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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]but it says winter on people posts

Can't blame you Glitch.


Is it now obvious or should I change the letters and numbers to size 64?
NeoLeaf said:
Can't blame you Glitch.

Is it now obvious or should I change the letters and numbers to size 64?
NO DO SIZE 6- you know what im not gunna make that joke

Its obvious enough
It's currently Winter. Also, for whomever asked, the way a research agreement works is that two (or more nations) pool their research points to research techs faster, but they all have to be researching the same tech. So I could form a research agreement with Rumanka, and we'd have six points between us to research. So we collectively could get percussion locks in one turn.
Shireling said:
Pretty simple. Just drawing boxes and using the text tool.
So guys, first off I want to check on kebab and see how he's doing. @DefendKebab1918

Second, I want to continue to encourage recruitment. Currently Slonia, Ospiel, and Ubresh are unoccupied.

Thirdly, I want to talk to you guys about the possibility of an addition to the game, that being the colonization of the Far Lands. A map of the Far Lands will be provided with territories drawn based on natural borders. I think a New World land grab would really add some pizzaz to the game.
I'm available for such a discussion.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]So what would be a good month to start my turn (Is Summer Jan to June or April to September sort of thing I know you told us but fuck my memory)

Gunna send you research agreement

I think there should be a tech requirement to set up a colony, like steamships and maybe some other techs.

And we should discuss this colonization aspect. What did you have in mind?

I imagine a high cost and danger from Slonias Savage cousins
Shireling said:
Pretty simple. Just drawing boxes and using the text tool.
So guys, first off I want to check on kebab and see how he's doing. @DefendKebab1918

Second, I want to continue to encourage recruitment. Currently Slonia, Ospiel, and Ubresh are unoccupied.

Thirdly, I want to talk to you guys about the possibility of an addition to the game, that being the colonization of the Far Lands. A map of the Far Lands will be provided with territories drawn based on natural borders. I think a New World land grab would really add some pizzaz to the game.
Sorry That I have Been Absent,I had to reset the Computer...some nasty Virus...
Are we waiting on someone/something or is everyone just chilling?
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I thought Shireling already gave you five treasure points, why does Glitch have to give you money?

Very suspicious.

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