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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

Shireling said:
Another goof. I'm away from my computer right now, so you can go ahead and count the research from that turn and this one.
Also, it was just a regular post I don't know why it would act up. @Bobisdead123
Yeah no problem, the construction was completed in the second turn and in the third turn it began to generate the first batch research points.
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Shireling said:
Another goof. I'm away from my computer right now, so you can go ahead and count the research from that turn and this one.
Also, it was just a regular post I don't know why it would act up. @Bobisdead123
how do you do newspaper articles btw?
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Going to post my turn in study hall

Freaking Pre Calculus right now

Can't wait for the newsletter :D
Bobisdead123 said:

Pretty simple. Just drawing boxes and using the text tool.

So guys, first off I want to check on kebab and see how he's doing. @DefendKebab1918

Second, I want to continue to encourage recruitment. Currently Slonia, Ospiel, and Ubresh are unoccupied.

Thirdly, I want to talk to you guys about the possibility of an addition to the game, that being the colonization of the Far Lands. A map of the Far Lands will be provided with territories drawn based on natural borders. I think a New World land grab would really add some pizzaz to the game.
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Is Aslbourg mine now? Map doesn't agree....

Yes. Alsbourg is yours. I've fixed it on the map, but I don't have my computer with me. Factor it into your income as if it is yours.
Coolio, also I like the colonisation idea but can we wait a few turns for it? I feel it would be better if we wait for that, perhaps some sea based milestone to unlock it maybe? Perhaps the Augmented Sailship or Steam Ship techs? IDK about having it be a global thing or faction specific (just ideas) like when one person can do it everyone can or just each person has to get their own tech to travel?
I think we should implement it later when the entire map is grid locked. Sort of a way to keep the RP flowing
I feel the best idea would be a tech unlock requirement to begin colonization.

The tech arms race has begun hasn't it?

And how does research agreement work?

And @generaldethglitch. You had 3/5 of research done last turn. You have completed it this turn and get +1 research to your next research (the extra goes towards something else)
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Coolio, also I like the colonisation idea but can we wait a few turns for it? I feel it would be better if we wait for that, perhaps some sea based milestone to unlock it maybe? Perhaps the Augmented Sailship or Steam Ship techs? IDK about having it be a global thing or faction specific (just ideas) like when one person can do it everyone can or just each person has to get their own tech to travel?

Can I have your .5 TP to pay back Shire? Lel I need to use all but .5 in order to avoid falling behind in tech

Also please note, Kasruls leaders whom are my vassal are traitors and will be executed, so no vassalage. It's completely legitimate.
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[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]ROFL And have I paid you anything yet?


But I did give you some monies like turn 1 pay me back

And consider it your payment for my daughter
General Deth Glitch] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/24291-shireling/ said:
@Shireling[/URL] is what Bob said true? I mean other then my research it does not yet effect me cause I aint getting anything fancy like Steamships yet
Yeah it is
[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]I just wondered so I could know about weather or not to pass it off as a sort of dowry, so there ya go.

Yeah a dowry lol

She's an expensive bride.

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