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Nation Building Nation-States: Empires of Valinor

[QUOTE="General Deth Glitch]Sloania, Ubresh and, I think, Fairfax? are open Slonia is currently involved in player conflict so would be a interested place to join

he would be fighting me ;)

Although I could see Slonian working as the mock Ottomans Defend so desires
So what? Half of them are inactive.

You can choose from Sloania, Ubresh and Farfax. You can recreate them however you want from what they were - have a 6 month/year long revolution and then change the face of a nation in your image.

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great,then I am re-imagining Farfax with a More Socialist look,will be up in an Hour or so
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I deleted the unused CSs. Does anyone know if @thespacekid is still involved? Otherwise we need a replacement. Another one. Everyone make Kebab feel welcome. And since Slonia is not ruled by a player, we're going to say a civil war broke out. Slonia's army in Kasrul is dissolved for all intents and purposes.
Shireling said:
I deleted the unused CSs. Does anyone know if @thespacekid is still involved? Otherwise we need a replacement. Another one. Everyone make Kebab feel welcome. And since Slonia is not ruled by a player, we're going to say a civil war broke out. Slonia's army in Kasrul is dissolved for all intents and purposes.
that really sucks for neo... She lost a major advantage.
Bobisdead123 said:
Time to conquer the commies
Turn after next you better start repaying that loan. Basically you owe me 6 TP, you can pay it in installments however big but you have to pay something every turn.
Shireling said:
Turn after next you better start repaying that loan. Basically you owe me 6 TP, you can pay it in installments however big but you have to pay something every turn.
Or nah

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