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Fantasy Nightmare Academy (CLOSED)

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Blake pulled his hand back and held both of them behind his back while rubbing them together. "O-Oh, alright then.. Are you sure, though? I'm just saying that 'cause you seriously don't look too good. I don't want you feeling like crap the whole day. " He said. Blake was a bit confused about all this. He offered his help, because Mika was clearly not feeling well. But he still rejected Blake's offer. He didn't understand it... 'I guess I just haven't been around people much to understand them.. I don't think I ever will.' Blake thought. His leg had started hurting a bit more from walking on it. "Well, If you do change your mind, I'll be in the infirmary." Blake still needed to get his leg checked out, and he wasn't going to look at it. Plus, his voice was still hoarse, and his throat felt terrible. Blake waited a minute before heading off to ask Ms. Ekaterina about the infirmary.

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I laughed at yukari. " yah right, so what are you going to do now?" I looked at him and wonder. Geese my head hurt still.

@Nenma Takashi
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Mika was shocked by his classmate's concern. He had never heard someone offer help before or ask if he was alright. It was usually him taking care of his sister, so he never had the luxury of thinking about himself. The situation was probably more embarrassing by denying his offer. The boy glanced over his shoulder, watching Blake trek off after the teacher. "Ah, damnit, wait-" he groaned, "I'm coming with you." Mika trotted up beside the student, staring forward with a grumpy face. The thought never crossed his mind that Blake might need to fix up his leg. It wasn't easy to empathize with other people, but he decided to try. Looking down at his shoes, he mumbled, "Your leg...Does it really hurt? Do you need help walking?"

Blake looked behind his shoulder at Mika, who was coming towards him. 'I guess he changed his mind after all.' He thought as he looked up at some of the stars that had started to show. He then looked back at Mika. Blake couldn't really focus on his leg at the moment. He was questioning human nature. He didn't know if Mika knew anything about that type of thing.. But he hoped somebody would be able to explain some things to him. Since Blake grew up without anybody, he didn't know what to feel or when to feel it. He didn't know why people did certain things, like be nice to somebody that they secretly despise, and things like that. Blake was in a bit of a trance for a moment as he thought, and came back when he had remembered that Mika had asked him about his leg. "I haven't really payed attention to the pain much yet, so for now I think I'm good with walking. I wouldn't let you help me anyways. You aren't feeling well, so it might put extra strain on your body if you help me." Blake had just done the exact same think Mika had done to him earlier. Why did people reject help when it's offered to them? That's one question that had been in Blake's mind for many years, and he had never figured out the answer.


(I'm going to sleep and I'll be gone most of tomorrow. I'll RP when I can. Goodnight!)
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Maya watched as the rock passed by her. What? Was that suppose to hit me? Although it was just a simple distraction, Maya being an over thinker, she had stop aiming her bow at Agito so she could concentrate on her thinking. Maya was never good at thinking up plans on the spot and prioritized too much on the many possibilities of outcomes that could happen with each move. She is caught in between following her instincts or following her big brothers teachings. This is a big flaw in Maya on the battlefield. She can be very indecisive and end up spending too much time thinking than taking action. If she were up against a demon hunter right now, she would be long dead because she's currently leaving too many openings.

@Nenma Takashi
zen stood his back to a wall and watched the others he had decided to reequip his armor as he was not used to moving so fast it made him extremely queasy very fast and he quite like the feeling of being in complete darkness. as he watched the others he noticed that one of his so called 'Friends' Agito had begun his fight. he went and stood next to Yukari to get a closer look.
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Yukari turned to Zen. "Zen Zen didja come to cheer on Master as well!?" She asked him Agito looked at Maya and saw how distracted she was by the rock if he could use Yukari he'd had won the fight with that one move. 'Damn it do all my plans really revolve around Yukari there's gotta be something I can do.' Then something clicked in his head. 'She is definitely an over thinker like Yukari when she talks so to out think her I gotta think like back then.' Agito was thinking about how he got Yukari to be his servant he pointed at Maya. "Listen here and listen good I don't wanna kill you which is why I haven't transformed yet cause if I did all that'd be left of you would be a scorched patch on the ground!" It was a lie but Agito said it with alot of confidence anyone who didn't know he could possibly fall for it.
zen smiled slightly under his armor"i guess you could say that" zen could tell that Agito had something up his sleeve. zen thought to himself 'that was an obvious bluff....but judging by the confidence in his voice there's something else to it'

@Nenma Takashi "your master is certainly an interesting person ...i wonder what he will do"

zen smiled slightly under his armor"i guess you could say that" zen could tell that Agito had something up his sleeve. zen thought to himself 'that was an obvious bluff....but judging by the confidence in his voice there's something else to it "your master is certainly an interesting person ...i wonder what he will do"

@Nenma Takashi
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Seeing as their spar had been completed- and, additionally, that the teacher was altogether missing- Latinus checked their sword and shield back into the combat room's small armory, and departed to their next class. The Ur-Daemon had somewhat higher hopes for this Alchemistry course; hopefully this instructor would actually be competent about their subject matter, in contrast to Ms. Ekaterina, who Latinus was skeptical of ever having won a fight in actual melee combat without resorting to the usage of her abilities.
I walked outside looking for the teacher but had no luck finding her. I gave up trying so I desided to go chat with yukari. Walking over to her I nudge her in the arm, " hey what are you doing, by any chance do you know when this class end So?" I asked her.

@Nenma Takashi and @Anaxileah
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Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

"Alright you insignificant turds! Class will be over in about ten minutes so hurry it up!"
Ekaterina returned from the nurse's office after bandaging Emily up. She ignored anything the other students said to her, since she was disinterested in speaking to them. "I'll be in the classroom, if anyone else needs repairing." She said bitterly as she marched out of the courtyard. "And no magics!"


@Geek with Me





Gadgena rose from her seat oil dripping from her mouth. Had she shut off? Maybe she just needed to recharge. She sat up in the classroom, blinking slowly. She looked around, wondering what the students had been assigned to do. She got up and approached the board, noticing the pairings sheet. Surfruaa...That is who I am to fight. Gadgena thought to herself as she left the classroom to the courtyard and approached a student who was watching the fights. The girl she approached had white hair, particularly short. I am fascinated with this one's hair...Gadgena tilted her head and began to touch the girl's hair, petting it.

"I am to believe you are my sparring partner. We need to finish our spar in time for class's end, I apologize for having shut off for the majority of the hour. Are you ready to proceed?" She asked, smiling gently.

After practicing his gun on some rocks he turned around and wad upset, not only did no one die but his partner wasn't here to fight him. (Guess ill just go inside).
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(who was your partner? I'm a bit lazy to go check)
Surfruaa flinched and cocked her head back upon contact, cocking a brow. "Oh wow, you're actually alive!" She chirped, chuckling nervously and sorting her hair out. "I'm-I'm ready, yeah. I-I'll fix any dents on you after this, love machinery I do..." She gulped, taking a step back and readying her bat."When you're ready."

Zero watched as the girl prepared for battle, retrieving her weapon and transforming into her nightmare form. She sighed and waited a couple moments before shrugging. "Alright, I concede. You win." Without another word, Zero turned and walked away, figuring that was it. She was smart enough not to walk into a battle she knew she'd lose. Besides, the thought of sparring for nothing was highly unappealing to Zero in the first place. What was the point? Fighting for something that mattered sometimes seemed pointless. But then again, not all that much mattered to Zero. She found a place under a tree not too far away and rested there until she would be forced to move.

I listen to what the teacher said and desided to go back in the classroom to wait. I wonder if I could walk around , well better go ask the teacher. Walking in the classroom I headed to the teacher and tap her. " can I go for a walk" I looked at her not showing any emotion in my eyes.

Lilith managed to find the room she was supposed to be in, thank the gods. However her sparing partner wasn't even there. What am I supposed to do? The young girl thought to her self. She stood in the shadows and watched her classmates spare and fight. After all she could use this information against them.
(*cries because I have so many people to play* I can create another character if you want me to, @Stamper


Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

Ekaterina said simply to the student who had approached her. It was the injured student from earlier. "What you suggest would be bad for you, anyway. I suggest you go sit down." Ekaterina shook her head before pulling out a book and reading it.

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I got a little angry and back talk to her, " maybe you should get a life" I told her as I started walking towards the door in aggravation. I hate this teacher. Why can't I go for simple walk!

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Surfruaa yelped loudly as the beam singed her skin and trousers, jumping back in an instant. She glared up at the mechanical girl and swung her bat at the gun, gritting her teeth. "You could'a just said yes! Almost took my bloody leg off!" She snapped, panting angrily. "Jesus christ, woman."

(I'll be ready with it soon...kill me now T-T)

Ms. Ekaterina Darkblood

Ekaterina sighed as the student spoke back to her, so she raised a hand, using her blood control to stop her from walking away. "Sorry, but that won't be permitted." Ekaterina used her powers to force the girl to sit and stay there.



"I apologize. Would you rather I use my strength? It would be more fair."
Gadgena suggested as she turned her suit off and the laser gun and grappling gun disappeared. She returned to the ground in front of Surfruaa and smiled, then said, "Ready when you are, ma'am."

The young woman sighed heavily and wiped some sweat from her brow. She took a deep breath and slung her bat over her shoulder, charging at the robot with a heavy growl. Surfruaa grunted as she swung the first swing, going for the legs. "Sorry!" She snapped.

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