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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

Yeah, it would be preferable to make the bio or CS(Character Sheet) in the Character Sign Up tab.

Decorate the **** out of it like I did with Rumanka or just do it like the GM Shireling.

Just don't alter the overview's data on the nation.
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Posted a alpha kind of thing for my faction, The Dominion of Kell. Let me know if I need to fix anything. But it's not finished yet, and I will update it. Mostly just to set claim to Ospiel.
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ArisenMoon said:
Posted a alpha kind of thing for my faction, The Dominion of Kell. Let me know if I need to fix anything. But it's not finished yet, and I will update it. Mostly just to set claim to Ospiel.
Your vocabulary is definitely reflective of what I'm looking for in this RP so when we iron out the kinks, you'll be accepted no problem.

Anyways, I would like the name "Ospiel" incorporated somewhere into your nation's name. Additionally, your national history should probably reflect your national strength, which is in research.
Revised version up, please tell me what to fix so I can be ready to rp here. And sorry it's so lore driven, but I enjoy making pages of lore for any faction or universe I rp in.
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ArisenMoon said:
Revised version up, please tell me what to fix so I can be ready to rp here. And sorry it's so lore driven, but I enjoy making pages of lore for any faction or universe I rp in.
Looks good man. You're in.
ArisenMoon said:
Awesome...now what?
Take a minute to read over the overview. It's chock full of all the information and tutorials you need. One important house rule that has not been reflected in the overview is that each research institute puts out 3 research points now instead of 1, so Ospiel's research bonus is 5 research points per institute. If you're confused, reading the overview will help.

When youre certain on how the game mechanics work, observe the latest map on the Main RP thread. This will help you conduct your turn. You are the sovereign of your nation, so you may conduct trade, diplomacy, and military action as you see fit.
Also, to clarify. The In-Character Thread 2 is for character interaction and battles. IC 3 is for letters written between the leaders.
Ok I'm ready, I'm just uncertain on what I have starting out, and how long a turn is, other then that I'm good.
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ArisenMoon said:
Ok I'm ready, I'm just uncertain on what I have starting out, and how long a turn is, other then that I'm good.
A turn is 6 months in game time. I believe the current phase is Winter 1803. Ospiel has level 3 or 4 civil works. (the number in the box on each territory) You get one treasury point for each one of those. You get one for the port and... I think that's all you're pulling income from. If you negotiate open-borders with other countries, you'll get that income next turn. I believe Ospiel already has open borders with Luswestein from the previous owner.

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