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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

Shireling said:
Right. Or nah. Then you can deal with a spy war, possible blockade, and I'll never loan money to your chickenshit empire again.
Or nah

I think i'll pay.
Hey Turkey is great! my bad Maths does not have anything to do with our Shitty Educuation System!
DefendKebab1918 said:
Hey Turkey is great! my bad Maths does not have anything to do with our Shitty Educuation System!
I was gunna blame it on English nto ebign your second language





Military is always 10% of a population right?

Are we allowed to do things like overstepping that boundary? Like for example, a nation has 400 thousand people in its population with 100,000 of them serving the military instead of 40,000.

I'll throw in an aberrant question just for a little gravy. The cavalry has a troop count of 500 strong, would one unit still cost 10,000 pop?
NeoLeaf said:
Military is always 10% of a population right?

Are we allowed to do things like overstepping that boundary? Like for example, a nation has 400 thousand people in its population with 100,000 of them serving the military instead of 40,000.

I'll throw in an aberrant question just for a little gravy. The cavalry has a troop count of 500 strong, would one unit still cost 10,000 pop?
No. 500 men is still 500 men. But the 10% rule holds. Having 25% of your population in the army is completely unrealistic and utterly unsustainable. The United States, at the height of it's recruitment in the World Wars only fielded 11% of it's population as military, and that's including auxiliaries and clerical positions.
I should try out these cavalry guys and see why they cost more than bloody 10,000 armed men.

I'll go make some thoughts on what nation Rumanka should attack next.
Neo, it will largly be the shock and awe effect of the cavelry as well as their ability to smash into a line. If used wrong they will be massacred and if done right they will massacre, atleast historically.
So, guys, apparently Nation States is RP of the Month. Haha!

Sorry for being sort of MIA this weekend. I've had a chorus show and I've been accutely focussed on another RP because of a boss plot finally coming together. I'm hoping to start the new turn tomorrow or Monday.
Shireling said:
So, guys, apparently Nation States is RP of the Month. Haha!
Sorry for being sort of MIA this weekend. I've had a chorus show and I've been accutely focussed on another RP because of a boss plot finally coming together. I'm hoping to start the new turn tomorrow or Monday.
wait what?

ok ill reply for Neo now lol

Aso Shire; since Jarky is MIA ill make a rpely for our side plot latter
Bobisdead123 said:
wait what?
ok ill reply for Neo now lol

Aso Shire; since Jarky is MIA ill make a rpely for our side plot latter
Yeah. We're RP of the Month. I just finished typing out the interview for the newsletter. I gave you and Neo and shoutout.


Okay, I'm satisfied with my actions in the third turn. Would be a breath of fresh air to make it to the fourth turn.

Not sure about the whole RP of the Month thing, I read something else being in that April newsletter and I didn't get anything on my alerts other than what was happening here ad the PMs.
NeoLeaf said:

Okay, I'm satisfied with my actions in the third turn. Would be a breath of fresh air to make it to the fourth turn.

Not sure about the whole RP of the Month thing, I read something else being in that April newsletter and I didn't get anything on my alerts other than what was happening here ad the PMs.
I dunno anything about it really, but it was worth my time to answer their questions.

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