definitely late. Mika slid onto the floor to catch his breath. The boy began to wonder if he'd be punished for his lateness. Grumbling, he rested his head on his lap and began to close his sleepy eyes.
Yukari had finished her food along with the plate Agito had got for himself she looked over seeing a boy who seemed to have no interest in eating his food. She walked over and sat on the other side of the table staring at the food she wanted to ask if she could have some but didn't know what to say she looked at Agito for help and he walked over and smiled. "I'm sorry my pet would like to know if your gonna eat that or can she have it?"

Surfruaa remained seated as she digested her meal, resting her head on her left palm and tapping her feet, trying to force herself awake. She let out a weak sigh of content and slowly glanced around again, noticing some of the other students from the train station.
zen looked to the one asking for his food he nodded slowly as he studied the person to see what kind of battle potential and determined that he was indeed quiet powerful. He held his plate out to the person."take it. its not like it was of any use any way....by the way my name is zen"

zen looked to the one asking for his food he nodded slowly as he studied the person to see what kind of battle potential and determined that he was indeed quiet powerful. He held his plate out to the person."take it. its not like it was of any use any way....by the way my name is zen"

@Nenma Takashi
(I just noticed that literally almost everybody has said they are sitting away from everybody. When I picture it, it's a bit funny. xD )

Blake looked up from his book for a moment. It was awfully quiet in here.. Nobody was talking or sitting near each other, and it was quite boring, to be honest. Blake dug around in his bag for the other book he had been reading at the train station (his bag is mostly filled with books). He started to panic a little bit when he couldn't find it. He put his other book back and walked outside, thinking he probably left it somewhere. "Damn.. If it's back at the train station..." Blake sighed. The headmistress might not let him go back.. Unless the portals were still open. He rushed to the spot where he came into the courtyard through the portal. He sighed as he saw that is wasn't there. "Im going to have to go get the headmistress to open another portal.." He said to himself. He didn't want to have to go to the east side of the building yet, but he would have to find the headmistress. He couldn't live without finishing that book.
(I'll post soon, I'm working on something)
(Everyone's just super antisocial I guess)

Yukari looked at Agito and he nodded she looked back at the plate and began eating the food while Agito pet her head. Agito looked at Zen. "Well it's nice to meet you Zen I'm Agitoand the girl stuffing her face is Yukari." Yukari put the food down and looked at Zen then tapped her chin finally she snapped her fingers and said. "Thank you." With a monotone vocie and a blank look but flashed her teeth. Agito chuckled.
zen tilted his head in a questioning manner. "you two seem very.....interesting". he held out his hand the black aura looming from him and clouding the air around his hand...he thought to himself 'maybe ill try to make a few of these so called Friends....'
Yukari looked at Zen's hand and shook it then went back to eating while Agito handed him a piece of candy then chuckled scratching his head. "Opps sorry you can't taste stuff right I noticed when you ate the steak you had a look on your face liks it tasted like cardboard." He took the candy back and smiled. "So Zen my guess is your powers have something to do with darkness just guessing by the dark aura."

zen grinned slightly nodding "you are quite the vigilant one...you are correct my powers are that of the shadows" zen looked at the aura of blackness his body naturally emitted " being one with powers of the shadows and darkness the sun is practically the bane of my existence i only travel during day light hours if absolutely necessary, and i do so with my amour and weapons equipped"

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