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Fantasy (NEED MORE MEMBERS!) The Brothers Grimm m Fairytales

"I have a lot back at my home...thought it's become boring when you dancing with some nobles, royalty and...suiters..." Nina said it as she slowly dance with Calitxo. Her dance is well perfect. " I love dancing...only doing my own style dance...." Nina start to giggle. "Look at you, you get the hang of it...."She smiles as she keep dancing with him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
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Calixto smile "hhmmm maybe ill figure it out" he said with a laugh as he follow the steps on how do dance and carefully not trying to slip down. he them chuckle "its pretty easy as i thought so" he said as he look at her.

Ashlynn looked at them waiting for the group to make a decision on whether or not they wanted a ride, and she was starting to wonder what to do, and she felt her old self creeping back up wanting to act like a total b**ch, for making her stand there but she held her tongue biting it as she saw a young guy walk away with a golden goose.
Then the music turn to a romantic mood, Nina love that music as she remember that her parents sing when they're in love. She sing it as she dance with Calitxo

(music)Who will be my wings(music)

Who will be my only love

Who will take me far beyond the stars

Who will be my wings

Who will lift me high above

(music)Everything we're dreaming of will soon be ours(music)

Then she slowly look into his eyes and her heart beating so quickly. She feel like her face is blushing.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto look at her as she listen to her song she sing like and angel he wish she could always sing like that as he look deep into her eyes he cant look away her eyes were pure and beautiful he wonder what secrets hidden in those eyes.

Nina also can't look away his his eyes, ether. Look like red like blood, but yet it have a slide of yellowish color, but she not afraid. As she dance with him, she forgot everything around her, she only see him and him alone.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto felt happy he felt complete just the sight of her he felt as if there is no one no human,fairy or anything but her as he promise to himself that this girl infront of him... no... this princess of the fairy that is infront of him that he will help her,guide her and protect her and he promise to always make her smile he will not make the same mistake as of what happen to his parents...death...no she will live...yet he felt straing a strainge sensation is it Love?.

Nina is starting to tip toe as her face is come close to Calixto face, like is she about to....

Suddenly, Spot bark and running around them as he come between and making Nina lose her balance. "Waahh!!" She fell backward.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Calixto was gonna lean when she saw her fall and he grab her before she fall into the ground "are u alright princess?" he said to her and look at spot "a little spot" he said with a laugh. he cant believe what almost hapen and he laugh it all out it was nice

@JessBeth (brb)
Nina face blushes as she said yes.

The dance is over and everyone is going to see the fireworks that will start in an hour.

Nina found a good spot to sit down as she is holding her puppy. She feel a little shy now that she know that she wanna to give him.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
Malaya's head snapped up and quickly looked behind her, seeing Ed. "O-Oh.. Hello there.." she mumbled, shyly.

"U-Umm, this isn't what it looks like. I didn't kill her," Malaya told him, eyes downcast. She looked back at the tombstone. "My grandmother died," she whispered. The wind blew over them. Malaya felt cold without her hood, but she can't take the thing back. It held too many memories of her grandmother. "I'm Malaya Hood, they call me Little Red Riding Hood. But.. I don't want that title anymore.." she said.

@Doctor Jax
Ashlynn looked at them then turned around when her driver spoke. "your highness something has happened we need to leave now." ashlynn looked at them. "I'm sorry I need to go. maybe I will see you another day." she said turning and dashing to the carriage as the carriage took off she arrived home as her driver told her, that her parents had vanished like a ton of people and she had to take over, they had been on a business trip and were now presumed dead. She sat around numbly then got up drawing a horse, to see the grave markers for her parents even though there was no bodies at all. She sat in front of the tomb stones tears rolling down her face as the wind whipped her hair around around her shoulders. and her small coat covering her. She felt numb inside and decided then and now to be the better person, her parents always wanted.
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Calixto sit beside her as he pet spot in the head as he say that this day was the best day that have ever happen to him. thoe he never thought he is even going to spend his best day with nina, as he smile as he remember when nina try to lean close to him he felt his heart beast fast but shook it off since he thought it was just a weird accident

Jack heard crying over the wind. So he rushed to see a girl crying over graves. "You know you can only cry so much before you burden yourself with the task of blaming yourself for this to happen. Though in all reality there was no possible way of you knowing this. So cheer up. I bet whoever you're crying over would want you to live a happy life." Jack said this as wiped a tear off your cheek causing it to freeze and fall off.

"Um....thank you for everything, Calitxo.....I have a best time of my life....." She said it as her face start to blushes. "I...I....wanna to give you a reward....as a princess, I'm going to give you a kiss for the reward......" She said it as her face gone redder.

@Astaroth Suzumiya
"its not my fault, my parents were on a business trip, and i'm upset I couldn't say good bye, I took for granted what I had and now I have to take care of a lot of things that I am just not that prepared for. Thank you though." she said looking up at him dressed in high end clothing standing up. "i just lost my parents." she said trying to catch her breath having started to hiccup after the crying.
" Hey I know what it means to be on the losing end of what you're going through. Just so you know I am here for anything you need help with. Though if you cry all you will remember is the bad memories. Though think about all the good times you had. Like birthdays, and holidays. That's is what they would want. I'm here for you okay." Jack flashed her a giant smile, and hugged her. "I'm Jack Frost by the way." Jack said this a he hugged this girl, and rubbed her back.

"Ashlynn Ella, and thank you." she said smiling her horse tied to a tree her blonde hair whipping around her face her stomach grumbled and she blushed her cheeks a rosy pink. "so jack frost what are you doing out here?" she asked nervously biting her lip.
Calixto look at her as he blush redder like a tomato he dont know if his blood is gonna come out of him nose at any time now "a-a k-kiss? nah t-that kiss i-is only for you true love and prince to be" he said as he felt his heart ache like its been punch 10 times but hes right that kiss is for her true love and prince to be not like him who is a wolf.

@JessBeth (sory for the late reply)
Well I heard crying so I rushed to see who was. I was just minding my own business. Though from the vow I made I couldn't let the crying go on. So I came here to find you and now I am comforting you, and offering to take you to lunch." Jack said as he blushed and gave a cute smile, because he was flustered.

Calixto look at her as he blush more redder "m-maybe j-just one" he said as his mind began saying how stupid of him to say yes until "in the head" he said as he point his head

AnarchyReins said:
Well I heard crying so I rushed to see who was. I was just minding my own business. Though from the vow I made I couldn't let the crying go on. So I came here to find you and now I am comforting you, and offering to take you to lunch." Jack said as he blushed and gave a cute smile, because he was flustered.
She smiled broadley. "thank you." she said leaving 2 roses one on each grave. Here lies her majesty Cinderella and The King. "I really appreciate it, its not easy but I am glad you are here." she said extending her hand to jack frost if he wanted to take it.

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