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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

NeoLeaf said:
I thought Shireling already gave you five treasure points, why does Glitch have to give you money?
Very suspicious.
Because I need more?

And he owes me

I'm paying back Shire so I need more to supplement me

I'm .5 off from making another research imstitute
Oh how silly of me... Thanks for correcting me on that one, Bob.

I think I misread that the research institutes were triangles and not circles.
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I wanna give you some more time, but we need to get things moving. Where are you at with your preparations?
Shireling said:
newsletter is up :D

Also @DefendKebab1918

For your nation:

You make 6 income per turn

You lost 1 income per turn as up[keep cost for 1 Man of War and 1 Infantry unit

You have a research facility that isn't researching anything
Reassuring myself here:

Rumanka's research agreement with the Kingdom of Slonia is invalid now that the **** has left me to my own devices. Or is it still valid?
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NeoLeaf said:
Reassuring myself here:
Rumanka's research agreement with the Kingdom of Slonia is invalid now that the **** has left me to my own devices. Or is it still valid?
Slonia is in a state of civil war until further notice. All previous agreements are null and void.
ArisenMoon said:
Are either of those coastal or mountainous?
Both have coastlines. We haven't really established the geography of them. You're allowed to customize the terrain of your home country to your liking.

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